#define ZPL_IMPLEMENTATION #include "bloat.hpp" namespace File { zpl_string Source = nullptr; zpl_string Destination = nullptr; zpl_file_contents Content {}; zpl_arena Buffer; void cleanup() { zpl_arena_free( & Buffer ); } void read() { zpl_file file_src = {}; Content.allocator = g_allocator; zpl_file_error error_src = zpl_file_open( & file_src, Source ); if ( error_src == ZPL_FILE_ERROR_NONE ) { zpl_isize fsize = cast(zpl_isize) zpl_file_size( & file_src); if ( fsize > 0 ) { zpl_arena_init_from_allocator( & Buffer, zpl_heap(), (fsize + fsize % 64) * 4 ); Content.data = zpl_alloc( zpl_arena_allocator( & Buffer), fsize); Content.size = fsize; zpl_file_read_at ( & file_src, Content.data, Content.size, 0); } zpl_file_close( & file_src); } if ( Content.data == nullptr ) { zpl_printf( "Unable to open source file: %s\n", Source ); fatal(); } } void write(zpl_string refactored) { if ( refactored == nullptr) return; zpl_file file_dest {}; zpl_file_error error = zpl_file_create( & file_dest, Destination ); if ( error != ZPL_FILE_ERROR_NONE ) { zpl_printf( "Unable to open destination file: %s\n", Destination ); fatal(); } zpl_file_write( & file_dest, refactored, zpl_string_length(refactored) ); } } namespace Spec { zpl_string File; enum Tok { Not, Namespace, Word, Num_Tok }; ct char const* str_tok( Tok tok ) { ct char const* tok_to_str[ Tok::Num_Tok ] = { "not", "namespace", "word", }; return tok_to_str[ tok ]; } ct c8 strlen_tok( Tok tok ) { ct const u8 tok_to_len[ Tok::Num_Tok ] = { 3, 9, 4, }; return tok_to_len[ tok ]; } forceinline bool is_tok( Tok tok, zpl_string str, u32 length ) { char const* tok_str = str_tok(tok); const u8 tok_len = strlen_tok(tok); if ( tok_len != length) return false; s32 result = zpl_strncmp( tok_str, str, tok_len ); return result == 0; } struct Entry { zpl_string Sig = nullptr; // Signature zpl_string Sub = nullptr; // Substitute }; zpl_arena Buffer {}; zpl_array(Entry) Word_Ignores; zpl_array(Entry) Namespace_Ignores; zpl_array(Entry) Words; zpl_array(Entry) Namespaces; u32 Sig_Smallest = zpl_kilobytes(1); forceinline void find_next_token( zpl_string& token, char*& line, u32& length ) { zpl_string_clear( token ); length = 0; while ( zpl_char_is_alphanumeric( line[length] ) || line[length] == '_' ) { length++; } if ( length == 0 ) { zpl_printf("Failed to find valid initial token"); fatal(); } token = zpl_string_append_length( token, line, length ); line += length; } void process() { char* content; zpl_array(char*) lines; // Get the contents of the file. { zpl_file file {}; zpl_file_error error = zpl_file_open( & file, File); if ( error != ZPL_FILE_ERROR_NONE ) { zpl_printf("Could not open the specification file: %s", File); fatal(); } sw fsize = scast( sw, zpl_file_size( & file ) ); if ( fsize <= 0 ) { zpl_printf("No content in specificaiton to process"); fatal(); } zpl_arena_init_from_allocator( & Buffer, zpl_heap(), (fsize + fsize % 64) * 10 + zpl_kilobytes(1) ); char* content = rcast( char*, zpl_alloc( zpl_arena_allocator( & Buffer), fsize + 1) ); zpl_file_read( & file, content, fsize); content[fsize] = 0; lines = zpl_str_split_lines( zpl_arena_allocator( & Buffer ), content, false ); zpl_file_close( & file ); } sw left = zpl_array_count( lines ); if ( left == 0 ) { zpl_printf("Spec::process: lines array imporoperly setup"); fatal(); } // Skip the first line as its the version number and we only support __VERSION 1. left--; lines++; zpl_array_init( Word_Ignores, zpl_arena_allocator( & Buffer)); zpl_array_init( Namespace_Ignores, zpl_arena_allocator( & Buffer)); zpl_array_init( Words, zpl_arena_allocator( & Buffer)); zpl_array_init( Namespaces, zpl_arena_allocator( & Buffer)); // Limiting the maximum output of a token to 1 KB zpl_string token = zpl_string_make_reserve( zpl_arena_allocator( & Buffer), zpl_kilobytes(1)); while ( left-- ) { char* line = * lines; // Ignore line if its a comment if ( line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') { lines++; continue; } // Remove indent { while ( zpl_char_is_space( line[0] ) ) line++; if ( line[0] == '\0' ) { lines++; continue; } } u32 length = 0; // Find a valid token find_next_token( token, line, length ); Tok type = Tok::Num_Tok; bool ignore = false; Entry entry {}; // Will be reguarded as an ignore. if ( is_tok( Tok::Not, token, length )) { ignore = true; while ( zpl_char_is_space( line[0] ) ) line++; if ( line[0] == '\0' ) { lines++; continue; } // Find the category token find_next_token( token, line, length ); } if ( is_tok( Tok::Namespace, token, length ) ) { type = Tok::Namespace; } else if ( is_tok( Tok::Word, token, length ) ) { type = Tok::Word; } // Parse line. { // Find first argument { while ( zpl_char_is_space( line[0] ) ) line++; if ( line[0] == '\0' ) { lines++; continue; } } find_next_token( token, line, length ); // First argument is signature. entry.Sig = zpl_string_make_length( g_allocator, token, length ); if ( length < Sig_Smallest ) Sig_Smallest = length; if ( line[0] == '\0' || ignore ) { switch ( type ) { case Tok::Namespace: if ( ignore) zpl_array_append( Namespace_Ignores, entry ); else zpl_array_append( Namespaces, entry ); break; case Tok::Word: if ( ignore) { zpl_array_append( Word_Ignores, entry ); u32 test = zpl_array_count( Word_Ignores ); } else zpl_array_append( Words, entry ); break; } lines++; continue; } // Look for second argument indicator { bool bSkip = false; while ( line[0] != ',' ) { if ( line[0] == '\0' ) { switch ( type ) { case Tok::Namespace: zpl_array_append( Namespaces, entry ); break; case Tok::Word: zpl_array_append( Words, entry ); break; } bSkip = true; break; } line++; } if ( bSkip ) { lines++; continue; } } // Eat the argument delimiter. line++; // Remove spacing { bool bSkip = true; while ( zpl_char_is_space( line[0] ) ) line++; if ( line[0] == '\0' ) { switch ( type ) { case Tok::Namespace: zpl_array_append( Namespaces, entry ); break; case Tok::Word: zpl_array_append( Words, entry ); break; } lines++; continue; } } find_next_token( token, line, length ); // Second argument is substitute. entry.Sub = zpl_string_make_length( g_allocator, token, length ); switch ( type ) { case Tok::Namespace: zpl_array_append( Namespaces, entry ); lines++; continue; case Tok::Word: zpl_array_append( Words, entry ); lines++; continue; } } zpl_printf("Specification Line: %d is missing valid keyword", zpl_array_count(lines) - left); lines++; } } void cleanup() { zpl_arena_free( & Buffer ); } } struct Token { u32 Start; u32 End; zpl_string Sig; zpl_string Sub; }; void refactor() { sw buffer_size = File::Content.size; zpl_array(Token) tokens; zpl_array_init( tokens, g_allocator); char* content = rcast( char*, File::Content.data ); zpl_string current = zpl_string_make( g_allocator, ""); zpl_string preview = zpl_string_make( g_allocator, ""); sw left = File::Content.size; sw line = 0; while ( left ) { if ( content[0] == '\n' ) { line++; } // Word Ignores { Spec::Entry* ignore = Spec::Word_Ignores; sw ignores_left = zpl_array_count( Spec::Word_Ignores); do { if ( ignore->Sig[0] != content[0] ) { continue; } zpl_string_clear( current ); u32 sig_length = zpl_string_length( ignore->Sig ); current = zpl_string_append_length( current, content, sig_length ); // bool match = false; // if ( zpl_strncmp( "zpl_printf", current, sig_length ) == 0 ) // { // match = true; // } if ( zpl_string_are_equal( ignore->Sig, current ) ) { char before = content[-1]; char after = content[sig_length]; if ( zpl_char_is_alphanumeric( before ) || before == '_' || zpl_char_is_alphanumeric( after ) || after == '_' ) { continue; } zpl_printf("\nIgnored %-81s line %d", current, line ); content += sig_length; left -= sig_length; goto Skip; } } while ( ignore++, --ignores_left ); } // Namespace Ignores { Spec::Entry* ignore = Spec::Namespace_Ignores; sw ignores_left = zpl_array_count( Spec::Namespace_Ignores); do { if ( ignore->Sig[0] != content[0] ) { continue; } zpl_string_clear( current ); u32 sig_length = zpl_string_length( ignore->Sig ); current = zpl_string_append_length( current, content, sig_length ); if ( zpl_string_are_equal( ignore->Sig, current ) ) { u32 length = sig_length; char* ns_content = content + sig_length; while ( zpl_char_is_alphanumeric( ns_content[0] ) || ns_content[0] == '_' ) { length++; ns_content++; } zpl_string_clear( preview ); preview = zpl_string_append_length( preview, content, length ); zpl_printf("\nIgnored %-40s %-40s line %d", preview, ignore->Sig, line); content += length; left -= length; goto Skip; } } while ( ignore++, --ignores_left ); } // Words to match { Spec::Entry* word = Spec::Words; sw words_left = zpl_array_count ( Spec::Words); do { if ( word->Sig[0] != content[0] ) { continue; } zpl_string_clear( current ); sw sig_length = zpl_string_length( word->Sig); current = zpl_string_append_length( current, content, sig_length ); if ( zpl_string_are_equal( word->Sig, current ) ) { char before = content[-1]; char after = content[sig_length]; if ( zpl_char_is_alphanumeric( before ) || before == '_' || zpl_char_is_alphanumeric( after ) || after == '_' ) { continue; } Token entry {}; entry.Start = File::Content.size - left; entry.End = entry.Start + sig_length; entry.Sig = word->Sig; if ( word->Sub != nullptr ) { entry.Sub = word->Sub; buffer_size += zpl_string_length( entry.Sub) - sig_length; } zpl_array_append( tokens, entry ); zpl_printf("\nFound %-81s line %d", current, line); content += sig_length; left -= sig_length; goto Skip; } } while ( word++, --words_left ); } // Namespaces to match { Spec::Entry* nspace = Spec::Namespaces; sw nspaces_left = zpl_array_count( Spec::Namespaces); do { if ( nspace->Sig[0] != content[0] ) { continue; } zpl_string_clear( current ); u32 sig_length = zpl_string_length( nspace->Sig ); current = zpl_string_append_length( current, content, sig_length ); if ( zpl_string_are_equal( nspace->Sig, current ) ) { u32 length = sig_length; char* ns_content = content + sig_length; while ( zpl_char_is_alphanumeric( ns_content[0] ) || ns_content[0] == '_' ) { length++; ns_content++; } Token entry {}; entry.Start = File::Content.size - left; entry.End = entry.Start + length; entry.Sig = nspace->Sig; buffer_size += sig_length; if ( nspace->Sub != nullptr ) { entry.Sub = nspace->Sub; buffer_size += zpl_string_length( entry.Sub ) - length; } zpl_array_append( tokens, entry ); zpl_string_clear( preview ); preview = zpl_string_append_length( preview, content, length); zpl_printf("\nFound %-40s %-40s line %d", preview, nspace->Sig, line); content += length; left -= length; } } while ( nspace++, --nspaces_left ); } content++; left--; Skip: continue; } left = zpl_array_count( tokens); content = rcast( char*, File::Content.data); // Generate the refactored file content. zpl_arena buffer; zpl_string refactored = nullptr; { Token* entry = tokens; if ( entry == nullptr) return; zpl_arena_init_from_allocator( & buffer, zpl_heap(), buffer_size * 2 ); zpl_string new_string = zpl_string_make_reserve( zpl_arena_allocator( & buffer), zpl_kilobytes(1) ); refactored = zpl_string_make_reserve( zpl_arena_allocator( & buffer), buffer_size ); sw previous_end = 0; while ( left-- ) { sw segment_length = entry->Start - previous_end; sw sig_length = zpl_string_length( entry->Sig ); // Append between tokens refactored = zpl_string_append_length( refactored, content, segment_length ); content += segment_length + sig_length; segment_length = entry->End - entry->Start - sig_length; // Append token if ( entry->Sub ) refactored = zpl_string_append( refactored, entry->Sub ); refactored = zpl_string_append_length( refactored, content, segment_length ); content += segment_length; previous_end = entry->End; entry++; } entry--; if ( entry->End < File::Content.size ) { refactored = zpl_string_append_length( refactored, content, File::Content.size - entry->End ); } } // Write refactored content to destination. File::write( refactored ); zpl_arena_free( & buffer ); } inline void parse_options( int num, char** arguments ) { zpl_opts opts; zpl_opts_init( & opts, g_allocator, "refactor"); zpl_opts_add( & opts, "source" , "src" , "File to refactor" , ZPL_OPTS_STRING); zpl_opts_add( & opts, "destination" , "dst" , "File post refactor" , ZPL_OPTS_STRING); zpl_opts_add( & opts, "specification", "spec", "Specification for refactoring", ZPL_OPTS_STRING); if (zpl_opts_compile( & opts, num, arguments)) { if ( zpl_opts_has_arg( & opts, "src" ) ) { zpl_string opt = zpl_opts_string( & opts, "src", "INVALID PATH" ); File::Source = zpl_string_make( g_allocator, "" ); File::Source = zpl_string_append( File::Source, opt ); } else { zpl_printf( "-source not provided\n" ); fatal(); } if ( zpl_opts_has_arg( & opts, "dst" ) ) { zpl_string opt = zpl_opts_string( & opts, "dst", "INVALID PATH" ); File::Destination = zpl_string_make( g_allocator, "" ); File::Destination = zpl_string_append( File::Destination, opt ); } else if ( File::Source ) { File::Destination = zpl_string_make( g_allocator, "" ); File::Destination = zpl_string_append( File::Destination, File::Source ); } if ( zpl_opts_has_arg( & opts, "spec" ) ) { zpl_string opt = zpl_opts_string( & opts, "spec", "INVALID PATH" ); Spec::File = zpl_string_make( g_allocator, "" ); Spec::File = zpl_string_append( Spec::File, opt ); } } else { zpl_printf( "Failed to parse arguments\n" ); fatal(); } zpl_opts_free( & opts); } int main( int num, char** arguments) { Memory::setup(); parse_options( num, arguments ); if ( Spec::File ) Spec::process(); File::read(); refactor(); Spec:: cleanup(); File:: cleanup(); Memory::cleanup(); }