Ed_ 6765478a9d 31. Aura HUD (plus other stuff)
- Enabled a few more plugins
- Added clang formatting straight from the GasaGen cpp.
- Setup auto-generation of the DevOptionsCache
- Messed around with generating widgettree hiearchy from template widget
2024-04-21 09:51:51 -04:00

97 lines
3.1 KiB

$path_scripts = $PSScriptRoot
$path_helpers = join-path $path_scripts 'helpers'
$path_root = split-path -Parent -Path $path_scripts
$path_ue = join-path '../../Surgo' 'UE'
$path_project = join-path $path_root 'Project'
$feditor_log = '-log'
$fubt_project = '-project'
$fubt_projectfiles = '-projectfiles'
$fubt_game = '-game'
$fubt_engine = '-engine'
$fubt_progress = '-progress'
$ue_editor = join-path $path_ue Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor.exe
$UAT = join-path $path_ue 'Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat'
$UBT = join-path $path_ue 'Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.exe'
$uproject = join-path $path_project 'Gasa.uproject'
$UAT_BuildCookRun = 'BuildCookRun'
$UAT_BuildGame = 'BuildGame'
$UAT_BuildTarget = 'BuildTarget'
$fUAT_unattended = '-unattended'
$fUAT_configuration = '-configuration'
$fUAT_no_tools = '-notools'
$fUAT_no_xge = '-NoXGE'
$fUAT_disable_unity = '-DisableUnity'
$fUAT_for_unity_builds = '-ForceUnity'
$fUAT_client_config = '-clientconfig'
$fUAT_target_platform = '-targetplatform'
$fUAT_server_target_platform = '-servertargetplatform'
$fUAT_package_target = '-package'
$fUAT_skip_package_target = '-skippackage'
$fUAT_never_package_target = '-neverpackage'
$fUAT_project = '-project'
$fUAT_clean = '-clean'
$fUAT_build = '-build'
$fUAT_editor = '-editor'
$fUAT_cook = '-cook'
$fUAT_cook_on_the_fly_streaming = '-cookontheflystreaming'
$fUAT_cook_all = '-CookAll'
$fUAT_cook_maps_only = '-CookMapsOnly'
$fUAT_stage_prequisites = '-prereqs'
$fUAT_stage = '-stage'
$fUAT_run = '-run'
$fUAT_rehydrate_assets = '-rehydrateassets' # Downloads assets that are only referenced virtually
$fUAT_archive = '-archive'
$fUAT_skip_cook = '-skipcook'
$fUAT_skip_cook_on_the_fly = '-skipcookonthefly'
$fUAT_skip_stage = '-skipstage'
$fUAT_generate_pak = '-pak'
$fUAT_pak_align_for_memory_mapping = '-PakAlignForMemoryMapping'
$fUAT_map_to_run = '-map'
$fUAT_server_map_additional_params = '-AdditionalServerMapParams'
$fUAT_distibute = '-distribute'
$fUAT_deploy = '-deploy'
# Build-Cook-Run combo
$fUAT_bcr_server_target = '-dedicatedserver'
$fUAT_bcr_client_target = '-client'
$fUAT_run_just_server = '-noclient'
$fUAT_client_open_log = '-logwindow'
$fUAT_skip_server = '-skipserver'
# Push-Location $path_ue
Push-Location $path_project
$UAT_args = @()
$UAT_args += $UAT_BuildCookRun
$UAT_args += "$fUAT_project=$uproject"
$UAT_args += "$fUAT_target_platform=Win64"
$UAT_args += "$fUAT_client_config=Development"
$UAT_args += $fUAT_editor
$UAT_args += $fUAT_build
# $UAT_args += $fUAT_cook
# $UAT_args += $fUAT_cook_all
# $UAT_args += $fUAT_stage
& $UAT $UAT_args