#define GEN_DEFINE_LIBRARY_CODE_CONSTANTS #define GEN_ENFORCE_STRONG_CODE_TYPES #define GEN_EXPOSE_BACKEND #define GEN_SUPPORT_CPP_MEMBER_FEATURES 1 #define GEN_SUPPORT_CPP_REFERENCES 1 #include "../project/gen.cpp" #include "helpers/push_ignores.inline.hpp" #include "helpers/helper.hpp" GEN_NS_BEGIN #include "dependencies/parsing.cpp" GEN_NS_END #include "auxillary/builder.hpp" #include "auxillary/builder.cpp" #include "auxillary/scanner.hpp" #include // for system() #include "components/memory.fixed_arena.hpp" #include "components/misc.hpp" #include "components/containers.array.hpp" #include "components/containers.hashtable.hpp" using namespace gen; constexpr char const* generation_notice = "// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's c_library.cpp " "(See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)\n\n"; constexpr StrC roll_own_dependencies_guard_start = txt(R"( //! If its desired to roll your own dependencies, define GEN_ROLL_OWN_DEPENDENCIES before including this file. // Dependencies are derived from the c-zpl library: https://github.com/zpl-c/zpl #ifndef GEN_ROLL_OWN_DEPENDENCIES )"); constexpr StrC roll_own_dependencies_guard_end = txt(R"( // GEN_ROLL_OWN_DEPENDENCIES #endif )"); constexpr StrC implementation_guard_start = txt(R"( #pragma region GENCPP IMPLEMENTATION GUARD #if defined(GEN_IMPLEMENTATION) && ! defined(GEN_IMPLEMENTED) # define GEN_IMPLEMENTED )"); constexpr StrC implementation_guard_end = txt(R"( #endif #pragma endregion GENCPP IMPLEMENTATION GUARD )"); void format_file( char const* path ) { String resolved_path = String::make(GlobalAllocator, to_strc_from_c_str(path)); String style_arg = String::make(GlobalAllocator, txt("-style=file:")); style_arg.append("../scripts/.clang-format "); // Need to execute clang format on the generated file to get it to match the original. #define clang_format "clang-format " #define cf_format_inplace "-i " #define cf_verbose "-verbose " String command = String::make( GlobalAllocator, clang_format ); command.append( cf_format_inplace ); command.append( cf_verbose ); command.append( style_arg ); command.append( resolved_path ); log_fmt("\tRunning clang-format on file:\n"); system( command ); log_fmt("\tclang-format finished reformatting.\n"); #undef cf_cmd #undef cf_format_inplace #undef cf_style #undef cf_verbse } Code dump_to_scratch_and_retireve( Code code ) { Builder ecode_file_temp = Builder::open("gen/scratch.hpp"); ecode_file_temp.print(code); ecode_file_temp.write(); format_file("gen/scratch.hpp"); Code result = scan_file( "gen/scratch.hpp" ); remove("gen/scratch.hpp"); return result; } CodeBody parse_file( const char* path ) { FileContents file = file_read_contents( GlobalAllocator, true, path ); CodeBody code = parse_global_body( { file.size, (char const*)file.data } ); log_fmt("\nParsed: %s\n", path); return code; } int gen_main() { #define project_dir "../project/" gen::init(); PreprocessorDefines.append(txt("GEN_API_C_BEGIN")); PreprocessorDefines.append(txt("GEN_API_C_END")); PreprocessorDefines.append(txt("HashTable(")); Code push_ignores = scan_file( project_dir "helpers/push_ignores.inline.hpp" ); Code pop_ignores = scan_file( project_dir "helpers/pop_ignores.inline.hpp" ); Code c_library_header_start = scan_file( "components/header_start.hpp" ); Builder header = Builder::open( "gen/gen.h" ); header.print_fmt( generation_notice ); header.print_fmt("#pragma once\n\n"); header.print( push_ignores ); // Headers { header.print( c_library_header_start ); #pragma region Scan, Parse, and Generate Components Code types = scan_file( project_dir "components/types.hpp" ); Code ast = scan_file( project_dir "components/ast.hpp" ); Code ast_types = scan_file( project_dir "components/ast_types.hpp" ); Code code_types = scan_file( project_dir "components/code_types.hpp" ); Code interface = scan_file( project_dir "components/interface.hpp" ); Code inlines = scan_file( project_dir "components/inlines.hpp" ); Code header_end = scan_file( project_dir "components/header_end.hpp" ); CodeBody ecode = gen_ecode ( project_dir "enums/ECode.csv" ); CodeBody eoperator = gen_eoperator ( project_dir "enums/EOperator.csv" ); CodeBody especifier = gen_especifier( project_dir "enums/ESpecifier.csv" ); CodeBody ast_inlines = gen_ast_inlines(); #pragma endregion Scan, Parse, and Generate Components #pragma region Scan, Parse, and Generate Dependencies Code platform = scan_file( project_dir "dependencies/platform.hpp" ); Code macros = scan_file( project_dir "dependencies/macros.hpp" ); Code basic_types = scan_file( project_dir "dependencies/basic_types.hpp" ); Code debug = scan_file( project_dir "dependencies/debug.hpp" ); Code string_ops = scan_file( project_dir "dependencies/string_ops.hpp" ); Code hashing = scan_file( project_dir "dependencies/hashing.hpp" ); Code filesystem = scan_file( project_dir "dependencies/filesystem.hpp" ); Code timing = scan_file( project_dir "dependencies/timing.hpp" ); CodeBody parsed_memory = parse_file( project_dir "dependencies/memory.hpp" ); CodeBody memory = def_body(CT_Global_Body); for ( Code entry = parsed_memory.begin(); entry != parsed_memory.end(); ++ entry ) { switch (entry->Type) { case CT_Using: { log_fmt("REPLACE THIS MANUALLY: %SC\n", entry->Name); CodeUsing using_ver = cast(CodeUsing, entry); CodeTypedef typedef_ver = def_typedef(using_ver->Name, using_ver->UnderlyingType); memory.append(typedef_ver); } break; case CT_Function_Fwd: { CodeFn fn = cast(CodeFn, entry); // for ( StrC id : to_rename ) if (fn->Name.is_equal(id)) { // rename_function_to_unique_symbol(fn); // } memory.append(fn); } break; case CT_Function: { CodeFn fn = cast(CodeFn, entry); s32 constexpr_found = fn->Specs.remove( Spec_Constexpr ); if (constexpr_found > -1) { log_fmt("Found constexpr: %S\n", entry.to_string()); fn->Specs.append(Spec_Inline); } // for ( StrC id : to_rename ) if (fn->Name.is_equal(id)) { // Array(CodeFn) list = * needs_selectors.get(id); // list.append(rename_function_to_unique_symbol(fn)); // } memory.append(fn); } break; case CT_Template: { CodeTemplate tmpl = cast(CodeTemplate, entry); if ( tmpl->Declaration->Name.contains(txt("swap"))) { CodeBody macro_swap = parse_global_body( txt(R"( #define swap( a, b ) \ do \ { \ typeof( a ) temp = ( a ); \ ( a ) = ( b ); \ ( b ) = temp; \ } while ( 0 ) )" )); memory.append(macro_swap); } } break; case CT_Class: case CT_Struct: { CodeBody body = cast(CodeBody, entry->Body); CodeBody new_body = def_body( entry->Body->Type ); for ( Code body_entry = body.begin(); body_entry != body.end(); ++ body_entry ) switch (body_entry->Type) { case CT_Preprocess_If: { ignore_preprocess_cond_block(txt("GEN_SUPPORT_CPP_MEMBER_FEATURES"), body_entry, body, new_body ); } break; default: new_body.append(body_entry); break; } entry->Body = new_body; memory.append(entry); } break; case CT_Preprocess_If: { b32 found = ignore_preprocess_cond_block(txt("GEN_SUPPORT_CPP_MEMBER_FEATURES"), entry, parsed_memory, memory ); if (found) break; found = ignore_preprocess_cond_block(txt("GEN_SUPPORT_CPP_REFERENCES"), entry, parsed_memory, memory ); if (found) break; memory.append(entry); } break; case CT_Preprocess_IfDef: { b32 found = ignore_preprocess_cond_block(txt("GEN_INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES"), entry, parsed_memory, memory ); if (found) break; memory.append(entry); } break; case CT_Preprocess_Pragma: { CodePragma pragma = cast(CodePragma, entry); // if (pragma->Content.starts_with(txt("region Memory"))) { // memory.append(generic_test); // break; // } b32 found = swap_pragma_region_implementation( txt("FixedArena"), gen_fixed_arenas, entry, memory); if (found) break; memory.append(entry); } break; default: { memory.append(entry); } break; } } CodeBody printing_parsed = parse_file( project_dir "dependencies/printing.hpp" ); CodeBody printing = def_body(CT_Global_Body); for ( Code entry = printing_parsed.begin(); entry != printing_parsed.end(); ++ entry ) { switch (entry->Type) { case CT_Preprocess_IfDef: { b32 found = ignore_preprocess_cond_block(txt("GEN_INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES"), entry, printing_parsed, printing ); if (found) break; printing.append(entry); } break; case CT_Variable: { if ( strc_contains(entry->Name, txt("Msg_Invalid_Value"))) { CodeDefine define = def_define(entry->Name, entry->Value->Content); printing.append(define); continue; } printing.append(entry); } break; default: printing.append(entry); break; } } CodeBody parsed_strings = parse_file( project_dir "dependencies/strings.hpp" ); CodeBody strings = def_body(CT_Global_Body); for ( Code entry = parsed_strings.begin(); entry != parsed_strings.end(); ++ entry ) { switch (entry->Type) { case CT_Preprocess_If: { CodePreprocessCond cond = cast(CodePreprocessCond, entry); if (cond->Content.starts_with(txt("GEN_COMPILER_C || ! GEN_SUPPORT_CPP_MEMBER_FEATURES"))) { for (; entry != end(parsed_strings) && entry->Type != CT_Typedef; ++ entry) {} strings.append(entry); strings.append(fmt_newline); for (; entry != end(parsed_strings) && entry->Type != CT_Preprocess_EndIf; ++ entry) {} ++ entry; break; } bool found = ignore_preprocess_cond_block(txt("GEN_COMPILER_CPP"), entry, parsed_strings, strings); if (found) break; found = ignore_preprocess_cond_block(txt("GEN_SUPPORT_CPP_REFERENCES"), entry, parsed_strings, strings ); } break; case CT_Preprocess_IfDef: { ignore_preprocess_cond_block(txt("GEN_INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES"), entry, parsed_strings, strings ); } break; case CT_Struct_Fwd: { if ( entry->Name.is_equal(txt("String")) ) { CodeTypedef c_def = parse_typedef(code( typedef char* String; )); strings.append(c_def); strings.append(fmt_newline); ++ entry; continue; } strings.append(entry); } break; case CT_Struct: { CodeBody body = cast(CodeBody, entry->Body); CodeBody new_body = def_body( entry->Body->Type ); for ( Code body_entry = body.begin(); body_entry != body.end(); ++ body_entry ) switch (body_entry->Type) { case CT_Preprocess_If: { b32 found = ignore_preprocess_cond_block(txt("GEN_COMPILER_CPP"), body_entry, body, new_body ); if (found) break; new_body.append(body_entry); } break; default: new_body.append(body_entry); break; } entry->Body = new_body; strings.append(entry); } break; case CT_Typedef: { StrC name_string_table = txt("StringTable"); CodeTypedef td = cast(CodeTypedef, entry); if (td->Name.contains(name_string_table)) { CodeBody ht = gen_hashtable(txt("StrC"), name_string_table); strings.append(ht); strings.append(td); break; } strings.append(td); } break; default: strings.append(entry); break; } } CodeBody containers = def_body(CT_Global_Body); { CodeBody array_ssize = gen_array(txt("ssize"), txt("Array_ssize")); containers.append( def_pragma(code(region Containers))); // At this point all arrays required should have been defined so its safe to generate the generic selectors. containers.append( gen_array_base() ); containers.append( gen_array_generic_selection_interface()); containers.append( gen_hashtable_base() ); containers.append(fmt_newline); containers.append(array_ssize); containers.append( def_pragma(code(endregion Containers))); containers.append(fmt_newline); } #pragma endregion Scan, Parse, and Generate Dependencies #pragma region Print Dependencies header.print_fmt( roll_own_dependencies_guard_start ); header.print( platform ); header.print_fmt( "\nGEN_NS_BEGIN\n" ); header.print( macros ); header.print( basic_types ); header.print( debug ); header.print( dump_to_scratch_and_retireve(memory) ); header.print( dump_to_scratch_and_retireve(printing)); header.print( string_ops ); header.print( dump_to_scratch_and_retireve(containers)); header.print( hashing ); header.print( dump_to_scratch_and_retireve(strings)); // header.print( filesystem ); // header.print( timing ); header.print_fmt( "\nGEN_NS_END\n" ); header.print_fmt( roll_own_dependencies_guard_end ); #pragma endregion Print Dependencies #if 0 #region region Print Components header.print_fmt("#pragma region Types\n"); header.print( types ); header.print( fmt_newline ); header.print( dump_to_scratch_and_retireve( ecode )); header.print( fmt_newline ); header.print( dump_to_scratch_and_retireve( eoperator )); header.print( fmt_newline ); header.print( dump_to_scratch_and_retireve( especifier )); header.print( fmt_newline ); header.print_fmt("#pragma endregion Types\n\n"); #pragma endregion Print Compoennts #endif } header.print( pop_ignores ); header.write(); // format_file( "gen/gen.h" ); gen::deinit(); return 0; #undef project_dir }