# refactor A code identifier refactoring app. Intended for c/c++ like identifiers. Parameters : * `-source`, `-src` : Source file to refactor * `-destination`, `-dst` : Destination file after the refactor (omit to use the same as source) * `-specification`, `-spec` : Specification containing rules to use for the refactor. Syntax : * `not` Omit word or namespace. * `word` Fixed sized identifier. * `namespace` Variable sized identifiers, mainly intended to redefine c-namespace of an identifier. * `,` is used to delimit arguments to word or namespace. * `L-Value` is the signature to modify. * `R-Value` is the substitute ( only available if rule does not use `not` keyword ) TODO: * Possibly come up with a better name. * Cleanup memory usage (it hogs quite a bit or what it does..)