Ed_ 99a23529e6 25. Attribut accessors complete
There is some jank, with the ability system init on character (I'll fix later).
Cog replaces the usuals showdebug command
2024-04-13 18:35:19 -04:00

150 lines
4.0 KiB

// This was generated by GasaGen/GasaGen.cpp
#include "AttributeSet.h"
#include "AbilitySystemComponent.h"
#include "GasaAttributeSet.generated.h"
UCLASS() class GASA_API UGasaAttributeSet : public UAttributeSet
UPROPERTY( ReplicatedUsing = Client_OnRep_Health, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Attributes" )
FGameplayAttributeData Health;
UPROPERTY( ReplicatedUsing = Client_OnRep_MaxHealth, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Attributes" )
FGameplayAttributeData MaxHealth;
UPROPERTY( ReplicatedUsing = Client_OnRep_Mana, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Attributes" )
FGameplayAttributeData Mana;
UPROPERTY( ReplicatedUsing = Client_OnRep_MaxMana, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Attributes" )
FGameplayAttributeData MaxMana;
void Client_OnRep_Health( FGameplayAttributeData& PrevHealth );
void Client_OnRep_MaxHealth( FGameplayAttributeData& PrevMaxHealth );
void Client_OnRep_Mana( FGameplayAttributeData& PrevMana );
void Client_OnRep_MaxMana( FGameplayAttributeData& PrevMaxMana );
#pragma region Getters
static FGameplayAttribute GetHealthAttribute()
static FProperty* Prop = FindFieldChecked< FProperty >( UGasaAttributeSet::StaticClass(), GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED( UGasaAttributeSet, Health ) );
return Prop;
static FGameplayAttribute GetMaxHealthAttribute()
static FProperty* Prop = FindFieldChecked< FProperty >( UGasaAttributeSet::StaticClass(), GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED( UGasaAttributeSet, MaxHealth ) );
return Prop;
static FGameplayAttribute GetManaAttribute()
static FProperty* Prop = FindFieldChecked< FProperty >( UGasaAttributeSet::StaticClass(), GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED( UGasaAttributeSet, Mana ) );
return Prop;
static FGameplayAttribute GetMaxManaAttribute()
static FProperty* Prop = FindFieldChecked< FProperty >( UGasaAttributeSet::StaticClass(), GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED( UGasaAttributeSet, MaxMana ) );
return Prop;
FORCEINLINE float GetHealth() const
return Health.GetCurrentValue();
FORCEINLINE float GetMaxHealth() const
return MaxHealth.GetCurrentValue();
FORCEINLINE float GetMana() const
return Mana.GetCurrentValue();
FORCEINLINE float GetMaxMana() const
return MaxMana.GetCurrentValue();
#pragma endregion Getters
#pragma region Setters
FORCEINLINE void SetHealth( float NewVal )
UAbilitySystemComponent* AbilityComp = GetOwningAbilitySystemComponent();
if ( ensure( AbilityComp ) )
AbilityComp->SetNumericAttributeBase( GetHealthAttribute(), NewVal );
FORCEINLINE void SetMaxHealth( float NewVal )
UAbilitySystemComponent* AbilityComp = GetOwningAbilitySystemComponent();
if ( ensure( AbilityComp ) )
AbilityComp->SetNumericAttributeBase( GetMaxHealthAttribute(), NewVal );
FORCEINLINE void SetMana( float NewVal )
UAbilitySystemComponent* AbilityComp = GetOwningAbilitySystemComponent();
if ( ensure( AbilityComp ) )
AbilityComp->SetNumericAttributeBase( GetManaAttribute(), NewVal );
FORCEINLINE void SetMaxMana( float NewVal )
UAbilitySystemComponent* AbilityComp = GetOwningAbilitySystemComponent();
if ( ensure( AbilityComp ) )
AbilityComp->SetNumericAttributeBase( GetMaxManaAttribute(), NewVal );
FORCEINLINE void InitHealth( float NewVal )
Health.SetBaseValue( NewVal );
Health.SetCurrentValue( NewVal );
FORCEINLINE void InitMaxHealth( float NewVal )
MaxHealth.SetBaseValue( NewVal );
MaxHealth.SetCurrentValue( NewVal );
FORCEINLINE void InitMana( float NewVal )
Mana.SetBaseValue( NewVal );
Mana.SetCurrentValue( NewVal );
FORCEINLINE void InitMaxMana( float NewVal )
MaxMana.SetBaseValue( NewVal );
MaxMana.SetCurrentValue( NewVal );
#pragma endregion Setters
#pragma region UObject
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps( TArray< FLifetimeProperty >& OutLifetimeProps ) const override;
#pragma endregion UObject