It works but there is a memory issue... (parsing in tick update)
This commit is contained in:
@ -75,7 +75,12 @@ startup :: proc( persistent_mem, frame_mem, transient_mem, files_buffer_mem : ^V
alloc_error : AllocatorError
persistent_slab, alloc_error = slab_init( policy_ptr, allocator = persistent_allocator() )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate the general slab allocator" )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate the persistent slab" )
transient_slab, alloc_error = slab_init( & default_slab_policy, allocator = transient_allocator() )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate transient slab" )
transient_clear_time = 120 // Seconds, 2 Minutes
string_cache = str_cache_init()
@ -176,6 +181,13 @@ startup :: proc( persistent_mem, frame_mem, transient_mem, files_buffer_mem : ^V
ui_startup( & workspace.ui, cache_allocator = persistent_slab_allocator() )
debug.path_lorem = str_fmt_alloc("C:/projects/SectrPrototype/examples/Lorem Ipsum.txt", allocator = persistent_allocator())
alloc_error : AllocatorError; success : bool
debug.lorem_content, success = os.read_entire_file( debug.path_lorem, persistent_slab_allocator() )
debug.lorem_parse, alloc_error = pws_parser_parse( transmute(string) debug.lorem_content, persistent_slab_allocator() )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Faield to parse due to allocation failure" )
startup_ms := duration_ms( time.tick_lap_time( & startup_tick))
@ -191,6 +203,8 @@ startup :: proc( persistent_mem, frame_mem, transient_mem, files_buffer_mem : ^V
sectr_shutdown :: proc()
context.logger = to_odin_logger( & Memory_App.logger )
if Memory_App.persistent == nil {
@ -209,6 +223,7 @@ sectr_shutdown :: proc()
reload :: proc( persistent_mem, frame_mem, transient_mem, files_buffer_mem : ^VArena, host_logger : ^ Logger )
context.logger = to_odin_logger( & Memory_App.logger )
using Memory_App;
persistent = persistent_mem
@ -219,6 +234,7 @@ reload :: proc( persistent_mem, frame_mem, transient_mem, files_buffer_mem : ^VA
context.allocator = persistent_allocator()
context.temp_allocator = transient_allocator()
// Procedure Addresses are not preserved on hot-reload. They must be restored for persistent data.
// The only way to alleviate this is to either do custom handles to allocators
// Or as done below, correct containers using allocators on reload.
@ -241,14 +257,15 @@ swap :: proc( a, b : ^ $Type ) -> ( ^ Type, ^ Type ) {
tick :: proc( host_delta_time : f64, host_delta_ns : Duration ) -> b32
client_tick := time.tick_now()
context.logger = to_odin_logger( & Memory_App.logger )
state := get_state(); using state
client_tick := time.tick_now()
// Setup Frame Slab
alloc_error : AllocatorError
frame_slab, alloc_error = slab_init( & default_slab_policy, allocator = frame_allocator() )
frame_slab, alloc_error = slab_init( & default_slab_policy, bucket_reserve_num = 0, allocator = frame_allocator() )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate frame slab" )
@ -305,6 +322,21 @@ tick :: proc( host_delta_time : f64, host_delta_ns : Duration ) -> b32
clean_frame :: proc() {
clean_frame :: proc()
state := get_state(); using state
context.logger = to_odin_logger( & Memory_App.logger )
free_all( frame_allocator() )
transient_clear_elapsed += frametime_delta32()
if transient_clear_elapsed >= transient_clear_time && ! transinet_clear_lock
transient_clear_elapsed = 0
free_all( transient_allocator() )
alloc_error : AllocatorError
transient_slab, alloc_error = slab_init( & default_slab_policy, allocator = transient_allocator() )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate transient slab" )
@ -140,11 +140,14 @@ AppConfig :: struct {
State :: struct {
default_slab_policy : SlabPolicy,
default_slab_policy : SlabPolicy,
persistent_slab : Slab,
frame_slab : Slab,
transient_slab : Slab, // TODO(Ed): This needs to be recreated per transient wipe
transinet_clear_lock : b32, // Pravents auto-free of transient at designated intervals
transient_clear_time : f32, // Time in seconds for the usual period to clear transient
transient_clear_elapsed : f32, // Time since last clear
persistent_slab : Slab,
frame_slab : Slab,
transient_slab : Slab, // TODO(Ed): This needs to be recreated per transient wipe
string_cache : StringCache,
font_provider_data : FontProviderData,
@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ State :: struct {
// There are two potential UI contextes for this prototype so far,
// the screen-space UI and the current workspace UI.
// This is used so that the ui api doesn't need to have the user pass the context every single time.
ui_context : ^ UI_State,
ui_context : ^UI_State,
get_state :: proc "contextless" () -> ^ State {
@ -254,5 +257,8 @@ DebugData :: struct {
draggable_box_size : Vec2,
box_original_size : Vec2,
lorem_parse : PWS_ParseResult,
// Test parsing
path_lorem : string,
lorem_content : []byte,
lorem_parse : PWS_ParseResult,
@ -273,12 +273,9 @@ array_set_capacity :: proc( self : ^Array( $ Type ), new_capacity : u64 ) -> All
return result_code
using new_self : Array(Type)
header = cast( ^ArrayHeader(Type)) new_mem;
data = cast( [^]Type ) (cast( [^]ArrayHeader(Type)) header)[ 1:]
capacity = new_capacity
num = self.num
(self ^) = new_self
self.header = cast( ^ArrayHeader(Type)) new_mem;
|||| = cast( [^]Type ) (cast( [^]ArrayHeader(Type)) self.header)[ 1:]
self.capacity = new_capacity
self.num = self.num
return result_code
@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ DLL_Node :: struct ( $ Type : typeid ) #raw_union {
DLL_NodeFull :: struct ( $ Type : typeid ) {
using _ : DLL_NodeFL(Type),
// using _ : DLL_NodeFL(Type),
first, last : ^Type,
prev, next : ^Type,
@ -187,22 +187,25 @@ pool_grab :: proc( using pool : Pool ) -> ( block : []byte, alloc_error : Alloca
pool_release :: proc( using self : Pool, block : []byte, loc := #caller_location )
pool_release :: proc( self : Pool, block : []byte, loc := #caller_location )
when Pool_Check_Release_Object_Validity
if Pool_Check_Release_Object_Validity {
within_bucket := pool_validate_ownership( self, block )
verify( within_bucket, "Attempted to release data that is not within a bucket of this pool", location = loc )
// Compiler bug
// ll_push( & self.free_list_head, cast(^Pool_FreeBlock) raw_data(block) )
pool_watch := self
head_watch := & self.free_list_head
// ll_push:
new_free_block := cast(^Pool_FreeBlock) raw_data(block)
|||| = self.free_list_head
self.free_list_head = new_free_block
new_free_block = new_free_block
pool_reset :: proc( using pool : Pool )
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ slab_init :: proc( policy : ^SlabPolicy, bucket_reserve_num : uint = 0, allocato
slab.header = cast( ^SlabHeader) raw_mem
slab.backing = allocator
slab.policy = (policy^)
alloc_error = slab_init_pools( slab )
alloc_error = slab_init_pools( slab, bucket_reserve_num )
@ -186,14 +186,16 @@ slab_resize :: proc( using self : Slab,
new_block : []byte
new_block, alloc_error = pool_grab( pool_resize )
if alloc_error != .None do return
if zero_memory {
|||| new_block )
copy_non_overlapping( raw_data(new_block), raw_data(data), int(old_size) )
pool_release( pool_old, data )
if raw_data(data) != raw_data(new_block) {
copy_non_overlapping( raw_data(new_block), raw_data(data), int(old_size) )
pool_release( pool_old, data )
new_data = byte_slice( raw_data(new_block), int(old_size) )
if zero_memory {
|||| new_data )
@ -71,15 +71,19 @@ str_intern :: proc(
length := len(content)
// str_mem, alloc_error := alloc( length, mem.DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT )
str_mem, alloc_error := slab_alloc( cache.slab, uint(length), uint(mem.DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT) )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "String cache had a backing allocator error" )
// copy_non_overlapping( str_mem, raw_data(content), length )
copy_non_overlapping( raw_data(str_mem), raw_data(content), length )
runes : []rune
// runes, alloc_error = to_runes( content, persistent_allocator() )
runes, alloc_error = to_runes( content, slab_allocator(cache.slab) )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "String cache had a backing allocator error" )
// result, alloc_error = zpl_hmap_set( & cache.table, key, StringCached { transmute(string) byte_slice(str_mem, length), runes } )
result, alloc_error = zpl_hmap_set( & cache.table, key, StringCached { transmute(string) str_mem, runes } )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "String cache had a backing allocator error" )
@ -210,7 +210,8 @@ varena_allocator_proc :: proc(
old_memory_offset := uintptr(old_memory) + uintptr(old_size)
current_offset := uintptr(arena.reserve_start) + uintptr(arena.commit_used)
verify( old_memory_offset == current_offset || arena.allow_any_reize, "Cannot resize existing allocation in vitual arena to a larger size unless it was the last allocated" )
verify( old_memory_offset == current_offset || arena.allow_any_reize,
"Cannot resize existing allocation in vitual arena to a larger size unless it was the last allocated" )
if old_memory_offset == current_offset && arena.allow_any_reize
@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ PWS_LexerData :: struct {
content : string,
previous_rune : rune,
current_rune : rune,
previous : PWS_TokenType,
line : u32,
column : u32,
@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ pws_parser_lex :: proc ( text : string, allocator : Allocator ) -> ( PWS_LexResu
alloc_error : AllocatorError
tokens, alloc_error = array_init_reserve( PWS_Token, allocator, u64( len(text)) )
tokens, alloc_error = array_init_reserve( PWS_Token, allocator, 8 )
if alloc_error != AllocatorError.None {
ensure(false, "Failed to allocate token's array")
return result, alloc_error
@ -168,11 +169,11 @@ pws_parser_lex :: proc ( text : string, allocator : Allocator ) -> ( PWS_LexResu
line = 0
column = 0
make_token :: proc ( codepoint : rune, byte_offset : int ) -> AllocatorError
make_token :: proc ( byte_offset : int ) -> AllocatorError
self := context_ext( PWS_LexerData); using self
if previous_rune == Rune_Carriage_Return && codepoint != Rune_Line_Feed {
if previous_rune == Rune_Carriage_Return && current_rune != Rune_Line_Feed {
ensure(false, "Rouge Carriage Return")
@ -194,10 +195,12 @@ pws_parser_lex :: proc ( text : string, allocator : Allocator ) -> ( PWS_LexResu
for codepoint, byte_offset in text
type := rune_type( codepoint )
current_rune = codepoint
if (current.type != type && previous != .Invalid) || current.type == .New_Line
if (current.type != type && previous != .Invalid) ||
( previous_rune != Rune_Carriage_Return && current.type == .New_Line )
alloc_error = make_token( previous_rune, byte_offset )
alloc_error = make_token( byte_offset )
if alloc_error != AllocatorError.None {
ensure(false, "Failed to append token to token array")
return lexer, alloc_error
@ -215,7 +218,7 @@ pws_parser_lex :: proc ( text : string, allocator : Allocator ) -> ( PWS_LexResu
last_byte_offset = byte_offset
make_token( previous_rune, last_byte_offset )
make_token( last_byte_offset )
return result, alloc_error
@ -244,23 +247,22 @@ pws_parser_parse :: proc( text : string, allocator : Allocator ) -> ( PWS_ParseR
tokens = lex.tokens
nodes, alloc_error = array_init_reserve( PWS_AST, allocator, PWS_NodeArray_ReserveSize )
nodes, alloc_error = array_init_reserve( PWS_AST, allocator, 8 )
verify( alloc_error == nil, "Allocation failure creating nodes array")
lines, alloc_error = array_init_reserve( ^PWS_AST, allocator, PWS_LineArray_RserveSize )
lines, alloc_error = array_init_reserve( ^PWS_AST, allocator, 8 )
verify( alloc_error == nil, "Allocation failure creating line array")
//region Helper procs
eat_line :: proc()
eat_line :: #force_inline proc()
self := context_ext( PWS_ParseData); using self
tok := cast( ^PWS_Token) head
ast : PWS_AST
ast.type = .Line
ast.line = tok.line
ast.column = tok.column
ast.content = tok.content
line.type = .Line
line.line = tok.line
line.column = tok.column
line.content = tok.content
alloc_error := array_append( & nodes, line )
verify( alloc_error == nil, "Allocation failure appending node")
@ -75,8 +75,10 @@ render :: proc()
ui := project.workspace.ui
hot_box := zpl_hmap_get( ui.curr_cache, u64( )
active_box := zpl_hmap_get( ui.curr_cache, u64( )
debug_text("Box Count: %v", ui.built_box_count )
hot_box := ui_box_from_key( ui.curr_cache, )
active_box := ui_box_from_key( ui.curr_cache, )
if hot_box != nil {
debug_text("Hot Box: %v", hot_box.label.str )
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package sectr
import "base:runtime"
import "core:math"
import "core:math/linalg"
import "core:os"
import rl "vendor:raylib"
@ -158,15 +159,15 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
case .Smooth:
zoom_delta := input.mouse.vertical_wheel * config.cam_zoom_sensitivity_smooth
workspace.zoom_target *= 1 + zoom_delta * f32(delta_time)
workspace.zoom_target = clamp(workspace.zoom_target, 0.25, 10.0)
workspace.zoom_target = clamp(workspace.zoom_target, 0.05, 10.0)
// Linearly interpolate cam.zoom towards zoom_target
lerp_factor := config.cam_zoom_smooth_snappiness // Adjust this value to control the interpolation speed
cam.zoom += (workspace.zoom_target - cam.zoom) * lerp_factor * f32(delta_time)
cam.zoom = clamp(cam.zoom, 0.25, 10.0) // Ensure cam.zoom stays within bounds
cam.zoom = clamp(cam.zoom, 0.05, 10.0) // Ensure cam.zoom stays within bounds
case .Digital:
zoom_delta := input.mouse.vertical_wheel * config.cam_zoom_sensitivity_digital
workspace.zoom_target = clamp(workspace.zoom_target + zoom_delta, 0.25, 10.0)
workspace.zoom_target = clamp(workspace.zoom_target + zoom_delta, 0.05, 10.0)
cam.zoom = workspace.zoom_target
@ -235,20 +236,32 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
// Whitespace AST test
when true
alloc_error : AllocatorError
text := str_intern( "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")
debug.lorem_parse, alloc_error = pws_parser_parse( text.str, frame_allocator() )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Faield to parse due to allocation failure" )
text_theme := UI_StyleTheme { styles = {
text_theme.default.bg_color = Color_Transparent
text_theme.disabled.bg_color = Color_Frame_Disabled
text_theme.hovered.bg_color = Color_Frame_Hover
text_theme.focused.bg_color = Color_Frame_Select
layout_text := default_layout
ui_style_theme( text_theme )
alloc_error : AllocatorError; success : bool
// debug.lorem_content, success = os.read_entire_file( debug.path_lorem, frame_allocator() )
// debug.lorem_parse, alloc_error = pws_parser_parse( transmute(string) debug.lorem_content, frame_allocator() )
// verify( alloc_error == .None, "Faield to parse due to allocation failure" )
text_space := str_intern( " " )
text_tab := str_intern( "\t")
layout_text := default_layout
// index := 0
widgets : Array(UI_Widget)
widgets, alloc_error = array_init( UI_Widget, frame_allocator() )
widget_ptr := & widgets
widgets_ptr := & widgets
label_id := 0
@ -265,42 +278,47 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
#partial switch head.type
case .Visible:
label := str_intern( str_fmt_alloc( "%v %v", head.content.str, label_id, label_id ))
widget = ui_text( head.content.str, head.content )
label := str_intern( str_fmt_alloc( "%v %v", head.content.str, label_id ))
widget = ui_text( label.str, head.content )
label_id += 1
layout_text.pos.x +=
case .Spaces:
label := str_intern( str_fmt_alloc( "%v %v%v", "space", label_id, label_id ))
widget := ui_text( label.str, text_space, {} )
|||| = Vec2 { 20, 30 }
label := str_intern( str_fmt_alloc( "%v %v", "space", label_id ))
// widget = ui_text( label.str, text_space, {} )
// = Vec2 { 1, 16 }
widget = ui_space( label.str )
label_id += 1
for idx in 0 ..< len( head.content.runes )
for idx in 1 ..< len( head.content.runes )
|||| +=
layout_text.pos.x +=
case .Tabs:
label := str_intern( str_fmt_alloc( "%v %v%v", "tab", label_id, label_id ))
widget := ui_text( label.str, text_tab, {} )
label := str_intern( str_fmt_alloc( "%v %v", "tab", label_id ))
// widget = ui_text( label.str, text_tab, {} )
widget = ui_tab( label.str )
label_id += 1
for idx in 0 ..< len( head.content.runes )
for idx in 1 ..< len( head.content.runes )
|||| +=
layout_text.pos.x +=
array_append( widget_ptr, widget )
array_append( widgets_ptr, widget )
head =
layout_text.pos.x = default_layout.pos.x
layout_text.pos.y -= 30
// runtime.trap()
label_id += 1
//endregion Imgui Tick
@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ UI_Box :: struct {
// UI_BoxFlags_Stack_Size :: 512
UI_Layout_Stack_Size :: 512
UI_Style_Stack_Size :: 512
UI_Parent_Stack_Size :: 1024
UI_Built_Boxes_Array_Size :: 1024
UI_Parent_Stack_Size :: 1024 * 10
UI_Built_Boxes_Array_Size :: 1024 * 10
UI_State :: struct {
// TODO(Ed) : Use these
@ -335,6 +335,10 @@ ui_box_equal :: proc( a, b : ^ UI_Box ) -> b32 {
return result
ui_box_from_key :: proc( cache : ^HMapZPL(UI_Box), key : UI_Key ) -> (^UI_Box) {
return zpl_hmap_get( cache, cast(u64) key )
ui_box_make :: proc( flags : UI_BoxFlags, label : string ) -> (^ UI_Box)
using ui := get_state().ui_context
@ -380,6 +384,7 @@ ui_box_make :: proc( flags : UI_BoxFlags, label : string ) -> (^ UI_Box)
curr_box.parent = parent
ui.built_box_count += 1
return curr_box
@ -431,6 +436,7 @@ ui_graph_build_begin :: proc( ui : ^ UI_State, bounds : Vec2 = {} )
ui.hot_resizable = false
ui.built_box_count = 0
root = ui_box_make( {}, "root#001" )
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ test_text_box :: proc()
text := str_intern( "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")
font_size := 30
text_box := ui_text("TEXT BOX!", text, 30, flags = { .Mouse_Clickable })
text_box := ui_text("TEXT BOX!", text, flags = { .Mouse_Clickable })
if text_box.first_frame {
pos =
@ -20,20 +20,46 @@ ui_button :: proc( label : string, flags : UI_BoxFlags = {} ) -> (btn : UI_Widge
ui_text :: proc( label : string, content : StringCached, font_size : f32 = 30, font := Font_Default, flags : UI_BoxFlags = {} ) -> UI_Widget
ui_text :: proc( label : string, content : StringCached, flags : UI_BoxFlags = {} ) -> UI_Widget
state := get_state(); using state
font := font
if font == Font_Default {
font = default_font
text_size := measure_text_size( content.str, font, font_size, 0 )
box := ui_box_make( flags, label )
signal := ui_signal_from_box( box )
text_size := measure_text_size( content.str,,, 0 )
box.text = content
|||| = text_size
return { box, signal }
ui_space :: proc( label : string, flags : UI_BoxFlags = {} ) -> UI_Widget
space_str := str_intern( " " )
state := get_state(); using state
box := ui_box_make( flags, label )
signal := ui_signal_from_box( box )
text_size := measure_text_size( space_str.str,,, 0 )
box.text = space_str
|||| = text_size
return { box, signal }
ui_tab :: proc( label : string, flags : UI_BoxFlags = {} ) -> UI_Widget
tab_str := str_intern( "\t" )
state := get_state(); using state
box := ui_box_make( flags, label )
signal := ui_signal_from_box( box )
text_size := measure_text_size( tab_str.str,,, 0 )
box.text = tab_str
|||| = text_size
return { box, signal }
@ -1 +1,258 @@
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi laoreet bibendum finibus.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Aenean ut elementum leo, eu luctus lorem.
Sed sit amet dapibus odio, at porttitor magna.
Cras id justo et risus porta eleifend.
Donec fringilla porta faucibus. Maecenas metus dolor, ornare eu justo sed, mattis porta ante.
Maecenas faucibus odio nisl, non posuere felis laoreet et.
Nullam tincidunt varius lacus sit amet laoreet.
Proin sodales vestibulum dolor, non condimentum arcu sodales nec.
Sed a tortor pharetra ante vehicula porta.
Maecenas congue venenatis euismod.
Suspendisse dapibus id lorem efficitur faucibus.
Aliquam consectetur urna in turpis consectetur, eu vehicula diam egestas.
Cras a semper metus, et porttitor tortor.
Aenean ac nisi consectetur, fermentum leo et, elementum odio.
Etiam imperdiet quam tellus, non suscipit lectus mattis ut. Nulla egestas urna vitae ex consectetur aliquam.
Maecenas vel luctus nibh. Morbi eget nisl justo.
Donec condimentum dolor id quam lacinia, vel ullamcorper mauris gravida.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam vitae neque venenatis, ultrices dui non, ornare velit.
Vivamus mollis ligula a ligula commodo ultrices.
Pellentesque ante felis, ultrices in risus eu, faucibus tincidunt ante.
Suspendisse potenti. Sed eget ligula mauris. Donec lorem est, porttitor auctor varius sed, lobortis nec eros.
Integer urna ligula, auctor ac sapien et, volutpat elementum leo.
Ut commodo arcu a turpis tempor, id semper justo egestas.
Aliquam erat volutpat.
Sed placerat malesuada eros.
Suspendisse egestas auctor magna a aliquam.
Pellentesque interdum pretium hendrerit.
Sed eget libero massa.
Nam egestas viverra odio, et ultrices risus scelerisque vel.
Nunc sodales laoreet elementum.
Mauris et risus nec erat placerat lobortis.
Donec ultrices eleifend mi.
Nullam tempus, felis at sodales finibus, libero mauris luctus sem, vehicula dictum lectus quam et lectus.
Phasellus et ligula nisl.
Sed dui enim, efficitur quis viverra nec, facilisis sed est.
Proin eget lectus diam.
Nullam in purus elementum, pharetra eros sed, volutpat metus.
Vestibulum pellentesque efficitur mauris, ut iaculis purus vehicula imperdiet.
Aliquam sit amet dolor id justo aliquam cursus.
Etiam mollis, tellus ut iaculis molestie, nunc libero feugiat arcu, vitae mattis neque leo a erat.
Pellentesque non ex interdum nulla faucibus tincidunt in vel magna.
Nam nec condimentum lacus, at pellentesque sem.
Pellentesque tristique pulvinar aliquet.
Sed varius dolor in sapien varius, sed blandit ipsum viverra.
Duis consectetur lacus dolor, non pellentesque enim pulvinar a.
Proin id leo vel ligula hendrerit facilisis.
Sed fringilla tellus est, non pretium sem consectetur fermentum.
Nam a tellus augue.
Suspendisse quis odio nibh.
Cras pellentesque turpis a mauris euismod, vel posuere enim eleifend.
Phasellus purus ex, mollis at ante at, convallis interdum tellus.
Proin at porttitor mauris, ut egestas ligula.
Suspendisse ultricies commodo lorem, quis auctor turpis efficitur ut.
Curabitur egestas laoreet mauris sed cursus.
Duis nec purus vel nibh venenatis dignissim.
Nam eget aliquam eros, vitae pellentesque neque.
Praesent mollis augue risus, ut commodo arcu auctor vel.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi laoreet bibendum finibus.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Aenean ut elementum leo, eu luctus lorem.
Sed sit amet dapibus odio, at porttitor magna.
Cras id justo et risus porta eleifend.
Donec fringilla porta faucibus. Maecenas metus dolor, ornare eu justo sed, mattis porta ante.
Maecenas faucibus odio nisl, non posuere felis laoreet et.
Nullam tincidunt varius lacus sit amet laoreet.
Proin sodales vestibulum dolor, non condimentum arcu sodales nec.
Sed a tortor pharetra ante vehicula porta.
Maecenas congue venenatis euismod.
Suspendisse dapibus id lorem efficitur faucibus.
Aliquam consectetur urna in turpis consectetur, eu vehicula diam egestas.
Cras a semper metus, et porttitor tortor.
Aenean ac nisi consectetur, fermentum leo et, elementum odio.
Etiam imperdiet quam tellus, non suscipit lectus mattis ut. Nulla egestas urna vitae ex consectetur aliquam.
Maecenas vel luctus nibh. Morbi eget nisl justo.
Donec condimentum dolor id quam lacinia, vel ullamcorper mauris gravida.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam vitae neque venenatis, ultrices dui non, ornare velit.
Vivamus mollis ligula a ligula commodo ultrices.
Pellentesque ante felis, ultrices in risus eu, faucibus tincidunt ante.
Suspendisse potenti. Sed eget ligula mauris. Donec lorem est, porttitor auctor varius sed, lobortis nec eros.
Integer urna ligula, auctor ac sapien et, volutpat elementum leo.
Ut commodo arcu a turpis tempor, id semper justo egestas.
Aliquam erat volutpat.
Sed placerat malesuada eros.
Suspendisse egestas auctor magna a aliquam.
Pellentesque interdum pretium hendrerit.
Sed eget libero massa.
Nam egestas viverra odio, et ultrices risus scelerisque vel.
Nunc sodales laoreet elementum.
Mauris et risus nec erat placerat lobortis.
Donec ultrices eleifend mi.
Nullam tempus, felis at sodales finibus, libero mauris luctus sem, vehicula dictum lectus quam et lectus.
Phasellus et ligula nisl.
Sed dui enim, efficitur quis viverra nec, facilisis sed est.
Proin eget lectus diam.
Nullam in purus elementum, pharetra eros sed, volutpat metus.
Vestibulum pellentesque efficitur mauris, ut iaculis purus vehicula imperdiet.
Aliquam sit amet dolor id justo aliquam cursus.
Etiam mollis, tellus ut iaculis molestie, nunc libero feugiat arcu, vitae mattis neque leo a erat.
Pellentesque non ex interdum nulla faucibus tincidunt in vel magna.
Nam nec condimentum lacus, at pellentesque sem.
Pellentesque tristique pulvinar aliquet.
Sed varius dolor in sapien varius, sed blandit ipsum viverra.
Duis consectetur lacus dolor, non pellentesque enim pulvinar a.
Proin id leo vel ligula hendrerit facilisis.
Sed fringilla tellus est, non pretium sem consectetur fermentum.
Nam a tellus augue.
Suspendisse quis odio nibh.
Cras pellentesque turpis a mauris euismod, vel posuere enim eleifend.
Phasellus purus ex, mollis at ante at, convallis interdum tellus.
Proin at porttitor mauris, ut egestas ligula.
Suspendisse ultricies commodo lorem, quis auctor turpis efficitur ut.
Curabitur egestas laoreet mauris sed cursus.
Duis nec purus vel nibh venenatis dignissim.
Nam eget aliquam eros, vitae pellentesque neque.
Praesent mollis augue risus, ut commodo arcu auctor vel.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi laoreet bibendum finibus.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Aenean ut elementum leo, eu luctus lorem.
Sed sit amet dapibus odio, at porttitor magna.
Cras id justo et risus porta eleifend.
Donec fringilla porta faucibus. Maecenas metus dolor, ornare eu justo sed, mattis porta ante.
Maecenas faucibus odio nisl, non posuere felis laoreet et.
Nullam tincidunt varius lacus sit amet laoreet.
Proin sodales vestibulum dolor, non condimentum arcu sodales nec.
Sed a tortor pharetra ante vehicula porta.
Maecenas congue venenatis euismod.
Suspendisse dapibus id lorem efficitur faucibus.
Aliquam consectetur urna in turpis consectetur, eu vehicula diam egestas.
Cras a semper metus, et porttitor tortor.
Aenean ac nisi consectetur, fermentum leo et, elementum odio.
Etiam imperdiet quam tellus, non suscipit lectus mattis ut. Nulla egestas urna vitae ex consectetur aliquam.
Maecenas vel luctus nibh. Morbi eget nisl justo.
Donec condimentum dolor id quam lacinia, vel ullamcorper mauris gravida.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam vitae neque venenatis, ultrices dui non, ornare velit.
Vivamus mollis ligula a ligula commodo ultrices.
Pellentesque ante felis, ultrices in risus eu, faucibus tincidunt ante.
Suspendisse potenti. Sed eget ligula mauris. Donec lorem est, porttitor auctor varius sed, lobortis nec eros.
Integer urna ligula, auctor ac sapien et, volutpat elementum leo.
Ut commodo arcu a turpis tempor, id semper justo egestas.
Aliquam erat volutpat.
Sed placerat malesuada eros.
Suspendisse egestas auctor magna a aliquam.
Pellentesque interdum pretium hendrerit.
Sed eget libero massa.
Nam egestas viverra odio, et ultrices risus scelerisque vel.
Nunc sodales laoreet elementum.
Mauris et risus nec erat placerat lobortis.
Donec ultrices eleifend mi.
Nullam tempus, felis at sodales finibus, libero mauris luctus sem, vehicula dictum lectus quam et lectus.
Phasellus et ligula nisl.
Sed dui enim, efficitur quis viverra nec, facilisis sed est.
Proin eget lectus diam.
Nullam in purus elementum, pharetra eros sed, volutpat metus.
Vestibulum pellentesque efficitur mauris, ut iaculis purus vehicula imperdiet.
Aliquam sit amet dolor id justo aliquam cursus.
Etiam mollis, tellus ut iaculis molestie, nunc libero feugiat arcu, vitae mattis neque leo a erat.
Pellentesque non ex interdum nulla faucibus tincidunt in vel magna.
Nam nec condimentum lacus, at pellentesque sem.
Pellentesque tristique pulvinar aliquet.
Sed varius dolor in sapien varius, sed blandit ipsum viverra.
Duis consectetur lacus dolor, non pellentesque enim pulvinar a.
Proin id leo vel ligula hendrerit facilisis.
Sed fringilla tellus est, non pretium sem consectetur fermentum.
Nam a tellus augue.
Suspendisse quis odio nibh.
Cras pellentesque turpis a mauris euismod, vel posuere enim eleifend.
Phasellus purus ex, mollis at ante at, convallis interdum tellus.
Proin at porttitor mauris, ut egestas ligula.
Suspendisse ultricies commodo lorem, quis auctor turpis efficitur ut.
Curabitur egestas laoreet mauris sed cursus.
Duis nec purus vel nibh venenatis dignissim.
Nam eget aliquam eros, vitae pellentesque neque.
Praesent mollis augue risus, ut commodo arcu auctor vel.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi laoreet bibendum finibus.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Aenean ut elementum leo, eu luctus lorem.
Sed sit amet dapibus odio, at porttitor magna.
Cras id justo et risus porta eleifend.
Donec fringilla porta faucibus. Maecenas metus dolor, ornare eu justo sed, mattis porta ante.
Maecenas faucibus odio nisl, non posuere felis laoreet et.
Nullam tincidunt varius lacus sit amet laoreet.
Proin sodales vestibulum dolor, non condimentum arcu sodales nec.
Sed a tortor pharetra ante vehicula porta.
Maecenas congue venenatis euismod.
Suspendisse dapibus id lorem efficitur faucibus.
Aliquam consectetur urna in turpis consectetur, eu vehicula diam egestas.
Cras a semper metus, et porttitor tortor.
Aenean ac nisi consectetur, fermentum leo et, elementum odio.
Etiam imperdiet quam tellus, non suscipit lectus mattis ut. Nulla egestas urna vitae ex consectetur aliquam.
Maecenas vel luctus nibh. Morbi eget nisl justo.
Donec condimentum dolor id quam lacinia, vel ullamcorper mauris gravida.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam vitae neque venenatis, ultrices dui non, ornare velit.
Vivamus mollis ligula a ligula commodo ultrices.
Pellentesque ante felis, ultrices in risus eu, faucibus tincidunt ante.
Suspendisse potenti. Sed eget ligula mauris. Donec lorem est, porttitor auctor varius sed, lobortis nec eros.
Integer urna ligula, auctor ac sapien et, volutpat elementum leo.
Ut commodo arcu a turpis tempor, id semper justo egestas.
Aliquam erat volutpat.
Sed placerat malesuada eros.
Suspendisse egestas auctor magna a aliquam.
Pellentesque interdum pretium hendrerit.
Sed eget libero massa.
Nam egestas viverra odio, et ultrices risus scelerisque vel.
Nunc sodales laoreet elementum.
Mauris et risus nec erat placerat lobortis.
Donec ultrices eleifend mi.
Nullam tempus, felis at sodales finibus, libero mauris luctus sem, vehicula dictum lectus quam et lectus.
Phasellus et ligula nisl.
Sed dui enim, efficitur quis viverra nec, facilisis sed est.
Proin eget lectus diam.
Nullam in purus elementum, pharetra eros sed, volutpat metus.
Vestibulum pellentesque efficitur mauris, ut iaculis purus vehicula imperdiet.
Aliquam sit amet dolor id justo aliquam cursus.
Etiam mollis, tellus ut iaculis molestie, nunc libero feugiat arcu, vitae mattis neque leo a erat.
Pellentesque non ex interdum nulla faucibus tincidunt in vel magna.
Nam nec condimentum lacus, at pellentesque sem.
Pellentesque tristique pulvinar aliquet.
Sed varius dolor in sapien varius, sed blandit ipsum viverra.
Duis consectetur lacus dolor, non pellentesque enim pulvinar a.
Proin id leo vel ligula hendrerit facilisis.
Sed fringilla tellus est, non pretium sem consectetur fermentum.
Nam a tellus augue.
Suspendisse quis odio nibh.
Cras pellentesque turpis a mauris euismod, vel posuere enim eleifend.
Phasellus purus ex, mollis at ante at, convallis interdum tellus.
Proin at porttitor mauris, ut egestas ligula.
Suspendisse ultricies commodo lorem, quis auctor turpis efficitur ut.
Curabitur egestas laoreet mauris sed cursus.
Duis nec purus vel nibh venenatis dignissim.
Nam eget aliquam eros, vitae pellentesque neque.
Praesent mollis augue risus, ut commodo arcu auctor vel.
@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ push-location $path_root
$build_args += $flag_build_mode_dll
$build_args += $flag_output_path + $module_dll
# $build_args += ($flag_collection + $pkg_collection_thirdparty)
# $build_args += $flag_use_separate_modules
# $build_args += $flag_thread_count + $CoreCount_Physical
$build_args += $flag_use_separate_modules
$build_args += $flag_thread_count + $CoreCount_Physical
$build_args += $flag_optimize_none
# $build_args += $flag_optimize_minimal
$build_args += $flag_debug
@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ push-location $path_root
$build_args += './host'
$build_args += $flag_output_path + $executable
# $build_args += ($flag_collection + $pkg_collection_thirdparty)
# $build_args += $flag_use_separate_modules
# $build_args += $flag_thread_count + $CoreCount_Physical
$build_args += $flag_use_separate_modules
$build_args += $flag_thread_count + $CoreCount_Physical
$build_args += $flag_optimize_none
$build_args += $flag_debug
$build_args += $flag_pdb_name + $pdb
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