#ifdef INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES # pragma once # include "parsing.hpp" #endif #pragma region ADT #define _adt_fprintf( s_, fmt_, ... ) \ do \ { \ if ( c_str_fmt_file( s_, fmt_, ##__VA_ARGS__ ) < 0 ) \ return EADT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; \ } while ( 0 ) u8 adt_make_branch( ADT_Node* node, AllocatorInfo backing, char const* name, b32 is_array ) { ADT_Type type = EADT_TYPE_OBJECT; if ( is_array ) type = EADT_TYPE_ARRAY; ADT_Node* parent = node->parent; zero_item( node ); node->type = type; node->name = name; node->parent = parent; node->nodes = array_init(ADT_Node, backing ); if ( ! node->nodes ) return EADT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return 0; } u8 adt_destroy_branch( ADT_Node* node ) { GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( node ); if ( ( node->type == EADT_TYPE_OBJECT || node->type == EADT_TYPE_ARRAY ) && node->nodes ) { for ( ssize i = 0; i < scast(ssize, array_num(node->nodes)); ++i ) { adt_destroy_branch( node->nodes + i ); } array_free(node->nodes); } return 0; } u8 adt_make_leaf( ADT_Node* node, char const* name, ADT_Type type ) { GEN_ASSERT( type != EADT_TYPE_OBJECT && type != EADT_TYPE_ARRAY ); ADT_Node* parent = node->parent; zero_item( node ); node->type = type; node->name = name; node->parent = parent; return 0; } ADT_Node* adt_find( ADT_Node* node, char const* name, b32 deep_search ) { if ( node->type != EADT_TYPE_OBJECT ) { return NULL; } for ( ssize i = 0; i < scast(ssize, array_num(node->nodes)); i++ ) { if ( ! c_str_compare( node->nodes[ i ].name, name ) ) { return ( node->nodes + i ); } } if ( deep_search ) { for ( ssize i = 0; i < scast(ssize, array_num(node->nodes)); i++ ) { ADT_Node* res = adt_find( node->nodes + i, name, deep_search ); if ( res != NULL ) return res; } } return NULL; } internal ADT_Node* _adt_get_value( ADT_Node* node, char const* value ) { switch ( node->type ) { case EADT_TYPE_MULTISTRING : case EADT_TYPE_STRING : { if ( node->string && ! c_str_compare( node->string, value ) ) { return node; } } break; case EADT_TYPE_INTEGER : case EADT_TYPE_REAL : { char back[ 4096 ] = { 0 }; FileInfo tmp; /* allocate a file descriptor for a memory-mapped number to string conversion, input source buffer is not cloned, however. */ file_stream_open( &tmp, heap(), ( u8* )back, size_of( back ), EFileStream_WRITABLE ); adt_print_number( &tmp, node ); ssize fsize = 0; u8* buf = file_stream_buf( &tmp, &fsize ); if ( ! c_str_compare( ( char const* )buf, value ) ) { file_close( &tmp ); return node; } file_close( &tmp ); } break; default : break; /* node doesn't support value based lookup */ } return NULL; } internal ADT_Node* _adt_get_field( ADT_Node* node, char* name, char* value ) { for ( ssize i = 0; i < scast(ssize, array_num(node->nodes)); i++ ) { if ( ! c_str_compare( node->nodes[ i ].name, name ) ) { ADT_Node* child = &node->nodes[ i ]; if ( _adt_get_value( child, value ) ) { return node; /* this object does contain a field of a specified value! */ } } } return NULL; } ADT_Node* adt_query( ADT_Node* node, char const* uri ) { GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( uri ); if ( *uri == '/' ) { uri++; } if ( *uri == 0 ) { return node; } if ( ! node || ( node->type != EADT_TYPE_OBJECT && node->type != EADT_TYPE_ARRAY ) ) { return NULL; } #if defined EADT_URI_DEBUG || 0 c_str_fmt_out( "uri: %s\n", uri ); #endif char * p = ( char* )uri, *b = p, *e = p; ADT_Node* found_node = NULL; b = p; p = e = ( char* )c_str_skip( p, '/' ); char* buf = c_str_fmt_buf( "%.*s", ( int )( e - b ), b ); /* handle field value lookup */ if ( *b == '[' ) { char *l_p = buf + 1, *l_b = l_p, *l_e = l_p, *l_b2 = l_p, *l_e2 = l_p; l_e = ( char* )c_str_skip( l_p, '=' ); l_e2 = ( char* )c_str_skip( l_p, ']' ); if ( ( ! *l_e && node->type != EADT_TYPE_ARRAY ) || ! *l_e2 ) { GEN_ASSERT_MSG( 0, "Invalid field value lookup" ); return NULL; } *l_e2 = 0; /* [field=value] */ if ( *l_e ) { *l_e = 0; l_b2 = l_e + 1; /* run a value comparison against our own fields */ if ( node->type == EADT_TYPE_OBJECT ) { found_node = _adt_get_field( node, l_b, l_b2 ); } /* run a value comparison against any child that is an object node */ else if ( node->type == EADT_TYPE_ARRAY ) { for ( ssize i = 0; i < scast(ssize, array_num(node->nodes)); i++ ) { ADT_Node* child = &node->nodes[ i ]; if ( child->type != EADT_TYPE_OBJECT ) { continue; } found_node = _adt_get_field( child, l_b, l_b2 ); if ( found_node ) break; } } } /* [value] */ else { for ( ssize i = 0; i < scast(ssize, array_num(node->nodes)); i++ ) { ADT_Node* child = &node->nodes[ i ]; if ( _adt_get_value( child, l_b2 ) ) { found_node = child; break; /* we found a matching value in array, ignore the rest of it */ } } } /* go deeper if uri continues */ if ( *e ) { return adt_query( found_node, e + 1 ); } } /* handle field name lookup */ else if ( node->type == EADT_TYPE_OBJECT ) { found_node = adt_find( node, buf, false ); /* go deeper if uri continues */ if ( *e ) { return adt_query( found_node, e + 1 ); } } /* handle array index lookup */ else { ssize idx = ( ssize )c_str_to_i64( buf, NULL, 10 ); if ( idx >= 0 && idx < scast(ssize, array_num(node->nodes)) ) { found_node = &node->nodes[ idx ]; /* go deeper if uri continues */ if ( *e ) { return adt_query( found_node, e + 1 ); } } } return found_node; } ADT_Node* adt_alloc_at( ADT_Node* parent, ssize index ) { if ( ! parent || ( parent->type != EADT_TYPE_OBJECT && parent->type != EADT_TYPE_ARRAY ) ) { return NULL; } if ( ! parent->nodes ) return NULL; if ( index < 0 || index > scast(ssize, array_num(parent->nodes)) ) return NULL; ADT_Node o = { 0 }; o.parent = parent; if ( ! array_append_at( parent->nodes, o, index ) ) return NULL; ADT_Node* node = & parent->nodes[index]; return node; } ADT_Node* adt_alloc( ADT_Node* parent ) { if ( ! parent || ( parent->type != EADT_TYPE_OBJECT && parent->type != EADT_TYPE_ARRAY ) ) { return NULL; } if ( ! parent->nodes ) return NULL; return adt_alloc_at( parent, array_num(parent->nodes) ); } b8 adt_set_obj( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, AllocatorInfo backing ) { return adt_make_branch( obj, backing, name, 0 ); } b8 adt_set_arr( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, AllocatorInfo backing ) { return adt_make_branch( obj, backing, name, 1 ); } b8 adt_set_str( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, char const* value ) { adt_make_leaf( obj, name, EADT_TYPE_STRING ); obj->string = value; return true; } b8 adt_set_flt( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, f64 value ) { adt_make_leaf( obj, name, EADT_TYPE_REAL ); obj->real = value; return true; } b8 adt_set_int( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, s64 value ) { adt_make_leaf( obj, name, EADT_TYPE_INTEGER ); obj->integer = value; return true; } ADT_Node* adt_move_node_at( ADT_Node* node, ADT_Node* new_parent, ssize index ) { GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( node ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( new_parent ); ADT_Node* old_parent = node->parent; ADT_Node* new_node = adt_alloc_at( new_parent, index ); *new_node = *node; new_node->parent = new_parent; if ( old_parent ) { adt_remove_node( node ); } return new_node; } ADT_Node* adt_move_node( ADT_Node* node, ADT_Node* new_parent ) { GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( node ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( new_parent ); GEN_ASSERT( new_parent->type == EADT_TYPE_ARRAY || new_parent->type == EADT_TYPE_OBJECT ); return adt_move_node_at( node, new_parent, array_num(new_parent->nodes) ); } void adt_swap_nodes( ADT_Node* node, ADT_Node* other_node ) { GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( node ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( other_node ); ADT_Node* parent = node->parent; ADT_Node* other_parent = other_node->parent; ssize index = ( pointer_diff( parent->nodes, node ) / size_of( ADT_Node ) ); ssize index2 = ( pointer_diff( other_parent->nodes, other_node ) / size_of( ADT_Node ) ); ADT_Node temp = parent->nodes[ index ]; temp.parent = other_parent; other_parent->nodes[ index2 ].parent = parent; parent->nodes[ index ] = other_parent->nodes[ index2 ]; other_parent->nodes[ index2 ] = temp; } void adt_remove_node( ADT_Node* node ) { GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( node ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( node->parent ); ADT_Node* parent = node->parent; ssize index = ( pointer_diff( parent->nodes, node ) / size_of( ADT_Node ) ); array_remove_at( parent->nodes, index ); } ADT_Node* adt_append_obj( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name ) { ADT_Node* o = adt_alloc( parent ); if ( ! o ) return NULL; if ( adt_set_obj( o, name, array_get_header(parent->nodes)->Allocator ) ) { adt_remove_node( o ); return NULL; } return o; } ADT_Node* adt_append_arr( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name ) { ADT_Node* o = adt_alloc( parent ); if ( ! o ) return NULL; ArrayHeader* node_header = array_get_header(parent->nodes); if ( adt_set_arr( o, name, node_header->Allocator ) ) { adt_remove_node( o ); return NULL; } return o; } ADT_Node* adt_append_str( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name, char const* value ) { ADT_Node* o = adt_alloc( parent ); if ( ! o ) return NULL; adt_set_str( o, name, value ); return o; } ADT_Node* adt_append_flt( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name, f64 value ) { ADT_Node* o = adt_alloc( parent ); if ( ! o ) return NULL; adt_set_flt( o, name, value ); return o; } ADT_Node* adt_append_int( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name, s64 value ) { ADT_Node* o = adt_alloc( parent ); if ( ! o ) return NULL; adt_set_int( o, name, value ); return o; } /* parser helpers */ char* adt_parse_number_strict( ADT_Node* node, char* base_str ) { GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( node ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( base_str ); char *p = base_str, *e = p; while ( *e ) ++e; while ( *p && ( char_first_occurence( "eE.+-", *p ) || char_is_hex_digit( *p ) ) ) { ++p; } if ( p >= e ) { return adt_parse_number( node, base_str ); } return base_str; } char* adt_parse_number( ADT_Node* node, char* base_str ) { GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( node ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( base_str ); char *p = base_str, *e = p; s32 base = 0; s32 base2 = 0; u8 base2_offset = 0; s8 exp = 0, orig_exp = 0; u8 neg_zero = 0; u8 lead_digit = 0; ADT_Type node_type = EADT_TYPE_UNINITIALISED; u8 node_props = 0; /* skip false positives and special cases */ if ( ! ! char_first_occurence( "eE", *p ) || ( ! ! char_first_occurence( ".+-", *p ) && ! char_is_hex_digit( *( p + 1 ) ) && *( p + 1 ) != '.' ) ) { return ++base_str; } node_type = EADT_TYPE_INTEGER; neg_zero = false; ssize ib = 0; char buf[ 48 ] = { 0 }; if ( *e == '+' ) ++e; else if ( *e == '-' ) { buf[ ib++ ] = *e++; } if ( *e == '.' ) { node_type = EADT_TYPE_REAL; node_props = EADT_PROPS_IS_PARSED_REAL; lead_digit = false; buf[ ib++ ] = '0'; do { buf[ ib++ ] = *e; } while ( char_is_digit( *++e ) ); } else { if ( ! c_str_compare_len( e, "0x", 2 ) || ! c_str_compare_len( e, "0X", 2 ) ) { node_props = EADT_PROPS_IS_HEX; } /* bail if ZPL_ADT_PROPS_IS_HEX is unset but we get 'x' on input */ if ( char_to_lower( *e ) == 'x' && ( node_props != EADT_PROPS_IS_HEX ) ) { return ++base_str; } while ( char_is_hex_digit( *e ) || char_to_lower( *e ) == 'x' ) { buf[ ib++ ] = *e++; } if ( *e == '.' ) { node_type = EADT_TYPE_REAL; lead_digit = true; u32 step = 0; do { buf[ ib++ ] = *e; ++step; } while ( char_is_digit( *++e ) ); if ( step < 2 ) { buf[ ib++ ] = '0'; } } } /* check if we have a dot here, this is a false positive (IP address, ...) */ if ( *e == '.' ) { return ++base_str; } f32 eb = 10; char expbuf[ 6 ] = { 0 }; ssize expi = 0; if ( *e && ! ! char_first_occurence( "eE", *e ) ) { ++e; if ( *e == '+' || *e == '-' || char_is_digit( *e ) ) { if ( *e == '-' ) { eb = 0.1f; } if ( ! char_is_digit( *e ) ) { ++e; } while ( char_is_digit( *e ) ) { expbuf[ expi++ ] = *e++; } } orig_exp = exp = ( u8 )c_str_to_i64( expbuf, NULL, 10 ); } if ( node_type == EADT_TYPE_INTEGER ) { node->integer = c_str_to_i64( buf, 0, 0 ); #ifndef GEN_PARSER_DISABLE_ANALYSIS /* special case: negative zero */ if ( node->integer == 0 && buf[ 0 ] == '-' ) { neg_zero = true; } #endif while ( orig_exp-- > 0 ) { node->integer *= ( s64 )eb; } } else { node->real = c_str_to_f64( buf, 0 ); #ifndef GEN_PARSER_DISABLE_ANALYSIS char *q = buf, *base_string = q, *base_string2 = q; base_string = ccast( char*, c_str_skip( base_string, '.' )); *base_string = '\0'; base_string2 = base_string + 1; char* base_strbuilder_off = base_string2; while ( *base_strbuilder_off++ == '0' ) base2_offset++; base = ( s32 )c_str_to_i64( q, 0, 0 ); base2 = ( s32 )c_str_to_i64( base_string2, 0, 0 ); if ( exp ) { exp = exp * ( ! ( eb == 10.0f ) ? -1 : 1 ); node_props = EADT_PROPS_IS_EXP; } /* special case: negative zero */ if ( base == 0 && buf[ 0 ] == '-' ) { neg_zero = true; } #endif while ( orig_exp-- > 0 ) { node->real *= eb; } } node->type = node_type; node->props = node_props; #ifndef GEN_PARSER_DISABLE_ANALYSIS node->base = base; node->base2 = base2; node->base2_offset = base2_offset; node->exp = exp; node->neg_zero = neg_zero; node->lead_digit = lead_digit; #else unused( base ); unused( base2 ); unused( base2_offset ); unused( exp ); unused( neg_zero ); unused( lead_digit ); #endif return e; } ADT_Error adt_print_number( FileInfo* file, ADT_Node* node ) { GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( file ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( node ); if ( node->type != EADT_TYPE_INTEGER && node->type != EADT_TYPE_REAL ) { return EADT_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE; } #ifndef GEN_PARSER_DISABLE_ANALYSIS if ( node->neg_zero ) { _adt_fprintf( file, "-" ); } #endif switch ( node->type ) { case EADT_TYPE_INTEGER : { if ( node->props == EADT_PROPS_IS_HEX ) { _adt_fprintf( file, "0x%llx", ( long long )node->integer ); } else { _adt_fprintf( file, "%lld", ( long long )node->integer ); } } break; case EADT_TYPE_REAL : { if ( node->props == EADT_PROPS_NAN ) { _adt_fprintf( file, "NaN" ); } else if ( node->props == EADT_PROPS_NAN_NEG ) { _adt_fprintf( file, "-NaN" ); } else if ( node->props == EADT_PROPS_INFINITY ) { _adt_fprintf( file, "Infinity" ); } else if ( node->props == EADT_PROPS_INFINITY_NEG ) { _adt_fprintf( file, "-Infinity" ); } else if ( node->props == EADT_PROPS_TRUE ) { _adt_fprintf( file, "true" ); } else if ( node->props == EADT_PROPS_FALSE ) { _adt_fprintf( file, "false" ); } else if ( node->props == EADT_PROPS_NULL ) { _adt_fprintf( file, "null" ); #ifndef GEN_PARSER_DISABLE_ANALYSIS } else if ( node->props == EADT_PROPS_IS_EXP ) { _adt_fprintf( file, "%lld.%0*d%llde%lld", ( long long )node->base, node->base2_offset, 0, ( long long )node->base2, ( long long )node->exp ); } else if ( node->props == EADT_PROPS_IS_PARSED_REAL ) { if ( ! node->lead_digit ) _adt_fprintf( file, ".%0*d%lld", node->base2_offset, 0, ( long long )node->base2 ); else _adt_fprintf( file, "%lld.%0*d%lld", ( long long int )node->base2_offset, 0, ( int )node->base, ( long long )node->base2 ); #endif } else { _adt_fprintf( file, "%f", node->real ); } } break; } return EADT_ERROR_NONE; } ADT_Error adt_print_string( FileInfo* file, ADT_Node* node, char const* escaped_chars, char const* escape_symbol ) { GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( file ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( node ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( escaped_chars ); if ( node->type != EADT_TYPE_STRING && node->type != EADT_TYPE_MULTISTRING ) { return EADT_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE; } /* escape string */ char const *p = node->string, *b = p; if ( ! p ) return EADT_ERROR_NONE; do { p = c_str_skip_any( p, escaped_chars ); _adt_fprintf( file, "%.*s", pointer_diff( b, p ), b ); if ( *p && ! ! char_first_occurence( escaped_chars, *p ) ) { _adt_fprintf( file, "%s%c", escape_symbol, *p ); p++; } b = p; } while ( *p ); return EADT_ERROR_NONE; } ADT_Error adt_c_str_to_number( ADT_Node* node ) { GEN_ASSERT( node ); if ( node->type == EADT_TYPE_REAL || node->type == EADT_TYPE_INTEGER ) return EADT_ERROR_ALREADY_CONVERTED; /* this is already converted/parsed */ if ( node->type != EADT_TYPE_STRING && node->type != EADT_TYPE_MULTISTRING ) { return EADT_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE; } adt_parse_number( node, ( char* )node->string ); return EADT_ERROR_NONE; } ADT_Error adt_c_str_to_number_strict( ADT_Node* node ) { GEN_ASSERT( node ); if ( node->type == EADT_TYPE_REAL || node->type == EADT_TYPE_INTEGER ) return EADT_ERROR_ALREADY_CONVERTED; /* this is already converted/parsed */ if ( node->type != EADT_TYPE_STRING && node->type != EADT_TYPE_MULTISTRING ) { return EADT_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE; } adt_parse_number_strict( node, ( char* )node->string ); return EADT_ERROR_NONE; } #undef _adt_fprintf #pragma endregion ADT #pragma region CSV #ifdef GEN_CSV_DEBUG # define GEN_CSV_ASSERT( msg ) GEN_PANIC( msg ) #else # define GEN_CSV_ASSERT( msg ) #endif u8 csv_parse_delimiter( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b32 has_header, char delim ) { CSV_Error error = ECSV_Error__NONE; GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( root ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( text ); zero_item( root ); adt_make_branch( root, allocator, NULL, has_header ? false : true ); char* currentChar = text; char* beginChar; char* endChar; ssize columnIndex = 0; ssize totalColumnIndex = 0; do { char delimiter = 0; currentChar = ccast( char*, c_str_trim( currentChar, false )); if ( *currentChar == 0 ) break; ADT_Node rowItem = { 0 }; rowItem.type = EADT_TYPE_STRING; #ifndef GEN_PARSER_DISABLE_ANALYSIS rowItem.name_style = EADT_NAME_STYLE_NO_QUOTES; #endif /* handle string literals */ if ( *currentChar == '"' ) { currentChar += 1; beginChar = currentChar; endChar = currentChar; rowItem.string = beginChar; #ifndef GEN_PARSER_DISABLE_ANALYSIS rowItem.name_style = EADT_NAME_STYLE_DOUBLE_QUOTE; #endif do { endChar = ccast( char*, c_str_skip( endChar, '"' )); if ( *endChar && *( endChar + 1 ) == '"' ) { endChar += 2; } else break; } while ( *endChar ); if ( *endChar == 0 ) { GEN_CSV_ASSERT( "unmatched quoted string" ); error = ECSV_Error__UNEXPECTED_END_OF_INPUT; return error; } *endChar = 0; currentChar = ccast( char*, c_str_trim( endChar + 1, true )); delimiter = * currentChar; /* unescape escaped quotes (so that unescaped text escapes :) */ { char* escapedChar = beginChar; do { if ( *escapedChar == '"' && *( escapedChar + 1 ) == '"' ) { mem_move( escapedChar, escapedChar + 1, c_str_len( escapedChar ) ); } escapedChar++; } while ( *escapedChar ); } } else if ( *currentChar == delim ) { delimiter = * currentChar; rowItem.string = ""; } else if ( *currentChar ) { /* regular data */ beginChar = currentChar; endChar = currentChar; rowItem.string = beginChar; do { endChar++; } while ( * endChar && * endChar != delim && * endChar != '\n' ); if ( * endChar ) { currentChar = ccast( char*, c_str_trim( endChar, true )); while ( char_is_space( *( endChar - 1 ) ) ) { endChar--; } delimiter = * currentChar; * endChar = 0; } else { delimiter = 0; currentChar = endChar; } /* check if number and process if so */ b32 skip_number = false; char* num_p = beginChar; // We only consider hexadecimal values if they start with 0x if ( c_str_len(num_p) > 2 && num_p[0] == '0' && (num_p[1] == 'x' || num_p[1] == 'X') ) { num_p += 2; // skip '0x' prefix do { if (!char_is_hex_digit(*num_p)) { skip_number = true; break; } } while (*num_p++); } else { skip_number = true; } if (!skip_number) { adt_c_str_to_number(&rowItem); } } if ( columnIndex >= scast(ssize, array_num(root->nodes)) ) { adt_append_arr( root, NULL ); } array_append( root->nodes[ columnIndex ].nodes, rowItem ); if ( delimiter == delim ) { columnIndex++; currentChar++; } else if ( delimiter == '\n' || delimiter == 0 ) { /* check if number of rows is not mismatched */ if ( totalColumnIndex < columnIndex ) totalColumnIndex = columnIndex; else if ( totalColumnIndex != columnIndex ) { GEN_CSV_ASSERT( "mismatched rows" ); error = ECSV_Error__MISMATCHED_ROWS; return error; } columnIndex = 0; if ( delimiter != 0 ) currentChar++; } } while ( *currentChar ); if (array_num( root->nodes) == 0 ) { GEN_CSV_ASSERT( "unexpected end of input. stream is empty." ); error = ECSV_Error__UNEXPECTED_END_OF_INPUT; return error; } /* consider first row as a header. */ if ( has_header ) { for ( ssize i = 0; i < scast(ssize, array_num(root->nodes)); i++ ) { CSV_Object* col = root->nodes + i; CSV_Object* hdr = col->nodes; col->name = hdr->string; array_remove_at(col->nodes, 0 ); } } return error; } void csv_free( CSV_Object* obj ) { adt_destroy_branch( obj ); } void _csv_write_record( FileInfo* file, CSV_Object* node ) { switch ( node->type ) { case EADT_TYPE_STRING : { #ifndef GEN_PARSER_DISABLE_ANALYSIS switch ( node->name_style ) { case EADT_NAME_STYLE_DOUBLE_QUOTE : { c_str_fmt_file( file, "\"" ); adt_print_string( file, node, "\"", "\"" ); c_str_fmt_file( file, "\"" ); } break; case EADT_NAME_STYLE_NO_QUOTES : { #endif c_str_fmt_file( file, "%s", node->string ); #ifndef GEN_PARSER_DISABLE_ANALYSIS } break; } #endif } break; case EADT_TYPE_REAL : case EADT_TYPE_INTEGER : { adt_print_number( file, node ); } break; } } void _csv_write_header( FileInfo* file, CSV_Object* header ) { CSV_Object temp = *header; temp.string = temp.name; temp.type = EADT_TYPE_STRING; _csv_write_record( file, &temp ); } void csv_write_delimiter( FileInfo* file, CSV_Object* obj, char delimiter ) { GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( file ); GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( obj ); GEN_ASSERT( obj->nodes ); ssize cols = array_num(obj->nodes); if ( cols == 0 ) return; ssize rows = array_num(obj->nodes[ 0 ].nodes); if ( rows == 0 ) return; b32 has_headers = obj->nodes[ 0 ].name != NULL; if ( has_headers ) { for ( ssize i = 0; i < cols; i++ ) { _csv_write_header( file, &obj->nodes[ i ] ); if ( i + 1 != cols ) { c_str_fmt_file( file, "%c", delimiter ); } } c_str_fmt_file( file, "\n" ); } for ( ssize r = 0; r < rows; r++ ) { for ( ssize i = 0; i < cols; i++ ) { _csv_write_record( file, &obj->nodes[ i ].nodes[ r ] ); if ( i + 1 != cols ) { c_str_fmt_file( file, "%c", delimiter ); } } c_str_fmt_file( file, "\n" ); } } StrBuilder csv_write_strbuilder_delimiter( AllocatorInfo a, CSV_Object* obj, char delimiter ) { FileInfo tmp; file_stream_new( &tmp, a ); csv_write_delimiter( &tmp, obj, delimiter ); ssize fsize; u8* buf = file_stream_buf( &tmp, &fsize ); StrBuilder output = strbuilder_make_length( a, ( char* )buf, fsize ); file_close( &tmp ); return output; } #undef _adt_fprintf #pragma endregion CSV