enum class OpValidateResult : u32

OpValidateResult operator__validate( OperatorT op, CodeParam params_code, CodeType ret_type, CodeSpecifiers specifier )
	using namespace EOperator;

	if ( op == EOperator::Invalid )
		log_failure("gen::def_operator: op cannot be invalid");
		return OpValidateResult::Fail;

#pragma region Helper Macros
#	define check_params()                                                                                 \
	if ( ! params_code )                                                                                  \
	{                                                                                                     \
		log_failure("gen::def_operator: params is null and operator%s requires it", to_str(op));          \
		return OpValidateResult::Fail;                                                                    \
	}                                                                                                     \
	if ( params_code->Type != ECode::Parameters )                                                         \
	{                                                                                                     \
		log_failure("gen::def_operator: params is not of Parameters type - %s", params_code.debug_str()); \
		return OpValidateResult::Fail;                                                                    \

#	define check_param_eq_ret()                                                                    \
	if ( ! is_member_symbol && params_code->ValueType != ret_type )                                \
	{                                                                                              \
		log_failure("gen_def_operator: operator%s requires first parameter to equal return type\n" \
			"param types: %s\n"                                                                    \
			"return type: %s",                                                                     \
			to_str(op),                                                                            \
			params_code.debug_str(),                                                               \
			ret_type.debug_str()                                                                   \
		);                                                                                         \
		return OpValidateResult::Fail;                                                             \
#pragma endregion Helper Macros

	if ( ! ret_type )
		log_failure("gen::def_operator: ret_type is null but is required by operator%s", to_str(op));

	if ( ret_type->Type != ECode::Typename )
		log_failure("gen::def_operator: ret_type is not of typename type - %s", ret_type.debug_str());
		return OpValidateResult::Fail;

	bool is_member_symbol = false;

	switch ( op )
#	define specs( ... ) num_args( __VA_ARGS__ ), __VA_ARGS__
		case Assign:

			if ( params_code->NumEntries > 1 )
				log_failure("gen::def_operator: "
					"operator%s does not support non-member definition (more than one parameter provided) - %s",
				return OpValidateResult::Fail;

			is_member_symbol = true;

		case Assign_Add:
		case Assign_Subtract:
		case Assign_Multiply:
		case Assign_Divide:
		case Assign_Modulo:
		case Assign_BAnd:
		case Assign_BOr:
		case Assign_BXOr:
		case Assign_LShift:
		case Assign_RShift:

			if ( params_code->NumEntries == 1 )
				is_member_symbol = true;


			if (params_code->NumEntries > 2 )
				log_failure("gen::def_operator: operator%s may not be defined with more than two parametes - param count; %d\n%s"
					, to_str(op)
					, params_code->NumEntries
					, params_code.debug_str()
				return OpValidateResult::Fail;

		case Increment:
		case Decrement:
			// If its not set, it just means its a prefix member op.
			if ( params_code )
				if ( params_code->Type != ECode::Parameters )
					log_failure("gen::def_operator: operator%s params code provided is not of Parameters type - %s"
						, to_str(op)
						, params_code.debug_str()
					return OpValidateResult::Fail;

				switch ( params_code->NumEntries )
					case 1:
						if ( params_code->ValueType.is_equal( t_int ) )
							is_member_symbol = true;


					case 2:

						if ( ! params_code.get(1).is_equal( t_int ) )
							log_failure("gen::def_operator: "
								"operator%s requires second parameter of non-member definition to be int for post-decrement",
							return OpValidateResult::Fail;

						log_failure("gen::def_operator: operator%s recieved unexpected number of parameters recived %d instead of 0-2"
							, to_str(op)
							, params_code->NumEntries
						return OpValidateResult::Fail;

		case Unary_Plus:
		case Unary_Minus:
		case BNot:
			if ( ! params_code )
				is_member_symbol = true;

				if ( params_code->Type != ECode::Parameters )
					log_failure("gen::def_operator: params is not of Parameters type - %s", params_code.debug_str());
					return OpValidateResult::Fail;

				if ( params_code->ValueType.is_equal( ret_type ) )
					log_failure("gen::def_operator: "
						"operator%s is non-member symbol yet first paramter does not equal return type\n"
						"param type: %s\n"
						"return type: %s\n"
						, params_code.debug_str()
						, ret_type.debug_str()
					return OpValidateResult::Fail;

				if ( params_code->NumEntries > 1 )
					log_failure("gen::def_operator: operator%s may not have more than one parameter - param count: %d"
						, to_str(op)
						, params_code->NumEntries
					return OpValidateResult::Fail;

		case Add:
		case Subtract:
		case Multiply:
		case Divide:
		case Modulo:
		case BAnd:
		case BOr:
		case BXOr:
		case LShift:
		case RShift:

			switch ( params_code->NumEntries )
				case 1:
					is_member_symbol = true;

				case 2:
					if ( ! params_code->ValueType.is_equal( ret_type ) )
						log_failure("gen::def_operator: "
							"operator%s is non-member symbol yet first paramter does not equal return type\n"
							"param type: %s\n"
							"return type: %s\n"
							, params_code.debug_str()
							, ret_type.debug_str()
						return OpValidateResult::Fail;

					log_failure("gen::def_operator: operator%s recieved unexpected number of paramters recived %d instead of 0-2"
						, to_str(op)
						, params_code->NumEntries
					return OpValidateResult::Fail;

		case UnaryNot:
			if ( ! params_code )
				is_member_symbol = true;

				if ( params_code->Type != ECode::Parameters )
					log_failure("gen::def_operator: params is not of Parameters type - %s", params_code.debug_str());
					return OpValidateResult::Fail;

				if ( params_code->NumEntries != 1 )
					log_failure("gen::def_operator: operator%s recieved unexpected number of paramters recived %d instead of 0-1"
						, to_str(op)
						, params_code->NumEntries
					return OpValidateResult::Fail;

			if ( ! ret_type.is_equal( t_bool ))
				log_failure("gen::def_operator: operator%s return type must be of type bool - %s"
					, to_str(op)
					, ret_type.debug_str()
				return OpValidateResult::Fail;

		case LAnd:
		case LOr:
		case LEqual:
		case LNot:
		case Lesser:
		case Greater:
		case LesserEqual:
		case GreaterEqual:

			switch ( params_code->NumEntries )
				case 1:
					is_member_symbol = true;

				case 2:

					log_failure("gen::def_operator: operator%s recieved unexpected number of paramters recived %d instead of 1-2"
						, to_str(op)
						, params_code->NumEntries
					return OpValidateResult::Fail;

		case Indirection:
		case AddressOf:
		case MemberOfPointer:
			if ( params_code && params_code->NumEntries > 1)
				log_failure("gen::def_operator: operator%s recieved unexpected number of paramters recived %d instead of 0-1"
					, to_str(op)
					, params_code->NumEntries
				return OpValidateResult::Fail;
				is_member_symbol = true;

		case PtrToMemOfPtr:
			if ( params_code )
				log_failure("gen::def_operator: operator%s expects no paramters - %s", to_str(op), params_code.debug_str());
				return OpValidateResult::Fail;

		case Subscript:
		case FunctionCall:
		case Comma:
#	undef specs

	return is_member_symbol ? OpValidateResult::Member : OpValidateResult::Global;
#	undef check_params
#	undef check_ret_type
#	undef check_param_eq_ret

#pragma region Helper Marcos
// This snippet is used in nearly all the functions.
#define name_check( Context_, Name_ )                                                                 \
{                                                                                                     \
	if ( Name_.Len <= 0 )                                                                             \
	{                                                                                                 \
		log_failure( "gen::" stringize(Context_) ": Invalid name length provided - %d",  Name_.Len ); \
		return CodeInvalid;                                                                           \
	}                                                                                                 \
	if ( Name_.Ptr == nullptr )                                                                       \
	{                                                                                                 \
		log_failure( "gen::" stringize(Context_) ": name is null" );                                  \
		return CodeInvalid;                                                                           \
	}                                                                                                 \

#define null_check( Context_, Code_ )                                                         \
	if ( ! Code_ )                                                                            \
	{                                                                                         \
		log_failure( "gen::" stringize(Context_) ": " stringize(Code_) " provided is null" ); \
		return CodeInvalid;                                                                   \

#define null_or_invalid_check( Context_, Code_ )                                                \
{                                                                                               \
	if ( ! Code_ )                                                                              \
	{                                                                                           \
		log_failure( "gen::" stringize(Context_) ": " stringize(Code_) " provided is null" );   \
		return CodeInvalid;                                                                     \
	}                                                                                           \
	if ( Code_->is_invalid() )                                                                  \
	{                                                                                           \
		log_failure("gen::" stringize(Context_) ": " stringize(Code_) " provided is invalid" ); \
		return CodeInvalid;                                                                     \
	}                                                                                           \

#define not_implemented( Context_ )                             \
	log_failure( "gen::%s: This function is not implemented" ); \
	return CodeInvalid;
#pragma endregion Helper Marcos

The implementaiton of the upfront constructors involves bascially doing three things:
* Validate the arguments given to construct the intended type of AST is valid.
* Construct said AST type.
* Lock the AST (set to readonly) and return the valid object.

If any of the validation fails, it triggers a call to log_failure with as much info the give the user so that they can hopefully
identify the issue without having to debug too much (at least they can debug though...)

The largest of the functions is related to operator overload definitions.
The library validates a good protion of their form and thus the argument processing for is quite a bit.
CodeAttributes def_attributes( StrC content )
	if ( content.Len <= 0 || content.Ptr == nullptr )
		log_failure( "gen::def_attributes: Invalid attributes provided" );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result          = make_code();
	result->Type    = ECode::PlatformAttributes;
	result->Name    = get_cached_string( content );
	result->Content = result->Name;

	return (CodeAttributes) result;

CodeComment def_comment( StrC content )
	if ( content.Len <= 0 || content.Ptr == nullptr )
		log_failure( "gen::def_comment: Invalid comment provided:" );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result          = make_code();
	result->Type    = ECode::Comment;
	result->Name    = get_cached_string( content );
	result->Content = result->Name;

	return (CodeComment) result;

CodeClass def_class( StrC name
	, Code           body
	, CodeType       parent, AccessSpec parent_access
	, CodeAttributes attributes
	, ModuleFlag     mflags
	, CodeType*      interfaces, s32 num_interfaces	)
	using namespace ECode;

	name_check( def_class, name );

	if ( attributes && attributes->Type != PlatformAttributes )
		log_failure( "gen::def_class: attributes was not a 'PlatformAttributes' type: %s", attributes.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( parent && (parent->Type != Class || parent->Type != Struct || parent->Type != Typename || parent->Type != Untyped) )
		log_failure( "gen::def_class: parent provided is not type 'Class', 'Struct', 'Typeanme', or 'Untyped': %s", parent.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result              = (CodeClass) make_code();
	result->Name        = get_cached_string( name );
	result->ModuleFlags = mflags;

	if ( body )
		switch ( body->Type )
			case Class_Body:
			case Untyped:

				log_failure("gen::def_class: body must be either of Class_Body or Untyped type - %s", body.debug_str());
				return CodeInvalid;

		result->Type = Class;
		result->Body = body;
		result->Type = Class_Fwd;

	if ( attributes )
		result->Attributes = attributes;

	if ( parent )
		result->ParentAccess = parent_access;
		result->ParentType   = parent;

	if ( interfaces )
		for (s32 idx = 0; idx < num_interfaces; idx++ )
			result.add_interface( interfaces[idx] );

	return result;

CodeEnum def_enum( StrC name
	, Code       body,      CodeType       type
	, EnumT      specifier, CodeAttributes attributes
	, ModuleFlag mflags )
	using namespace ECode;

	name_check( def_enum, name );

	if ( type && type->Type != Typename )
		log_failure( "gen::def_enum: enum underlying type provided was not of type Typename: %s", type.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( attributes && attributes->Type != PlatformAttributes )
		log_failure( "gen::def_enum: attributes was not a 'PlatformAttributes' type: %s", attributes.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result              = (CodeEnum) make_code();
	result->Name        = get_cached_string( name );
	result->ModuleFlags = mflags;

	if ( body )
		switch ( body->Type )
			case Enum_Body:
			case Untyped:

				log_failure( "gen::def_enum: body must be of Enum_Body or Untyped type %s", body.debug_str());
				return CodeInvalid;

		result->Type = specifier == EnumClass ?
			Enum_Class : Enum;

		result->Body = body;
		result->Type = specifier == EnumClass ?
			Enum_Class_Fwd : Enum_Fwd;

	if ( attributes )
		result->Attributes = attributes;

	if ( type )
		result->UnderlyingType = type;
	else if ( result->Type != Enum_Class_Fwd && result->Type != Enum_Fwd )
		log_failure( "gen::def_enum: enum forward declaration must have an underlying type" );
		return CodeInvalid;

	return result;

CodeExec def_execution( StrC content )
	if ( content.Len <= 0 || content.Ptr == nullptr )
		log_failure( "gen::def_execution: Invalid execution provided" );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result          = make_code();
	result->Type    = ECode::Execution;
	result->Name    = get_cached_string( content );
	result->Content = result->Name;

	return (CodeExec) result;

CodeExtern def_extern_link( StrC name, Code body )
	using namespace ECode;

	name_check( def_extern_linkage, name );
	null_check( def_extern_linkage, body );

	if ( body->Type != Extern_Linkage_Body && body->Type != Untyped )
		log_failure("gen::def_extern_linkage: body is not of extern_linkage or untyped type %s", body->debug_str());
		return CodeInvalid;

	result        = (CodeExtern)make_code();
	result->Type  = Extern_Linkage;
	result->Name  = get_cached_string( name );
	result->Body  = body;

	return (CodeExtern) result;

CodeFriend def_friend( Code declaration )
	using namespace ECode;

	null_check( def_friend, declaration );

	switch ( declaration->Type )
		case Class_Fwd:
		case Function_Fwd:
		case Operator_Fwd:
		case Struct_Fwd:
		case Class:
		case Function:
		case Operator:
		case Struct:

			log_failure("gen::def_friend: requires declartion to have class, function, operator, or struct - %s", declaration->debug_str());
			return CodeInvalid;

	result       = (CodeFriend) make_code();
	result->Type = Friend;

	result->Declaration = declaration;

	return result;

CodeFn def_function( StrC name
	, CodeParam      params ,    CodeType       ret_type, Code body
	, CodeSpecifiers specifiers, CodeAttributes attributes
	, ModuleFlag     mflags )
	using namespace ECode;

	name_check( def_function, name );

	if ( params && params->Type != Parameters )
		log_failure( "gen::def_function: params was not a `Parameters` type: %s", params.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( ret_type && ret_type->Type != Typename )
		log_failure( "gen::def_function: ret_type was not a Typename: %s", ret_type.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( specifiers && specifiers->Type != Specifiers )
		log_failure( "gen::def_function: specifiers was not a `Specifiers` type: %s", specifiers.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( attributes && attributes->Type != PlatformAttributes )
		log_failure( "gen::def_function: attributes was not a `PlatformAttributes` type: %s", attributes.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result              = (CodeFn) make_code();
	result->Name        = get_cached_string( name );
	result->ModuleFlags = mflags;

	if ( body )
		switch ( body->Type )
			case Function_Body:
			case Execution:
			case Untyped:

				log_failure("gen::def_function: body must be either of Function_Body, Execution, or Untyped type. %s", body->debug_str());
				return CodeInvalid;

		result->Type = Function;
		result->Body = body;
		result->Type = Function_Fwd;

	if ( attributes )
		result->Attributes = attributes;

	if ( specifiers )
		result->Specs = specifiers;

	if ( ret_type )
		result->ReturnType = ret_type;
		result->ReturnType = t_void;

	if ( params )
		result->Params = params;

	return result;

CodeInclude def_include ( StrC path )
	if ( path.Len <= 0 || path.Ptr == nullptr )
		log_failure( "gen::def_include: Invalid path provided - %d" );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result          = make_code();
	result->Type    = ECode::Preprocessor_Include;
	result->Name    = get_cached_string( path );
	result->Content = result->Name;

	return (CodeInclude) result;

CodeModule def_module( StrC name, ModuleFlag mflags )
	name_check( def_module, name );

	result              = make_code();
	result->Type        = ECode::Module;
	result->Name        = get_cached_string( name );
	result->Content     = result->Name;
	result->ModuleFlags = mflags;

	return (CodeModule) result;

CodeNamespace def_namespace( StrC name, Code body, ModuleFlag mflags )
	using namespace ECode;

	name_check( def_namespace, name );
	null_check( def_namespace, body );

	if ( body->Type != Namespace_Body && body->Type != Untyped )
		log_failure("gen::def_namespace: body is not of namespace or untyped type %s", body.debug_str());
		return CodeInvalid;

	result              = (CodeNamespace) make_code();
	result->Type        = Namespace;
	result->Name        = get_cached_string( name );
	result->ModuleFlags = mflags;
	result->Body        = body;

	return result;

CodeOperator def_operator( OperatorT op
	, CodeParam      params_code, CodeType       ret_type, Code body
	, CodeSpecifiers specifiers,  CodeAttributes attributes
	, ModuleFlag     mflags )
	using namespace ECode;

	if ( attributes && attributes->Type != PlatformAttributes )
		log_failure( "gen::def_operator: PlatformAttributes was provided but its not of attributes type: %s", attributes.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( specifiers && specifiers->Type != Specifiers )
		log_failure( "gen::def_operator: Specifiers was provided but its not of specifiers type: %s", specifiers.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	OpValidateResult check_result = operator__validate( op, params_code, ret_type, specifiers );

	if ( check_result == OpValidateResult::Fail )
		return CodeInvalid;

	char const* name = str_fmt_buf( "operator %s", to_str(op) );

	result              = (CodeOperator) make_code();
	result->Name        = get_cached_string( { str_len(name), name } );
	result->ModuleFlags = mflags;

	if ( body )
		switch ( body->Type )
			case Function_Body:
			case Execution:
			case Untyped:

				log_failure("gen::def_operator: body must be either of Function_Body, Execution, or Untyped type. %s", body->debug_str());
				return CodeInvalid;

		result->Type = check_result == OpValidateResult::Global ?
			Operator : Operator_Member;

		result->Body = body;
		result->Type = check_result == OpValidateResult::Global ?
			Operator_Fwd : Operator_Member_Fwd;

	if ( attributes )
		result->Attributes = attributes;

	if ( specifiers )
		result->Specs = specifiers;

	result->ReturnType = ret_type;

	if (params_code)
		result->Params = params_code;

	return result;

CodeOpCast def_operator_cast( CodeType type, Code body, CodeSpecifiers const_spec )
	using namespace ECode;
	null_check( def_operator_cast, type );

	if ( type->Type != Typename )
		log_failure( "gen::def_operator_cast: type is not a typename - %s", type.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	CodeOpCast result = (CodeOpCast) make_code();

	if (body)
		result->Type = Operator_Cast;

		if ( body->Type != Function_Body && body->Type != Execution )
			log_failure( "gen::def_operator_cast: body is not of function body or execution type - %s", body.debug_str() );
			return CodeInvalid;

		result->Body = body;
		result->Type = Operator_Cast_Fwd;

	if ( const_spec )
		result->Specs = const_spec;

	result->ValueType = type;
	return result;

CodeParam def_param( CodeType type, StrC name, Code value )
	using namespace ECode;

	name_check( def_param, name );
	null_check( def_param, type );

	if ( type->Type != Typename )
		log_failure( "gen::def_param: type is not a typename - %s", type.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( value && value->Type != Untyped )
		log_failure( "gen::def_param: value is not untyped - %s", value.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result       = (CodeParam) make_code();
	result->Type = Parameters;
	result->Name = get_cached_string( name );

	result->ValueType = type;

	if ( value )
		result->Value = value;


	return result;

CodeSpecifiers def_specifier( SpecifierT spec )
	result       = (CodeSpecifiers) make_code();
	result->Type = ECode::Specifiers;
	result.append( spec );

	return result;

CodeStruct def_struct( StrC name
	, Code           body
	, CodeType       parent, AccessSpec parent_access
	, CodeAttributes attributes
	, ModuleFlag     mflags
	, CodeType*      interfaces, s32 num_interfaces )
	using namespace ECode;

	if ( attributes && attributes->Type != PlatformAttributes )
		log_failure( "gen::def_struct: attributes was not a `PlatformAttributes` type - %s", attributes.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( parent && parent->Type != Typename )
		log_failure( "gen::def_struct: parent was not a `Struct` type - %s", parent.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( body && body->Type != Struct_Body )
		log_failure( "gen::def_struct: body was not a Struct_Body type - %s", body.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result              = (CodeStruct) make_code();
	result->ModuleFlags = mflags;

	if ( name )
		result->Name = get_cached_string( name );

	if ( body )
		result->Type = Struct;
		result->Body = body;
		result->Type = Struct_Fwd;

	if ( attributes )
		result->Attributes = attributes;

	if ( parent )
		result->ParentAccess = parent_access;
		result->ParentType   = parent;

	if ( interfaces )
		for (s32 idx = 0; idx < num_interfaces; idx++ )
			result.add_interface( interfaces[idx] );

	return result;

CodeTemplate def_template( CodeParam params, Code declaration, ModuleFlag mflags )
	null_check( def_template, declaration );

	if ( params && params->Type != ECode::Parameters )
		log_failure( "gen::def_template: params is not of parameters type - %s", params.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	switch (declaration->Type )
		case ECode::Class:
		case ECode::Function:
		case ECode::Struct:
		case ECode::Variable:
		case ECode::Using:

			log_failure( "gen::def_template: declaration is not of class, function, struct, variable, or using type - %s", declaration.debug_str() );

	result              = (CodeTemplate) make_code();
	result->Type        = ECode::Template;
	result->ModuleFlags = mflags;
	result->Params      = params;
	result->Declaration = declaration;

	return result;

CodeType def_type( StrC name, Code arrayexpr, CodeSpecifiers specifiers, CodeAttributes attributes )
	name_check( def_type, name );

	if ( attributes && attributes->Type != ECode::PlatformAttributes )
		log_failure( "gen::def_type: attributes is not of attributes type - %s", attributes.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( specifiers && specifiers->Type != ECode::Specifiers )
		log_failure( "gen::def_type: specifiers is not of specifiers type - %s", specifiers.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( arrayexpr && arrayexpr->Type != ECode::Untyped )
		log_failure( "gen::def_type: arrayexpr is not of untyped type - %s", arrayexpr->debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result       = (CodeType) make_code();
	result->Name = get_cached_string( name );
	result->Type = ECode::Typename;

	if ( attributes )
		result->Attributes = attributes;

	if ( specifiers )
		result->Specs = specifiers;

	if ( arrayexpr )
		result->ArrExpr = arrayexpr;

	return result;

CodeTypedef def_typedef( StrC name, Code type, CodeAttributes attributes, ModuleFlag mflags )
	using namespace ECode;

	name_check( def_typedef, name );
	null_check( def_typedef, type );

	switch ( type->Type )
		case Class:
		case Class_Fwd:
		case Enum:
		case Enum_Fwd:
		case Enum_Class:
		case Enum_Class_Fwd:
		case Function_Fwd:
		case Struct:
		case Struct_Fwd:
		case Union:
		case Typename:
			log_failure( "gen::def_typedef: type was not a Class, Enum, Function Forward, Struct, Typename, or Union - %s", type.debug_str() );
			return CodeInvalid;

	if ( attributes && attributes->Type != ECode::PlatformAttributes )
		log_failure( "gen::def_typedef: attributes was not a PlatformAttributes - %s", attributes.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	// Registering the type.
	Code registered_type = def_type( name );

	if ( ! registered_type )
		log_failure( "gen::def_typedef: failed to register type" );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result              = (CodeTypedef) make_code();
	result->Name        = get_cached_string( name );
	result->Type        = ECode::Typedef;
	result->ModuleFlags = mflags;

	result->UnderlyingType = type;

	return result;

CodeUnion def_union( StrC name, Code body, CodeAttributes attributes, ModuleFlag mflags )
	null_check( def_union, body );

	if ( body->Type != ECode::Union_Body )
		log_failure( "gen::def_union: body was not a Union_Body type - %s", body.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( attributes && attributes->Type != ECode::PlatformAttributes )
		log_failure( "gen::def_union: attributes was not a PlatformAttributes type - %s", attributes.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result              = (CodeUnion) make_code();
	result->ModuleFlags = mflags;
	result->Type        = ECode::Union;

	if ( name.Ptr )
		result->Name = get_cached_string( name );

	result->Body = body;

	if ( attributes )
		result->Attributes = attributes;

	return result;

CodeUsing def_using( StrC name, CodeType type
	, CodeAttributes attributes
	, ModuleFlag     mflags )
	name_check( def_using, name );
	null_check( def_using, type );

	Code register_type = def_type( name );

	if ( ! register_type )
		log_failure( "gen::def_using: failed to register type" );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( attributes && attributes->Type != ECode::PlatformAttributes )
		log_failure( "gen::def_using: attributes was not a PlatformAttributes type - %s", attributes.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result              = (CodeUsing) make_code();
	result->Name        = get_cached_string( name );
	result->ModuleFlags = mflags;
	result->Type = ECode::Using;

	result->UnderlyingType = type;

	if ( attributes )
		result->Attributes = attributes;

	return result;

CodeUsing def_using_namespace( StrC name )
	name_check( def_using_namespace, name );

	result          = make_code();
	result->Name    = get_cached_string( name );
	result->Content = result->Name;
	result->Type    = ECode::Using_Namespace;

	return (CodeUsing) result;

CodeVar def_variable( CodeType type, StrC name, Code value
	, CodeSpecifiers specifiers, CodeAttributes attributes
	, ModuleFlag     mflags )
	name_check( def_variable, name );
	null_check( def_variable, type );

	if ( attributes && attributes->Type != ECode::PlatformAttributes )
		log_failure( "gen::def_variable: attributes was not a `PlatformAttributes` type - %s", attributes.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( specifiers && specifiers->Type != ECode::Specifiers )
		log_failure( "gen::def_variable: specifiers was not a `Specifiers` type - %s", specifiers.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( type->Type != ECode::Typename )
		log_failure( "gen::def_variable: type was not a Typename - %s", type.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( value && value->Type != ECode::Untyped )
		log_failure( "gen::def_variable: value was not a `Untyped` type - %s", value.debug_str() );
		return CodeInvalid;

	result              = (CodeVar) make_code();
	result->Name        = get_cached_string( name );
	result->Type        = ECode::Variable;
	result->ModuleFlags = mflags;

	result->ValueType = type;

	if ( attributes )
		result->Attributes = attributes;

	if ( specifiers )
		result->Specs = specifiers;

	if ( value )
		result->Value = value;

	return result;

Body related functions typically follow the same implementation pattern.
Opted to use inline helper macros to get the implementaiton done.

The implementation pattern is as follows:
* Validate a valid parameter num was provided, or code array
	def_body_start or def_body_code_array_start( <name of function >)

* Begin the code entry do-while loop, make sure each entry is valid processing its type in the switc
	def_body_code_validation_start( <name of function> )

* Define the switch case statements between the macros.

* Add the code entry, finish the closing implemenation for the do-while loop.
	def_body_code_validation_end( <name of function> )

* Lock the body AST and return it.

If a function's implementation deviates from the macros then its just writen it out.

#pragma region Helper Macros for def_**_body functions
#define def_body_start( Name_ )                                               \
using namespace ECode;                                                        \
if ( num <= 0 )                                                               \
{                                                                             \
	log_failure("gen::" stringize(Name_) ": num cannot be zero or negative"); \
	return CodeInvalid;                                                       \

#define def_body_code_array_start( Name_ )                                     \
using namespace ECode;                                                         \
if ( num <= 0 )                                                                \
{                                                                              \
	log_failure("gen::" stringize(Name_) ": num cannot be zero or negative");  \
	return CodeInvalid;                                                        \
}                                                                              \
if ( codes == nullptr )                                                        \
{                                                                              \
	log_failure("gen::" stringize(Name_)" : Provided a null array of codes");  \
	return CodeInvalid;                                                        \

#define def_body_code_validation_start( Name_ )                               \
do                                                                            \
{                                                                             \
	Code_POD pod   = va_arg(va, Code_POD);                                    \
	Code     entry = pcast(Code, pod);                                        \
	if ( ! entry )                                                            \
	{                                                                         \
		log_failure("gen::" stringize(Name_) ": Provided an null entry");     \
		return CodeInvalid;                                                   \
	}                                                                         \
	switch ( entry->Type )                                                    \

#define def_body_code_array_validation_start( Name_ )                         \
do                                                                            \
{                                                                             \
	Code entry = *codes; codes++;                                             \
	if ( ! entry )                                                            \
	{                                                                         \
		log_failure("gen::" stringize(Name_) ": Provided an null entry");     \
		return CodeInvalid;                                                   \
	}                                                                         \
	switch ( entry->Type )                                                    \

#define def_body_code_validation_end( Name_ )                                                             \
			log_failure("gen::" stringize(Name_) ": Entry type is not allowed: %s", entry.debug_str() );  \
			return CodeInvalid;                                                                           \
		default:                                                                                          \
			break;                                                                                        \
	}                                                                                                     \
	result.append( entry );                                                                               \
}                                                                                                         \
while ( num--, num > 0 )
#pragma endregion Helper Macros for def_**_body functions

CodeBody def_class_body( s32 num, ... )
	def_body_start( def_class_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Class_Body;

	va_list va;
	va_start(va, num);
	def_body_code_validation_start( def_class_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_class_body );

	return result;

CodeBody def_class_body( s32 num, Code* codes )
	def_body_code_array_start( def_class_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Function_Body;

	def_body_code_array_validation_start( def_class_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_class_body );

	return result;

CodeBody def_enum_body( s32 num, ... )
	def_body_start( def_enum_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Enum_Body;

	va_list va;
	va_start(va, num);
		Code_POD pod   = va_arg(va, Code_POD);
		Code     entry = pcast(Code, pod);

		if ( ! entry )
			log_failure("gen::def_enum_body: Provided a null entry");
			return CodeInvalid;

		if ( entry->Type != Untyped && entry->Type != Comment )
			log_failure("gen::def_enum_body: Entry type is not allowed - %s. Must be of untyped or comment type.", entry.debug_str() ); \
			return CodeInvalid;

		result.append( entry );
	while ( num--, num > 0 );

	return (CodeBody) result;

CodeBody def_enum_body( s32 num, Code* codes )
	def_body_code_array_start( def_enum_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Enum_Body;

		Code entry = *codes;

		if ( ! entry )
			log_failure("gen::def_enum_body: Provided a null entry");
			return CodeInvalid;

		if ( entry->Type != Untyped && entry->Type != Comment )
			log_failure("gen::def_enum_body: Entry type is not allowed: %s", entry.debug_str() ); \
			return CodeInvalid;

		result.append( entry );
	while ( codes++, num--, num > 0 );

	return result;

CodeBody def_export_body( s32 num, ... )
	def_body_start( def_export_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Export_Body;

	va_list va;
	va_start(va, num);
	def_body_code_validation_start( def_export_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_export_body );

	return result;

CodeBody def_export_body( s32 num, Code* codes )
	def_body_code_array_start( def_export_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Export_Body;

	def_body_code_array_validation_start( def_export_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_export_body );

	return result;

CodeBody def_extern_link_body( s32 num, ... )
	def_body_start( def_extern_linkage_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Extern_Linkage_Body;

	va_list va;
	va_start(va, num);
	def_body_code_validation_start( def_extern_linkage_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_extern_linkage_body );

	return result;

CodeBody def_extern_link_body( s32 num, Code* codes )
	def_body_code_array_start( def_extern_linkage_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Extern_Linkage_Body;

	def_body_code_array_validation_start( def_extern_linkage_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_extern_linkage_body );

	return result;

CodeBody def_function_body( s32 num, ... )
	def_body_start( def_function_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Function_Body;

	va_list va;
	va_start(va, num);
	def_body_code_validation_start( def_function_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_function_body );

	return result;

CodeBody def_function_body( s32 num, Code* codes )
	def_body_code_array_start( def_function_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Function_Body;

	def_body_code_array_validation_start( def_function_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_function_body );

	return result;

CodeBody def_global_body( s32 num, ... )
	def_body_start( def_global_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Global_Body;

	va_list va;
	va_start(va, num);
	def_body_code_validation_start( def_global_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_global_body );

	return result;

CodeBody def_global_body( s32 num, Code* codes )
	def_body_code_array_start( def_global_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Global_Body;

	def_body_code_array_validation_start( def_global_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_global_body );

	return result;

CodeBody def_namespace_body( s32 num, ... )
	def_body_start( def_namespace_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Namespace_Body;

	va_list va;
	va_start(va, num);
	def_body_code_validation_start( def_namespace_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_namespace_body );

	return result;

CodeBody def_namespace_body( s32 num, Code* codes )
	def_body_code_array_start( def_namespace_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Global_Body;

	def_body_code_array_validation_start( def_namespace_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_namespace_body );

	return result;

CodeParam def_params( s32 num, ... )
	def_body_start( def_params );

	va_list va;
	va_start(va, num);

	Code_POD  pod   = va_arg(va, Code_POD);
	CodeParam param = pcast( CodeParam, pod );

	null_check( def_params, param );

	if ( param->Type != Parameters )
		log_failure( "gen::def_params: param %d is not a Parameters", num - num + 1 );
		return CodeInvalid;

	CodeParam result = (CodeParam) param.duplicate();

	while ( -- num )
		pod   = va_arg(va, Code_POD);
		param = pcast( CodeParam, pod );

		if ( param->Type != Parameters )
			log_failure( "gen::def_params: param %d is not a Parameters", num - num + 1 );
			return CodeInvalid;

		result.append( param );

	return result;

CodeParam def_params( s32 num, CodeParam* codes )
	def_body_code_array_start( def_params );

#	define check_current()                                                                                      \
	if ( current.ast == nullptr )                                                                               \
	{                                                                                                           \
		log_failure("gen::def_params: Provide a null code in codes array");                                     \
		return CodeInvalid;                                                                                     \
	}                                                                                                           \
	if (current->Type != Parameters )                                                                           \
	{                                                                                                           \
		log_failure("gen::def_params: Code in coes array is not of paramter type - %s", current.debug_str() );  \
		return CodeInvalid;                                                                                     \

	CodeParam current = (CodeParam) codes->duplicate();

	result            = (CodeParam) make_code();
	result->Name      = current->Name;
	result->Type      = current->Type;
	result->ValueType = current->ValueType;

	while( codes++, current = * codes, num--, num > 0 )
		result.append( current );
#	undef check_current

	return result;

CodeSpecifiers def_specifiers( s32 num, ... )
	if ( num <= 0 )
		log_failure("gen::def_specifiers: num cannot be zero or less");
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( num > AST::ArrSpecs_Cap )
		log_failure("gen::def_specifiers: num of speciifers to define AST larger than AST specicifier capacity - %d", num);
		return CodeInvalid;

	result       = (CodeSpecifiers) make_code();
	result->Type = ECode::Specifiers;

	va_list va;
	va_start(va, num);
		SpecifierT type = (SpecifierT)va_arg(va, int);

		result.append( type );
	while ( --num, num );

	return result;

CodeSpecifiers def_specifiers( s32 num, SpecifierT* specs )
	if ( num <= 0 )
		log_failure("gen::def_specifiers: num cannot be zero or less");
		return CodeInvalid;

	if ( num > AST::ArrSpecs_Cap )
		log_failure("gen::def_specifiers: num of speciifers to define AST larger than AST specicifier capacity - %d", num);
		return CodeInvalid;

	result       = (CodeSpecifiers) make_code();
	result->Type = ECode::Specifiers;

	s32 idx = 0;
		result.append( specs[idx] );
	while ( --num, num );

	return result;

CodeBody def_struct_body( s32 num, ... )
	def_body_start( def_struct_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Struct_Body;

	va_list va;
	va_start(va, num);
	def_body_code_validation_start( def_struct_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_struct_body );

	return result;

CodeBody def_struct_body( s32 num, Code* codes )
	def_body_code_array_start( def_struct_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Struct_Body;

	def_body_code_array_validation_start( def_struct_body );
	def_body_code_validation_end( def_struct_body );

	return result;

CodeBody def_union_body( s32 num, ... )
	def_body_start( def_union_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Union_Body;

	va_list va;
	va_start(va, num);
		Code_POD pod   = va_arg(va, Code_POD);
		Code     entry = pcast( Code, pod );

		if ( ! entry )
			log_failure("gen::def_union_body: Provided a null entry");
			return CodeInvalid;

		if ( entry->Type != Untyped && entry->Type != Comment )
			log_failure("gen::def_union_body: Entry type is not allowed - %s. Must be of untyped or comment type.", entry.debug_str() ); \
			return CodeInvalid;

		result.append( entry );
	while ( num--, num > 0 );

	return result;

CodeBody def_union_body( s32 num, CodeUnion* codes )
	def_body_code_array_start( def_union_body );

	result       = (CodeBody) make_code();
	result->Type = Union_Body;

		Code entry = *codes;

		if ( ! entry )
			log_failure("gen::def_union_body: Provided a null entry");
			return CodeInvalid;

		if ( entry->Type != Untyped && entry->Type != Comment )
			log_failure("gen::def_union_body: Entry type is not allowed: %s", entry.debug_str() );
			return CodeInvalid;

		result.append( entry );
	while ( codes++, num--, num > 0 );

	return (CodeBody) result;

#	undef name_check
#	undef null_check
#	undef null_or_invalid_check