2022-07-20 09:27:19 -04:00

657 B

Eva Programming Langauge

Dynamic programming langauge.

Simple syntax, functional heart, OOP support.

Eva Expressions:

(<type> <op1> <op2> ... <opN>)


(+ 5 10)
(set x 15)

(if (> x 10)
	(print "ok")
	(print "error")
(def foo (bar)
	(+ bar 10)
(lambda (x) (* x x) 10)

Design Goals

  • Simple syntax: S-Expression
  • Everything is an expression
  • No explicit return, last evalulated expression is the result
  • First class functions
  • Static scope: all functions are closures
  • Lambda functions
  • Funcitonal programming
  • Imperative programming
  • Namespaces and modules
  • OOP: Class or prototype based.