Ed_ 231c893c6b Rework of project implementation
For include and multi-file support. I still need to debug it,
Test will be adjusted as well; I want to get all the files not just zpl refactored using a powershell script.

I dropped the idea of semantically identifiying macros. While it may be possible, I don't see the utility vs the regular idendentifier distinction.
I want to keep the refactoring as simple as possible, where it just takes one pass to go through a file without any context to other files.

So far the ignores behave as a good guard filter for unwanted refactors and the only true weak area was the includes (which should be aleviated with the coming support for it.
2023-03-17 02:09:19 -04:00

160 lines
3.8 KiB

#include "IO.hpp"
namespace IO
using array_string = zpl_array( zpl_string );
namespace StaticData
array_string Sources = nullptr;
array_string Destinations = nullptr;
zpl_string Specification = nullptr;
// Current source and destination index.
// Used to keep track of which file get_next_source or write refer to.
uw Current = 0;
char* Current_Content = nullptr;
uw Current_Size = 0;
uw Largest_Src_Size = 0;
Will persist throughout loading different file content.
Should hold a bit more than the largest source file's content,
As an array of lines.
zpl_arena MemPerist;
Temporary memory held while procesisng files to get their content.
zpl_files are stored here
// zpl_arena MemTransient;
using namespace StaticData;
void prepare()
const sw num_srcs = zpl_array_count( Sources );
// Determine the largest content size.
sw left = num_srcs;
zpl_string* path = Sources;
zpl_file src = {};
zpl_file_error error = zpl_file_open( & src, *path );
if ( error != ZPL_FILE_ERROR_NONE )
fatal("Could not open source file: %s", *path );
const sw fsize = zpl_file_size( & src );
if ( fsize > Largest_Src_Size )
Largest_Src_Size = fsize;
zpl_file_close( & src );
while ( --left );
uw persist_size = ZPL_ARRAY_GROW_FORMULA( Largest_Src_Size );
zpl_arena_init_from_allocator( & MemPerist, zpl_heap(), persist_size );
// zpl_arena_init_from_allocator( & MemTransient, zpl_heap(), Largest_Src_Size );
void cleanup()
zpl_arena_free( & MemPerist );
// zpl_arena_free( & MemTransient );
Array_Line get_specification()
zpl_file file {};
zpl_file_error error = zpl_file_open( & file, Specification);
if ( error != ZPL_FILE_ERROR_NONE )
fatal("Could not open the specification file: %s", Specification);
sw fsize = scast( sw, zpl_file_size( & file ) );
if ( fsize <= 0 )
fatal("No content in specificaiton to process");
char* content = rcast( char*, zpl_alloc( zpl_arena_allocator( & MemPerist), fsize + 1) );
zpl_file_read( & file, content, fsize);
zpl_file_close( & file );
content[fsize] = 0;
Array_Line lines = zpl_str_split_lines( zpl_arena_allocator( & MemPerist ), content, false );
return lines;
Array_Line get_next_source()
// zpl_memset( MemTransient.physical_start, 0, MemTransient.total_allocated);
// MemTransient.total_allocated = 0;
// MemTransient.temp_count = 0;
zpl_memset( MemPerist.physical_start, 0, MemPerist.total_allocated);
MemPerist.total_allocated = 0;
MemPerist.temp_count = 0;
zpl_file file {};
zpl_file_error error = zpl_file_open( & file, Specification);
if ( error != ZPL_FILE_ERROR_NONE )
fatal("Could not open the source file: %s", Sources[Current]);
Current_Size = scast( sw, zpl_file_size( & file ) );
if ( Current_Size <= 0 )
return nullptr;
Current_Content = rcast( char* , zpl_alloc( zpl_arena_allocator( & MemPerist), Current_Size + 1) );
zpl_file_read( & file, Current_Content, Current_Size );
zpl_file_close( & file );
Current_Content[Current_Size] = 0;
Array_Line lines = zpl_str_split_lines( zpl_arena_allocator( & MemPerist), Current_Content, ' ' );
return lines;
void write( zpl_string refacotred )
if ( refacotred == nullptr)
zpl_string dst = Destinations[Current];
zpl_file file_dest {};
zpl_file_error error = zpl_file_create( & file_dest, dst );
if ( error != ZPL_FILE_ERROR_NONE )
fatal( "Unable to open destination file: %s\n", dst );
zpl_file_write( & file_dest, refacotred, zpl_string_length(refacotred) );
zpl_file_close( & file_dest );