Updates to gasagen gencpp library after backporting changes from this project to the gencpp repo.

This commit is contained in:
Edward R. Gonzalez 2024-10-25 05:04:11 -04:00
parent eef7709fc6
commit 208cc67a7f
25 changed files with 3769 additions and 1659 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
// Used in the GasaGen.cpp translation unit // Used in the GasaGen.cpp translation unit
#include "ChangeBPActionMenu.h"
#include "GasaGen_Common.h" #include "GasaGen_Common.h"
constexpr StrC SBlueprintActionMenu_Construct_Replacement = txt(R"( constexpr StrC SBlueprintActionMenu_Construct_Replacement = txt(R"(

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
## Current Design
`AST` is the actual managed node object for the library.
Its raw and really not meant to be used directly.
All user interaction must be with its pointer so the type they deal with is `AST*`.
For user-facing code, they should never be giveen a nullptr. Instead, they should be given a designated `Invalid` AST node.
In order to abstract away constant use of `AST*`, I wanted to provide a wrapper for it.
The simpliest being just a type alias.
using Code = AST*;
This is what the genc library would have to use due to its constraints of a langauge.
The actual content per type of AST is covered within [AST_Types.md](AST_Types.md).
These are pure PODS that just have the lay members relevant to the type of AST node they represent.
Each of them has a Code type alias specific to it.
Again, the simpliest case for these would be a type alias.
using struct AST_Typedef CodeTypedef;
As of November 21st, 2023, the AST has had a strict layout for how its content is laid out.
This will be abandoned during its redesign that will occur starting with support for statments & expressions for either execution and type declarations.
Having a strict layout is too resctrictive vs allowing each AST type to have maximum control over the layout.
The redesign will occur after the following todos are addressed:
* [Improvements Lexer & Token struct#27](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues/27)
* [Generalize AST Flags to a single 4-byte flag#42](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues/42)
* [AST-Code Object Redesign.#38](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues/38)
* [Code-AST Documentation#40](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues/40)
* [AST::debug_str() improvements#33](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues/33)
* [AST::is_equal implemented and works with singleheader-test#31](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues/31)
* [Parser : Add ability to have a parse failure and continue with errors recorded.#35](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues/35)
* [Scanner : Add CodeFile#29](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues/29)
* [Auxiliary : AST visual debugger#36](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues/36)

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@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
# AST Types Documentation
While the Readme for docs covers the data layout per AST, this will focus on the AST types avaialble, and their nuances.
## Body
These are containers representing a scope body of a definition that can be of the following `ECode` type:
* Class_Body
* Enum_Body
* Export_Body
* Extern_Linkage_Body
* Function_Body
* Global_Body
* Namespace_Body
* Struct_Body
* Union_Body
Code Front;
Code Back;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
s32 NumEntries;
The `Front` member represents the start of the link list and `Back` the end.
NumEntries is the number of entries in the body.
Parent should have a compatible ECode type for the type of defintion used.
Will output only the entries, the braces are handled by the parent.
## Attributes
Represent standard or vendor specific C/C++ attributes.
StringCached Content;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
While the parser supports the `__declspec` and `__attribute__` syntax, the upfront constructor ( def_attributes ) must have the user specify the entire attribute, including the `[[]]`, `__declspec` or `__attribute__` parts.
## Comment
Stores a comment.
StringCached Content;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
The parser will perserve comments found if residing with a body or in accepted inline-to-definition locations.
Otherwise they will be skipped by the TokArray::__eat and TokArray::current( skip foramtting enabled ) functions.
The upfront constructor: `def_comment` expects to recieve a comment without the `//` or `/* */` parts. It will add them during construction.
## Class & Struct
CodeComment InlineCmt; // Only supported by forward declarations
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeType ParentType;
CodeBody Body;
CodeType Prev; // Used to store references to interfaces
CodeType Next; // Used to store references to interfaces
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
AccessSpec ParentAccess;
// Class_Fwd
<ModuleFlags> <class/struct> <Name>; <InlineCmt>
// Class
<ModuleFlags> <class/struct> <Attributes> <Name> : <ParentAccess> <ParentType>, public <ParentType->Next>, ... <InlineCmt>
You'll notice that only one parent type is supported only with parent access. This library only supports single inheritance, the rest must be done through interfaces.
## Constructor
CodeComment InlineCmt; // Only supported by forward declarations
Code InitializerList;
CodeParam Params;
Code Body;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
// Constructor_Fwd
<Specs> <Parent->Name>( <Params> ); <InlineCmt>
// Constructor
<Specs> <Parent->Name>( <Params> ) <InlineCmt>
: <InitializerList>
// Constructor Source Implementation
<Specs> <Parent>::~<Parent->Name>( <Params> ) <Specs>
## Define
Represents a preprocessor define
StringCached Content;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
#define <Name> <Content>
## Destructor
CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
Code Body;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
// Destructor_Fwd
<Specs> ~<Parent->Name>( <Params> ) <Specs>; <InlineCmt>
// Destructor
<Specs> ~<Parent->Name>( <Params> ) <Specs>
// Destructor Source Implementation
<Specs> <Parent>::~<Parent->Name>( <Params> ) <Specs>
## Enum
CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeType UnderlyingType;
CodeBody Body;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
// Enum_Fwd
<ModuleFlags> enum class <Name> : <UnderlyingType>; <InlineCmt>
// Enum
<ModuleFlags> <enum or enum class> <Name> : <UnderlyingType>
## Execution
Just represents an execution body. Equivalent to an untyped body.
Will be obsolute when function body parsing is implemented.
StringCached Content;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
## External Linkage
CodeBody Body;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
extern "<Name>"
## Include
StringCached Content;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Code Parent;
parser::Token* Tok;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
#include <Content>
## Friend
This library (until its necessary become some third-party library to do otherwise) does not support friend declarations with in-statment function definitions.
CodeComment InlineCmt;
Code Declaration;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
friend <Declaration>; <InlineCmt>
## Function
CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeType ReturnType;
CodeParam Params;
CodeBody Body;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
// Function_Fwd
<ModuleFlags> <Attributes> <Specs> <ReturnType> <Name>( <Params> ) <Specs>; <InlineCmt>
// Function
<ModuleFlags> <Attributes> <Specs> <ReturnType> <Name>( <Params> ) <Specs>
## Module
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
<ModuleFlags> module <Name>;
## Namespace
CodeBody Body;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
<ModuleFlags> namespace <Name>
## Operator Overload
CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeType ReturnType;
CodeParam Params;
CodeBody Body;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
OperatorT Op;
// Operator_Fwd
<ModuleFlags> <Attributes> <Specs> <ReturnType> operator <Op>( <Params> ) <Specs>; <InlineCmt>
// Operator
<ModuleFlags> <Attributes> <Specs> <ReturnType> <Name>operator <Op>( <Params> ) <Specs>
## Operator Cast Overload ( User-Defined Type Conversion )
CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeType ValueType;
CodeBody Body;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
// Operator_Cast_Fwd
<Specs> operator <ValueType>() <Specs>; <InlineCmt>
// Operator_Cast
<Specs> <Name>operator <ValueType>() <Specs>
## Parameters (AST_Param)
CodeType ValueType;
Code Macro;
Code Value;
CodeParam Last;
CodeParam Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
s32 NumEntries;
<Macro>, <Next> ... <Last>
<Macro> <ValueType> <Name>, <Next>... <Last>
## Pragma
StringCached Content;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
#pragma <Content>
## Preprocessor Conditional
StringCached Content;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
paser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
#<based off Type> <Content>
## Specifiers
SpecifierT ArrSpecs[ AST::ArrSpecs_Cap ];
CodeSpecifiers NextSpecs;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
s32 NumEntries;
<Spec>, ...
## Template
CodeParam Params;
Code Declaration;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
template< <Params> >
## Typename
Typenames represent the type "symbol".
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeReturnType ReturnType;
CodeParam Params;
Code ArrExpr;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
b32 IsParamPack;
<Attributes> <Name> <Specs> <IsParamPack ?: ...>
## Typedef
Behave as usual except function or macro typedefs.
Those (macros) don't use the underlying type field as everything was serialized under the Name field.
CodeComment InlineCmt;
Code UnderlyingType;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parse::Token* Tok
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
b32 IsFunction;
// Regular
<ModuleFlags> typedef <UnderlyingType> <Name>; <InlineCmt>
// Functions
<ModuleFlags> typedef <ReturnType> <Name>( <Parameters> ); <InlineCmt>
<ModuleFlags> typedef <ReturnType> ( <Expression that yeilds an Identifier signature> )( <Parameters> ); <InlineCmt>
## Union
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeBody Body;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
<ModuleFlags> union <Attributes> <Name>
## Using
CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeType UnderlyingType;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
// Regular
<ModuleFlags> using <Attributes> <Name> = <UnderlyingType>; <InlineCmt>
// Namespace
<ModuleFlags> using namespace <Name>; <InlineCmt>
## Variable
CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeType ValueType;
Code BitfieldSize;
Code Value;
CodeVar NextVar;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
// Regular
<ModuleFlags> <Attributes> <Specs> <ValueType> <Name> = <Value>, NextVar ...; <InlineCmt>
// Bitfield
<ModuleFlags> <Attributes> <Specs> <ValueType> <Name> : <BitfieldSize> = <Value>, NextVar ...; <InlineCmt>

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2023, Edward R. Gonzalez
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.

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@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
# Parser's Algorithim
gencpp uses a hand-written recursive descent parser. Both the lexer and parser currently handle a full C/C++ file in a single pass.
## Notable implementation background
### Lexer
The lex procedure does the lexical pass of content provided as a `StrC` type.
The tokens are stored (for now) in `gen::parser::Tokens`.
Array<Token> Arr;
s32 Idx;
What token types are supported can be found in [ETokType.csv](../project/enums/ETokType.csv) you can also find the token types in [ETokType.h](../project/components/gen/etoktype.cpp) , which is the generated enum from the csv file.
Tokens are defined with the struct `gen::parser::Token`:
char const* Text;
sptr Length;
TokType Type;
s32 Line;
s32 Column;
u32 Flags;
Flags is a bitfield made up of TokFlags (Token Flags):
* `TF_Operator` : Any operator token used in expressions
* `TF_Assign`
* Using statment assignment
* Parameter argument default value assignment
* Variable declaration initialization assignment
* `TF_Preprocess` : Related to a preprocessing directive
* `TF_Preprocess_Cond` : A preprocess conditional
* `TF_Attribute` : An attribute token
* `TF_AccessSpecifier` : An accesor operation token
* `TF_Specifier` : One of the specifier tokens
* `TF_EndDefinition` : Can be interpreted as an end definition for a scope.
* `TF_Formatting` : Considered a part of the formatting
* `TF_Literal` : Anything considered a literal by C++.
I plan to replace IsAssign with a general flags field and properly keep track of all operator types instead of abstracting it away to `ETokType::Operator`.
Traversing the tokens is done with the following interface macros:
| Macro | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `currtok_noskip` | Get the current token without skipping whitespace |
| `currtok` | Get the current token, skip any whitespace tokens |
| `prevtok` | Get the previous token (does not skip whitespace) |
| `nexttok` | Get the next token (does not skip whitespace) |
| `eat( Token Type )` | Check to see if the current token is of the given type, if so, advance Token's index to the next token |
| `left` | Get the number of tokens left in the token array |
| `check_noskip` | Check to see if the current token is of the given type, without skipping whitespace |
| `check` | Check to see if the current token is of the given type, skip any whitespace tokens |
### Parser
The parser has a limited user interface, only specific types of definitions or statements are expected to be provided by the user directly when using to construct an AST dynamically (See SOA for example). It however does attempt to provide capability to parse a full C/C++ from production codebases.
Each public user interface procedure has the following format:
<code type> parse_<definition type>( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
using namespace Parser;
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return CodeInvalid;
// Parse the tokens and return a constructed AST using internal procedures
The most top-level parsing procedure used for C/C++ file parsing is `parse_global_body`:
It uses a helper procedure called `parse_global_nspace`.
Each internal procedure will have the following format:
<code type> parse_<definition_type>( <empty or contextual params> )
<code type> result = (<code type>) make_code();
return result;
Below is an outline of the general alogirithim used for these internal procedures. The intention is to provide a basic briefing to aid the user in traversing the actual code definitions. These appear in the same order as they are in the `parser.cpp` file
***NOTE: This is still heavily in an alpha state. A large swaph of this can change, make sure these docs are up to date before considering them 1:1 with the repo commit your considering.***
## `parse_array_decl`
1. Check if its an array declaration with no expression.
1. Consume and return empty array declaration
2. Opening square bracket
3. Consume expression
4. Closing square bracket
5. If adjacent opening bracket
1. Repeat array declaration parse until no brackets remain
## `parse_assignment_expression`
1. Eat the assignment operator
2. Make sure there is content or at least an end statement after.
3. Flatten the assignment expression to an untyped Code string.
## `parse_attributes`
1. Check for standard attribute
2. Check for GNU attribute
3. Check for MSVC attribute
4. Check for a token registered as an attribute
a. Check and grab the arguments of a token registered of an attribute if it has any.
5. Repeat for chained attributes. Flatten them to a single attribute AST node.
## `parse_class_struct`
1. Check for export module specifier
2. class or struct keyword
3. `parse_attributes`
4. If identifier : `parse_identifier`
5. Parse inherited parent or interfaces
6. If opening curly brace : `parse_class_struct_body`
7. If not an inplace definition
1. End statement
2. Check for inline comment
## `parse_class_struct_body`
1. Opening curly brace
2. Parse the body (Possible options):
1. Ignore dangling end statements
2. Newline : ast constant
3. Comment : `parse_comment`
4. Access_Public : ast constant
5. Access_Protected : ast constant
6. Access_Private : ast constant
7. Decl_Class : `parse_complicated_definition`
8. Decl_Enum : `parse_complicated_definition`
9. Decl_Friend : `parse_friend`
10. Decl_Operator : `parse_operator_cast`
11. Decl_Struct : `parse_complicated_definition`
12. Decl_Template : `parse_template`
13. Decl_Typedef : `parse_typedef`
14. Decl_Union : `parse_complicated_definition`
15. Decl_Using : `parse_using`
16. Operator == '~'
1. `parse_destructor`
17. Preprocess_Define : `parse_define`
18. Preprocess_Include : `parse_include`
19. Preprocess_Conditional (if, ifdef, ifndef, elif, else, endif) : `parse_preprocess_cond` or else/endif ast constant
20. Preprocess_Macro : `parse_simple_preprocess`
21. Preprocess_Pragma : `parse_pragma`
22. Preprocess_Unsupported : `parse_simple_preprocess`
23. StaticAssert : `parse_static_assert`
24. The following compound into a resolved definition or declaration:
1. Attributes (Standard, GNU, MSVC) : `parse_attributes`
2. Specifiers (consteval, constexpr, constinit, explicit, forceinline, inline, mutable, neverinline, static, volatile, virtual)
3. Possible Destructor : `parse_destructor`
4. Possible User defined operator cast : `parse_operator_cast`
5. Possible Constructor : `parse_constructor`
6. Something that has the following: (identifier, const, unsigned, signed, short, long, bool, char, int, double)
1. Possible Constructor `parse_constructor`
2. Possible Operator, Function, or varaible : `parse_operator_function_or_variable`
25. Something completely unknown (will just make untyped...) : `parse_untyped`
## `parse_comment`
1. Just wrap the token into a cached string ( the lexer did the processing )
## `parse_compilcated_definition`
This is a helper function used by the following functions to help resolve a declaration or definition:
* `parse_class_struct_body`
* `parse_global_nspace`
* `parse_union`
A portion of the code in `parse_typedef` is very similar to this as both have to resolve a similar issue.
1. Look ahead to the termination token (End statement)
2. Check to see if it fits the pattern for a forward declare
3. If the previous token was an identifier ( `token[-1]` ):
1. Look back one more token : `[-2]`
2. If the token has a closing brace its an inplace definition
3. If the `token[-2]` is an identifier & `token[-3]` is the declaration type, its a variable using a namespaced type.
4. If the `token[-2]` is an indirection, then its a variable using a namespaced/forwarded type.
5. If the `token[-2]` is an assign classifier, and the starting tokens were the which type with possible `class` token after, its an enum forward declaration.
6. If any of the above is the case, `parse_operator_function_or_variable`
4. If the `token[2]` is a vendor fundamental type (builtin) then it is an enum forward declaration.
5. If the previous token was a closing curly brace, its a definition : `parse_forward_or_definition`
6. If the previous token was a closing square brace, its an array definition : `parse_operator_function_or_variable`
## `parse_define`
1. Define directive
2. Get identifier
3. Get Content (Optional)
## `parse_forward_or_definition`
* Parse any of the following for either a forward declaration or definition:
1. Decl_Class : `parse_class`
2. Decl_Enum : `parse_enum`
3. Decl_Struct : `parse_struct`
4. Decl_Union : `parse_union`
## `parse_function_after_name`
This is needed as a function defintion is not easily resolvable early on, as such this function handles resolving a function
after its been made ceratin that the type of declaration or definition is indeed for a function signature.
By the point this function is called the following are known : export module flag, attributes, specifiers, return type, & name
1. `parse_parameters`
2. parse postfix specifiers (we do not check if the specifier here is correct or not to be here... yet)
3. If there is a body : `parse_body`
4. Otherwise :
1. Statment end
2. Check for inline comment
## `parse_function_body`
Currently there is no actual parsing of the function body. Any content with the braces is shoved into an execution AST node.
In the future statements and expressions will be parsed.
1. Open curly brace
2. Grab all tokens between the brace and the closing brace, shove them in a execution AST node.
3. Closing curly brace
## `parse_global_nspace`
1. Make sure this is being called for a valid type (namespace, global body, export body, linkage body)
2. If its not a global body, consume the opening curly brace
3. Parse the body (Possible options):
1. Ignore dangling end statements
2. NewLine : ast constant
3. Comment : `parse_comment`
4. Decl_Cass : `parse_complicated_definition`
5. Decl_Enum : `parse_complicated_definition`
6. Decl_Extern_Linkage : `parse_extern_link`
7. Decl_Namespace : `parse_namespace`
8. Decl_Struct : `parse_complicated_definition`
9. Decl_Template : `parse_template`
10. Decl_Typedef : `parse_typedef`
11. Decl_Union : `parse_complicated_definition`
12. Decl_Using : `parse_using`
13. Preprocess_Define : `parse_define`
14. Preprocess_Include : `parse_include`
15. Preprocess_If, IfDef, IfNotDef, Elif : `parse_preprocess_cond`
16. Preprocess_Else : ast constant
17. Preprocess_Endif : ast constant
18. Preprocess_Macro : `parse_simple_preprocess`
19. Preprocess_Pragma : `parse_pragma`
20. Preprocess_Unsupported : `parse_simple_preprocess`
21. StaticAssert : `parse_static_assert`
22. Module_Export : `parse_export_body`
23. Module_Import : NOT_IMPLEMENTED
24. The following compound into a resolved definition or declaration:
1. Attributes ( Standard, GNU, MSVC, Macro ) : `parse_attributes`
2. Specifiers ( consteval, constexpr, constinit, extern, forceinline, global, inline, internal_linkage, neverinline, static )
3. Is either ( identifier, const specifier, long, short, signed, unsigned, bool, char, double, int)
1. Attempt to parse as constrcutor or destructor : `parse_global_nspace_constructor_destructor`
2. If its an operator cast (definition outside class) : `parse_operator_cast`
3. Its an operator, function, or varaible : `parse_operator_function_or_varaible`
4. If its not a global body, consume the closing curly brace
## `parse_global_nspace_constructor_destructor`
1. Look ahead for the start of the arguments for a possible constructor/destructor
2. Go back past the identifier
3. Check to see if its a destructor by checking for the `~`
4. Continue the next token should be a `::`
5. Determine if the next valid identifier (ignoring possible template parameters) is the same as the first identifier of the function.
6. If it is we have either a constructor or destructor so parse using their respective functions (`parse_constructor`, `parse_destructor`).
## `parse_identifier`
This is going to get heavily changed down the line to have a more broken down "identifier expression" so that the qualifier, template args, etc, can be distinguished between the targeted identifier.
The function can parse all of them, however the AST node compresses them all into a string.
1. Consume first identifier
2. `parse_template_args`
3. While there is a static symbol accessor ( `::` )
1. Consume `::`
2. Consume member identifier
3. `parse_template args` (for member identifier)
4. If a `~` is encounted and the scope is for a destructor's identifier, do not consume it and return with what parsed.
## `parse_include`
1. Consume include directive
2. Consume the path
## `parse_operator_after_ret_type`
This is needed as a operator defintion is not easily resolvable early on, as such this function handles resolving a operator after its been made ceratin that the type of declaration or definition is indeed for a operator signature.
By the point this function is called the following are known : export module flag, attributes, specifiers, return type
1. If there is any qualifiers for the operator, parse them
2. Consume operator keyword
3. Determine the operator type (This will be offloaded to the lexer moreso than how it is now) & consume
4. `parse_params`
5. If there is no parameters this is operator is a member of pointer if its symbols is a *.
6. Parse postfix specifiers
7. If there is a opening curly brace, `parse function_body`
8. Otherwise: consume end statement, check for inline comment.
## `parse_operator_function_or_variable`
When this function is called, attribute and specifiers may have been resolved, however what comes next can still be either an operator, function, or varaible.
1. Check for preprocessor macro, if there is one : `parse_simple_preprocess`
2. `parse_type` (Does the bulk of the work)
3. Begin lookahead to see if we get qualifiers or we eventually find the operator declaration
4. If we find an operator keyword : `parse_operator_after_ret_type`
5. otherwise :
1. `parse_identifier`
2. If we se a opening parenthesis (capture start), its a function : `parse_function_after_name`
3. Its a variable : `parse_variable_after_name`
## `parse_pragma`
1. Consume pragma directive
2. Process the token content into cached string
## `parse_params`
1. Consume either a `(` or `<` based on `use_template_capture` arg
2. If the we immdiately find a closing token, consume it and finish.
3. If we encounter a varadic argument, consume it and return a `param_varadic` ast constant
4. `parse_type`
5. If we have a macro, parse it (Unreal has macros as tags to parameters and or as entire arguments).
6. So long as next token isn't a comma
a. If we have an identifier
1. Consume it
2. Check for assignment:
a. Consume assign operator
b. Parse the expression
7. While we continue to encounter commas
a. Consume them
b. Repeat steps 3 to 6.2.b
8. Consume the closing token
## `parse_preprocess_cond`
1. Parse conditional directive
2. Process directive's content expression
## `parse_simple_preprocess`
There is still decent room for improvement in this setup. Right now the entire macro's relevant tokens are shoved into an untyped AST. It would be better to store it instead in an `AST_Macro` node instead down the line.
1. Consume the macro token
2. Check for an opening curly brace
1. Consume opening curly brace
2. Until the closing curly is encountered consume all tokens.
3. If the parent context is a typedef
1. Check for end stement
1. Consume it
2. Consume potential inline comment
3. Otherwise do steps 3 to 3.1.2
4. Shove it all in an untyped string
## `parse_static_assert`
1. Consume static assert and opening curly brace
2. Consume all tokens until the the closing brace is reached.
3. Consume curly brace and end statement
4. Place all tokens within braces into a content for the assert.
## `parse_template_args`
This will get changed heavily once we have better support for typename expressions
1. Consume opening angle bracket
2. Consume all tokens until closing angle bracket
3. Consme closing angle bracket
4. Return the currtok with the ammended length.
## `parse_variable_after_name`
This is needed as a variable defintion is not easily resolvable early on, it takes a long evaluation period before its known that the declaration or definition is a variable. As such this function handles resolving a variable.
By the point this function is called the following are known : export module flag, attributes, specifiers, value type, name
1. If its an assignment, parse the assignment expression (currently to an untyped string)
2. If its an opening curly brace, parse the expression within (currnelty to an untyped stirng).
1. Consume the closing curly brace
3. If its a `:`, we're dealing with bitfield definition:
1. Consume the assign classifier
2. Consume the expression (currently to an untyped string)
4. If a comma is encountered : `parse_variable declaration_list`
5. Consume statement end
6. Check for inline comment
## `parse_variable_declaration_list`
1. Consume the comma
2. Parse specifiers
3. `parse_variable_after_name`
## `parse_class`
1. `parse_class_struct`
## `parse_constructor`
This currently doesn't support postfix specifiers (planning to in the future)
1. `parse_identifier`
2. `parse_parameters`
3. If currtok is a `:`
1. Consume `:`
2. Parse the initializer list
3. `parse_function_body`
4. If currtok is an opening curly brace
1. `parse_function_body`
5. Otherwise:
1. Consume statement end
2. Check for inline comment
## `parse_destructor`
1. Check for and consume virtual specifier
2. Check for the `~` operator
3. `parse_identifier`
4. Consume opening and closing parenthesis
5. Check for assignment operator:
1. Consume assignment op
2. Consume pure specifier `0`
6. If not pure virtual & currtok is opening curly brace:
1. `parse_function_body`
7. Otherwise:
1. Consume end statement
2. If currtok is comment : `parse_comment`
## `parse_enum`
1. Consume enum token
2. Check for and consume class token
3. `parse_attributes`
4. If there is an identifier consume it
5. Check for a `:`
1. Consume `:`
2. `parse_type`
6. If there is a body parse it (Consume `{`):
1. Newline : ast constant
2. Comment : `parse_comment`
3. Preprocess_Define : `parse_define`
4. Preprocess_Conditional (if, ifdef, ifndef, elif ) : `parse_preprocess_cond`
5. Preprocess_Else : ast constant
6. Preprocess_Endif : ast constant
7. Preprocess_Macro : `parse_simple_preprocess`
8. Preprocess_Pragma : `parse_pragma`
9. Preprocess_Unsupported : `parse_smple_preprocess`
10. An actual enum entry
1. Consume identifier
2. If there is an assignment operator:
1. Consume operator
2. Consume the expression (assigned to untyped string for now)
3. If a macro is encountered consume it (Unreal UMETA macro support)
3. If there is a comma, consume it
## `parse_export_body`
1. `parse_global_nspace`
## `parse_extern_link_body`
1. `parse_global_nspace`
## `parse_extern_link`
1. Consume Decl_Extern_Linkage
2. Consume the linkage identifier
3. `parse_extern_link_body`
## `parse_friend`
1. Consume `friend`
2. `parse_type`
3. If the currok is an identifier its a function declaration or definition
1. `parse_function_after_name`
4. Consume end statement so long as its not a function definion
5. Check for inline comment, `parse_comment` if exists
## `parse_function`
1. Check and parse for `export`
2. `parse_attributes`
3. Parse specifiers
4. `parse_type`
5. `parse_identifier`
6. `parse_function_after_name`
## `parse_namespace`
1. Consume namespace declaration
2. Parse identifier
3. `parse_global_namespace`
## `parse_operator`
1. Check for and parse export declaration
2. `parse_attributes`
3. Parse specifiers
4. `parse_type`
5. `parse_operator_after_ret_type`
## `parse_operator_cast`
1. Look for and parse a qualifier namespace for the cast (in-case this is defined outside the class's scope)
2. Consume operator declaration
3. `parse_type`
4. Consume opening and closing parethesis
5. Check for a const qualifiying specifier
6. Check to see if this is a definition (`{`)
1. Consume `{`
2. Parse body to untyped string (parsing statement and expressions not supported yet)
3. Consume `}`
7. Otherwise:
1. Consume end statement
2. Check for and consume comment : `parse_comment`
## `parse_struct`
1. `parse_class_struct`
## `parse_template`
Note: This currently doesn't support templated operator casts (going to need to add support for it)
1. Check for and parse export declaration
2. Consume template declaration
3. `parse_params`
4. Parse for any of the following:
1. Decl_Class : `parse_class`
2. Decl_Struct : `parse_struct`
3. Decl_Union : `parse_union`
4. Decl_Using : `parse_using`
5. The following compound into a resolved definition or declaration:
1. `parse_attributes`
2. Parse specifiers
3. Attempt to parse as constructor or destructor: `parse_global_nspace_constructor_destructor`
4. Otherwise: `parse_operator_function_or_variable`
## `parse_type`
This function's implementation is awful and not done correctly. It will most likely be overhauled in the future as I plan to segement the AST_Type into several AST varaints along with sub-types to help produce robust type expressions.
Hopefully I won't need to make authentic type expressions as I was hopeing to avoid that...
### Current Algorithim
Anything that is in the qualifier capture of the function typename is treated as an expression abstracted as an untyped string
1. `parse_attributes`
2. Parse specifiers
3. If the `parse_type` was called from a template parse, check to see if class was used instead of typname and consume as name.
4. This is where things get ugly for each of these depend on what the next token is.
1. If its an in-place definition of a class, enum, struct, or union:
2. If its a decltype (Not supported yet but draft impl there)
3. If its a compound native type expression (unsigned, char, short, long, int, float, dobule, etc )
4. Ends up being a regular type alias of an identifier
5. Parse specifiers (postfix)
6. We need to now look ahead to see If we're dealing with a function typename
7. If wer're dealing with a function typename:
1. Shove the specifiers, and identifier code we have so far into a return type typename's Name (untyped string)
1. Reset the specifiers code for the top-level typeanme
2. Check to see if the next token is an identifier:
1. `parse_identifier`
3. Check to see if the next token is capture start and is not the last capture ("qualifier capture"):
1. Consume `(`
2. Consume expresssion between capture
3. Consume `)`
4. `parse_params`
5. Parse postfix specifiers
8. Check for varaidic argument (param pack) token:
1. Consume varadic argument token
### WIP - Alternative Algorithim
Currently wrapped up via macro: `GEN_USE_NEW_TYPENAME_PARSING`
Anything that is in the qualifier capture of the function typename is treated as an expression abstracted as an untyped string
1. `parse_attributes`
2. Parse specifiers (prefix)
3. This is where things get ugly for each of these depend on what the next token is.
1. If its an in-place definition of a class, enum, struct, or union:
2. If its a decltype (Not supported yet but draft impl there)
3. If its a compound native type expression (unsigned, char, short, long, int, float, dobule, etc )
4. Ends up being a regular type alias of an identifier
4. Parse specifiers (postfix)
1. If any specifiers are found populate specifiers code with them.
5. We need to now look ahead to see If we're dealing with a function typename
6. If wer're dealing with a function typename:
1. Shove the specifiers, and identifier code we have so far into a return type typename's Name (untyped string)
1. Reset the specifiers code for the top-level typename
2. Check to see if the next token is an identifier:
1. `parse_identifier`
3. Check to see if the next token is capture start and is not the last capture ("qualifier capture"):
1. Consume `(`
2. Parse binding specifiers
3. `parse_identifier`
4. `parse_parameters` -> params_nested
5. Consume `)`
6. Construct a nested function typename definition for the qualifier `Name`
4. `parse_params` - > params
5. Parse postfix specifiers
7. Check for varaidic argument (param pack) token:
1. Consume varadic argument token
### **Later: Algorithim based on typename expressions**
## `parse_typedef`
1. Check for export module specifier
2. typedef keyword
3. If its a preprocess macro: Get the macro name
4. Else:
1. Check to see if its a complicated definition (in-place enum, class, struct, union)
2. If its a complicated definition:
1. Perform the look ahead similar to `parse_complicated_definition`'s implementation
2. Check to see if its a forward declaration : `parse_forward_declaration`
3. If end[-1] is an identifier:
1. Its either an in-place, varaible type qualified identifier, or indirection type:
1. `parse_foward_or_definition`
4. else if end[-1] is a closing curly brace
1. Its a definition: `parse_forward_or_definition`
5. else if end[-1] is a closing square brace
2. Its an array definition: `parse_type`
3. Else : `parse-type`
4. Check for identifier : Consume the token
5. `parse_array_decl`
5. Consume end statement
6. Check for inline comment : `parse_comment`
## `parse_union`
1. Check for export module specifier
2. union keyword
3. `parse_attributes`
4. Check for identifier
5. Parse the body (Possible options):
1. Newline
2. Comment
3. Decl_Class
4. Decl_Enum
5. Decl_Struct
6. Decl_Union
7. Preprocess_Define
8. Preprocess_Conditional (if, ifdef, ifndef, elif, else, endif)
9. Preprocess_Macro
10. Preprocess_Pragma
11. Unsupported preprocess directive
12. Variable
6. If its not an inplace definiton: End Statement
## `parse_using`
1. Check for export module specifier
2. using keyword
3. Check to see if its a using namespace
4. Get the identifier
5. If its a regular using declaration:
1. `parse_attributes`
2. `parse_type`
3. `parse_array_decl`
6. End statement
7. Check for inline comment
## `parse_variable`
1. Check for export module specifier
2. `parse_attributes`
3. `parse specifiers`
4. `parse_type`
5. `parse_identifier`
6. `parse_variable_after_name`

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# Parsing
The library features a naive parser tailored for only what the library needs to construct the supported syntax of C++ into its AST.
This parser does not, and should not do the compiler's job. By only supporting this minimal set of features, the parser is kept (so far) around ~5600 loc. I hope to keep it under 10k loc worst case.
You can think of this parser of a frontend parser vs a semantic parser. Its intuitively similar to WYSIWYG. What you precerive as the syntax from the user-side before the compiler gets a hold of it, is what you get.
User exposed interface:
CodeClass parse_class ( StrC class_def );
CodeConstructor parse_constructor ( StrC constructor_def );
CodeDestructor parse_destructor ( StrC destructor_def );
CodeEnum parse_enum ( StrC enum_def );
CodeBody parse_export_body ( StrC export_def );
CodeExtern parse_extern_link ( StrC exten_link_def );
CodeFriend parse_friend ( StrC friend_def );
CodeFn parse_function ( StrC fn_def );
CodeBody parse_global_body ( StrC body_def );
CodeNS parse_namespace ( StrC namespace_def );
CodeOperator parse_operator ( StrC operator_def );
CodeOpCast parse_operator_cast( StrC operator_def );
CodeStruct parse_struct ( StrC struct_def );
CodeTemplate parse_template ( StrC template_def );
CodeType parse_type ( StrC type_def );
CodeTypedef parse_typedef ( StrC typedef_def );
CodeUnion parse_union ( StrC union_def );
CodeUsing parse_using ( StrC using_def );
CodeVar parse_variable ( StrC var_def );
To parse file buffers, use the `parse_global_body` function.
***Parsing will aggregate any tokens within a function body or expression statement to an untyped Code AST.***
Everything is done in one pass for both the preprocessor directives and the rest of the language.
The parser performs no macro expansion as the scope of gencpp feature-set is to only support the preprocessor for the goal of having rudimentary awareness of preprocessor ***conditionals***, ***defines***, ***includes***, and ***pragmas***.
The keywords supported for the preprocessor are:
* include
* define
* if
* ifdef
* elif
* endif
* pragma
Each directive `#` line is considered one preproecessor unit, and will be treated as one Preprocessor AST. *These ASTs will be considered members or entries of braced scope they reside within*.
If a directive is used with an unsupported keyword its will be processed as an untyped AST.
The preprocessor lines are stored as members of their associated scope they are parsed within. ( Global, Namespace, Class/Struct )
Any preprocessor definition abuse that changes the syntax of the core language is unsupported and will fail to parse if not kept within an execution scope (function body, or expression assignment).
* function signatures are allowed for a preprocessed macro: `neverinline MACRO() { ... }`
* typedefs allow for a preprocessed macro: `typedef MACRO();`
* Disable with: `#define GEN_PARSER_DISABLE_MACRO_TYPEDEF`
*(Exceptions are added on an on-demand basis)*
*(See functions `parse_operator_function_or_variable` and `parse_typedef` )*
Adding your own exceptions is possible by simply modifying the parser to allow for the syntax you need.
*Note: You could interpret this strictness as a feature. This would allow the user to see if their codebase or a third-party's codebase some some egregious preprocessor abuse.*
The lexing and parsing takes shortcuts from whats expected in the standard.
* Numeric literals are not checked for validity.
* The parse API treats any execution scope definitions with no validation and are turned into untyped Code ASTs.
* *This includes the assignment of variables.*
* Attributes ( `[[]]` (standard), `__declspec` (Microsoft), or `__attribute__` (GNU) )
* Assumed to *come before specifiers* (`const`, `constexpr`, `extern`, `static`, etc) for a function or right afterthe return type.
* Or in the usual spot for class, structs, (*right after the declaration keyword*)
* typedefs have attributes with the type (`parse_type`)
* Parsing attributes can be extended to support user defined macros by defining `GEN_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_TOKENS` (see `gen.hpp` for the formatting)
Empty lines used throughout the file are preserved for formatting purposes during ast serialization.

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# gencpp
An attempt at simple staged metaprogramming for c/c++.
The library API is a composition of code element constructors.
These build up a code AST to then serialize with a file builder.
This code base attempts follow the [handmade philosophy](https://handmade.network/manifesto).
Its not meant to be a black box metaprogramming utility, it should be easy to intergrate into a user's project domain.
## Notes
**On Partial Hiatus: Life has got me tackling other issues..**
I will be passively updating the library with bug fixes and minor improvements as I use it for my personal projects.
There won't be any major reworks or features to this thing for a while.
This project is still in development (very much an alpha state), so expect bugs and missing features.
See [issues](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues) for a list of known bugs or todos.
The library can already be used to generate code just fine, but the parser is where the most work is needed. If your C++ isn't "down to earth" expect issues.
A `natvis` and `natstepfilter` are provided in the scripts directory (its outdated, I'll update this readme when its not).
***The editor and scanner have not been implemented yet. The scanner will come first, then the editor.***
A C variant is hosted [here](https://github.com/Ed94/genc); I will complete it when this library is feature complete, it should be easier to make than this...
## Usage
A metaprogram is built to generate files before the main program is built. We'll term runtime for this program as `GEN_TIME`. The metaprogram's core implementation are within `gen.hpp` and `gen.cpp` in the project directory.
`gen.cpp` \`s `main()` is defined as `gen_main()` which the user will have to define once for their program. There they will dictate everything that should be generated.
In order to keep the locality of this code within the same files the following pattern may be used (although this pattern isn't required at all):
Within `program.cpp` :
#ifdef GEN_TIME
#include "gen.hpp"
u32 gen_main()
// "Stage" agnostic code.
#ifndef GEN_TIME
#include "program.gen.cpp"
// Regular runtime dependent on the generated code here.
The design uses a constructive builder API for the code to generate.
The user is provided `Code` objects that are used to build up the AST.
Example using each construction interface:
### Upfront
Validation and construction through a functional interface.
Code t_uw = def_type( name(uw) );
Code t_allocator = def_type( name(allocator) );
Code t_string_const = def_type( name(char), def_specifiers( args( ESpecifier::Const, ESpecifier::Ptr ) ));
Code header;
Code num = def_variable( t_uw, name(Num) );
Code cap = def_variable( t_uw, name(Capacity) );
Code mem_alloc = def_variable( t_allocator, name(Allocator) );
Code body = def_struct_body( args( num, cap, mem_alloc ) );
header = def_struct( name(ArrayHeader), __, __, body );
### Parse
Validation through ast construction.
Code header = parse_struct( code(
struct ArrayHeader
uw Num;
uw Capacity;
allocator Allocator;
### Untyped
No validation, just glorified text injection.
Code header = code_str(
struct ArrayHeader
uw Num;
uw Capacity;
allocator Allocator;
`name` is a helper macro for providing a string literal with its size, intended for the name parameter of functions.
`code` is a helper macro for providing a string literal with its size, but intended for code string parameters.
`args` is a helper macro for providing the number of arguments to varadic constructors.
`code_str` is a helper macro for writting `untyped_str( code( <content> ))`
All three constrcuton interfaces will generate the following C code:
struct ArrayHeader
uw Num;
uw Capacity;
allocator Allocator;
**Note: The formatting shown here is not how it will look. For your desired formatting its recommended to run a pass through the files with an auto-formatter.**
*(The library currently uses clang-format for formatting, beware its pretty slow...)*
## Building
See the [scripts directory](scripts/).

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## Documentation
The project has no external dependencies beyond:
* `errno.h`
* `stat.h`
* `stdarg.h`
* `stddef.h`
* `stdio.h`
* `copyfile.h` (Mac)
* `types.h` (Linux)
* `unistd.h` (Linux/Mac)
* `intrin.h` (Windows)
* `io.h` (Windows with gcc)
* `windows.h` (Windows)
Dependencies for the project are wrapped within `GENCPP_ROLL_OWN_DEPENDENCIES` (Defining it will disable them).
The majority of the dependency's implementation was derived from the [c-zpl library](https://github.com/zpl-c/zpl).
This library was written in a subset of C++ where the following are not used at all:
* RAII (Constructors/Destructors), lifetimes are managed using named static or regular functions.
* Language provide dynamic dispatch, RTTI
* Object-Oriented Inheritance
* Exceptions
Polymorphic & Member-functions are used as an ergonomic choice, along with a conserative use of operator overloads.
There are only 4 template definitions in the entire library. (`Array<Type>`, `Hashtable<Type>`, `swap<Type>`, and `AST/Code::cast<Type>`)
Two generic templated containers are used throughout the library:
* `template< class Type> struct Array`
* `template< class Type> struct HashTable`
Both Code and AST definitions have a `template< class Type> Code/AST :: cast()`. Its just an alternative way to explicitly cast to each other.
`template< class Type> swap( Type& a, Type& b)` is used over a macro.
Otherwise the library is free of any templates.
**There is no support for validating expressions.**
Its difficult to parse without enough benefits (At the metaprogramming level).
I plan to add this only at the tail of the project parsing milestone.
**Only trivial template support is provided.**
The intention is for only simple, non-recursive substitution.
The parameters of the template are treated like regular parameter AST entries.
This means that the typename entry for the parameter AST would be either:
* `class`
* `typename`
* A fundamental type, function, or pointer type.
Anything beyond this usage is not supported by parse_template for arguments (at least not intentionally).
Use at your own mental peril.
*Concepts and Constraints are not supported, its usage is non-trivial substitution.*
### The Data & Interface
As mentioned in root readme, the user is provided Code objects by calling the constructor's functions to generate them or find existing matches.
The AST is managed by the library and provided to the user via its interface.
However, the user may specifiy memory configuration.
Data layout of AST struct (Subject to heavily change with upcoming redesign):
union {
AST* InlineCmt; // Class, Constructor, Destructor, Enum, Friend, Functon, Operator, OpCast, Struct, Typedef, Using, Variable
AST* Attributes; // Class, Enum, Function, Struct, Typedef, Union, Using, Variable
AST* Specs; // Destructor, Function, Operator, Typename, Variable
union {
AST* InitializerList; // Constructor
AST* ParentType; // Class, Struct, ParentType->Next has a possible list of interfaces.
AST* ReturnType; // Function, Operator, Typename
AST* UnderlyingType; // Enum, Typedef
AST* ValueType; // Parameter, Variable
union {
AST* Macro; // Parameters
AST* BitfieldSize; // Variable (Class/Struct Data Member)
AST* Params; // Constructor, Function, Operator, Template, Typename
union {
AST* ArrExpr; // Typename
AST* Body; // Class, Constructr, Destructor, Enum, Function, Namespace, Struct, Union
AST* Declaration; // Friend, Template
AST* Value; // Parameter, Variable
union {
AST* NextVar; // Variable; Possible way to handle comma separated variables declarations. ( , NextVar->Specs NextVar->Name NextVar->ArrExpr = NextVar->Value )
AST* SpecsFuncSuffix; // Only used with typenames, to store the function suffix if typename is function signature.
StringCached Content; // Attributes, Comment, Execution, Include
struct {
SpecifierT ArrSpecs[AST::ArrSpecs_Cap]; // Specifiers
AST* NextSpecs; // Specifiers
union {
AST* Prev;
AST* Front;
AST* Last;
union {
AST* Next;
AST* Back;
AST* Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
union {
b32 IsFunction; // Used by typedef to not serialize the name field.
b32 IsParamPack; // Used by typename to know if type should be considered a parameter pack.
OperatorT Op;
AccessSpec ParentAccess;
s32 NumEntries;
s32 Token; // Handle to the token, stored in the CodeFile (Otherwise unretrivable)
*`CodeT` is a typedef for `ECode::Type` which has an underlying type of `u32`*
*`OperatorT` is a typedef for `EOperator::Type` which has an underlying type of `u32`*
*`StringCahced` is a typedef for `String const`, to denote it is an interned string*
*`String` is the dynamically allocated string type for the library*
AST widths are setup to be AST_POD_Size.
The width dictates how much the static array can hold before it must give way to using an allocated array:
constexpr static
uw ArrSpecs_Cap =
- sizeof(AST*) * 3
- sizeof(StringCached)
- sizeof(CodeT)
- sizeof(ModuleFlag)
- sizeof(u32)
/ sizeof(SpecifierT) -1; // -1 for 4 extra bytes (Odd num of AST*)
*Ex: If the AST_POD_Size is 128 the capacity of the static array is 20.*
Data Notes:
* The allocator definitions used are exposed to the user incase they want to dictate memory usage
* You'll find the memory handling in `init`, `deinit`, `reset`, `gen_string_allocator`, `get_cached_string`, `make_code`.
* Allocators are defined with the `AllocatorInfo` structure found in `dependencies\memory.hpp`
* Most of the work is just defining the allocation procedure:
void* ( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, sw size, sw alignment, void* old_memory, sw old_size, u64 flags );
* ASTs are wrapped for the user in a Code struct which is a wrapper for a AST* type.
* Both AST and Code have member symbols but their data layout is enforced to be POD types.
* This library treats memory failures as fatal.
* Cached Strings are stored in their own set of arenas. AST constructors use cached strings for names, and content.
* `StringArenas`, `StringCache`, `Allocator_StringArena`, and `Allocator_StringTable` are the associated containers or allocators.
* Strings used for serialization and file buffers are not contained by those used for cached strings.
* They are currently using `GlobalAllocator`, which are tracked array of arenas that grows as needed (adds buckets when one runs out).
* Memory within the buckets is not reused, so its inherently wasteful.
* I will be augmenting the single arena with a simple slag allocator.
* Linked lists used children nodes on bodies, and parameters.
* Its intended to generate the AST in one go and serialize after. The constructors and serializer are designed to be a "one pass, front to back" setup.
* Allocations can be tuned by defining the folloiwng macros:
* `GEN_GLOBAL_BUCKET_SIZE` : Size of each bucket area for the global allocator
* `GEN_CODEPOOL_NUM_BLOCKS` : Number of blocks per code pool in the code allocator
* `GEN_SIZE_PER_STRING_ARENA` : Size per arena used with string caching.
* `GEN_MAX_COMMENT_LINE_LENGTH` : Longest length a comment can have per line.
* `GEN_MAX_NAME_LENGTH` : Max length of any identifier.
* `GEN_MAX_UNTYPED_STR_LENGTH` : Max content length for any untyped code.
* `GEN_TOKEN_FMT_TOKEN_MAP_MEM_SIZE` : token_fmt_va uses local_persit memory of this size for the hashtable.
The following CodeTypes are used which the user may optionally use strong typing with if they enable: `GEN_ENFORCE_STRONG_CODE_TYPES`
* CodeBody : Has support for `for-range` iterating across Code objects.
* CodeAttributes
* CodeComment
* CodeClass
* CodeConstructor
* CodeDefine
* CodeDestructor
* CodeEnum
* CodeExec
* CodeExtern
* CodeInclude
* CodeFriend
* CodeFn
* CodeModule
* CodeNS
* CodeOperator
* CodeOpCast
* CodeParam : Has support for `for-range` iterating across parameters.
* CodePreprocessCond
* CodePragma
* CodeSpecifiers : Has support for `for-range` iterating across specifiers.
* CodeStruct
* CodeTemplate
* CodeType
* CodeTypedef
* CodeUnion
* CodeUsing
* CodeVar
Each Code boy has an associated "filtered AST" with the naming convention: `AST_<CodeName>`
Unrelated fields of the AST for that node type are omitted and only necessary padding members are defined otherwise.
Retrieving a raw version of the ast can be done using the `raw()` function defined in each AST.
## There are three sets of interfaces for Code AST generation the library provides
* Upfront
* Parsing
* Untyped
### Upfront Construction
All component ASTs must be previously constructed, and provided on creation of the code AST.
The construction will fail and return CodeInvalid otherwise.
Interface :``
* def_attributes
* *This is pre-appended right before the function symbol, or placed after the class or struct keyword for any flavor of attributes used.*
* *Its up to the user to use the desired attribute formatting: `[[]]` (standard), `__declspec` (Microsoft), or `__attribute__` (GNU).*
* def_comment
* def_class
* def_constructor
* def_define
* def_destructor
* def_enum
* def_execution
* *This is equivalent to untyped_str, except that its intended for use only in execution scopes.*
* def_extern_link
* def_friend
* def_function
* def_include
* def_module
* def_namespace
* def_operator
* def_operator_cast
* def_param
* def_params
* def_pragma
* def_preprocess_cond
* def_specifier
* def_specifiers
* def_struct
* def_template
* def_type
* def_typedef
* def_union
* def_using
* def_using_namespace
* def_variable
* def_body
* def_class_body
* def_enum_body
* def_export_body
* def_extern_link_body
* def_function_body
* *Use this for operator bodies as well*
* def_global_body
* def_namespace_body
* def_struct_body
* def_union_body
<name> = def_<function type>( ... );
Code <name>
<name> = def_<function name>( ... );
When using the body functions, its recommended to use the args macro to auto determine the number of arguments for the varadic:
def_global_body( args( ht_entry, array_ht_entry, hashtable ));
// instead of:
def_global_body( 3, ht_entry, array_ht_entry, hashtable );
If a more incremental approach is desired for the body ASTs, `Code def_body( CodeT type )` can be used to create an empty body.
When the members have been populated use: `AST::validate_body` to verify that the members are valid entires for that type.
### Parse construction
A string provided to the API is parsed for the intended language construct.
Interface :
* parse_class
* parse_constructor
* parse_destructor
* parse_enum
* parse_export_body
* parse_extern_link
* parse_friend
* Purposefully are only support forward declares with this constructor.
* parse_function
* parse_global_body
* parse_namespace
* parse_operator
* parse_operator_cast
* parse_struct
* parse_template
* parse_type
* parse_typedef
* parse_union
* parse_using
* parse_variable
Code <name> = parse_<function name>( string with code );
Code <name> = def_<function name>( ..., parse_<function name>(
<string with code>
### Untyped constructions
Code ASTs are constructed using unvalidated strings.
Interface :
* token_fmt_va
* token_fmt
* untyped_str
* untyped_fmt
* untyped_token_fmt
During serialization any untyped Code AST has its string value directly injected inline of whatever context the content existed as an entry within.
Even though these are not validated from somewhat correct c/c++ syntax or components, it doesn't mean that Untyped code can be added as any component of a Code AST:
* Untyped code cannot have children, thus there cannot be recursive injection this way.
* Untyped code can only be a child of a parent of body AST, or for values of an assignment (ex: variable assignment).
These restrictions help prevent abuse of untyped code to some extent.
Usage Conventions:
Code <name> = def_variable( <type>, <name>, untyped_<function name>(
<string with code>
Code <name> = untyped_str( code(
<some code without "" quotes>
Optionally, `code_str`, and `code_fmt` macros can be used so that the code macro doesn't have to be used:
Code <name> = code_str( <some code without "" quotes > )
Template metaprogramming in the traditional sense becomes possible with the use of `token_fmt` and parse constructors:
StrC value = txt("Something");
char const* template_str = txt(
Code with <key> to replace with token_values
char const* gen_code_str = token_fmt( "key", value, template_str );
Code <name> = parse_<function name>( gen_code_str );
## Predefined Codes
The following are provided predefined by the library as they are commonly used:
* `access_public`
* `access_protected`
* `access_private`
* `attrib_api_export`
* `attrib_api_import`
* `module_global_fragment`
* `module_private_fragment`
* `fmt_newline`
* `param_varaidc` (Used for varadic definitions)
* `pragma_once`
* `preprocess_else`
* `preprocess_endif`
* `spec_const`
* `spec_consteval`
* `spec_constexpr`
* `spec_constinit`
* `spec_extern_linkage` (extern)
* `spec_final`
* `spec_forceinline`
* `spec_global` (global macro)
* `spec_inline`
* `spec_internal_linkage` (internal macro)
* `spec_local_persist` (local_persist macro)
* `spec_mutable`
* `spec_neverinline`
* `spec_override`
* `spec_ptr`
* `spec_pure`
* `spec_ref`
* `spec_register`
* `spec_rvalue`
* `spec_static_member` (static)
* `spec_thread_local`
* `spec_virtual`
* `spec_volatile`
* `t_empty` (Used for varaidc macros)
* `t_auto`
* `t_void`
* `t_int`
* `t_bool`
* `t_char`
* `t_wchar_t`
* `t_class`
* `t_typename`
Optionally the following may be defined if `GEN_DEFINE_LIBRARY_CODE_CONSTANTS` is defined
* `t_b32`
* `t_s8`
* `t_s16`
* `t_s32`
* `t_s64`
* `t_u8`
* `t_u16`
* `t_u32`
* `t_u64`
* `t_sw` (ssize_t)
* `t_uw` (size_t)
* `t_f32`
* `t_f64`
## Extent of operator overload validation
The AST and constructors will be able to validate that the arguments provided for the operator type match the expected form:
* If return type must match a parameter
* If number of parameters is correct
* If added as a member symbol to a class or struct, that operator matches the requirements for the class (types match up)
* There is no support for validating new & delete operations (yet)
The user is responsible for making sure the code types provided are correct
and have the desired specifiers assigned to them beforehand.
## Code generation and modification
There are three provided auxillary interfaces:
* Builder
* Editor
* Scanner
Editor and Scanner are disabled by default, use `GEN_FEATURE_EDITOR` and `GEN_FEATURE_SCANNER` to enable them.
### Builder is a similar object to the jai language's string_builder
* The purpose of it is to generate a file.
* A file is specified and opened for writing using the open( file_path) function.
* The code is provided via print( code ) function will be serialized to its buffer.
* When all serialization is finished, use the write() command to write the buffer to the file.
### Scanner Auxillary Interface
Provides *(eventually)* `scan_file` to automatically populate a CodeFile which contains a parsed AST (`Code`) of the file, with any contextual failures that are reported from the parser.

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
#include "gen.builder.hpp"
#ifdef __clang__ #ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
@ -20,6 +19,8 @@
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#endif #endif
#include "gen.builder.hpp"
Builder Builder::open( char const* path ) Builder Builder::open( char const* path )
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ Builder Builder::open( char const* path )
log_failure( "gen::File::open - Could not open file: %s", path ); log_failure( "gen::File::open - Could not open file: %s", path );
return result; return result;
} }
result.Buffer = String::make_reserve( GlobalAllocator, Builder_StrBufferReserve ); result.Buffer = String::make_reserve( GlobalAllocator, Builder_StrBufferReserve );
// log_fmt("$Builder - Opened file: %s\n", result.File.filename ); // log_fmt("$Builder - Opened file: %s\n", result.File.filename );

View File

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
#pragma once
#include "gen.hpp"
#ifdef __clang__ #ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
@ -22,6 +19,10 @@
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#endif #endif
#pragma once
#include "gen.hpp"
struct Builder struct Builder

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
#ifdef __clang__ #ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#endif #endif
#if ! defined( GEN_DONT_ENFORCE_GEN_TIME_GUARD ) && ! defined( GEN_TIME ) #if ! defined( GEN_DONT_ENFORCE_GEN_TIME_GUARD ) && ! defined( GEN_TIME )
#error Gen.hpp : GEN_TIME not defined #error Gen.hpp : GEN_TIME not defined
#endif #endif
@ -24,6 +26,7 @@
#include "gen.hpp" #include "gen.hpp"
#pragma region StaticData #pragma region StaticData
// TODO : Convert global allocation strategy to use a slab allocation strategy. // TODO : Convert global allocation strategy to use a slab allocation strategy.
@ -1943,7 +1946,7 @@ void CodeFn::to_string_def( String& result )
if ( ast->Attributes ) if ( ast->Attributes )
result.append_fmt( " %S ", ast->Attributes.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( " %S ", ast->Attributes.to_string() );
b32 prefix_specs = false; bool prefix_specs = false;
if ( ast->Specs ) if ( ast->Specs )
{ {
for ( SpecifierT spec : ast->Specs ) for ( SpecifierT spec : ast->Specs )
@ -1996,7 +1999,7 @@ void CodeFn::to_string_fwd( String& result )
if ( ast->Attributes ) if ( ast->Attributes )
result.append_fmt( "%S ", ast->Attributes.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( "%S ", ast->Attributes.to_string() );
bool prefix_specs = false; b32 prefix_specs = false;
if ( ast->Specs ) if ( ast->Specs )
{ {
for ( SpecifierT spec : ast->Specs ) for ( SpecifierT spec : ast->Specs )
@ -2225,7 +2228,14 @@ void CodeOpCast::to_string_def( String& result )
{ {
if ( ast->Specs ) if ( ast->Specs )
{ {
// TODO : Add support for specifies before the operator keyword for ( SpecifierT spec : ast->Specs )
if ( ! ESpecifier::is_trailing( spec ) )
StrC spec_str = ESpecifier::to_str( spec );
result.append_fmt( "%*s ", spec_str.Len, spec_str.Ptr );
if ( ast->Name && ast->Name.length() ) if ( ast->Name && ast->Name.length() )
result.append_fmt( "%Soperator %S()", ast->Name, ast->ValueType.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( "%Soperator %S()", ast->Name, ast->ValueType.to_string() );
@ -2255,7 +2265,14 @@ void CodeOpCast::to_string_fwd( String& result )
{ {
if ( ast->Specs ) if ( ast->Specs )
{ {
// TODO : Add support for specifies before the operator keyword for ( SpecifierT spec : ast->Specs )
if ( ! ESpecifier::is_trailing( spec ) )
StrC spec_str = ESpecifier::to_str( spec );
result.append_fmt( "%*s ", spec_str.Len, spec_str.Ptr );
result.append_fmt( "operator %S()", ast->ValueType.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( "operator %S()", ast->ValueType.to_string() );
@ -3026,7 +3043,6 @@ internal void define_constants()
#undef internal #undef internal
#undef local_persist #undef local_persist
#undef neverinline #undef neverinline
def_constant_spec( const, ESpecifier::Const ); def_constant_spec( const, ESpecifier::Const );
def_constant_spec( consteval, ESpecifier::Consteval ); def_constant_spec( consteval, ESpecifier::Consteval );
def_constant_spec( constexpr, ESpecifier::Constexpr ); def_constant_spec( constexpr, ESpecifier::Constexpr );
@ -5692,8 +5708,8 @@ namespace parser
Entry( Attribute_API_Export, "GEN_API_Export_Code" ) Entry( Attribute_API_Import, "GEN_API_Import_Code" ) \ Entry( Attribute_API_Export, "GEN_API_Export_Code" ) Entry( Attribute_API_Import, "GEN_API_Import_Code" ) \
Entry( Attribute_UE_DEPRECATED, "UE_DEPRECATED" ) Entry( Attribute_UMG_API, "UMG_API" ) Entry( Attribute_COREUOBJECT_API, "COREUOBJECT_API" ) \ Entry( Attribute_UE_DEPRECATED, "UE_DEPRECATED" ) Entry( Attribute_UMG_API, "UMG_API" ) Entry( Attribute_COREUOBJECT_API, "COREUOBJECT_API" ) \
Entry( Attribute_ENGINE_API, "ENGINE_API" ) Entry( Attribute_GASA_API, "GASA_API" ) \ Entry( Attribute_ENGINE_API, "ENGINE_API" ) Entry( Attribute_GAMEPLAYABILITIES_API, "GAMEPLAYABILITIES_API" ) \
enum Type : u32 enum Type : u32
{ {
@ -5798,12 +5814,12 @@ namespace parser
Attribute_UMG_API, Attribute_UMG_API,
Attribute_ENGINE_API, Attribute_ENGINE_API,
NumTokens NumTokens
}; };
StrC to_str( Type type ) inline StrC to_str( Type type )
{ {
local_persist StrC lookup[] { local_persist StrC lookup[] {
{ sizeof( "__invalid__" ), "__invalid__" }, { sizeof( "__invalid__" ), "__invalid__" },
@ -5907,13 +5923,13 @@ namespace parser
{ sizeof( "UMG_API" ), "UMG_API" }, { sizeof( "UMG_API" ), "UMG_API" },
{ sizeof( "ENGINE_API" ), "ENGINE_API" }, { sizeof( "ENGINE_API" ), "ENGINE_API" },
{ sizeof( "GASA_API" ), "GASA_API" },
{ sizeof( "GASA_API" ), "GASA_API" },
}; };
return lookup[type]; return lookup[type];
} }
Type to_type( StrC str ) inline Type to_type( StrC str )
{ {
local_persist u32 keymap[NumTokens]; local_persist u32 keymap[NumTokens];
do_once_start for ( u32 index = 0; index < NumTokens; index++ ) do_once_start for ( u32 index = 0; index < NumTokens; index++ )
@ -6139,7 +6155,8 @@ namespace parser
Lex_ReturnNull, Lex_ReturnNull,
}; };
FORCEINLINE s32 lex_preprocessor_directive( StrC& content, s32& left, char const*& scanner, s32& line, s32& column, HashTable<StrC>& preprocessor_defines, Token& token ) FORCEINLINE
s32 lex_preprocessor_directive( StrC& content, s32& left, char const*& scanner, s32& line, s32& column, HashTable<StrC>& defines, Token& token )
{ {
char const* hash = scanner; char const* hash = scanner;
Tokens.append( { hash, 1, TokType::Preprocess_Hash, line, column, TF_Preprocess } ); Tokens.append( { hash, 1, TokType::Preprocess_Hash, line, column, TF_Preprocess } );
@ -6267,7 +6284,7 @@ namespace parser
Tokens.append( name ); Tokens.append( name );
u64 key = crc32( name.Text, name.Length ); u64 key = crc32( name.Text, name.Length );
preprocessor_defines.set( key, name ); defines.set( key, name );
} }
Token preprocess_content = { scanner, 0, TokType::Preprocess_Content, line, column, TF_Preprocess }; Token preprocess_content = { scanner, 0, TokType::Preprocess_Content, line, column, TF_Preprocess };
@ -6383,7 +6400,8 @@ namespace parser
return Lex_Continue; // Skip found token, its all handled here. return Lex_Continue; // Skip found token, its all handled here.
} }
FORCEINLINE void lex_found_token( StrC& content, s32& left, char const*& scanner, s32& line, s32& column, HashTable<StrC>& preprocessor_defines, Token& token ) FORCEINLINE
void lex_found_token( StrC& content, s32& left, char const*& scanner, s32& line, s32& column, HashTable<StrC>& defines, Token& token )
{ {
if ( token.Type != TokType::Invalid ) if ( token.Type != TokType::Invalid )
{ {
@ -6440,7 +6458,7 @@ namespace parser
else else
key = crc32( token.Text, token.Length ); key = crc32( token.Text, token.Length );
StrC* define = preprocessor_defines.get( key ); StrC* define = defines.get( key );
if ( define ) if ( define )
{ {
token.Type = TokType::Preprocess_Macro; token.Type = TokType::Preprocess_Macro;
@ -6510,7 +6528,7 @@ namespace parser
{ {
s32 length = 0; s32 length = 0;
char const* scanner = entry.Data; char const* scanner = entry.Data;
while ( entry.length() > length && char_is_alphanumeric( *scanner ) || *scanner == '_' ) while ( entry.length() > length && ( char_is_alphanumeric( *scanner ) || *scanner == '_' ) )
{ {
scanner++; scanner++;
length++; length++;
@ -7122,8 +7140,8 @@ namespace parser
} }
// Handle number literal suffixes in a botched way // Handle number literal suffixes in a botched way
if (left && ( if ( left
current == 'l' || current == 'L' || // long/long long && ( current == 'l' || current == 'L' || // long/long long
current == 'u' || current == 'U' || // unsigned current == 'u' || current == 'U' || // unsigned
current == 'f' || current == 'F' || // float current == 'f' || current == 'F' || // float
current == 'i' || current == 'I' || // imaginary current == 'i' || current == 'I' || // imaginary
@ -7841,7 +7859,7 @@ namespace parser
return { nullptr }; return { nullptr };
} }
internal Code parse_class_struct( TokType which, bool binplace_def = false ) internal Code parse_class_struct( TokType which, bool inplace_def = false )
{ {
if ( which != TokType::Decl_Class && which != TokType::Decl_Struct ) if ( which != TokType::Decl_Class && which != TokType::Decl_Struct )
{ {
@ -7922,7 +7940,7 @@ namespace parser
// <ModuleFlags> <class/struct> <Attributes> <Name> : <Access Specifier> <Name>, ... { <Body> } // <ModuleFlags> <class/struct> <Attributes> <Name> : <Access Specifier> <Name>, ... { <Body> }
CodeComment inline_cmt = NoCode; CodeComment inline_cmt = NoCode;
if ( ! binplace_def ) if ( ! inplace_def )
{ {
Token stmt_end = currtok; Token stmt_end = currtok;
eat( TokType::Statement_End ); eat( TokType::Statement_End );
@ -8518,6 +8536,10 @@ namespace parser
s32 level = 0; s32 level = 0;
while ( left && currtok.Type != TokType::Statement_End && ( currtok.Type != TokType::Comma || level > 0 ) ) while ( left && currtok.Type != TokType::Statement_End && ( currtok.Type != TokType::Comma || level > 0 ) )
{ {
if ( currtok.Type == TokType::BraceCurly_Open )
if ( currtok.Type == TokType::BraceCurly_Close )
if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_Start ) if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_Start )
level++; level++;
else if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_End ) else if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_End )
@ -8996,7 +9018,7 @@ namespace parser
if ( found_operator_cast_outside_class_implmentation ) if ( found_operator_cast_outside_class_implmentation )
{ {
member = parse_operator_cast(); member = parse_operator_cast( specifiers );
// <Attributes> <Specifiers> <Name>::operator <Type>() { ... } // <Attributes> <Specifiers> <Name>::operator <Type>() { ... }
break; break;
} }
@ -9607,7 +9629,6 @@ namespace parser
return result; return result;
} }
internal Code parse_operator_function_or_variable( bool expects_function, CodeAttributes attributes, CodeSpecifiers specifiers ) internal Code parse_operator_function_or_variable( bool expects_function, CodeAttributes attributes, CodeSpecifiers specifiers )
{ {
push_scope(); push_scope();
@ -9699,7 +9720,6 @@ namespace parser
Context.pop(); Context.pop();
return result; return result;
} }
internal CodePragma parse_pragma() internal CodePragma parse_pragma()
{ {
@ -9831,7 +9851,8 @@ namespace parser
s32 capture_level = 0; s32 capture_level = 0;
s32 template_level = 0; s32 template_level = 0;
while ( left && ( currtok.Type != TokType::Comma ) && template_level >= 0 && CheckEndParams() || capture_level > 0 || template_level > 0 ) while ( ( left && ( currtok.Type != TokType::Comma ) && template_level >= 0 && CheckEndParams() ) || ( capture_level > 0 || template_level > 0 )
{ {
if ( currtok.Text[0] == '<' ) if ( currtok.Text[0] == '<' )
++template_level; ++template_level;
@ -9943,7 +9964,8 @@ namespace parser
s32 capture_level = 0; s32 capture_level = 0;
s32 template_level = 0; s32 template_level = 0;
while ( left && currtok.Type != TokType::Comma && template_level >= 0 && CheckEndParams() || capture_level > 0 || template_level > 0 ) while ( ( left && currtok.Type != TokType::Comma && template_level >= 0 && CheckEndParams() ) || ( capture_level > 0 || template_level > 0 )
{ {
if ( currtok.Text[0] == '<' ) if ( currtok.Text[0] == '<' )
++template_level; ++template_level;
@ -10019,7 +10041,7 @@ namespace parser
} }
CodePreprocessCond cond = (CodePreprocessCond)make_code(); CodePreprocessCond cond = (CodePreprocessCond)make_code();
cond->Type = scast( CodeT, currtok.Type - ( ETokType::Preprocess_If - ECode::Preprocess_If ) ); cond->Type = scast( CodeT, currtok.Type - ( TokType::Preprocess_If - ECode::Preprocess_If ) );
eat( currtok.Type ); eat( currtok.Type );
// #<Conditional> // #<Conditional>
@ -10416,6 +10438,8 @@ namespace parser
break; break;
} }
// eat(currtok.Type);
if ( specifiers ) if ( specifiers )
specifiers.append( spec ); specifiers.append( spec );
else else
@ -10447,10 +10471,10 @@ namespace parser
return result; return result;
} }
internal CodeClass parse_class( bool binplace_def ) internal CodeClass parse_class( bool inplace_def )
{ {
push_scope(); push_scope();
CodeClass result = (CodeClass)parse_class_struct( TokType::Decl_Class, binplace_def ); CodeClass result = (CodeClass)parse_class_struct( TokType::Decl_Class, inplace_def );
Context.pop(); Context.pop();
return result; return result;
} }
@ -10653,7 +10677,7 @@ namespace parser
return result; return result;
} }
internal CodeEnum parse_enum( bool binplace_def ) internal CodeEnum parse_enum( bool inplace_def )
{ {
using namespace ECode; using namespace ECode;
push_scope(); push_scope();
@ -10813,6 +10837,13 @@ namespace parser
// <Name> = <Expression> <Macro>, // <Name> = <Expression> <Macro>,
} }
// Consume inline comments
// if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Comment && prevtok.Line == currtok.Line )
// {
// eat( TokType::Comment );
// <Name> = <Expression> <Macro>, // <Inline Comment>
// }
entry.Length = ( (sptr)prevtok.Text + prevtok.Length ) - (sptr)entry.Text; entry.Length = ( (sptr)prevtok.Text + prevtok.Length ) - (sptr)entry.Text;
member = untyped_str( entry ); member = untyped_str( entry );
@ -10835,7 +10866,7 @@ namespace parser
CodeComment inline_cmt = NoCode; CodeComment inline_cmt = NoCode;
if ( ! binplace_def ) if ( ! inplace_def )
{ {
Token stmt_end = currtok; Token stmt_end = currtok;
eat( TokType::Statement_End ); eat( TokType::Statement_End );
@ -11181,8 +11212,6 @@ namespace parser
{ {
push_scope(); push_scope();
// TODO : Specifiers attributed to the cast
// Operator's namespace if not within same class. // Operator's namespace if not within same class.
Token name = NullToken; Token name = NullToken;
if ( check( TokType::Identifier ) ) if ( check( TokType::Identifier ) )
@ -11290,10 +11319,10 @@ namespace parser
return result; return result;
} }
internal inline CodeStruct parse_struct( bool binplace_def ) internal inline CodeStruct parse_struct( bool inplace_def )
{ {
push_scope(); push_scope();
CodeStruct result = (CodeStruct)parse_class_struct( TokType::Decl_Struct, binplace_def ); CodeStruct result = (CodeStruct)parse_class_struct( TokType::Decl_Struct, inplace_def );
Context.pop(); Context.pop();
return result; return result;
} }
@ -11608,6 +11637,18 @@ else if ( currtok.Type == TokType::DeclType )
name = currtok; name = currtok;
eat( TokType::Type_Typename ); eat( TokType::Type_Typename );
// <typename> // <typename>
if ( ! from_template )
name = parse_identifier();
Context.Scope->Name = name;
if ( ! name )
log_failure( "Error, failed to type signature\n%s", Context.to_string() );
return CodeInvalid;
} }
// The usual Identifier type signature that may have namespace qualifiers // The usual Identifier type signature that may have namespace qualifiers

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
#include "gen.dep.hpp" #include "gen.dep.hpp"
#ifdef __clang__ #ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
@ -19,9 +20,6 @@
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#endif #endif
#if ! defined( GEN_DONT_ENFORCE_GEN_TIME_GUARD ) && ! defined( GEN_TIME )
#error Gen.hpp : GEN_TIME not defined
#pragma region Macros and Includes #pragma region Macros and Includes
@ -2476,4 +2474,3 @@ GEN_NS_END
#ifdef __GNUC__ #ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#endif #endif

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
#pragma once #pragma once
#ifdef __clang__ #ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
@ -148,6 +150,10 @@
#endif #endif
#pragma once
#include "header_start.hpp"
#pragma region Macros #pragma region Macros
@ -159,6 +165,7 @@ GEN_NS_BEGIN
#define internal static // Internal linkage #define internal static // Internal linkage
#define local_persist static // Local Persisting variables #define local_persist static // Local Persisting variables
#pragma region ForceInline Definition
#define FORCEINLINE __forceinline #define FORCEINLINE __forceinline
#define neverinline __declspec( noinline ) #define neverinline __declspec( noinline )
@ -177,18 +184,23 @@ GEN_NS_BEGIN
#define neverinline #define neverinline
#endif #endif
#pragma endregion ForceInline Definition
// Bits // Bits
#ifndef bit
#define bit( Value ) ( 1 << Value ) #define bit( Value ) ( 1 << Value )
#define bitfield_is_equal( Type, Field, Mask ) ( ( Type( Mask ) & Type( Field ) ) == Type( Mask ) ) #define bitfield_is_equal( Type, Field, Mask ) ( ( Type( Mask ) & Type( Field ) ) == Type( Mask ) )
// Casting // Casting
#ifndef ccast
#define ccast( Type, Value ) ( *const_cast<Type*>( &( Value ) ) ) #define ccast( Type, Value ) ( *const_cast<Type*>( &( Value ) ) )
#define pcast( Type, Value ) ( *reinterpret_cast<Type*>( &( Value ) ) ) #define pcast( Type, Value ) ( *reinterpret_cast<Type*>( &( Value ) ) )
#define rcast( Type, Value ) reinterpret_cast<Type>( Value ) #define rcast( Type, Value ) reinterpret_cast<Type>( Value )
#define scast( Type, Value ) static_cast<Type>( Value ) #define scast( Type, Value ) static_cast<Type>( Value )
// Num Arguments (Varadics) // Num Arguments (Varadics)
// #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) // #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
@ -1105,12 +1117,15 @@ struct Arena
return alignment_offset; return alignment_offset;
} }
// This id is defined by Unreal for asserts
#pragma push_macro( "check" ) #pragma push_macro( "check" )
#undef check #undef check
void check() void check()
{ {
GEN_ASSERT( TempCount == 0 ); GEN_ASSERT( TempCount == 0 );
} }
#pragma pop_macro( "check" ) #pragma pop_macro( "check" )
void free() void free()
@ -1894,7 +1909,7 @@ struct HashTable
{ {
GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( map_proc ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( map_proc );
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ ) for ( sw idx = 0; idx < sw( Entries.num() ); ++idx )
{ {
map_proc( Entries[idx].Key, Entries[idx].Value ); map_proc( Entries[idx].Key, Entries[idx].Value );
} }
@ -1906,7 +1921,7 @@ struct HashTable
{ {
GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( map_proc ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( map_proc );
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ ) for ( sw idx = 0; idx < sw( Entries.num() ); ++idx )
{ {
map_proc( Entries[idx].Key, &Entries[idx].Value ); map_proc( Entries[idx].Key, &Entries[idx].Value );
} }
@ -1948,13 +1963,13 @@ struct HashTable
{ {
sw idx; sw idx;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ ) for ( idx = 0; idx < sw( Entries.num() ); idx++ )
Entries[idx].Next = -1; Entries[idx].Next = -1;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Hashes.num(); idx++ ) for ( idx = 0; idx < sw( Hashes.num() ); idx++ )
Hashes[idx] = -1; Hashes[idx] = -1;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ ) for ( idx = 0; idx < sw( Entries.num() ); idx++ )
{ {
Entry* entry; Entry* entry;
FindResult find_result; FindResult find_result;
@ -2020,7 +2035,7 @@ struct HashTable
sw slot( u64 key ) sw slot( u64 key )
{ {
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Hashes.num(); ++idx ) for ( sw idx = 0; idx < sw( Hashes.num() ); ++idx )
if ( Hashes[idx] == key ) if ( Hashes[idx] == key )
return idx; return idx;
@ -2088,26 +2103,25 @@ struct StrC
sw Len; sw Len;
char const* Ptr; char const* Ptr;
char const& operator[]( sw index ) const
return Ptr[index];
operator char const*() const operator char const*() const
{ {
return Ptr; return Ptr;
} }
char const& operator[]( sw index ) const
return Ptr[index];
}; };
#define cast_to_strc( str ) *rcast( StrC*, str - sizeof( sw ) ) #define cast_to_strc( str ) *rcast( StrC*, ( str ) - sizeof( sw ) )
#define txt( text ) \ #define txt( text ) \
StrC \ StrC \
{ \ { \
sizeof( (text) ) - 1, (text) \ sizeof( text ) - 1, ( text ) \
} }
inline inline StrC to_str( char const* str )
StrC to_str( char const* str )
{ {
return { str_len( str ), str }; return { str_len( str ), str };
} }
@ -2179,7 +2193,7 @@ struct String
static bool are_equal( String lhs, StrC rhs ) static bool are_equal( String lhs, StrC rhs )
{ {
if ( lhs.length() != (rhs.Len - 1) ) if ( lhs.length() != ( rhs.Len ) )
return false; return false;
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < lhs.length(); ++idx ) for ( sw idx = 0; idx < lhs.length(); ++idx )
@ -2218,7 +2232,7 @@ struct String
header.Length = curr_len + length; header.Length = curr_len + length;
} }
return true; return str != nullptr;
} }
bool append( StrC str ) bool append( StrC str )
@ -2257,24 +2271,6 @@ struct String
get_header().Length = 0; get_header().Length = 0;
} }
b32 starts_with( StrC substring ) const
if (substring.Len > length())
return false;
b32 result = str_compare(Data, substring.Ptr, substring.Len ) == 0;
return result;
b32 starts_with( String substring ) const
if (substring.length() > length())
return false;
b32 result = str_compare(Data, substring, substring.length() - 1 ) == 0;
return result;
String duplicate( AllocatorInfo allocator ) const String duplicate( AllocatorInfo allocator ) const
{ {
return make_length( allocator, Data, length() ); return make_length( allocator, Data, length() );
@ -2302,6 +2298,24 @@ struct String
return header.Length; return header.Length;
} }
b32 starts_with( StrC substring ) const
if ( substring.Len > length() )
return false;
b32 result = str_compare( Data, substring.Ptr, substring.Len ) == 0;
return result;
b32 starts_with( String substring ) const
if ( substring.length() > length() )
return false;
b32 result = str_compare( Data, substring, substring.length() - 1 ) == 0;
return result;
void skip_line() void skip_line()
{ {
#define current ( *scanner ) #define current ( *scanner )
@ -2883,4 +2897,3 @@ GEN_NS_END
#ifdef __GNUC__ #ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#endif #endif

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
#include "gen.scanner.hpp"
#ifdef __clang__ #ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
@ -20,6 +19,8 @@
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#endif #endif
#include "gen.scanner.hpp"
#pragma region ADT #pragma region ADT

View File

@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "gen.hpp"
#ifdef __clang__ #ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
@ -22,6 +21,8 @@
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#endif #endif
#include "gen.hpp"
#pragma region ADT #pragma region ADT
@ -453,7 +454,7 @@ GEN_IMPL_INLINE String csv_write_string( AllocatorInfo a, CSV_Object* obj )
// This is a simple file reader that reads the entire file into memory. // This is a simple file reader that reads the entire file into memory.
// It has an extra option to skip the first few lines for undesired includes. // It has an extra option to skip the first few lines for undesired includes.
// This is done so that includes can be kept in dependency and component files so that intellisense works. // This is done so that includes can be kept in dependency and component files so that intellisense works.
Code scan_file( char const* path ) inline Code scan_file( char const* path )
{ {
FileInfo file; FileInfo file;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "gen.dep.cpp"
#include "gen.cpp" #include "gen.cpp"
#include "gen.builder.cpp" #include "gen.builder.cpp"
// #include "gen.scanner.hpp" // #include "gen.scanner.hpp"
@ -82,16 +83,16 @@ int gen_main()
PreprocessorDefines.append( get_cached_string(str_UE_REQUIRES)); PreprocessorDefines.append( get_cached_string(str_UE_REQUIRES));
} }
gen_UGasaAttributeSet(); // gen_UGasaAttributeSet();
gen_FGasaDevOptionsCache(); // gen_FGasaDevOptionsCache();
gen_UHostWidgetController(); // gen_UHostWidgetController();
// gen_netslime_interfaces(); // gen_netslime_interfaces();
// One offs // One offs
if (0) if (1)
{ {
// ue_parse_testing(); ue_parse_testing();
swap_SBlueprintActionMenu_Construct(); //swap_SBlueprintActionMenu_Construct();
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,23 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvarargs"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcomment"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#include "gen.builder.hpp" #include "gen.builder.hpp"
@ -14,6 +33,7 @@ Builder Builder::open( char const* path )
log_failure( "gen::File::open - Could not open file: %s", path ); log_failure( "gen::File::open - Could not open file: %s", path );
return result; return result;
} }
result.Buffer = String::make_reserve( GlobalAllocator, Builder_StrBufferReserve ); result.Buffer = String::make_reserve( GlobalAllocator, Builder_StrBufferReserve );
// log_fmt("$Builder - Opened file: %s\n", result.File.filename ); // log_fmt("$Builder - Opened file: %s\n", result.File.filename );
@ -49,7 +69,7 @@ void Builder::print_fmt( char const* fmt, ... )
void Builder::write() void Builder::write()
{ {
bool result = file_write( &File, Buffer, Buffer.length() ); b32 result = file_write( &File, Buffer, Buffer.length() );
if ( result == false ) if ( result == false )
log_failure( "gen::File::write - Failed to write to file: %s\n", file_name( &File ) ); log_failure( "gen::File::write - Failed to write to file: %s\n", file_name( &File ) );
@ -60,3 +80,11 @@ void Builder::write()
} }
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

View File

@ -1,4 +1,23 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvarargs"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcomment"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma once #pragma once
@ -22,3 +41,11 @@ struct Builder
}; };
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
#if __clang__ #ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
@ -10,25 +11,20 @@
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#endif #endif
#if __GNUC__ #ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcomment" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcomment"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#endif #endif
#if ! defined( GEN_DONT_ENFORCE_GEN_TIME_GUARD ) && ! defined( GEN_TIME ) #if ! defined( GEN_DONT_ENFORCE_GEN_TIME_GUARD ) && ! defined( GEN_TIME )
#error Gen.hpp : GEN_TIME not defined #error Gen.hpp : GEN_TIME not defined
#endif #endif
#include "gen.hpp" #include "gen.hpp"
//! If its desired to roll your own dependencies, define GEN_ROLL_OWN_DEPENDENCIES before including this file.
//! Dependencies are derived from the c-zpl library: https://github.com/zpl-c/zpl
#include "gen.dep.cpp"
#pragma region StaticData #pragma region StaticData
@ -1654,7 +1650,7 @@ void CodeClass::to_string_def( String& result )
while ( interface ) while ( interface )
{ {
result.append_fmt( ", %S", interface.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( ", %S", interface.to_string() );
interface = interface->Next ? interface->Next->cast<CodeType>() : Code { nullptr }; interface = interface->Next ? interface->Next->cast<CodeType>() : CodeType { nullptr };
} }
} }
else if ( ast->Name ) else if ( ast->Name )
@ -1950,7 +1946,7 @@ void CodeFn::to_string_def( String& result )
if ( ast->Attributes ) if ( ast->Attributes )
result.append_fmt( " %S ", ast->Attributes.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( " %S ", ast->Attributes.to_string() );
b32 prefix_specs = false; bool prefix_specs = false;
if ( ast->Specs ) if ( ast->Specs )
{ {
for ( SpecifierT spec : ast->Specs ) for ( SpecifierT spec : ast->Specs )
@ -2003,7 +1999,7 @@ void CodeFn::to_string_fwd( String& result )
if ( ast->Attributes ) if ( ast->Attributes )
result.append_fmt( "%S ", ast->Attributes.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( "%S ", ast->Attributes.to_string() );
bool prefix_specs = false; b32 prefix_specs = false;
if ( ast->Specs ) if ( ast->Specs )
{ {
for ( SpecifierT spec : ast->Specs ) for ( SpecifierT spec : ast->Specs )
@ -2232,7 +2228,14 @@ void CodeOpCast::to_string_def( String& result )
{ {
if ( ast->Specs ) if ( ast->Specs )
{ {
// TODO : Add support for specifies before the operator keyword for ( SpecifierT spec : ast->Specs )
if ( ! ESpecifier::is_trailing( spec ) )
StrC spec_str = ESpecifier::to_str( spec );
result.append_fmt( "%*s ", spec_str.Len, spec_str.Ptr );
if ( ast->Name && ast->Name.length() ) if ( ast->Name && ast->Name.length() )
result.append_fmt( "%Soperator %S()", ast->Name, ast->ValueType.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( "%Soperator %S()", ast->Name, ast->ValueType.to_string() );
@ -2262,7 +2265,14 @@ void CodeOpCast::to_string_fwd( String& result )
{ {
if ( ast->Specs ) if ( ast->Specs )
{ {
// TODO : Add support for specifies before the operator keyword for ( SpecifierT spec : ast->Specs )
if ( ! ESpecifier::is_trailing( spec ) )
StrC spec_str = ESpecifier::to_str( spec );
result.append_fmt( "%*s ", spec_str.Len, spec_str.Ptr );
result.append_fmt( "operator %S()", ast->ValueType.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( "operator %S()", ast->ValueType.to_string() );
@ -2461,7 +2471,7 @@ void CodeStruct::to_string_def( String& result )
while ( interface ) while ( interface )
{ {
result.append_fmt( ", %S", interface.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( ", %S", interface.to_string() );
interface = interface->Next ? interface->Next->cast<CodeType>() : Code { nullptr }; interface = interface->Next ? interface->Next->cast<CodeType>() : CodeType { nullptr };
} }
} }
else if ( ast->Name ) else if ( ast->Name )
@ -2569,7 +2579,7 @@ String CodeType::to_string()
void CodeType::to_string( String& result ) void CodeType::to_string( String& result )
{ {
if ( ast->ReturnType && ast->Params ) if ( ast->ReturnType && ast->Params )
{ {
if ( ast->Attributes ) if ( ast->Attributes )
@ -2734,12 +2744,20 @@ void CodeVar::to_string( String& result )
} }
if ( ast->Value ) if ( ast->Value )
if ( ast->VarConstructorInit )
result.append_fmt( "( %S ", ast->Value.to_string() );
result.append_fmt( " = %S", ast->Value.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( " = %S", ast->Value.to_string() );
// Keep the chain going... // Keep the chain going...
if ( ast->NextVar ) if ( ast->NextVar )
result.append_fmt( ", %S", ast->NextVar.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( ", %S", ast->NextVar.to_string() );
if ( ast->VarConstructorInit )
result.append( " )" );
return; return;
} }
@ -2772,11 +2790,19 @@ void CodeVar::to_string( String& result )
result.append_fmt( " : %S", ast->BitfieldSize.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( " : %S", ast->BitfieldSize.to_string() );
if ( ast->Value ) if ( ast->Value )
if ( ast->VarConstructorInit )
result.append_fmt( "( %S ", ast->Value.to_string() );
result.append_fmt( " = %S", ast->Value.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( " = %S", ast->Value.to_string() );
if ( ast->NextVar ) if ( ast->NextVar )
result.append_fmt( ", %S", ast->NextVar.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( ", %S", ast->NextVar.to_string() );
if ( ast->VarConstructorInit )
result.append( " )" );
if ( ast->InlineCmt ) if ( ast->InlineCmt )
result.append_fmt( "; %S", ast->InlineCmt->Content ); result.append_fmt( "; %S", ast->InlineCmt->Content );
else else
@ -2804,11 +2830,19 @@ void CodeVar::to_string( String& result )
result.append_fmt( "%S %S", ast->ValueType.to_string(), ast->Name ); result.append_fmt( "%S %S", ast->ValueType.to_string(), ast->Name );
if ( ast->Value ) if ( ast->Value )
if ( ast->VarConstructorInit )
result.append_fmt( "( %S ", ast->Value.to_string() );
result.append_fmt( " = %S", ast->Value.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( " = %S", ast->Value.to_string() );
if ( ast->NextVar ) if ( ast->NextVar )
result.append_fmt( ", %S", ast->NextVar.to_string() ); result.append_fmt( ", %S", ast->NextVar.to_string() );
if ( ast->VarConstructorInit )
result.append( " )" );
result.append( ";" ); result.append( ";" );
if ( ast->InlineCmt ) if ( ast->InlineCmt )
@ -3185,7 +3219,7 @@ AllocatorInfo get_string_allocator( s32 str_length )
uw size_req = str_length + sizeof( String::Header ) + sizeof( char* ); uw size_req = str_length + sizeof( String::Header ) + sizeof( char* );
if ( last->TotalUsed + size_req > last->TotalSize ) if ( last->TotalUsed + sw( size_req ) > last->TotalSize )
{ {
Arena new_arena = Arena::init_from_allocator( Allocator_StringArena, SizePer_StringArena ); Arena new_arena = Arena::init_from_allocator( Allocator_StringArena, SizePer_StringArena );
@ -5674,8 +5708,8 @@ namespace parser
Entry( Attribute_API_Export, "GEN_API_Export_Code" ) Entry( Attribute_API_Import, "GEN_API_Import_Code" ) \ Entry( Attribute_API_Export, "GEN_API_Export_Code" ) Entry( Attribute_API_Import, "GEN_API_Import_Code" ) \
Entry( Attribute_UE_DEPRECATED, "UE_DEPRECATED" ) Entry( Attribute_UMG_API, "UMG_API" ) Entry( Attribute_COREUOBJECT_API, "COREUOBJECT_API" ) \ Entry( Attribute_UE_DEPRECATED, "UE_DEPRECATED" ) Entry( Attribute_UMG_API, "UMG_API" ) Entry( Attribute_COREUOBJECT_API, "COREUOBJECT_API" ) \
Entry( Attribute_ENGINE_API, "ENGINE_API" ) Entry( Attribute_GASA_API, "GASA_API" ) \ Entry( Attribute_ENGINE_API, "ENGINE_API" ) Entry( Attribute_GAMEPLAYABILITIES_API, "GAMEPLAYABILITIES_API" ) \
enum Type : u32 enum Type : u32
{ {
@ -5780,12 +5814,12 @@ namespace parser
Attribute_UMG_API, Attribute_UMG_API,
Attribute_ENGINE_API, Attribute_ENGINE_API,
NumTokens NumTokens
}; };
StrC to_str( Type type ) inline StrC to_str( Type type )
{ {
local_persist StrC lookup[] { local_persist StrC lookup[] {
{ sizeof( "__invalid__" ), "__invalid__" }, { sizeof( "__invalid__" ), "__invalid__" },
@ -5889,13 +5923,13 @@ namespace parser
{ sizeof( "UMG_API" ), "UMG_API" }, { sizeof( "UMG_API" ), "UMG_API" },
{ sizeof( "ENGINE_API" ), "ENGINE_API" }, { sizeof( "ENGINE_API" ), "ENGINE_API" },
{ sizeof( "GASA_API" ), "GASA_API" },
{ sizeof( "GASA_API" ), "GASA_API" },
}; };
return lookup[type]; return lookup[type];
} }
Type to_type( StrC str ) inline Type to_type( StrC str )
{ {
local_persist u32 keymap[NumTokens]; local_persist u32 keymap[NumTokens];
do_once_start for ( u32 index = 0; index < NumTokens; index++ ) do_once_start for ( u32 index = 0; index < NumTokens; index++ )
@ -6121,7 +6155,8 @@ namespace parser
Lex_ReturnNull, Lex_ReturnNull,
}; };
FORCEINLINE s32 lex_preprocessor_directive( StrC& content, s32& left, char const*& scanner, s32& line, s32& column, HashTable<StrC>& defines, Token& token ) FORCEINLINE
s32 lex_preprocessor_directive( StrC& content, s32& left, char const*& scanner, s32& line, s32& column, HashTable<StrC>& defines, Token& token )
{ {
char const* hash = scanner; char const* hash = scanner;
Tokens.append( { hash, 1, TokType::Preprocess_Hash, line, column, TF_Preprocess } ); Tokens.append( { hash, 1, TokType::Preprocess_Hash, line, column, TF_Preprocess } );
@ -6365,7 +6400,8 @@ namespace parser
return Lex_Continue; // Skip found token, its all handled here. return Lex_Continue; // Skip found token, its all handled here.
} }
FORCEINLINE void lex_found_token( StrC& content, s32& left, char const*& scanner, s32& line, s32& column, HashTable<StrC>& defines, Token& token ) FORCEINLINE
void lex_found_token( StrC& content, s32& left, char const*& scanner, s32& line, s32& column, HashTable<StrC>& defines, Token& token )
{ {
if ( token.Type != TokType::Invalid ) if ( token.Type != TokType::Invalid )
{ {
@ -6492,7 +6528,7 @@ namespace parser
{ {
s32 length = 0; s32 length = 0;
char const* scanner = entry.Data; char const* scanner = entry.Data;
while ( entry.length() > length && char_is_alphanumeric( *scanner ) || *scanner == '_' ) while ( entry.length() > length && ( char_is_alphanumeric( *scanner ) || *scanner == '_' ) )
{ {
scanner++; scanner++;
length++; length++;
@ -7102,6 +7138,26 @@ namespace parser
move_forward(); move_forward();
token.Length++; token.Length++;
} }
// Handle number literal suffixes in a botched way
if ( left
&& ( current == 'l' || current == 'L' || // long/long long
current == 'u' || current == 'U' || // unsigned
current == 'f' || current == 'F' || // float
current == 'i' || current == 'I' || // imaginary
current == 'z' || current == 'Z' ) ) // complex
char prev = current;
// Handle 'll'/'LL' as a special case when we just processed an 'l'/'L'
if ( left && ( prev == 'l' || prev == 'L' ) && ( current == 'l' || current == 'L' ) )
} }
goto FoundToken; goto FoundToken;
@ -8480,6 +8536,10 @@ namespace parser
s32 level = 0; s32 level = 0;
while ( left && currtok.Type != TokType::Statement_End && ( currtok.Type != TokType::Comma || level > 0 ) ) while ( left && currtok.Type != TokType::Statement_End && ( currtok.Type != TokType::Comma || level > 0 ) )
{ {
if ( currtok.Type == TokType::BraceCurly_Open )
if ( currtok.Type == TokType::BraceCurly_Close )
if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_Start ) if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_Start )
level++; level++;
else if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_End ) else if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_End )
@ -8525,8 +8585,6 @@ namespace parser
return CodeInvalid; return CodeInvalid;
} }
return CodeInvalid;
} }
// Function parsing is handled in multiple places because its initial signature is shared with variable parsing // Function parsing is handled in multiple places because its initial signature is shared with variable parsing
@ -8960,7 +9018,7 @@ namespace parser
if ( found_operator_cast_outside_class_implmentation ) if ( found_operator_cast_outside_class_implmentation )
{ {
member = parse_operator_cast(); member = parse_operator_cast( specifiers );
// <Attributes> <Specifiers> <Name>::operator <Type>() { ... } // <Attributes> <Specifiers> <Name>::operator <Type>() { ... }
break; break;
} }
@ -9631,7 +9689,14 @@ namespace parser
Token name = parse_identifier(); Token name = parse_identifier();
Context.Scope->Name = name; Context.Scope->Name = name;
if ( check( TokType::Capture_Start ) ) bool detected_capture = check( TokType::Capture_Start );
// Check three tokens ahead to make sure that were not dealing with a constructor initialization...
// ( 350.0f , <--- Could be the scenario
// Example : <Capture_Start> <Value> <Comma>
// idx +1 +2
bool detected_comma = Context.Tokens.Arr[Context.Tokens.Idx + 2].Type == TokType::Comma;
if ( detected_capture && ! detected_comma )
{ {
// Dealing with a function // Dealing with a function
result = parse_function_after_name( ModuleFlag::None, attributes, specifiers, type, name ); result = parse_function_after_name( ModuleFlag::None, attributes, specifiers, type, name );
@ -9786,7 +9851,8 @@ namespace parser
s32 capture_level = 0; s32 capture_level = 0;
s32 template_level = 0; s32 template_level = 0;
while ( left && ( currtok.Type != TokType::Comma ) && template_level >= 0 && CheckEndParams() || capture_level > 0 || template_level > 0 ) while ( ( left && ( currtok.Type != TokType::Comma ) && template_level >= 0 && CheckEndParams() ) || ( capture_level > 0 || template_level > 0 )
{ {
if ( currtok.Text[0] == '<' ) if ( currtok.Text[0] == '<' )
++template_level; ++template_level;
@ -9898,7 +9964,8 @@ namespace parser
s32 capture_level = 0; s32 capture_level = 0;
s32 template_level = 0; s32 template_level = 0;
while ( left && currtok.Type != TokType::Comma && template_level >= 0 && CheckEndParams() || capture_level > 0 || template_level > 0 ) while ( ( left && currtok.Type != TokType::Comma && template_level >= 0 && CheckEndParams() ) || ( capture_level > 0 || template_level > 0 )
{ {
if ( currtok.Text[0] == '<' ) if ( currtok.Text[0] == '<' )
++template_level; ++template_level;
@ -9974,7 +10041,7 @@ namespace parser
} }
CodePreprocessCond cond = (CodePreprocessCond)make_code(); CodePreprocessCond cond = (CodePreprocessCond)make_code();
cond->Type = scast( CodeT, currtok.Type - ( ETokType::Preprocess_If - ECode::Preprocess_If ) ); cond->Type = scast( CodeT, currtok.Type - ( TokType::Preprocess_If - ECode::Preprocess_If ) );
eat( currtok.Type ); eat( currtok.Type );
// #<Conditional> // #<Conditional>
@ -10158,6 +10225,8 @@ namespace parser
Code expr = { nullptr }; Code expr = { nullptr };
Code bitfield_expr = { nullptr }; Code bitfield_expr = { nullptr };
b32 using_constructor_initializer = false;
if ( bitfield_is_equal( u32, currtok.Flags, TF_Assign ) ) if ( bitfield_is_equal( u32, currtok.Flags, TF_Assign ) )
{ {
// <Attributes> <Specifiers> <ValueType> <Name> = <Expression> // <Attributes> <Specifiers> <ValueType> <Name> = <Expression>
@ -10189,6 +10258,33 @@ namespace parser
// <Attributes> <Specifiers> <ValueType> <Name> = { <Expression> } // <Attributes> <Specifiers> <ValueType> <Name> = { <Expression> }
} }
if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_Start )
eat( TokType::Capture_Start );
// <Attributes> <Specifiers> <ValueType> <Name> (
Token expr_token = currtok;
using_constructor_initializer = true;
s32 level = 0;
while ( left && ( currtok.Type != TokType::Capture_End || level > 0 ) )
if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_Start )
else if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_End && level > 0 )
eat( currtok.Type );
expr_token.Length = ( (sptr)prevtok.Text + prevtok.Length ) - (sptr)expr_token.Text;
expr = untyped_str( expr_token );
eat( TokType::Capture_End );
// <Attributes> <Specifiers> <ValueType> <Name> ( <Expression> )
if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Assign_Classifer ) if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Assign_Classifer )
{ {
eat( TokType::Assign_Classifer ); eat( TokType::Assign_Classifer );
@ -10282,6 +10378,8 @@ namespace parser
result->NextVar->Parent = result; result->NextVar->Parent = result;
} }
result->VarConstructorInit = using_constructor_initializer;
Context.pop(); Context.pop();
return result; return result;
} }
@ -10340,6 +10438,8 @@ namespace parser
break; break;
} }
// eat(currtok.Type);
if ( specifiers ) if ( specifiers )
specifiers.append( spec ); specifiers.append( spec );
else else
@ -10737,6 +10837,13 @@ namespace parser
// <Name> = <Expression> <Macro>, // <Name> = <Expression> <Macro>,
} }
// Consume inline comments
// if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Comment && prevtok.Line == currtok.Line )
// {
// eat( TokType::Comment );
// <Name> = <Expression> <Macro>, // <Inline Comment>
// }
entry.Length = ( (sptr)prevtok.Text + prevtok.Length ) - (sptr)entry.Text; entry.Length = ( (sptr)prevtok.Text + prevtok.Length ) - (sptr)entry.Text;
member = untyped_str( entry ); member = untyped_str( entry );
@ -11105,8 +11212,6 @@ namespace parser
{ {
push_scope(); push_scope();
// TODO : Specifiers attributed to the cast
// Operator's namespace if not within same class. // Operator's namespace if not within same class.
Token name = NullToken; Token name = NullToken;
if ( check( TokType::Identifier ) ) if ( check( TokType::Identifier ) )
@ -11532,6 +11637,18 @@ else if ( currtok.Type == TokType::DeclType )
name = currtok; name = currtok;
eat( TokType::Type_Typename ); eat( TokType::Type_Typename );
// <typename> // <typename>
if ( ! from_template )
name = parse_identifier();
Context.Scope->Name = name;
if ( ! name )
log_failure( "Error, failed to type signature\n%s", Context.to_string() );
return CodeInvalid;
} }
// The usual Identifier type signature that may have namespace qualifiers // The usual Identifier type signature that may have namespace qualifiers
@ -12864,10 +12981,10 @@ Code untyped_token_fmt( s32 num_tokens, ... )
#if __clang__ #ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop #pragma clang diagnostic pop
#endif #endif
#if __GNUC__ #ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#endif #endif

View File

@ -1,7 +1,25 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
// This file is intended to be included within gen.cpp (There is no pragma diagnostic ignores) #include "gen.dep.hpp"
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvarargs"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcomment"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma region Macros and Includes #pragma region Macros and Includes
@ -1651,7 +1669,7 @@ bool String::make_space_for( char const* str, sw add_len )
Data = rcast( char*, header + 1 ); Data = rcast( char*, header + 1 );
return str; return true;
} }
} }
@ -2238,7 +2256,7 @@ internal GEN_FILE_WRITE_AT_PROC( _memory_file_write )
{ {
Array<u8> arr = { d->buf }; Array<u8> arr = { d->buf };
if ( arr.get_header()->Capacity < new_cap ) if ( arr.get_header()->Capacity < uw( new_cap ) )
{ {
if ( ! arr.grow( (s64)( new_cap ) ) ) if ( ! arr.grow( (s64)( new_cap ) ) )
return false; return false;
@ -2448,3 +2466,11 @@ f64 time_rel( void )
#pragma endregion Timing #pragma endregion Timing
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

View File

@ -1,9 +1,26 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
// This file is intended to be included within gen.hpp (There is no pragma diagnostic ignores)
#pragma once #pragma once
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvarargs"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcomment"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma region Platform Detection #pragma region Platform Detection
/* Platform architecture */ /* Platform architecture */
@ -133,6 +150,10 @@
#endif #endif
#pragma once
#include "header_start.hpp"
#pragma region Macros #pragma region Macros
@ -140,10 +161,11 @@ GEN_NS_BEGIN
// Keywords // Keywords
#define global static // Global variables #define global // Global variables
#define internal static // Internal linkage #define internal static // Internal linkage
#define local_persist static // Local Persisting variables #define local_persist static // Local Persisting variables
#pragma region ForceInline Definition
#define FORCEINLINE __forceinline #define FORCEINLINE __forceinline
#define neverinline __declspec( noinline ) #define neverinline __declspec( noinline )
@ -162,18 +184,23 @@ GEN_NS_BEGIN
#define neverinline #define neverinline
#endif #endif
#pragma endregion ForceInline Definition
// Bits // Bits
#ifndef bit
#define bit( Value ) ( 1 << Value ) #define bit( Value ) ( 1 << Value )
#define bitfield_is_equal( Type, Field, Mask ) ( ( Type( Mask ) & Type( Field ) ) == Type( Mask ) ) #define bitfield_is_equal( Type, Field, Mask ) ( ( Type( Mask ) & Type( Field ) ) == Type( Mask ) )
// Casting // Casting
#ifndef ccast
#define ccast( Type, Value ) ( *const_cast<Type*>( &( Value ) ) ) #define ccast( Type, Value ) ( *const_cast<Type*>( &( Value ) ) )
#define pcast( Type, Value ) ( *reinterpret_cast<Type*>( &( Value ) ) ) #define pcast( Type, Value ) ( *reinterpret_cast<Type*>( &( Value ) ) )
#define rcast( Type, Value ) reinterpret_cast<Type>( Value ) #define rcast( Type, Value ) reinterpret_cast<Type>( Value )
#define scast( Type, Value ) static_cast<Type>( Value ) #define scast( Type, Value ) static_cast<Type>( Value )
// Num Arguments (Varadics) // Num Arguments (Varadics)
// #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) // #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
@ -1090,11 +1117,17 @@ struct Arena
return alignment_offset; return alignment_offset;
} }
// This id is defined by Unreal for asserts
#pragma push_macro( "check" )
#undef check
void check() void check()
{ {
GEN_ASSERT( TempCount == 0 ); GEN_ASSERT( TempCount == 0 );
} }
#pragma pop_macro( "check" )
void free() void free()
{ {
if ( Backing.Proc ) if ( Backing.Proc )
@ -1671,7 +1704,7 @@ struct Array
if ( begin < 0 || end > header.Num ) if ( begin < 0 || end > header.Num )
return false; return false;
for ( sw idx = begin; idx < end; idx++ ) for ( sw idx = sw( begin ); idx < sw( end ); idx++ )
{ {
Data[idx] = value; Data[idx] = value;
} }
@ -1876,7 +1909,7 @@ struct HashTable
{ {
GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( map_proc ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( map_proc );
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ ) for ( sw idx = 0; idx < sw( Entries.num() ); ++idx )
{ {
map_proc( Entries[idx].Key, Entries[idx].Value ); map_proc( Entries[idx].Key, Entries[idx].Value );
} }
@ -1888,7 +1921,7 @@ struct HashTable
{ {
GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( map_proc ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( map_proc );
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ ) for ( sw idx = 0; idx < sw( Entries.num() ); ++idx )
{ {
map_proc( Entries[idx].Key, &Entries[idx].Value ); map_proc( Entries[idx].Key, &Entries[idx].Value );
} }
@ -1905,7 +1938,7 @@ struct HashTable
sw last_added_index; sw last_added_index;
HashTable<Type> new_ht = init_reserve( Hashes.get_header()->Allocator, new_num ); HashTable<Type> new_ht = init_reserve( Hashes.get_header()->Allocator, new_num );
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); ++idx ) for ( sw idx = 0; idx < sw( Entries.num() ); ++idx )
{ {
FindResult find_result; FindResult find_result;
@ -1930,13 +1963,13 @@ struct HashTable
{ {
sw idx; sw idx;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ ) for ( idx = 0; idx < sw( Entries.num() ); idx++ )
Entries[idx].Next = -1; Entries[idx].Next = -1;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Hashes.num(); idx++ ) for ( idx = 0; idx < sw( Hashes.num() ); idx++ )
Hashes[idx] = -1; Hashes[idx] = -1;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ ) for ( idx = 0; idx < sw( Entries.num() ); idx++ )
{ {
Entry* entry; Entry* entry;
FindResult find_result; FindResult find_result;
@ -2002,7 +2035,7 @@ struct HashTable
sw slot( u64 key ) sw slot( u64 key )
{ {
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Hashes.num(); ++idx ) for ( sw idx = 0; idx < sw( Hashes.num() ); ++idx )
if ( Hashes[idx] == key ) if ( Hashes[idx] == key )
return idx; return idx;
@ -2070,25 +2103,25 @@ struct StrC
sw Len; sw Len;
char const* Ptr; char const* Ptr;
char const& operator[]( sw index ) const
return Ptr[index];
operator char const*() const operator char const*() const
{ {
return Ptr; return Ptr;
} }
char const& operator[]( sw index ) const
return Ptr[index];
}; };
#define cast_to_strc( str ) *rcast( StrC*, str - sizeof( sw ) ) #define cast_to_strc( str ) *rcast( StrC*, ( str ) - sizeof( sw ) )
#define txt( text ) \ #define txt( text ) \
StrC \ StrC \
{ \ { \
sizeof( (text) ) - 1, (text) \ sizeof( text ) - 1, ( text ) \
} }
StrC to_str( char const* str ) inline StrC to_str( char const* str )
{ {
return { str_len( str ), str }; return { str_len( str ), str };
} }
@ -2160,7 +2193,7 @@ struct String
static bool are_equal( String lhs, StrC rhs ) static bool are_equal( String lhs, StrC rhs )
{ {
if ( lhs.length() != (rhs.Len - 1) ) if ( lhs.length() != ( rhs.Len ) )
return false; return false;
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < lhs.length(); ++idx ) for ( sw idx = 0; idx < lhs.length(); ++idx )
@ -2199,7 +2232,7 @@ struct String
header.Length = curr_len + length; header.Length = curr_len + length;
} }
return str; return str != nullptr;
} }
bool append( StrC str ) bool append( StrC str )
@ -2238,24 +2271,6 @@ struct String
get_header().Length = 0; get_header().Length = 0;
} }
b32 starts_with( StrC substring ) const
if (substring.Len > length())
return false;
b32 result = str_compare(Data, substring.Ptr, substring.Len ) == 0;
return result;
b32 starts_with( String substring ) const
if (substring.length() > length())
return false;
b32 result = str_compare(Data, substring, substring.length() - 1 ) == 0;
return result;
String duplicate( AllocatorInfo allocator ) const String duplicate( AllocatorInfo allocator ) const
{ {
return make_length( allocator, Data, length() ); return make_length( allocator, Data, length() );
@ -2283,6 +2298,24 @@ struct String
return header.Length; return header.Length;
} }
b32 starts_with( StrC substring ) const
if ( substring.Len > length() )
return false;
b32 result = str_compare( Data, substring.Ptr, substring.Len ) == 0;
return result;
b32 starts_with( String substring ) const
if ( substring.length() > length() )
return false;
b32 result = str_compare( Data, substring, substring.length() - 1 ) == 0;
return result;
void skip_line() void skip_line()
{ {
#define current ( *scanner ) #define current ( *scanner )
@ -2409,7 +2442,7 @@ struct String
operator bool() operator bool()
{ {
return Data; return Data != nullptr;
} }
operator char*() operator char*()
@ -2856,3 +2889,11 @@ u64 time_rel_ms( void );
#pragma endregion Timing #pragma endregion Timing
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,23 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvarargs"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcomment"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#include "gen.scanner.hpp" #include "gen.scanner.hpp"
@ -38,7 +57,7 @@ u8 adt_destroy_branch( ADT_Node* node )
if ( ( node->type == EADT_TYPE_OBJECT || node->type == EADT_TYPE_ARRAY ) && node->nodes ) if ( ( node->type == EADT_TYPE_OBJECT || node->type == EADT_TYPE_ARRAY ) && node->nodes )
{ {
for ( sw i = 0; i < node->nodes.num(); ++i ) for ( sw i = 0; i < scast( sw, node->nodes.num() ); ++i )
{ {
adt_destroy_branch( node->nodes + i ); adt_destroy_branch( node->nodes + i );
} }
@ -68,7 +87,7 @@ ADT_Node* adt_find( ADT_Node* node, char const* name, b32 deep_search )
return NULL; return NULL;
} }
for ( sw i = 0; i < node->nodes.num(); i++ ) for ( sw i = 0; i < scast( sw, node->nodes.num() ); i++ )
{ {
if ( ! str_compare( node->nodes[i].name, name ) ) if ( ! str_compare( node->nodes[i].name, name ) )
{ {
@ -78,7 +97,7 @@ ADT_Node* adt_find( ADT_Node* node, char const* name, b32 deep_search )
if ( deep_search ) if ( deep_search )
{ {
for ( sw i = 0; i < node->nodes.num(); i++ ) for ( sw i = 0; i < scast( sw, node->nodes.num() ); i++ )
{ {
ADT_Node* res = adt_find( node->nodes + i, name, deep_search ); ADT_Node* res = adt_find( node->nodes + i, name, deep_search );
@ -134,7 +153,7 @@ internal ADT_Node* _adt_get_value( ADT_Node* node, char const* value )
internal ADT_Node* _adt_get_field( ADT_Node* node, char* name, char* value ) internal ADT_Node* _adt_get_field( ADT_Node* node, char* name, char* value )
{ {
for ( sw i = 0; i < node->nodes.num(); i++ ) for ( sw i = 0; i < scast( sw, node->nodes.num() ); i++ )
{ {
if ( ! str_compare( node->nodes[i].name, name ) ) if ( ! str_compare( node->nodes[i].name, name ) )
{ {
@ -209,7 +228,7 @@ ADT_Node* adt_query( ADT_Node* node, char const* uri )
/* run a value comparison against any child that is an object node */ /* run a value comparison against any child that is an object node */
else if ( node->type == EADT_TYPE_ARRAY ) else if ( node->type == EADT_TYPE_ARRAY )
{ {
for ( sw i = 0; i < node->nodes.num(); i++ ) for ( sw i = 0; i < scast( sw, node->nodes.num() ); i++ )
{ {
ADT_Node* child = &node->nodes[i]; ADT_Node* child = &node->nodes[i];
if ( child->type != EADT_TYPE_OBJECT ) if ( child->type != EADT_TYPE_OBJECT )
@ -227,7 +246,7 @@ ADT_Node* adt_query( ADT_Node* node, char const* uri )
/* [value] */ /* [value] */
else else
{ {
for ( sw i = 0; i < node->nodes.num(); i++ ) for ( sw i = 0; i < scast( sw, node->nodes.num() ); i++ )
{ {
ADT_Node* child = &node->nodes[i]; ADT_Node* child = &node->nodes[i];
if ( _adt_get_value( child, l_b2 ) ) if ( _adt_get_value( child, l_b2 ) )
@ -259,7 +278,7 @@ ADT_Node* adt_query( ADT_Node* node, char const* uri )
else else
{ {
sw idx = (sw)str_to_i64( buf, NULL, 10 ); sw idx = (sw)str_to_i64( buf, NULL, 10 );
if ( idx >= 0 && idx < node->nodes.num() ) if ( idx >= 0 && idx < scast( sw, node->nodes.num() ) )
{ {
found_node = &node->nodes[idx]; found_node = &node->nodes[idx];
@ -284,7 +303,7 @@ ADT_Node* adt_alloc_at( ADT_Node* parent, sw index )
if ( ! parent->nodes ) if ( ! parent->nodes )
return NULL; return NULL;
if ( index < 0 || index > parent->nodes.num() ) if ( index < 0 || index > scast( sw, parent->nodes.num() ) )
return NULL; return NULL;
ADT_Node o = { 0 }; ADT_Node o = { 0 };
@ -945,7 +964,7 @@ u8 csv_parse_delimiter( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b
} }
} }
if ( columnIndex >= root->nodes.num() ) if ( columnIndex >= scast( sw, root->nodes.num() ) )
{ {
adt_append_arr( root, NULL ); adt_append_arr( root, NULL );
} }
@ -987,7 +1006,7 @@ u8 csv_parse_delimiter( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b
/* consider first row as a header. */ /* consider first row as a header. */
if ( has_header ) if ( has_header )
{ {
for ( sw i = 0; i < root->nodes.num(); i++ ) for ( sw i = 0; i < scast( sw, root->nodes.num() ); i++ )
{ {
CSV_Object* col = root->nodes + i; CSV_Object* col = root->nodes + i;
CSV_Object* hdr = col->nodes; CSV_Object* hdr = col->nodes;
@ -1107,3 +1126,11 @@ String csv_write_string_delimiter( AllocatorInfo a, CSV_Object* obj, char delimi
#pragma endregion CSV #pragma endregion CSV
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

View File

@ -1,7 +1,26 @@
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp) // This file was generated automatially by gencpp's unreal.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
#pragma once #pragma once
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvarargs"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcomment"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#include "gen.hpp" #include "gen.hpp"
@ -435,7 +454,7 @@ GEN_IMPL_INLINE String csv_write_string( AllocatorInfo a, CSV_Object* obj )
// This is a simple file reader that reads the entire file into memory. // This is a simple file reader that reads the entire file into memory.
// It has an extra option to skip the first few lines for undesired includes. // It has an extra option to skip the first few lines for undesired includes.
// This is done so that includes can be kept in dependency and component files so that intellisense works. // This is done so that includes can be kept in dependency and component files so that intellisense works.
Code scan_file( char const* path ) inline Code scan_file( char const* path )
{ {
FileInfo file; FileInfo file;
@ -591,3 +610,11 @@ CodeFile scan_file( char const* path )
} }
#endif #endif
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop