More progress toward VEFontCache rendering
Based off of render doc, most likely down to UV issues for where on the glyph buffer the shape is located
This commit is contained in:
@ -122,9 +122,13 @@ font_key_from_label :: #force_inline proc( label : string ) -> u64 {
// ve_fontcache_eval_bezier (quadratic)
eval_point_on_bezier3 :: proc( p0, p1, p2 : Vec2, alpha : f32 ) -> Vec2
starting_point := p0 * (1 - alpha) * (1 - alpha)
control_point := p1 * 2.0 * (1 - alpha) * alpha
end_point := p2 * alpha * alpha
weight_start := (1 - alpha) * (1 - alpha)
weight_control := 2.0 * (1 - alpha) * alpha
weight_end := alpha * alpha
starting_point := p0 * weight_start
control_point := p1 * weight_control
end_point := p2 * weight_end
point := starting_point + control_point + end_point
return point
@ -618,15 +622,15 @@ cache_glyph_to_atlas :: proc( ctx : ^Context, font : FontID, glyph_index : Glyph
dst_size := Vec2 { dst_width, dst_height }
dst_glyph_size := Vec2 { dst_glyph_width, dst_glyph_height }
screenspace_x_form( & dst_glyph_position, & dst_glyph_size, f32(atlas.buffer_width), f32(atlas.buffer_height) )
screenspace_x_form( & dst_position, & dst_size, f32(atlas.buffer_width), f32(atlas.buffer_height) )
screenspace_x_form( & dst_glyph_position, & dst_glyph_size, f32(atlas.width), f32(atlas.height) )
screenspace_x_form( & dst_position, & dst_size, f32(atlas.width), f32(atlas.height) )
src_position := Vec2 { f32(atlas.update_batch_x), 0 }
src_size := Vec2 {
f32(bounds_width) * glyph_draw_scale.x,
f32(bounds_height) * glyph_draw_scale.y,
src_size += Vec2{1,1} * 2 * over_sample * glyph_padding
src_size += 2 * over_sample * glyph_padding
textspace_x_form( & src_position, & src_size, f32(atlas.buffer_width), f32(atlas.buffer_height) )
// Advance glyph_update_batch_x and calculate final glyph drawing transform
@ -781,5 +785,7 @@ shape_text_uncached :: proc( ctx : ^Context, font : FontID, output : ^ShapedText
position.x += f32(advance) * entry.size_scale
prev_codepoint = codepoint
output.end_cursor_pos = position
@ -80,6 +80,10 @@ blit_quad :: proc( draw_list : ^DrawList, p0, p1 : Vec2, uv0, uv1 : Vec2 )
for index : i32 = 0; index < 6; index += 1 {
append( & draw_list.indices, v_offset + quad_indices[ index ] )
draw_list_vert_slice := array_to_slice(draw_list.vertices)
draw_list_index_slice := array_to_slice(draw_list.indices)
// ve_fontcache_clear_drawlist
@ -175,9 +179,9 @@ draw_cached_glyph :: proc( ctx : ^Context, entry : ^Entry, glyph_index : Glyph,
atlas := & ctx.atlas
// Figure out the source bounding box in the atlas texture
position, width, height := atlas_bbox( atlas, region_kind, u32(atlas_index) )
atlas_position, atlas_width, atlas_height := atlas_bbox( atlas, region_kind, u32(atlas_index) )
glyph_position := position
glyph_position := atlas_position
glyph_width := f32(bounds_width) * entry.size_scale
glyph_height := f32(bounds_height) * entry.size_scale
@ -186,6 +190,10 @@ draw_cached_glyph :: proc( ctx : ^Context, entry : ^Entry, glyph_index : Glyph,
glyph_scale := Vec2 { glyph_width, glyph_height }
bounds_0_scaled := Vec2{ f32(bounds_0.x), f32(bounds_0.y) } * entry.size_scale - { 0.5, 0.5 }
bounds_0_scaled = {
cast(f32) cast(i32) bounds_0_scaled.x,
cast(f32) cast(i32) bounds_0_scaled.y,
dst := Vec2 {
position.x + scale.x * bounds_0_scaled.x,
position.y + scale.y * bounds_0_scaled.y,
@ -194,7 +202,7 @@ draw_cached_glyph :: proc( ctx : ^Context, entry : ^Entry, glyph_index : Glyph,
dst_height := scale.y * glyph_height
dst -= scale * { f32(atlas.glyph_padding), f32(atlas.glyph_padding) }
dst_scale := Vec2 { dst_width, dst_height }
textspace_x_form( & glyph_position, & dst_scale, f32(atlas.buffer_width), f32(atlas.buffer_height) )
textspace_x_form( & glyph_position, & glyph_scale, f32(atlas.width), f32(atlas.height) )
// Add the glyph drawcall
call := DrawCall_Default
@ -209,12 +217,13 @@ draw_cached_glyph :: proc( ctx : ^Context, entry : ^Entry, glyph_index : Glyph,
append( & ctx.draw_list.calls, call )
// NOTE(Ed): Never done in the original
// Clear glyph_update_FBO
call.pass = .Glyph
call.start_index = 0
call.end_index = 0
call.clear_before_draw = true
append( & ctx.draw_list.calls, call )
// call.pass = .Glyph
// call.start_index = 0
// call.end_index = 0
// call.clear_before_draw = true
// append( & ctx.draw_list.calls, call )
return true
@ -279,8 +288,8 @@ draw_text :: proc( ctx : ^Context, font : FontID, text_utf8 : string, position :
snap_height := f32(ctx.snap_height)
position := position
if ctx.snap_width > 0 do position.x = (position.x * snap_width + 0.5) / snap_width
if ctx.snap_height > 0 do position.y = (position.y * snap_height + 0.5) / snap_height
if ctx.snap_width > 0 do position.x = cast(f32) cast(u32) (position.x * snap_width + 0.5) / snap_width
if ctx.snap_height > 0 do position.y = cast(f32) cast(u32) (position.y * snap_height + 0.5) / snap_height
entry := &[ font ]
@ -319,9 +328,9 @@ draw_text_batch :: proc( ctx : ^Context, entry : ^Entry, shaped : ^ShapedText, b
glyph_index :=[ index ]
shaped_position :=[index]
glyph_translate_x := position.x + shaped_position.x * scale.x
glyph_translate_y := position.y + shaped_position.y * scale.y
glyph_cached := draw_cached_glyph( ctx, entry, glyph_index, {glyph_translate_x, glyph_translate_y}, scale)
// glyph_translate_x := position.x + shaped_position.x * scale.x
glyph_translate := position + shaped_position * scale
glyph_cached := draw_cached_glyph( ctx, entry, glyph_index, glyph_translate, scale)
assert( glyph_cached == true )
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ render :: proc()
ve.set_colour( & ve_font_cache, { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } )
ve.configure_snap( & ve_font_cache, u32(state.app_window.extent.x * 2.0), u32(state.app_window.extent.y * 2.0) )
ve.draw_text( & ve_font_cache, fdef.ve_id, text_test_str, {0.4, 0.1}, Vec2{1 / width, 1 / height} )
ve.draw_text( & ve_font_cache, fdef.ve_id, text_test_str, {0.5, 0.0}, Vec2{1 / width, 1 / height} )
// Process the draw calls for drawing text
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ render :: proc()
draw_list_call_slice := array_to_slice(draw_list.calls)
for & draw_call in array_to_slice(draw_list.calls)
watch := draw_call
profile("ve draw call")
if (draw_call.end_index - draw_call.start_index) == 0 do continue
@ -128,8 +129,8 @@ render :: proc()
sokol_gfx.begin_pass( pass )
sokol_gfx.apply_viewport( 0,0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
sokol_gfx.apply_scissor_rect( 0,0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
// sokol_gfx.apply_viewport( 0,0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
// sokol_gfx.apply_scissor_rect( 0,0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
sokol_gfx.apply_pipeline( glyph_pipeline )
@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ render :: proc()
0 = 0,
index_buffer = draw_list_ibuf,
index_buffer_offset = i32(draw_call.start_index),
index_buffer_offset = 0,//i32(draw_call.start_index),
fs = {},
sokol_gfx.apply_bindings( bindings )
@ -160,13 +161,13 @@ render :: proc()
pass := atlas_pass
if draw_call.clear_before_draw {
pass.action.colors[0].load_action = .CLEAR
// pass.action.colors[0].clear_value.a = 0.0
pass.action.colors[0].load_action = .CLEAR
pass.action.colors[0].clear_value.a = 1.0
sokol_gfx.begin_pass( pass )
sokol_gfx.apply_viewport( 0, 0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
sokol_gfx.apply_scissor_rect( 0, 0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
// sokol_gfx.apply_viewport( 0, 0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
// sokol_gfx.apply_scissor_rect( 0, 0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
sokol_gfx.apply_pipeline( atlas_pipeline )
@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ render :: proc()
0 = 0,
index_buffer = draw_list_ibuf,
index_buffer_offset = i32(draw_call.start_index),
index_buffer_offset = 0,//i32(draw_call.start_index),
fs = {
images = { SLOT_ve_blit_atlas_src_texture = glyph_rt_color, },
samplers = { SLOT_ve_blit_atlas_src_sampler = gfx_sampler, },
@ -198,14 +199,14 @@ render :: proc()
pass := screen_pass
if ! draw_call.clear_before_draw {
pass.action.colors[0].load_action = .LOAD
// pass.action.colors[0].clear_value.a = 0.0
pass.action.colors[0].load_action = .LOAD
pass.action.colors[0].clear_value.a = 0.0
pass.swapchain = sokol_glue.swapchain()
sokol_gfx.begin_pass( pass )
sokol_gfx.apply_viewport( 0, 0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
sokol_gfx.apply_scissor_rect( 0, 0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
// sokol_gfx.apply_viewport( 0, 0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
// sokol_gfx.apply_scissor_rect( 0, 0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
sokol_gfx.apply_pipeline( screen_pipeline )
@ -222,7 +223,7 @@ render :: proc()
0 = 0,
index_buffer = draw_list_ibuf,
index_buffer_offset = i32(draw_call.start_index),
index_buffer_offset = 0,//i32(draw_call.start_index),
fs = {
images = { SLOT_ve_draw_text_src_texture = src_rt, },
samplers = { SLOT_ve_draw_text_src_sampler = gfx_sampler, },
@ -164,8 +164,6 @@ font_provider_startup :: proc()
enabled = true,
src_factor_rgb = .ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR,
dst_factor_rgb = .ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR,
// src_factor_rgb = .SRC_ALPHA,
// dst_factor_rgb = .ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA,
op_rgb = BlendOp.ADD,
src_factor_alpha = BlendFactor.ONE,
dst_factor_alpha = BlendFactor.ZERO,
@ -183,6 +181,7 @@ font_provider_startup :: proc()
color_count = 1,
depth = {
pixel_format = .DEPTH,
// compare = .ALWAYS,
// sample_count = 1,
// label =
@ -237,9 +236,10 @@ font_provider_startup :: proc()
glyph_action := PassAction {
colors = {
0 = {
load_action = .DONTCARE,
load_action = .CLEAR,
store_action = .STORE,
clear_value = {0,0,0,1},
clear_value = {0.01,0.01,0.01,1},
// clear_value = {0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00},
@ -296,6 +296,7 @@ font_provider_startup :: proc()
color_count = 1,
depth = {
pixel_format = .DEPTH,
compare = .ALWAYS,
// sample_count = 1,
@ -351,7 +352,7 @@ font_provider_startup :: proc()
0 = {
load_action = .LOAD,
store_action = .STORE,
clear_value = {0,0,0,1},
clear_value = {0,0,0,1.0},
@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ font_provider_startup :: proc()
0 = {
load_action = .CLEAR,
store_action = .STORE,
clear_value = {0,0,0,0},
clear_value = {1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0},
@ -389,10 +389,10 @@ ve_draw_text_shader_desc :: proc (backend: sg.Backend) -> sg.Shader_Desc {
desc.fs.uniform_blocks[0].layout = .STD140
desc.fs.uniform_blocks[0].uniforms[0].name = "_31.down_sample"
desc.fs.uniform_blocks[0].uniforms[0].type = .INT
// array_count = desc.fs.uniform_blocks[0].uniforms[0]
// .array_count = desc.fs.uniform_blocks[0].uniforms[0]
desc.fs.uniform_blocks[0].uniforms[1].name = "_31.colour"
desc.fs.uniform_blocks[0].uniforms[1].type = .FLOAT4
// array_count = desc.fs.uniform_blocks[0].uniforms[1]
// .array_count = desc.fs.uniform_blocks[0].uniforms[1]
desc.fs.images[0].used = true
desc.fs.images[0].multisampled = false
desc.fs.images[0].image_type = ._2D
Reference in New Issue
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