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Finite Automata

(AKA: Finite State Machine)

Mechanism and abstraction used behind regular grammars.

Usually has its state represented using nodes and edges.

Regular grammar:

S -> bA
A -> epsilon

Equivalent to: \b\

State transition:

--label--> : Transition symbol O : State Symbol (o) : Accepting State ->O.Start : Starting State (State transition to Start)


->O.Start --transition--> (o).Accepting

ε - Epsilon (Empty String) I will be spelling it out as I do not enjoy single glyth representation

Two main types of Finite Automtata :

FA w/ output

  • Moore machine
  • Mealy machine

FA w/o output

  • DFA - Deterministic
  • NFA - Non-deterministic
  • epsilon-NFA - (Epsilon Transition) special case

NFA : Non-deterministic FA - Allos transition on the same symbol to different states


epsilon-NFA : Extension of NFA that allows epsilon transitions

   /                /

DFA : A state machine which forbids multiple transitions on the same symbol, and epsilon transitions


Use case:

Implementation Transformations: RegExp -> epsilon-NFA -> ... -> DFA

Formal Definition:

Non-deterministic finite automata is a tuple of five elements:

  • All possible states
  • Alphabet
  • Transition Function
  • Starting State
  • Set of accepting states

NFA = ( States, Alphabet, TransitionFunction, StartingState, AcceptingStates )

NFA = ( Q, Σ, Δ, q0, F )