mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 21:58:38 -08:00
Day 17 complete
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,7 +33,48 @@
"mutex": "cpp",
"system_error": "cpp",
"ios": "cpp",
"xiosbase": "cpp"
"xiosbase": "cpp",
"atomic": "cpp",
"bitset": "cpp",
"charconv": "cpp",
"forward_list": "cpp",
"fstream": "cpp",
"istream": "cpp",
"map": "cpp",
"ostream": "cpp",
"sstream": "cpp",
"stop_token": "cpp",
"streambuf": "cpp",
"thread": "cpp",
"unordered_map": "cpp",
"xlocale": "cpp",
"xlocinfo": "cpp",
"xtree": "cpp",
"bit": "cpp",
"cctype": "cpp",
"clocale": "cpp",
"cmath": "cpp",
"condition_variable": "cpp",
"cstddef": "cpp",
"cstdint": "cpp",
"cstdio": "cpp",
"cstdlib": "cpp",
"cstring": "cpp",
"ctime": "cpp",
"cwchar": "cpp",
"iomanip": "cpp",
"iosfwd": "cpp",
"iostream": "cpp",
"locale": "cpp",
"new": "cpp",
"stdexcept": "cpp",
"typeinfo": "cpp",
"xfacet": "cpp",
"xlocbuf": "cpp",
"xlocmes": "cpp",
"xlocmon": "cpp",
"xlocnum": "cpp",
"xloctime": "cpp"
"C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngineFallback": "disabled",
"C_Cpp.errorSquiggles": "enabled",
docs/Day 017.md
Normal file
docs/Day 017.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Day 17
Talks about functional programming. Mostly an emphasis of not abusing global state fields or constricting the interface a state may be musted from. With the 'ideal' if performance is not heavily impacted is to use a pure function.
Like I said in Day 14 however I do want to setup a less stack-spam way to pass around data for ergonomics, so instead I'll be using static analysis with gencpp to make sure they are only used in the correct places (there will be a list of function names that are allowed to use the global state, and if it is used in any other function it will throw an error, preventing handmade from compiling).
I wish Casey used the `GetAsyncKeyState` instead of this window messaging.
(I'll be using it, not a fan of getting input callbacks from the window)
I didn't do iteration accross all controllers, I'll worry about that when I setup multiple players.
When it comes to the "controller stick averaging" and abstracting that to actions (like he did) hes bleeding into what should really be an input system with bounded actions, but he doesn't want to make an input system (so its just rapid hardcoding).
I'll do the averaging on the platform layer (for now) since it simple, but like said previously, I will not be allowing the engine layer to abstract what API devices are assigned to a "controller".
@ -141,10 +141,11 @@ void update_and_render( InputState* input, OffscreenBuffer* back_buffer, SoundBu
EngineState* state = rcast( EngineState*, memory->Persistent );
assert( sizeof(EngineState) <= memory->PersistentSize );
state->ToneVolume = 3000;
state->ToneVolume = 1000;
state->WaveToneHz = 262;
state->WavePeriod = sound_buffer->SamplesPerSecond / state->WaveToneHz;
@ -167,128 +168,108 @@ void update_and_render( InputState* input, OffscreenBuffer* back_buffer, SoundBu
ControllerState* controller = & input->Controllers[0];
// Abstracting the actionables as booleans and processing within this scope
// for now until proper callbacks for input bindings are setup.
b32 move_up = false;
b32 move_down = false;
b32 move_left = false;
b32 move_right = false;
b32 action_up = false;
b32 action_down = false;
b32 action_left = false;
b32 action_right = false;
f32 analog_threshold = 0.5f;
b32 raise_volume = false;
b32 lower_volume = false;
b32 raise_tone_hz = false;
b32 lower_tone_hz = false;
b32 toggle_wave_tone = false;
if ( controller->DSPad )
DualsensePadState* pad = controller->DSPad;
x_offset += pad->DPad.Right.State;
x_offset -= pad->DPad.Left.State;
y_offset += pad->DPad.Down.State;
y_offset -= pad->DPad.Up.State;
x_offset += scast(u32, pad->Stick.Left.X.End);
y_offset += scast(u32, pad->Stick.Left.Y.End);
if ( pad->Triangle.State )
state->ToneVolume += 10;
if ( pad->Circle.State )
state->ToneVolume -= 10;
if ( pad->Square.State )
state->WaveToneHz += 1;
state->WavePeriod = sound_buffer->SamplesPerSecond / state->WaveToneHz;
if ( pad->X.State )
state->WaveToneHz -= 1;
state->WavePeriod = sound_buffer->SamplesPerSecond / state->WaveToneHz;
if ( pad->Options.State )
wave_switch ^= true;
if ( pad->Share.State )
// TODO(Ed) : Add rumble test
move_right |= pad->DPad.Right.EndedDown || pad->Stick.Left.X.End > analog_threshold;
move_left |= pad->DPad.Left.EndedDown || pad->Stick.Left.X.End < -analog_threshold;
move_up |= pad->DPad.Up.EndedDown || pad->Stick.Left.Y.End > analog_threshold;
move_down |= pad->DPad.Down.EndedDown || pad->Stick.Left.Y.End < -analog_threshold;
raise_volume |= pad->Triangle.EndedDown;
lower_volume |= pad->Circle.EndedDown;
raise_tone_hz |= pad->Square.EndedDown;
lower_tone_hz |= pad->X.EndedDown;
toggle_wave_tone |= pad->Options.EndedDown;
if ( controller->XPad )
XInputPadState* pad = controller->XPad;
x_offset += pad->DPad.Right.State;
x_offset -= pad->DPad.Left.State;
y_offset -= pad->DPad.Down.State;
y_offset += pad->DPad.Up.State;
x_offset += scast(u32, pad->Stick.Left.X.End);
y_offset += scast(u32, pad->Stick.Left.Y.End);
if ( pad->Y.State )
state->ToneVolume += 10;
if ( pad->B.State )
state->ToneVolume -= 10;
if ( pad->X.State )
state->WaveToneHz += 1;
state->WavePeriod = sound_buffer->SamplesPerSecond / state->WaveToneHz;
if ( pad->A.State )
state->WaveToneHz -= 1;
state->WavePeriod = sound_buffer->SamplesPerSecond / state->WaveToneHz;
if ( pad->Start.State )
wave_switch ^= true;
if ( pad->Back.State )
// TODO(Ed) : Add rumble test
move_right |= pad->DPad.Right.EndedDown || pad->Stick.Left.X.End > analog_threshold;
move_left |= pad->DPad.Left.EndedDown || pad->Stick.Left.X.End < -analog_threshold;
move_up |= pad->DPad.Up.EndedDown || pad->Stick.Left.Y.End > analog_threshold;
move_down |= pad->DPad.Down.EndedDown || pad->Stick.Left.Y.End < -analog_threshold;
raise_volume |= pad->Y.EndedDown;
lower_volume |= pad->B.EndedDown;
raise_tone_hz |= pad->X.EndedDown;
lower_tone_hz |= pad->A.EndedDown;
toggle_wave_tone |= pad->Start.EndedDown;
if ( controller->Keyboard )
KeyboardState* keyboard = controller->Keyboard;
move_right |= keyboard->D.EndedDown;
move_left |= keyboard->A.EndedDown;
move_up |= keyboard->W.EndedDown;
move_down |= keyboard->S.EndedDown;
raise_volume |= keyboard->Up.EndedDown;
lower_volume |= keyboard->Down.EndedDown;
raise_tone_hz |= keyboard->Right.EndedDown;
lower_tone_hz |= keyboard->Left.EndedDown;
toggle_wave_tone |= keyboard->Space.EndedDown;
x_offset += move_right;
x_offset -= move_left;
y_offset += move_down;
y_offset -= move_up;
x_offset += keyboard->D.State;
x_offset -= keyboard->A.State;
y_offset += keyboard->W.State;
y_offset -= keyboard->S.State;
if ( raise_volume )
state->ToneVolume += 10;
if ( lower_volume )
state->ToneVolume -= 10;
if ( keyboard->Esc.State )
// TODO : Add exit game
if ( raise_tone_hz )
state->WaveToneHz += 1;
state->WavePeriod = sound_buffer->SamplesPerSecond / state->WaveToneHz;
if ( lower_tone_hz )
state->WaveToneHz -= 1;
state->WavePeriod = sound_buffer->SamplesPerSecond / state->WaveToneHz;
if ( keyboard->Space.State )
wave_switch ^= true;
if ( keyboard->Up.State )
state->ToneVolume += 10;
if ( keyboard->Down.State )
state->ToneVolume -= 10;
if ( keyboard->Left.State )
state->WaveToneHz -= 1;
state->WavePeriod = sound_buffer->SamplesPerSecond / state->WaveToneHz;
if ( keyboard->Right.State )
state->WaveToneHz += 1;
state->WavePeriod = sound_buffer->SamplesPerSecond / state->WaveToneHz;
if ( toggle_wave_tone )
wave_switch ^= true;
// TODO(Ed) : Allow sample offsets here for more robust platform options
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ struct SoundBuffer
struct DigitalBtn
s32 HalfTransitions;
b32 State;
b32 EndedDown;
#define DigitalBtn_Up 0
#define DigitalBtn_Down 1
@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ struct AnalogAxis
f32 End;
f32 Min;
f32 Max;
// Platform doesn't provide this, we process in the engine layer.
f32 Average;
struct AnalogStick
@ -75,20 +78,24 @@ struct AnalogStick
AnalogAxis Y;
struct KeyboardState
union KeyboardState
DigitalBtn Q;
DigitalBtn E;
DigitalBtn W;
DigitalBtn A;
DigitalBtn S;
DigitalBtn D;
DigitalBtn Esc;
DigitalBtn Up;
DigitalBtn Down;
DigitalBtn Left;
DigitalBtn Right;
DigitalBtn Space;
DigitalBtn Keys[12];
struct {
DigitalBtn Q;
DigitalBtn E;
DigitalBtn W;
DigitalBtn A;
DigitalBtn S;
DigitalBtn D;
DigitalBtn Escape;
DigitalBtn Backspace;
DigitalBtn Up;
DigitalBtn Down;
DigitalBtn Left;
DigitalBtn Right;
DigitalBtn Space;
struct MousesState
@ -128,11 +135,6 @@ struct XInputPadState
DigitalBtn RightShoulder;
b32 using_analog()
return true;
struct DualsensePadState
@ -165,11 +167,6 @@ struct DualsensePadState
DigitalBtn R1;
b32 using_analog()
return true;
struct ControllerState
@ -185,10 +182,76 @@ struct InputState
ControllerState Controllers[4];
b32 input_using_analog();
using InputBindCallback = void( void* );
using InputBindCallback_DigitalBtn = void( engine::DigitalBtn* Button );
using InputBindCallback_AnalogAxis = void( engine::AnalogAxis* Axis );
using InputBindCallback_AnalogStick = void( engine::AnalogStick* Stick );
struct InputMode
InputBindCallback* Binds;
s32 NumBinds;
char _PAD_[4];
void input_mode_pop( InputMode* mode );
void input_mode_pop( InputMode* mode );
// Needs a contextual reference to four things:
// Timing, Input, Bitmap Buffer, Sound Buffer
void update_and_render( InputState* input, OffscreenBuffer* back_buffer, SoundBuffer* sound_buffer, Memory* memory );
// TODO(Ed) : Move this to handmade game layer later.
#define NS_HANDMADE_BEGIN namespace handmade {
// We want a 'binding' to have multiple binds to active it (most likely)
struct Actionable
char const* Name;
engine::InputBindCallback* Binds;
s32 NumBinds;
char _PAD_[4];
struct ActionableMode
Platform Layer:
Controller : Keyboard & Mouse, XPad, DSPad
Engine Layer:
InputBinding callbacks (per-game-logic frame basis)
Push/Pop input modes (binding sets)
Game Layer:
Actionables : Binding Sets where a raw input, or input interpretation leads to an player action.
ActionSet : Actionables.Push/Pop -> Input.Push/Pop ?
Player : Controller, Actionables, ActionSets
struct Player
// So far just has an assigned controller.
engine::ControllerState* Controller;
// Possilby some other stuff in the future.
@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ int gen_main()
return 0;
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include <math.h> // TODO : Implement math ourselves
#include <stdio.h>
#include "engine.cpp"
@ -188,6 +189,60 @@ b32 debug_file_write_content( char* file_path, u32 content_size, void* content_m
internal void
input_process_digital_btn( engine::DigitalBtn* old_state, engine::DigitalBtn* new_state, u32 raw_btns, u32 btn_flag )
#define had_transition() ( old_state->EndedDown == new_state->EndedDown )
new_state->EndedDown = (raw_btns & btn_flag) > 0;
new_state->HalfTransitions = had_transition() ? 1 : 0;
#undef had_transition
internal f32
xinput_process_axis_value( s16 value, s16 deadzone_threshold )
f32 result = 0;
if ( value < -deadzone_threshold )
result = scast(f32, value + deadzone_threshold) / (32768.0f - scast(f32, deadzone_threshold));
else if ( value > deadzone_threshold )
result = scast(f32, value + deadzone_threshold) / (32767.0f - scast(f32, deadzone_threshold));
return result;
internal f32
input_process_axis_value( f32 value, f32 deadzone_threshold )
f32 result = 0;
if ( value < -deadzone_threshold )
result = (value + deadzone_threshold ) / (1.0f - deadzone_threshold );
if (result < -1.0f)
result = -1.0f; // Clamp to ensure it doesn't go below -1
else if ( value > deadzone_threshold )
result = (value - deadzone_threshold ) / (1.0f - deadzone_threshold );
if (result > 1.0f)
result = 1.0f; // Clamp to ensure it doesn't exceed 1
return result;
internal void
input_process_keyboard_key( engine::DigitalBtn* key, b32 is_down )
// This assert fails all the time, have no idea why. I'm just going to use GetAsyncKeyState instead, using the messaging events is horrible.
// assert( key->EndedDown != is_down )
key->EndedDown = is_down;
key->HalfTransitions += is_down;
internal void
init_sound(HWND window_handle, s32 samples_per_second, s32 buffer_size )
@ -487,19 +542,115 @@ main_window_callback(
internal void
input_process_digital_btn( engine::DigitalBtn* old_state, engine::DigitalBtn* new_state, u32 raw_btns, u32 btn_flag )
process_pending_window_messages( engine::KeyboardState* keyboard )
#define had_transition() ( old_state->State == new_state->State )
new_state->State = (raw_btns & btn_flag);
new_state->HalfTransitions = had_transition() ? 1 : 0;
#undef had_transition
MSG window_msg_info;
while ( PeekMessageA( & window_msg_info, 0, 0, 0, PM_Remove_Messages_From_Queue ) )
if ( window_msg_info.message == WM_QUIT )
Running = false;
internal void
input_process_keyboard_key( engine::DigitalBtn* key, b32 is_down )
key->State = is_down;
key->HalfTransitions += is_down;
// Keyboard input handling
switch (window_msg_info.message)
// I rather do this with GetAsyncKeyState...
#if 0
case WM_KEYUP:
WPARAM vk_code = window_msg_info.wParam;
b32 is_down = scast(b32, (window_msg_info.lParam >> 31) == 0 );
b32 was_down = scast(b32, (window_msg_info.lParam >> 30) );
b32 alt_down = scast(b32, (window_msg_info.lParam & (1 << 29)) );
switch ( vk_code )
#if 0
case 'Q':
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard->Q, is_down );
case 'E':
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard->E, is_down );
case 'W':
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard->W, is_down );
case 'A':
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard->A, is_down );
case 'S':
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard->S, is_down );
case 'D':
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard->D, is_down );
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard->Escape, is_down );
case VK_BACK:
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard->Backspace, is_down );
case VK_UP:
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard->Up, is_down );
case VK_DOWN:
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard->Down, is_down );
case VK_LEFT:
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard->Left, is_down );
case VK_RIGHT:
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard->Right, is_down );
case VK_SPACE:
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard->Space, is_down );
case VK_F4:
if ( alt_down )
Running = false;
TranslateMessage( & window_msg_info );
DispatchMessageW( & window_msg_info );
@ -561,7 +712,6 @@ WinMain(
WNDCLASSW window_class {};
HWND window_handle = nullptr;
MSG window_msg_info;
window_class.style = CS_Horizontal_Redraw | CS_Vertical_Redraw;
window_class.lpfnWndProc = main_window_callback;
@ -635,17 +785,18 @@ WinMain(
engine::InputState input {};
engine::KeyboardState keyboard;
input.Controllers[0].Keyboard = & keyboard;
engine::KeyboardState keyboard_states[2] {};
engine::KeyboardState* old_keyboard = & keyboard_states[0];
engine::KeyboardState* new_keyboard = & keyboard_states[1];
// Important: Assuming keyboard always connected for now, and assigning to first controller.
using EngineXInputPadStates = engine::XInputPadState[ Max_Controllers ];
EngineXInputPadStates xpad_states[2];
EngineXInputPadStates xpad_states[2] {};
EngineXInputPadStates* old_xpads = & xpad_states[0];
EngineXInputPadStates* new_xpads = & xpad_states[1];
using EngineDSPadStates = engine::DualsensePadState[Max_Controllers];
EngineDSPadStates ds_pad_states[2];
EngineDSPadStates ds_pad_states[2] {};
EngineDSPadStates* old_ds_pads = & ds_pad_states[0];
EngineDSPadStates* new_ds_pads = & ds_pad_states[1];
@ -684,116 +835,50 @@ WinMain(
Running = true;
while( Running )
keyboard = {};
// Window Management
// Handeled properly in the input section.
#if 0
swap( old_keyboard, new_keyboard );
*new_keyboard = {};
for ( u32 key_index = 0; key_index < array_count( new_keyboard->Keys ); ++ key_index )
while ( PeekMessageW( & window_msg_info, 0, 0, 0, PM_Remove_Messages_From_Queue ) )
if ( window_msg_info.message == WM_QUIT )
Running = false;
engine::DigitalBtn* old_key = & old_keyboard->Keys[ key_index ];
engine::DigitalBtn* new_key = & new_keyboard->Keys[ key_index ];
// Keyboard input handling
switch (window_msg_info.message)
case WM_KEYUP:
WPARAM vk_code = window_msg_info.wParam;
b32 is_down = scast(b32, (window_msg_info.lParam >> 31) == 0 );
b32 was_down = scast(b32, (window_msg_info.lParam >> 30) );
b32 alt_down = scast(b32, (window_msg_info.lParam & (1 << 29)) );
switch ( vk_code )
case 'Q':
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard.Q, is_down );
case 'E':
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard.E, is_down );
case 'W':
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard.W, is_down );
case 'A':
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard.A, is_down );
case 'S':
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard.S, is_down );
case 'D':
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard.D, is_down );
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard.Esc, is_down );
case VK_UP:
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard.Up, is_down );
case VK_DOWN:
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard.Down, is_down );
case VK_LEFT:
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard.Left, is_down );
case VK_RIGHT:
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard.Right, is_down );
case VK_SPACE:
input_process_keyboard_key( & keyboard.Space, is_down );
case VK_F4:
if ( alt_down )
Running = false;
TranslateMessage( & window_msg_info );
DispatchMessageW( & window_msg_info );
new_key->EndedDown = old_key->EndedDown;
process_pending_window_messages( new_keyboard );
input.Controllers[0].Keyboard = new_keyboard;
// printf("Q- Old: %d, New: %d\n", old_keyboard->Q.EndedDown, new_keyboard->Q.EndedDown);
printf("Q- HTOld: %d, HTNew: %d\n", old_keyboard->Q.HalfTransitions, new_keyboard->Q.HalfTransitions);
// Input
// TODO(Ed) : Setup user definable deadzones for triggers and sticks.
// Swapping at the beginning of the input frame instead of the end.
swap( old_xpads, new_xpads );
swap( old_ds_pads, new_ds_pads );
swap( old_keyboard, new_keyboard );
swap( old_xpads, new_xpads );
swap( old_ds_pads, new_ds_pads );
// Keyboard Polling
constexpr u32 is_down = 0x8000;
input_process_digital_btn( & old_keyboard->Q, & new_keyboard->Q, GetAsyncKeyState( 'Q' ), is_down );
input_process_digital_btn( & old_keyboard->E, & new_keyboard->E, GetAsyncKeyState( 'E' ), is_down );
input_process_digital_btn( & old_keyboard->W, & new_keyboard->W, GetAsyncKeyState( 'W' ), is_down );
input_process_digital_btn( & old_keyboard->A, & new_keyboard->A, GetAsyncKeyState( 'A' ), is_down );
input_process_digital_btn( & old_keyboard->S, & new_keyboard->S, GetAsyncKeyState( 'S' ), is_down );
input_process_digital_btn( & old_keyboard->D, & new_keyboard->D, GetAsyncKeyState( 'D' ), is_down );
input_process_digital_btn( & old_keyboard->Escape, & new_keyboard->Escape, GetAsyncKeyState( VK_ESCAPE ), is_down );
input_process_digital_btn( & old_keyboard->Backspace, & new_keyboard->Backspace, GetAsyncKeyState( VK_BACK ), is_down );
input_process_digital_btn( & old_keyboard->Up, & new_keyboard->Up, GetAsyncKeyState( VK_UP ), is_down );
input_process_digital_btn( & old_keyboard->Down, & new_keyboard->Down, GetAsyncKeyState( VK_DOWN ), is_down );
input_process_digital_btn( & old_keyboard->Left, & new_keyboard->Left, GetAsyncKeyState( VK_LEFT ), is_down );
input_process_digital_btn( & old_keyboard->Right, & new_keyboard->Right, GetAsyncKeyState( VK_RIGHT ), is_down );
input_process_digital_btn( & old_keyboard->Space, & new_keyboard->Space, GetAsyncKeyState( VK_SPACE ), is_down );
// XInput Polling
// TODO(Ed) : Should we poll this more frequently?
@ -826,46 +911,16 @@ WinMain(
new_xpad->Stick.Left.X.Start = old_xpad->Stick.Left.X.End;
new_xpad->Stick.Left.Y.Start = old_xpad->Stick.Left.Y.End;
// TODO(Ed) : Compress this into a proc
f32 X;
if ( xpad->sThumbLX < 0 )
X = scast(f32, xpad->sThumbLX) / scast(f32, -S16_MIN);
X = scast(f32, xpad->sThumbLX) / scast(f32, S16_MAX);
f32 left_x = xinput_process_axis_value( xpad->sThumbLX, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB_DEADZONE );
f32 left_y = xinput_process_axis_value( xpad->sThumbLY, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB_DEADZONE );
// TODO(Ed) : Min/Max macros!!!
new_xpad->Stick.Left.X.Min = new_xpad->Stick.Left.X.Max = new_xpad->Stick.Left.X.End = X;
f32 Y;
if ( xpad->sThumbLY < 0 )
Y = scast(f32, xpad->sThumbLY) / scast(f32, -S16_MIN);
Y = scast(f32, xpad->sThumbLY) / scast(f32, S16_MAX);
// TODO(Ed) : Min/Max macros!!!
new_xpad->Stick.Left.Y.Min = new_xpad->Stick.Left.Y.Max = new_xpad->Stick.Left.Y.End = Y;
// epad->Stick.Left.X.End = xpad->sThumbLX;
// epad->Stick.Left.Y.End = xpad->sThumbLY;
// epad->Stick.Right.X.End = xpad->sThumbRX;
// epad->Stick.Right.X.End = xpad->sThumbRY;
// TODO(Ed) : Dead zone processing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// S16_MAX
// S16_MIN
new_xpad->Stick.Left.X.Min = new_xpad->Stick.Left.X.Max = new_xpad->Stick.Left.X.End = left_x;
new_xpad->Stick.Left.Y.Min = new_xpad->Stick.Left.Y.Max = new_xpad->Stick.Left.Y.End = left_y;
// TODO(Ed): Make this actually an average for later
new_xpad->Stick.Left.X.Average = left_x;
new_xpad->Stick.Left.Y.Average = left_y;
input.Controllers[ controller_index ].XPad = new_xpad;
@ -888,7 +943,7 @@ WinMain(
if ( jsl_device_index > 4 )
JOY_SHOCK_STATE state = JslGetSimpleState( jsl_device_handles[ jsl_device_index ] );
JOY_SHOCK_STATE state = JslGetSimpleState( jsl_device_handles[ jsl_device_index ] );
engine::DualsensePadState* old_ds_pad = old_ds_pads[ jsl_device_index ];
engine::DualsensePadState* new_ds_pad = new_ds_pads[ jsl_device_index ];
@ -908,10 +963,20 @@ WinMain(
input_process_digital_btn( & old_ds_pad->L1, & new_ds_pad->L1, state.buttons, JSMASK_L );
input_process_digital_btn( & old_ds_pad->R1, & new_ds_pad->R1, state.buttons, JSMASK_R );
// epad->Stick.Left.X.End = state.stickLX;
// epad->Stick.Left.Y.End = state.stickLY;
// epad->Stick.Right.X.End = state.stickRX;
// epad->Stick.Right.X.End = state.stickRY;
new_ds_pad->Stick.Left.X.Start = old_ds_pad->Stick.Left.X.End;
new_ds_pad->Stick.Left.Y.Start = old_ds_pad->Stick.Left.Y.End;
// Joyshock abstracts the sticks to a float value already for us of -1.f to 1.f.
// We'll assume a deadzone of 10% for now.
f32 left_x = input_process_axis_value( state.stickLX, 0.1f );
f32 left_y = input_process_axis_value( state.stickLY, 0.1f );
new_ds_pad->Stick.Left.X.Min = new_ds_pad->Stick.Left.X.Max = new_ds_pad->Stick.Left.X.End = left_x;
new_ds_pad->Stick.Left.Y.Min = new_ds_pad->Stick.Left.Y.Max = new_ds_pad->Stick.Left.Y.End = left_y;
// TODO(Ed): Make this actually an average for later
new_ds_pad->Stick.Left.X.Average = left_x;
new_ds_pad->Stick.Left.Y.Average = left_y;
input.Controllers[ jsl_device_index ].DSPad = new_ds_pad;
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
#if Build_Development
# define assert( expression ) \
if ( !( expression ) ) \
{ \
*( int* )0 = 0; \
if ( !( expression ) ) \
{ \
__debugbreak(); \
// platform::assertion_failure( __FILE__, __LINE__, #expression );
@ -67,3 +67,41 @@
#define ensure( condition, expression )
#define fatal( message )
// Just experimenting with a way to check for global variables being accessed from the wrong place.
// (Could also be done with gencpp technically)
#if 0
enum class EGlobalVarsAllowFuncs
EGlobalVarsAllowFuncs to_type( char const* proc_name )
char const* global_vars_allowed_funcs[] {
if ( proc_name )
for ( u32 idx = 0; idx < array_count( global_vars_allowed_funcs ); ++idx )
if ( strcmp( proc_name, global_vars_allowed_funcs[idx] ) == 0 )
return scast( EGlobalVarsAllowFuncs, idx );
return EGlobalVarsAllowFuncs::Invalid;
#if Build_Development
# define checked_global_getter( global_var, procedure ) \
( ensure( to_type(procedure) != EGlobalVarsAllowFuncs::Invalid), global_var )
# define checked_global_getter( global_var, procedure ) global_var
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#pragma warning( disable: 4189 ) // Support for unused variables
#pragma warning( disable: 4514 ) // Support for unused inline functions
#pragma warning( disable: 4505 ) // Support for unused static functions
#pragma warning( disable: 5045 ) // Compiler will insert Spectre mitigation for memory load if /Qspectre switch specified
#pragma warning( disable: 5045 ) // Compiler will insert Spectre mitigation for memory load if /Qspectre switch specified
#include "grime.h"
#include "macros.h"
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