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Based on gencpp's and thus zpl's Array implementation
Made becasue of the map issue with fonts during hot-reload.
I didn't want to make the HMapZPL impl with the [dynamic] array for now to isolate the hot-reload issue (when I was diagnoising)
Update 5-26-2024:
TODO(Ed): Raw_Dynamic_Array is defined within base:runtime/core.odin and exposes what we need for worst case hot-reloads.
So its best to go back to regular dynamic arrays at some point.
package grime
import "core:c/libc"
import "core:mem"
import "core:slice"
ArrayHeader :: struct ( $ Type : typeid ) {
backing : Allocator,
dbg_name : string,
fixed_cap : b32,
capacity : u64,
num : u64,
data : [^]Type,
Array :: struct ( $ Type : typeid ) {
using header : ^ArrayHeader(Type),
array_underlying_slice :: proc(slice: []($ Type)) -> Array(Type)
2024-03-02 18:19:27 -05:00
if len(slice) == 0 {
2024-06-02 17:29:27 -04:00
return {nil}
2024-03-02 18:19:27 -05:00
2024-06-02 17:29:27 -04:00
header_size := size_of( ArrayHeader(Type))
raw_data := & slice[0]
array := transmute( Array(Type)) ( uintptr(raw_data) - uintptr(header_size))
return array
2024-03-02 18:19:27 -05:00
array_to_slice :: #force_inline proc( using self : Array($ Type) ) -> []Type { return slice_ptr( data, int(num)) }
array_to_slice_capacity :: #force_inline proc( using self : Array($ Type) ) -> []Type { return slice_ptr( data, int(capacity)) }
2024-03-02 20:22:28 -05:00
array_grow_formula :: proc( value : u64 ) -> u64 {
result := (2 * value) + 8
return result
array_init :: proc( $Array_Type : typeid/Array($Type), capacity : u64,
allocator := context.allocator, fixed_cap : b32 = false, dbg_name : string = ""
) -> ( result : Array(Type), alloc_error : AllocatorError )
2024-03-19 23:25:48 -04:00
header_size := size_of(ArrayHeader(Type))
array_size := header_size + int(capacity) * size_of(Type)
raw_mem : rawptr
2024-03-19 23:25:48 -04:00
raw_mem, alloc_error = alloc( array_size, allocator = allocator )
// log( str_fmt_tmp("array reserved: %d", header_size + int(capacity) * size_of(Type) ))
if alloc_error != AllocatorError.None do return
result.header = cast( ^ArrayHeader(Type)) raw_mem
result.backing = allocator
result.dbg_name = dbg_name
result.fixed_cap = fixed_cap
result.capacity = capacity
result.data = cast( [^]Type ) (cast( [^]ArrayHeader(Type)) result.header)[ 1:]
array_append_array :: proc( using self: ^Array( $ Type), other : Array(Type)) -> AllocatorError
if num + other.num > capacity
grow_result := array_grow( self, num + other.num )
if grow_result != AllocatorError.None {
return grow_result
// Note(Ed) : Original code from gencpp
// libc.memcpy( ptr_offset(data, num), raw_data(items), len(items) * size_of(Type) )
target := ptr_offset( data, num )
dst_slice := slice_ptr(target, int(capacity - num))
src_slice := array_to_slice(other)
copy( dst_slice, src_slice )
num += other.num
return AllocatorError.None
array_append_slice :: proc( using self : ^Array( $ Type ), items : []Type ) -> AllocatorError
items_num :=u64(len(items))
if num + items_num > capacity
grow_result := array_grow( self, num + items_num )
if grow_result != AllocatorError.None {
return grow_result
target := ptr_offset( data, num )
copy( slice_ptr(target, int(capacity - num)), items )
num += items_num
return AllocatorError.None
array_append_value :: proc( self : ^Array( $ Type), value : Type ) -> AllocatorError
// profile(#procedure)
if self.header.num == self.header.capacity
grow_result := array_grow( self, self.header.capacity )
if grow_result != AllocatorError.None {
return grow_result
self.header.data[ self.header.num ] = value
self.header.num += 1
return AllocatorError.None
array_append_at_value :: proc( using self : ^Array( $ Type ), item : Type, id : u64 ) -> AllocatorError
id := id
if id >= num {
id = num - 1
if id < 0 {
id = 0
if capacity < num + 1
grow_result := array_grow( self, capacity )
if grow_result != AllocatorError.None {
return grow_result
target := & data[id]
libc.memmove( ptr_offset(target, 1), target, uint(num - id) * size_of(Type) )
data[id] = item
num += 1
return AllocatorError.None
array_append_at_slice :: proc( using self : ^Array( $ Type ), items : []Type, id : u64 ) -> AllocatorError
id := id
if id >= num {
return array_append_slice( items )
if len(items) > capacity
grow_result := array_grow( self, capacity )
if grow_result != AllocatorError.None {
return grow_result
// Note(Ed) : Original code from gencpp
// target := ptr_offset( data, id + len(items) )
// src := ptr_offset( data, id )
// libc.memmove( target, src, num - id * size_of(Type) )
// libc.memcpy ( src, raw_data(items), len(items) * size_of(Type) )
ensure(false, "time to check....")
target := & data[id + len(items)]
dst := slice_ptr( target, num - id - len(items) )
src := slice_ptr( & data[id], num - id )
copy( dst, src )
copy( src, items )
num += len(items)
return AllocatorError.None
array_back :: #force_inline proc "contextless" ( self : Array($Type) ) -> Type {
2024-06-02 17:29:27 -04:00
value := self.data[self.num - 1]
return value
2024-03-20 00:44:43 -04:00
array_push_back :: #force_inline proc "contextless" ( using self : Array( $ Type)) -> b32 {
if num == capacity {
return false
data[ num ] = value
num += 1
return true
array_clear :: proc "contextless" ( using self : Array( $ Type ), zero_data : b32 = false ) {
if zero_data {
mem.set( data, 0, int(num * size_of(Type)) )
header.num = 0
array_fill :: proc( using self : Array( $ Type ), begin, end : u64, value : Type ) -> b32
if begin < 0 || end >= num {
return false
// data_slice := slice_ptr( ptr_offset( data, begin ), end - begin )
// slice.fill( data_slice, cast(int) value )
for id := begin; id < end; id += 1 {
data[ id ] = value
return true
array_free :: proc( using self : Array( $ Type ) ) {
free( self.header, backing )
self.data = nil
array_grow :: proc( using self : ^Array( $ Type ), min_capacity : u64 ) -> AllocatorError
new_capacity := array_grow_formula( capacity )
if new_capacity < min_capacity {
new_capacity = min_capacity
return array_set_capacity( self, new_capacity )
2024-06-03 01:04:24 -04:00
array_pop :: proc( self : Array( $ Type ) ) {
verify( self.num != 0, "Attempted to pop an array with no elements" )
self.num -= 1
array_remove_at :: proc( using self : Array( $ Type ), id : u64 )
verify( id < header.num, "Attempted to remove from an index larger than the array" )
left := & data[id]
right := & data[id + 1]
libc.memmove( left, right, uint(num - id) * size_of(Type) )
header.num -= 1
array_reserve :: proc( using self : ^Array( $ Type ), new_capacity : u64 ) -> AllocatorError
if capacity < new_capacity {
return array_set_capacity( self, new_capacity )
return AllocatorError.None
array_resize :: proc( array : ^Array( $ Type ), num : u64 ) -> AllocatorError
if array.capacity < num
grow_result := array_grow( array, array.capacity )
if grow_result != AllocatorError.None {
return grow_result
array.num = num
return AllocatorError.None
array_set_capacity :: proc( self : ^Array( $ Type ), new_capacity : u64 ) -> AllocatorError
if new_capacity == self.capacity {
return AllocatorError.None
if new_capacity < self.num {
self.num = new_capacity
return AllocatorError.None
header_size :: size_of(ArrayHeader(Type))
2024-03-19 23:25:48 -04:00
new_size := header_size + (cast(int) new_capacity ) * size_of(Type)
old_size := header_size + (cast(int) self.capacity) * size_of(Type)
new_mem, result_code := resize_non_zeroed( self.header, old_size, new_size, mem.DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, allocator = self.backing )
if result_code != AllocatorError.None {
ensure( false, "Failed to allocate for new array capacity" )
log( "Failed to allocate for new array capacity", level = LogLevel.Warning )
return result_code
if new_mem == nil {
ensure(false, "new_mem is nil but no allocation error")
return result_code
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self.header = cast( ^ArrayHeader(Type)) raw_data(new_mem);
self.header.data = cast( [^]Type ) (cast( [^]ArrayHeader(Type)) self.header)[ 1:]
self.header.capacity = new_capacity
self.header.num = self.num
return result_code
array_block_size :: proc "contextless" ( self : Array( $Type ) ) -> u64 {
header_size :: size_of(ArrayHeader(Type))
block_size := cast(u64) (header_size + self.capacity * size_of(Type))
return block_size