// This is a example template to be used with the refactor program
// Use it to refactor the naming convention of this library to your own.
// Can be used as an aid to help use use your project's implementation if it fullfills the dependencies of this project.
// Example: Most likely have a memory and string library already, just rename the functions and make sure the args are the same.
// Program: https://github.com/Ed94/refactor

// NOTE: Due to the current limitations of the program, not every symbol in the library can be renamed.
// This is due to the program not actually parsing C/C++.

// not       : Ignore
// include   : #includes
// word      : Alphanumeric or underscore
// namespace : Prefix search and replace (c-namspaces).
// regex     : Unavailable in __VERSION 1.

// Precedence (highest to lowest):
// word, namespace, regex

// Gen Macro namespace
// namespace GEN_, new_namespace_

word forceinline,      FORCEINLINE
word spec_forceinline, spec_FORCEINLINE