Setup project to auto-grab dependencies directory from a fork of the odin repo.

This commit is contained in:
Edward R. Gonzalez 2024-01-22 21:38:09 -05:00
parent 761794f594
commit 89f2041b79
7 changed files with 177 additions and 22 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ render :: proc()
draw_text( "Monitor : %v", rl.GetMonitorName(0) )
draw_text( "Screen Width : %v", rl.GetScreenWidth() )
draw_text( "Screen Height: %v", rl.GetScreenHeight() )
// draw_text( "HOT RELOAD BITCHES" )
draw_debug_text_y = 50

View File

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
$incremental_checks = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/incremental_checks.ps1'
. $incremental_checks
$path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
$path_code = join-path $path_root 'code'
$path_build = join-path $path_root 'build'
$path_thirdparty = join-path $path_root 'thirdparty'
$path_code = join-path $path_root 'code'
$path_build = join-path $path_root 'build'
$path_scripts = join-path $path_root 'scripts'
$path_thirdparty = join-path $path_root 'thirdparty'
$path_odin = join-path $path_thirdparty 'odin'
# Odin Compiler Flags
@ -52,9 +57,16 @@ $flag_use_lld = '-lld'
push-location $path_root
$update_deps = join-path $path_scripts 'update_deps.ps1'
$odin = join-path $path_odin 'odin.exe'
write-host 'OdinPATH: ' + $odin
if ( -not( test-path 'build') ) {
new-item -ItemType Directory -Path 'build'
& $update_deps
function build-prototype
$host_process_active = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Name -like 'sectr_host*'}
@ -65,7 +77,10 @@ push-location $path_root
$executable = join-path $path_build ($project_name + '_host.exe')
$pdb = join-path $path_build ($project_name + '_host.pdb')
if ( -not($host_process_active)) {
$module_host = join-path $path_code 'host'
$should_build = check-ModuleForChanges $module_host
if ( -not($host_process_active) -and $should_build ) {
$build_args = @()
$build_args += $flag_build
$build_args += './host'
@ -75,31 +90,31 @@ push-location $path_root
$build_args += $flag_pdb_name + $pdb
$build_args += $flag_subsystem + 'windows'
& odin $build_args
$third_party_dlls = Get-ChildItem -Path $path_thirdparty -Filter '*.dll'
foreach ($dll in $third_party_dlls) {
$destination = join-path $path_build $dll.Name
Copy-Item $dll.FullName -Destination $destination -Force
write-host 'Building Host Module'
& $odin $build_args
else {
write-host 'Skipping sectr_host build, process is active'
$module_dll = join-path $path_build ( $project_name + '.dll' )
$pdb = join-path $path_build ( $project_name + '.pdb' )
$module_sectr = $path_code
$should_build = check-ModuleForChanges $module_sectr
if ( $should_build ) {
$module_dll = join-path $path_build ( $project_name + '.dll' )
$pdb = join-path $path_build ( $project_name + '.pdb' )
$build_args = @()
$build_args += $flag_build
$build_args += '.'
$build_args += $flag_build_mode_dll
$build_args += $flag_output_path + $module_dll
$build_args += $flag_optimize_none
$build_args += $flag_debug
$build_args += $flag_pdb_name + $pdb
$build_args = @()
$build_args += $flag_build
$build_args += '.'
$build_args += $flag_build_mode_dll
$build_args += $flag_output_path + $module_dll
$build_args += $flag_optimize_none
$build_args += $flag_debug
$build_args += $flag_pdb_name + $pdb
& odin $build_args
write-host 'Building Sectr Module'
& $odin $build_args

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# This is meant to be used with build.ps1, and is not a standalone script.
function check-FileForChanges
if (-not (Test-Path $path_file -PathType Leaf)) {
Write-Error "The provided path is not a valid file: $path_file"
return $false
$file_name = Split-Path $path_file -Leaf
$path_csv = Join-Path $path_build ($file_name + "_file_hash.csv")
$csv_file_hash = $null
if (Test-Path $path_csv) {
$csv_file_hash = Import-Csv $path_csv | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value
$current_hash_info = Get-FileHash -Path $path_file -Algorithm MD5
$current_file_hash = $current_hash_info.Hash
# Save the current hash to the CSV
name = $path_file
value = $current_file_hash
} | Export-Csv $path_csv -NoTypeInformation
if ($csv_file_hash -and $csv_file_hash -eq $current_file_hash) {
return $false
} else {
return $true
# Check to see if the module has changed files since the last build
function check-ModuleForChanges
param( [string]$path_module, [array]$excludes )
$module_name = split-path $path_module -leaf
$path_csv = Join-Path $path_build ($module_name + "_module_hashes.csv")
$csv_file_hashes = $null
if ( test-path $path_csv ) {
$csv_file_hashes = @{}
import-csv $path_csv | foreach-object {
$csv_file_hashes[ $ ] = $_.value
$file_hashes = @{}
get-childitem -path $path_module -recurse -file -Exclude $excludes | foreach-object {
$id = $_.fullname
$hash_info = get-filehash -path $id -Algorithm MD5
$file_hashes[ $id ] = $hash_info.Hash
$file_hashes.GetEnumerator() | foreach-object { [PSCustomObject]$_ } |
export-csv $path_csv -NoTypeInformation
if ( -not $csv_file_hashes ) { return $true }
if ( $csv_file_hashes.Count -ne $file_hashes.Count ) { return $true }
foreach ( $key in $csv_file_hashes.Keys ) {
if ( $csv_file_hashes[ $key ] -ne $file_hashes[ $key ] ) {
return $true
return $false

scripts/update_deps.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
write-host 'Updating Dependencies..'
$path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
$path_code = join-path $path_root 'code'
$path_build = join-path $path_root 'build'
$path_thirdparty = join-path $path_root 'thirdparty'
$url_odin_repo = ''
$path_odin = join-path $path_thirdparty 'Odin'
$incremental_checks = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/incremental_checks.ps1'
. $incremental_checks
if ( -not(Test-Path $path_thirdparty) ) {
new-item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_thirdparty
push-location $path_thirdparty
if (Test-Path -Path $path_odin)
Write-Host "Checking for updates in the Odin repository..."
git -C $path_odin fetch
# Get the latest local and remote commit hashes for the current branch
$localCommit = git -C $path_odin rev-parse HEAD
$remoteCommit = git -C $path_odin rev-parse '@{u}'
# Compare local and remote commits
if ($localCommit -ne $remoteCommit)
Write-Host "Odin repository is out-of-date. Pulling changes and rebuilding..."
git -C $path_odin pull
push-location $path_odin
& .\build.bat
Write-Host "Odin repository is up-to-date. No need to rebuild."
# Odin directory does not exist, so clone the repository
Write-Host "Cloning Odin repository..."
git clone $url_odin_repo $path_odin
push-location $path_odin
& .\build.bat
write-host 'Odin up to date'
$path_vendor = join-path $path_odin 'vendor'
$path_vendor_raylib = join-path $path_vendor 'raylib'
$path_raylib_dlls = join-path $path_vendor_raylib 'windows'
$third_party_dlls = Get-ChildItem -Path $path_raylib_dlls -Filter '*.dll'
foreach ($dll in $third_party_dlls) {
$destination = join-path $path_build $dll.Name
Copy-Item $dll.FullName -Destination $destination -Force

thirdparty/raygui.dll vendored

Binary file not shown.

thirdparty/raylib.dll vendored

Binary file not shown.