#include "Bloat.hpp" #include "gen.hpp" #ifdef gen_time namespace gen { static Code Unused() { static Code value = { Code::Unused, string_make( g_allocator, "Unused" ) }; return value; } Code decl_type( char const* name, Code specifiers, Code type ) { Code result; result.Type = Code::Decl_Type; result.Name = string_make( g_allocator, name ); result.add( specifiers ); result.add( type ); return result; } Code decl_fn( char const* name , Code specifiers , Code params , Code ret_type ) { Code result; result.Type = Code::Decl_Function; result.Name = string_make( g_allocator, name ); array_init( result.Content, g_allocator ); if ( specifiers ) result.add( specifiers ); result.add( ret_type ); if ( params ) result.add( params ); return result; } Code make_parameters( s32 num, ... ) { if (num <= 0) fatal("TT::make_paramters: num is %d", num); Code result; va_list va; va_start(va, num); result.Name = string_make( g_allocator, va_arg(va, char const*) ); result.add( va_arg(va, Code) ); while( num -= 2, num % 2 ) { Code param; param.Name = string_make( g_allocator, va_arg(va, char const*) ); param.add( va_arg(va, Code) ); result.add(param); } va_end(va); return result; } Code make_fmt(char const* fmt, ...) { local_persist thread_local char buf[ZPL_PRINTF_MAXLEN] = { 0 }; va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); zpl_snprintf_va(buf, ZPL_PRINTF_MAXLEN, fmt, va); va_end(va); Code code; code.Name = string_make( g_allocator, fmt ); code.Type = Code::Untyped; code.Content = string_make( g_allocator, buf ); return code; } Code make_function( char const* name , Code specifiers , Code params , Code ret_type , Code body ) { Code result; result.Name = string_make( g_allocator, name ); result.Type = Code::Function; array_init( result.Content, g_allocator ); if ( specifiers ) result.add( specifiers ); result.add( ret_type ); if ( params ) result.add( params ); result.add( body ); return result; } Code make_specifier( u32 num, ... ) { if ( num <= 0 ) fatal("gen::make_specifier: num cannot be zero."); Code result; va_list va; va_start(va, num); do { Specifier type = va_arg(va, Specifier); switch ( type ) { case Alignas: result.Content = string_sprintf_buf( g_allocator, "%s(%d)", specifier_str(type), va_arg(va, u32) ); break; default: result.Content = string_make( g_allocator, specifier_str(type) ); break; } } while ( num-- ); va_end(va); return result; } string Code::to_string() { string result = string_make( g_allocator, "" ); if ( Comment ) result = string_append_fmt( result, "// %s\n", Comment ); switch ( Type ) { case Invalid: fatal("Attempted to serialize invalid code! - %s", Name); break; case Untyped: result = string_append_length( result, Content, string_length(Content) ); break; case Decl_Type: if ( Entries[0].Type == Specifiers ) result = string_append_fmt("%s\n", Entries[0].to_string()); result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s %s;\n", Entries[1].to_string(), Name ); break; case Decl_Function: u32 index = 0; u32 left = array_count( Entries ); if ( left <= 0 ) fatal( "Code::to_string - Name: %s Type: %s, expected definition", Name, Type ); if ( Entries[index].Type == Specifiers ) { result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s\n", Entries[index].to_string() ); index++; left--; } if ( left <= 0 ) fatal( "Code::to_string - Name: %s Type: %s, expected return type", Name, Type ); result = string_append_fmt( result, "\n%s %s(", Entries[index].to_string(), Name ); index++; left--; if ( left && Entries[index].Type == Parameters ) { result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s, ", Entries[index].to_string() ); index++; left--; } result = string_appendc( result, ");\n" ); break; case Parameters: result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s %s", Entries[0], Name ); u32 index = 1; u32 left = array_count( Entries ) - 1; while ( left-- ) result = string_append_fmt( result, ", %s %s", Entries[index].Entries[0], Entries[index].Name ); break; case Struct: fatal("NOT SUPPORTED YET"); break; case Function: u32 index = 0; u32 left = array_count( Entries ); if ( left <= 0 ) fatal( "Code::to_string - Name: %s Type: %s, expected definition", Name, Type ); while ( Entries[index].Type == EType::Specifiers ) { result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s ", Entries[index] ); index++; } if ( left <= 0 ) fatal( "Code::to_string - Name: %s Type: %s, expected return type", Name, Type ); result = string_append_fmt( result, "\n%s %s(", Entries[index], Name ); index++; while ( left && Entries[index].Type == Parameters ) { result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s, ", Entries[index] ); index++; } result = string_append_fmt( result, ")\n{\n%s\n}", Entries[index] ); break; case Specifiers: result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s", Content ); break; case Variable: // result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s", ) break; case Typename: break; } return result; } } int main() { gen_main(); return 0; } #endif gen_time