2024-04-13 11:56:19 -04:00
#include "GasaNetLibrary.h"
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#include "GasaNetLibrary_Inlines.h"
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#include "GasaObject.h"
#include "Kismet/KismetMathLibrary.h"
#include "Kismet/KismetSystemLibrary.h"
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namespace Gasa
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void DrawNetCullingSphere(const UObject* Context, float Duration, float Thickness)
const AActor* actor = nullptr;
if (Context->IsA(UGasaObject::StaticClass()))
actor = Cast<AActor>(Context->GetOuter());
else if (Context->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()))
actor = Cast<AActor>(Context);
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if (actor)
, actor->GetActorLocation()
, UKismetMathLibrary::Sqrt(actor->NetCullDistanceSquared) * 2
, 12
, FLinearColor(FColor::Emerald)
, Duration
, Thickness);
void NetLog( UObject const* Context, FString Message, EGasaVerbosity Verbosity
, FLogCategoryBase& Category
, bool DumpStack
, int32 Line
, const ANSICHAR* File
, const ANSICHAR* Func )
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ELogVerbosity::Type EngineVerbosity = (ELogVerbosity::Type) Verbosity;
if ((EngineVerbosity & ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask) > ELogVerbosity::COMPILED_IN_MINIMUM_VERBOSITY)
if ((EngineVerbosity & ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask) > Category.GetVerbosity())
if ( Category.IsSuppressed(EngineVerbosity))
AActor const* Actor = nullptr;
FString ActorLevel;
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if (Context != nullptr)
if (Context->GetClass()->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<AActor>(Context);
else if (Context->GetClass()->IsChildOf(UActorComponent::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<UActorComponent>(Context)->GetOwner();
// Its assumed that all GasaObjects have an outer actor
else if (Context->IsA(UGasaObject::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<AActor>(Context->GetOuter());
if (Actor)
if (Actor->HasLocalNetOwner())
ActorLevel = TEXT("Net Owner");
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else if (Actor->HasAuthority())
ActorLevel = TEXT("Server Authorized");
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ActorLevel = TEXT("No Authority");
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ActorLevel = TEXT("Local");
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FString NetMode = FString::Printf(TEXT("%-16s"), * GetNetworkModeStr(Context));
ActorLevel = FString::Printf(TEXT("%-18s"), * ActorLevel);
FString Name = FString::Printf(TEXT("%-40s"), * Context->GetName());
FString FullMsg = NetMode + " " + ActorLevel + " " + Name + " : " + Message;
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static UE::Logging::Private::FStaticBasicLogDynamicData LOG_Dynamic;
static UE::Logging::Private::FStaticBasicLogRecord
LOG_Static(TEXT("%s -- %hs %hs(%d)"), File, Line, EngineVerbosity, LOG_Dynamic);
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if (DumpStack)
BasicLog(Category, &LOG_Static, * FullMsg, File, Func, Line);
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