// not       : Ignore
// include   : #includes
// word      : Alphanumeric or underscore
// namespace : Prefix search and replace (c-namspaces).
// regex     : Unavailable in __VERSION 1.

// Precedence (highest to lowest):
// word, namespace, regex

// Gen Macro namespace
// namespace GEN_, new_namespace_

// c_library.refactor
// Used to prefix all exposed identifiers with the gen_namespace by c_library.cpp using ./gencpp/scripts/helpers/refactor.exe

// Macros

word global,                       gen_global
word internal,                     gen_internal
word local_persist,                gen_local_persist
word bit,                          gen_bit
word bitfield_is_set,              gen_bitfield_is_set
word cast,                         gen_cast
word ccast,                        gen_ccast
word pcast,                        gen_pcast
word rcast,                        gen_rcast
word scast,                        gen_scast
word stringize_va,                 gen_stringize_va
word stringize,                    gen_stringize
word do_once,                      gen_do_once
word do_once_start,                gen_do_once_start
word do_once_end,                  gen_do_once_end
word labeled_scope_start,          gen_labeled_scope_start
word labeled_scope_end,            gen_labeled_scope_end
word compiler_decorated_func_name, gen_compiler_decorated_func_name
word num_args_impl,                gen_num_args_impl
word num_args,                     gen_num_args
word clamp,                        gen_clamp
word count_of,                     gen_count_of
word is_between,                   gen_is_between
word size_of,                      gen_size_of
word max,                          gen_max
word min,                          gen_min
word offset_of,                    gen_offset_of
word forceinline,                  gen_forceinline
word neverinline,                  gen_neverinline
word static_assert,                gen_static_assert
word thread_local,                 gen_thread_local
word typeof,                       gen_typeof
word enum_underlying,              gen_enum_underlying
word nullptr,                      gen_nullptr
word struct_init,                  gen_struct_init
word hash,                         gen_hash

// Basic Types

word u8,               gen_u8
word s8,               gen_s8
word u16,              gen_u16
word s16,              gen_s16
word u32,              gen_u32
word s32,              gen_s32
word u64,              gen_u64
word s64,              gen_s64
word usize,            gen_usize
word ssize,            gen_ssize
word sptr,             gen_sptr
word uptr,             gen_uptr
word f32,              gen_f32
word f64,              gen_f64
word b8,               gen_b8
word b16,              gen_b16
word b32,              gen_b32
word mem_ptr,          gen_mem_ptr
word mem_ptr_const,    gen_mem_ptr_const
word to_uptr,          gen_to_uptr
word to_sptr,          gen_to_sptr
word to_mem_ptr,       gen_to_mem_ptr
word to_mem_ptr_const, gen_to_mem_ptr_const

// Debug

word assert_handler, gen_assert_handler
word assert_crash,   gen_assert_crash
word process_exit,   gen_process_exit

// Memory

word kilobytes, gen_kilobytes
word megabytes, gen_megabytes
word gigabytes, gen_gigabytes
word terabytes, gen_terabytes

word swap, gen_swap

word is_power_of_two,        gen_is_power_of_two
word align_forward,          gen_align_forward
word align_forward_by_value, gen_align_forward_by_value
word pointer_add,            gen_pointer_add
word pointer_add_const,      gen_pointer_add_const
word pointer_diff,           gen_pointer_diff
word mem_copy,               gen_mem_copy
word mem_find,               gen_mem_find
word mem_move,               gen_mem_move
word mem_set,                gen_mem_set
word zero_size,              gen_zero_size
word zero_item,              gen_zero_item
word zero_array,             gen_zero_array

word AllocType,     gen_AllocType
word AllocatorProc, gen_AllocatorProc
word AllocatorInfo, gen_AllocatorInfo
word AllocFlag,     gen_AllocFlag

word alloc,          gen_alloc
word alloc_align,    gen_alloc_align
word allocator_free, gen_allocator_free
word free_all,       gen_free_all
word resize,         gen_resize
word resize_align,   gen_resize_align
word alloc_item,     gen_alloc_item
word alloc_array,    gen_alloc_array

word heap_stats_init,        gen_heap_stats_init
word heap_stats_used_memory, gen_heap_stats_used_memory
word heap_stats_alloc_count, gen_heap_stats_alloc_count
word heap_stats_check,       gen_heap_stats_check
word default_resize_align,   gen_default_resize_align

word heap_allocator_proc, gen_heap_allocator_proc
word heap,                gen_heap
word malloc,              gen_malloc
word mfree,               gen_mfree

word VirtualMemory,            gen_VirtualMemory
word vm_from_memory,           gen_vm_from_memory
word vm_alloc,                 gen_vm_alloc
word vm_free,                  gen_vm_free
word vm_trim,                  gen_vm_trim
word vm_purge,                 gen_vm_purge
word virtual_memory_page_size, gen_virtual_memory_page_size

// Memory: Arena

word Arena, gen_Arena
namespace arena_, gen_arena_

// word arena_allocator_info
// word arena_init_from_memory
// word arena_init_from_allocator
// word arena_init_sub
// word arena_alignment_of
// word arena_check
// word arena_size_remaining

// Memory: FixedArena

namespace FixedArena_,  gen_FixedArena_
namespace fixed_arena_, gen_fixed_arena_

// Memory: Pool

word Pool, gen_Pool
namespace pool_, gen_pool_

// Printing

namespace c_str_, gen_c_str_

word PrintF_Buffer,     gen_PrintF_Buffer
word Msg_Invalid_Value, gen_Msg_Invalid_Value
word log_fmt,           gen_log_fmt

// String Ops

namespace char_, gen_char_

word digit_to_int,      gen_digit_to_int
word hex_digit_to_init, gen_hex_digit_to_init
word i64_to_str,        gen_i64_to_str
word u64_to_str,        gen_u64_to_str

// Containers


word Array, gen_Array
word Array_ssize, gen_Array_gen_ssize

word ArrayHeader, gen_ArrayHeader

namespace Array_, gen_Array_
namespace array_, gen_array_

word HashTable, gen_HashTable

namespace HashTable_, gen_HashTable_
namespace hashtable_, gen_hashtable_

namespace HT_,      gen_HT_
namespace HTE_,     gen_HTE_
namespace arr_hte_, gen_arr_hte_
namespace Arr_HTE_, gen_Arr_HTE_

// Hashing

word crc32, gen_crc32
word crc64, gen_crc64

// Strings

word Str, gen_Str

word to_str_from_c_str, gen_to_str_from_c_str

namespace str_, gen_str_

word cast_to_str, gen_cast_to_str

word StrBuilderHeader, gen_StrBuilderHeader
word StrBuilder,       gen_StrBuilder

namespace strbuilder_, gen_strbuilder_

word StrCached, gen_StrCached

word StringTable, gen_StringTable

namespace StringTable_, gen_StringTable_

// File Handling

word FileModeFlag,   gen_FileModeFlag
word SeekWhenceType, gen_SeekWhenceType
word FileError,      gen_FileError
word FileDescriptor, gen_FileDescriptor
word FileMode,       gen_FileMode
word FileOperations, gen_FileOperations
word FileOperations, gen_FileOperations


word FileTime, word FileTime

word DirType,          gen_DirType
word DirInfo,          gen_DirInfo
word DirEntry,         gen_DirEntry
word DirInfo,          gen_DirInfo
word FileInfo,         gen_FileInfo
word FileStandardType, gen_FileStandardType

namespace file_, gen_file_

word gen_FileContents, gen_FileContents

// Timing

word read_cpu_time_stamp_counter, gen_read_cpu_time_stamp_counter
word time_rel,                    gen_time_rel
word time_rel_ms,                 gen_time_rel_ms

// Parsing

// Parsing: ADT

word ADT_Node,        gen_ADT_Node
word ADT_Type,        gen_ADT_Type
word ADT_Props,       gen_ADT_Props
word ADT_NamingStyle, gen_ADT_NamingStyle
word ADT_AssignStyle, gen_ADT_AssignStyle
word ADT_DelimStyle,  gen_ADT_DelimStyle
word ADT_Error,       gen_ADT_Error
word ADT_Node,        gen_ADT_Node

namespace adt_, gen_adt_

word CSV_Error,  gen_CSV_Error
word CSV_Object, gen_CSV_Object

namespace csv_, gen_csv_

// Types.hpp

word log_failure, gen_log_failure

word AccessSpec,         gen_AccessSpec
word access_spec_to_str, gen_access_spec_to_str

word CodeFlag, gen_CodeFlag
word EnumDecl, gen_EnumDecl

word ModuleFlag,         gen_ModuleFlag
word module_flag_to_str, gen_module_flag_to_str

word EPreprocessCond, gen_EPreprocessCOnd
word ETypenameTag,    gen_ETypenameTag

word CodeType, gen_CodeType

word codetype_to_str,         gen_codetype_to_str
word codetype_to_keyword_str, gen_codetype_to_keyword_str

word Operator,        gen_Operator
word operator_to_str, gen_operator_to_str

word Specifier,        gen_Specifier
word spec_to_str,      gen_spec_to_str
word spec_is_trailing, gen_spec_is_trailing
// word str_to_specifier, gen_str_to_specifier

word MacroType,   gen_MacroType
word EMacroFlags, gen_EMacroFlags
word MacroFlags,  gen_MacroFlags
word Macro,       gen_Macro

namespace macro_,    gen_macro_
namespace macrotype, gen_macrotype_

// AST

word AST, gen_AST

namespace AST_, gen_AST_

word Code,  gen_Code
word Token, gen_Token

word CodeBody,           gen_CodeBody
word CodeAttributes,     gen_CodeAttributes
word CodeComment,        gen_CodeComment
word CodeClass,          gen_CodeClass
word CodeConstructor,    gen_CodeConstructor
word CodeDefine,         gen_CodeDefine
word CodeDefineParams,   gen_CodeDefineParams
word CodeDestructor,     gen_CodeDestructor
word CodeEnum,           gen_CodeEnum
word CodeExec,           gen_CodeExec
word CodeExtern,         gen_CodeExtern
word CodeInclude,        gen_CodeInclude
word CodeFriend,         gen_CodeFriend
word CodeFn,             gen_CodeFn
word CodeModule,         gen_CodeModule
word CodeNS,             gen_CodeNS
word CodeOperator,       gen_CodeOperator
word CodeOpCast,         gen_CodeOpCast
word CodePragma,         gen_CodePragma
word CodeParams,         gen_CodeParams
word CodePreprocessCond, gen_CodePreprocessCond
word CodeSpecifiers,     gen_CodeSpecifiers
word CodeStruct,         gen_CodeStruct
word CodeTemplate,       gen_CodeTemplate
word CodeTypename,       gen_CodeTypename
word CodeTypedef,        gen_CodeTypedef
word CodeUnion,          gen_CodeUnion
word CodeUsing,          gen_CodeUsing
word CodeVar,            gen_CodeVar

// Code Interface

word Context, gen_Context

namespace code_, gen_code_

word Code_Global,  gen_Code_Global
word Code_Invalid, gen_Code_Invalid

word Code_POD, gen_Code_POD

word AST_POD_Size,     gen_AST_POD_Size
word AST_ArrSpecs_Cap, gen_AST_ArrSpecs_Cap

word InvalidCode, gen_InvalidCode
word NullCode,    gen_NullCode

namespace begin_, gen_begin_
namespace end_,   gen_end_
namespace next_,  gen_next_

namespace body_,       gen_body_
namespace class_,      gen_class_
namespace params_,     gen_params_
namespace specifiers_, gen_specifiers_
namespace struct_,     gen_struct_
namespace attributes_, gen_attributes_
namespace comment_,    gen_comment_
namespace constructor, gen_constructor_
namespace define_,     gen_define_
namespace destructor,  gen_destructor_
namespace enum_,       gen_enum_
namespace exec_,       gen_exec_
namespace extern_,     gen_extern_
namespace include_,    gen_include_
namespace friend_,     gen_friend_
namespace fn_,         gen_fn_
namespace module_,     gen_module_
namespace code_op,     gen_code_op_
namespace opcast_,     gen_opcast_
namespace pragma_,     gen_pragma_
namespace preprocess_, gen_preprocess_
namespace template_,   gen_template_
namespace typename_,   gen_typename_
namespace typedef_,    gen_typedef_
namesapce union_,      gen_union_
namespace using_,      gen_using_
namespace var_,        gen_var_

// Gen Interface

word _ctx, gen__ctx

word init,   gen_init
word deinit, gen_deinit
word reset,  gen_reset

word cache_str, gen_cache_str

word make_code, gen_make_code

namespace set_allocator_, gen_set_allocator_

namespace Opts_, gen_Opts_

namespace def_,     gen_def_
namespace parse_,   gen_parse_
namespace token_,   gen_token_
namespace untyped_, gen_untyped_

// Constants

word access_public,    gen_access_public
word access_protected, gen_access_protected
word access_private,   gen_access_private

word attrib_api_export, gen_attrib_api_export
word attrib_api_import, gen_attrib_api_import

word module_global_fragment,  gen_module_global_fragment
word module_private_fragment, gen_module_private_fragment

word fmt_newline,     gen_fmt_newline
word pragma_once,     gen_pragma_once
word param_varadic,   gen_param_varadic
word preprocess_else, gen_preprocess_else

namespace spec_, gen_spec_
namespace t_,    gen_t_

// Backend

// Builder

word      Builder,  gen_Builder
namespace builder_, gen_builder_

// Scanner

word scan_file, gen_scan_file

word CSV_Column,   gen_CSV_Column
word CSV_Columns2, gen_CSV_Columns2

// Implementation (prviate)

word _format_info, gen__format_info

namespace _print_,          gen__print_
word      _heap_stats,      gen__heap_stats
word      _heap_alloc_info, gen__heap_alloc_info

word _crc32_table, gen__crc32_table
word _crc64_table, gen__crc64_table

word _alloc_utf8_to_ucs2, gen__alloc_utf8_to_ucs2

word _win32_file_seek,  gen__win32_file_seek
word _win32_file_read,  gen__win32_file_read
word _win32_file_write, gen__win32_file_write
word _win32_file_close, gen__win32_file_close
word _win32_file_open,  gen__win32_file_open

word _posix_file_seek,  gen__posix_file_seek
word _posix_file_read,  gen__posix_file_read
word _posix_file_write, gen__posix_file_write
word _posix_file_close, gen__posix_file_close
word _posix_file_open,  gen__posix_file_open

word _dirinfo_free_entry, gen__dirinfo_free_entry
word _std_file_set,       gen__std_file_set

word _memory_fd, gen__memory_fd

word _file_stream_fd_make, gen__file_stream_fd_make
word _file_stream_from_fd, gen__file_stream_from_fd
word _memory_file_seek,    gen__memory_file_seek
word _memory_file_read,    gen__memory_file_read
word _memory_file_write,   gen__memory_file_write
word _memory_file_close,   gen__memory_file_close

word _unix_gettime, gen__unix_gettime
word _adt_fprintf,  gen__adt_fprintf

word _adt_get_value, gen__adt_get_value
word _adt_get_field, gen__adt_get_field

word _csv_write_record, gen__csv_write_record
word _csv_write_header, gen__csv_write_header

word fallback_allocator_proc, gen_Global_Allocator_Proc
word define_constants,      gen_define_constants
word operator__validate,    gen_operator__validate

word parser_init,   gen_parser_init
word parser_deinit, gen_parser_deinit

word TokType,         gen_TokType
word toktype_to_str,  gen_toktype_to_str
word NullToken,       gen_NullToken

namespace tok_, gen_tok_

word TokArray, gen_TokArray

namespace lex_,   gen_lex_
namespace Lexer_, gen_Lexer_

word LexContext, gen_LexContext
word lex,        gen_lex

word StackNode,    gen_StackNode
word ParseContext, gen_ParseContext

// namespace parse_, gen_parse_

namespace parser_, gen_parser_