Clear-Host $path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel $path_scripts = Join-Path $path_root 'scripts' $target_arch = Join-Path $path_scripts 'helpers/target_arch.psm1' $devshell = Join-Path $path_scripts 'helpers/devshell.ps1' $format_cpp = Join-Path $path_scripts 'helpers/format_cpp.psm1' $incremental_checks = Join-Path $path_scripts 'helpers/incremental_checks.ps1' $vendor_toolchain = Join-Path $path_scripts 'helpers/vendor_toolchain.ps1' $path_project = Join-Path $path_root 'project' $path_aux = Join-Path $path_project 'auxillary' $path_vis_root = Join-Path $path_aux 'vis_ast' $path_binaries = Join-Path $path_vis_root 'binaries' $path_deps = Join-Path $path_vis_root 'dependencies' $path_temp = Join-Path $path_deps 'temp' Import-Module $target_arch Import-Module $format_cpp #region Arguments $vendor = $null $optimize = $null $debug = $null $analysis = $false $dev = $false $verbose = $null [array] $vendors = @( "clang", "msvc" ) # This is a really lazy way of parsing the args, could use actual params down the line... if ( $args ) { $args | ForEach-Object { switch ($_){ { $_ -in $vendors } { $vendor = $_; break } "optimize" { $optimize = $true } "debug" { $debug = $true } "analysis" { $analysis = $true } "dev" { $dev = $true } "verbose" { $verbose = $true } } }} #endregion Argument # Load up toolchain configuraion . $vendor_toolchain . $incremental_checks # Clear out the current content first # remove-item $path_temp -Recurse # New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_temp if ( -not (Test-Path $path_binaries) ) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_binaries } function setup-raylib { $path_raylib = join-path $path_deps 'raylib' $path_raylib_inc = join-path $path_raylib 'include' $path_raylib_lib = join-path $path_raylib 'lib' if ( test-path $path_raylib_inc ) { remove-item $path_raylib_inc -recurse remove-item $path_raylib_lib -recurse } new-item -path $path_raylib_inc -ItemType Directory new-item -path $path_raylib_lib -ItemType Directory $url_raylib_zip = '' $path_raylib_zip = join-path $path_temp '' $path_raylib_master = join-path $path_temp 'raylib-master' $path_raylib_src = join-path $path_raylib_master 'src' $path_raylib_glfw_inc = join-path $path_raylib_src 'external/glfw/include' remove-item $path_raylib_master -Recurse # invoke-webrequest -uri $url_raylib_zip -outfile $path_raylib_zip expand-archive -path $path_raylib_zip -destinationpath $path_temp write-host "Building raylib with $vendor" $path_build = Join-Path $path_raylib 'build' if ( (Test-Path $path_build) -eq $false ) { New-Item $path_build -ItemType Directory } # Refactor raylib if ( $true ) { $path_gencpp = join-path $path_root 'singleheader/gen' $includes = @( $path_gencpp ) $compiler_args = @( ($flag_define + 'GEN_TIME') ) $linker_args = @( ) $unit = join-path $path_raylib 'raylib_refactor.cpp' $executable = join-path $path_build 'raylib_refactor.exe' $build_result = build-simple $path_build $includes $compiler_args $linker_args $unit $executable Push-Location $path_raylib_src if ( Test-Path( $executable ) ) { $time_taken = Measure-Command { & $executable | ForEach-Object { write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor Green } } } Pop-Location } # Build raylib if ( $false ) { # Microsoft $lib_gdi32 = 'Gdi32.lib' $lib_shell32 = 'Shell32.lib' $lib_xinput = 'Xinput.lib' $lib_user32 = 'User32.lib' $lib_winmm = 'Winmm.lib' $includes = @( $path_raylib_src, $path_raylib_glfw_inc ) foreach ($include in $includes) { write-host $include } $compiler_args = @( ($flag_define + 'PLATFORM_DESKTOP'), ($flag_define + 'BUILD_LIBTYPE_SHARED') ) $linker_args = @( $flag_link_dll, # $lib_xinput, $lib_gdi32, $lib_shell32, $lib_user32, $lib_winmm ) # $unit = join-path $path_raylib 'raylib.c' $dll = join-path $path_raylib_lib 'raylib.dll' # $build_result = build-simple $path_build $includes $compiler_args $linker_args $unit $dll $raylib_modules = get-childitem -path $path_raylib_src -filter "*.c" -file $build_result = build $path_build $includes $compiler_args $linker_args $raylib_modules $dll } # Move headers to used include $raylib_headers = Get-ChildItem -Path $path_raylib_src -Filter "*.h" -File foreach ($header in $raylib_headers) { Copy-Item -Path $header -Destination (join-path $path_raylib_inc (split-path $header -Leaf)) } } setup-raylib