Script additions and improvements, fix IO bug.

This commit is contained in:
Edward R. Gonzalez 2023-03-31 01:04:56 -04:00
parent 1b0c5d176c
commit 6e91555a20
5 changed files with 97 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace IO
zpl_file_close( & src );
while ( path++, left--, left > 1 );
while ( path++, left--, left > 0 );
uw persist_size = Largest_Src_Size * 2 + 8;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,10 @@ if ( -not( Test-Path $path_build ) )
$args_meson += "setup"
$args_meson += $path_build
Start-Process meson $args_meson -NoNewWindow -Wait -WorkingDirectory $path_scripts
# Start-Process meson $args_meson -NoNewWindow -Wait -WorkingDirectory $path_scripts
Push-Location $path_scripts
& meson $args_meson
if ( $type )
@ -39,14 +42,19 @@ if ( $type )
$args_meson += $path_build
$args_meson += "--buildtype $($type)"
Start-Process meson $args_meson -NoNewWindow -Wait -WorkingDirectory $path_scripts
# Start-Process meson $args_meson -NoNewWindow -Wait -WorkingDirectory $path_scripts
Push-Location $path_scripts
meson $args_meson
$args_ninja = @()
$args_ninja += "-C"
$args_ninja += $path_build
Start-Process ninja $args_ninja -Wait -NoNewWindow -WorkingDirectory $path_root
Push-Location $path_root
ninja $args_ninja
#endregion Regular Build
@ -56,7 +64,8 @@ if ( $test -eq $true )
write-host "`n`nBuilding Test`n"
# Refactor thirdparty libraries
& (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'refactor_and_format.ps1')
Invoke-Expression "& $(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'refactor_and_format.ps1') $args"
$path_test = Join-Path $path_root test
$path_test_build = Join-Path $path_test build
@ -67,15 +76,17 @@ if ( $test -eq $true )
$args_meson += "setup"
$args_meson += $path_test_build
Start-Process meson $args_meson -NoNewWindow -Wait -WorkingDirectory $path_test
Push-Location $path_test
& meson $args_meson
$args_ninja = @()
$args_ninja += "-C"
$args_ninja += $path_test_build
write-host $args_ninja
Start-Process ninja $args_ninja -Wait -NoNewWindow -WorkingDirectory $path_root
Push-Location $path_root
ninja $args_ninja
#endregion Test Build

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
& (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '')
Invoke-Expression "& $(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '') $args"

View File

@ -25,48 +25,43 @@ foreach ( $file in $targetFiles )
write-host "Beginning thirdpary refactor...`n"
write-host "Beginning thirdpary refactor..."
$refactors = @(@())
if ( $false ){
foreach ( $file in $targetFiles )
if ( $args.Contains( "debug" ) )
$destination = Join-Path $path_test (Split-Path $file -leaf)
$destination = $destination.Replace( '.h', '.refactored.h' )
$refactorParams += "-debug"
$refactorParams = @(
"-src=$(Join-Path $path_thirdparty "zpl.h")",
"-dst=$(Join-Path $path_test "zpl.refactored.h")",
$refactors += (Start-Process $refactor $refactorParams -NoNewWindow -PassThru)
& $refactor $refactorParams
$refactors = @(@())
$file_spec = Join-Path $path_test "stb_image.refactor"
if ( $args.Contains( "debug" ) )
$refactorParams += "-debug"
else {
$refactorParams = @(
# "-debug",
"-src=$(Join-Path $path_thirdparty "stb_image.h")",
"-dst=$(Join-Path $path_test "stb_image.refactored.h")",
Start-Process $refactor $refactorParams -NoNewWindow -PassThru -Wait
& $refactor $refactorParams
foreach ( $process in $refactors )
if ( $process )
Write-Host "`nRefactoring complete`n"
Write-Host "`nRefactoring complete`n`n"
write-host "Beginning project refactor...`n"
write-host "Beginning project refactor..."
# Gather the files to be formatted.
$targetFiles = @(Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $path_project -Include $include -Exclude $exclude | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)
@ -74,8 +69,6 @@ $refactoredFiles = @()
$file_spec = Join-Path $path_test project.refactor
write-host "FILE SPEC:" $file_spec
foreach ( $file in $targetFiles )
$destination = Join-Path $path_test (Split-Path $file -leaf)
@ -86,16 +79,20 @@ foreach ( $file in $targetFiles )
$refactorParams = @(
# "-debug",
Start-Process $refactor $refactorParams -NoNewWindow -PassThru -Wait
if ( $args.Contains( "debug" ) )
$refactorParams += "-debug"
write-host "`nRefactoring complete`n`n"
& $refactor $refactorParams
write-host "`nRefactoring complete`n"
# Can't format zpl library... (It hangs clang format)
@ -115,3 +112,4 @@ clang-format $formatParams $targetFiles
Write-Host "`nFormatting complete"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
[string[]] $include = '*.h', '*.hh', '*.hpp', '*.c', '*.cc', '*.cpp'
[string[]] $exclude = '*.g.*', '*.refactor'
# Change this to your root directory if needed.
$path_root = $PSScriptRoot
# Change this to your desired destination
$path_dest = $path_root
# Gather the files to be formatted.
$targetFiles = @(Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $path_root -Include $include -Exclude $exclude | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)
$refactoredFiles = @()
foreach ( $file in $targetFiles )
$destination = Join-Path $path_dest (Split-Path $file -leaf)
$destination = $destination.Replace( '.h', '.refactored.h' )
$destination = $destination.Replace( '.c', '.refactored.c' )
$refactoredFiles += $destination
write-host "Beginning refactor...`n"
$refactors = @(@())
$refactorParams = @(
# "-debug",
& $refactor $refactorParams
Write-Host "`nRefactoring complete`n`n"