#pragma once #if INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES # include "../gen.hpp" # include "misc.hpp" using namespace gen; #endif CodeBody gen_ecode( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false ) { CSV_Columns2 csv_enum = parse_csv_two_columns( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, path ); StrBuilder enum_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(1) ); StrBuilder to_c_str_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(1) ); StrBuilder to_keyword_c_str_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(1) ); for ( ssize idx = 0; idx < array_num(csv_enum.Col_1); ++ idx ) { char const* code = csv_enum.Col_1[idx].string; char const* keyword = csv_enum.Col_2[idx].string; // TODO(Ed): to_c_str_entries and the others in here didn't have proper sizing of the Str slice. strbuilder_append_fmt( & enum_entries, "CT_%s,\n", code ); strbuilder_append_fmt( & to_c_str_entries, "{ \"%s\", sizeof(\"%s\") - 1 },\n", code, code ); strbuilder_append_fmt( & to_keyword_c_str_entries, "{ \"%s\", sizeof(\"%s\") - 1 },\n", keyword, keyword ); } CodeEnum enum_code; if (use_c_definition) { enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt_impl((3 + 1) / 2, "entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), "enum CodeType enum_underlying(u32) { CT_NumTypes, CT_UnderlyingType = GEN_U32_MAX };" )); } else { enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt_impl((3 + 1) / 2, "entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), "enum CodeType : u32 { CT_NumTypes, CT_UnderlyingType = GEN_U32_MAX };" )); } #pragma push_macro("local_persist") #undef local_persist Str lookup_size = strbuilder_to_str(strbuilder_fmt_buf(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, "%d", array_num(csv_enum.Col_1) )); CodeBody to_c_str_fns = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "entries", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries) , "keywords", strbuilder_to_str(to_keyword_c_str_entries) , "num", lookup_size , stringize( inline Str codetype_to_str( CodeType type ) { local_persist Str lookup[] = { }; return lookup[ type ]; } inline Str codetype_to_keyword_str( CodeType type ) { local_persist Str lookup[] = { }; return lookup[ type ]; } ))); #pragma pop_macro("local_persist") CodeBody result = def_body(CT_Global_Body); body_append(result, enum_code); if (use_c_definition) { CodeTypedef code_t = parse_typedef(code(typedef enum CodeType CodeType; )); body_append(result, code_t); } body_append(result, to_c_str_fns); if (! use_c_definition) { #pragma push_macro("forceinline") #undef forceinline CodeBody alias_mappings = parse_global_body(code( forceinline Str to_str (CodeType type) { return codetype_to_str(type); } forceinline Str to_keyword_str(CodeType type) { return codetype_to_keyword_str(type); } )); #pragma pop_macro("forceinline") body_append(result, alias_mappings); } return result; } CodeBody gen_eoperator( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false ) { CSV_Columns2 csv_enum = parse_csv_two_columns( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, path ); StrBuilder enum_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 32 ); StrBuilder to_c_str_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 32 ); for (usize idx = 0; idx < array_num(csv_enum.Col_1); idx++) { char const* enum_str = csv_enum.Col_1[idx].string; char const* entry_to_str = csv_enum.Col_2[idx].string; strbuilder_append_fmt( & enum_entries, "Op_%s,\n", enum_str ); strbuilder_append_fmt( & to_c_str_entries, "{ \"%s\", sizeof(\"%s\") - 1 },\n", entry_to_str, entry_to_str); } CodeEnum enum_code; if (use_c_definition) { #pragma push_macro("enum_underlying") #undef enum_underlying enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), stringize( enum Operator enum_underlying(u32) { Op_NumOps, Op_UnderlyingType = GEN_U32_MAX }; ))); #pragma pop_macro("enum_underlying") } else { enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), stringize( enum Operator : u32 { Op_NumOps, Op_UnderlyingType = GEN_U32_MAX }; ))); } #pragma push_macro("local_persist") #undef local_persist Str lookup_size = strbuilder_to_str(strbuilder_fmt_buf(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, "%d", array_num(csv_enum.Col_1) )); CodeFn to_str = parse_function(token_fmt( "entries", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries) , "num", lookup_size , stringize( inline Str operator_to_str( Operator op ) { local_persist Str lookup[] = { }; return lookup[ op ]; } ))); #pragma pop_macro("local_persist") CodeBody result = def_body(CT_Global_Body); body_append(result, enum_code); if ( use_c_definition ) { CodeTypedef operator_t = parse_typedef(code( typedef enum Operator Operator; )); body_append(result, operator_t); } body_append(result, to_str); if (! use_c_definition) { #pragma push_macro("forceinline") #undef forceinline CodeBody alias_mappings = parse_global_body(code( forceinline Str to_str(Operator op) { return operator_to_str(op); } )); #pragma pop_macro("forceinline") body_append(result, alias_mappings); } return result; } CodeBody gen_especifier( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false ) { CSV_Columns2 csv_enum = parse_csv_two_columns( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, path ); StrBuilder enum_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(1) ); StrBuilder to_c_str_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(1) ); for (usize idx = 0; idx < array_num(csv_enum.Col_1); idx++) { char const* enum_str = csv_enum.Col_1[idx].string; char const* entry_to_str = csv_enum.Col_2[idx].string; strbuilder_append_fmt( & enum_entries, "Spec_%s,\n", enum_str ); strbuilder_append_fmt( & to_c_str_entries, "{ \"%s\", sizeof(\"%s\") - 1 },\n", entry_to_str, entry_to_str); } CodeEnum enum_code; if (use_c_definition) { #pragma push_macro("enum_underlying") #undef enum_underlying enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), stringize( enum Specifier enum_underlying(u32) { Spec_NumSpecifiers, Spec_UnderlyingType = GEN_U32_MAX }; ))); #pragma pop_macro("enum_underlying") } else { enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), stringize( enum Specifier : u32 { Spec_NumSpecifiers, Spec_UnderlyingType = GEN_U32_MAX }; ))); } CodeFn is_trailing = parse_function(token_fmt("specifier", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries), stringize( inline bool spec_is_trailing( Specifier specifier ) { switch (specifier) { case Spec_Const: case Spec_Final: case Spec_NoExceptions: case Spec_Override: case Spec_Pure: case Spec_Delete: case Spec_Volatile: return true; default: return false; } } ))); #pragma push_macro("local_persist") #pragma push_macro("do_once_start") #pragma push_macro("do_once_end") #pragma push_macro("forceinline") #pragma push_macro("neverinline") #undef local_persist #undef do_once_start #undef do_once_end #undef forceinline #undef neverinline Str lookup_size = strbuilder_to_str(strbuilder_fmt_buf(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, "%d", array_num(csv_enum.Col_1) )); CodeFn to_str = parse_function(token_fmt( "entries", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries) , "num", lookup_size , stringize( inline Str spec_to_str( Specifier type ) { local_persist Str lookup[] = { }; return lookup[ type ]; } ))); CodeFn to_type = parse_function( token_fmt( "entries", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries), stringize( inline Specifier str_to_specifier( Str str ) { local_persist u32 keymap[ Spec_NumSpecifiers ]; do_once_start for ( u32 index = 0; index < Spec_NumSpecifiers; index++ ) { Str enum_str = spec_to_str( (Specifier)index ); // We subtract 1 to remove the null terminator // This is because the tokens lexed are not null terminated. keymap[index] = crc32( enum_str.Ptr, enum_str.Len ); } do_once_end u32 hash = crc32( str.Ptr, str.Len ); for ( u32 index = 0; index < Spec_NumSpecifiers; index++ ) { if ( keymap[index] == hash ) return (Specifier)index; } return Spec_Invalid; } ))); #pragma pop_macro("local_persist") #pragma pop_macro("do_once_start") #pragma pop_macro("do_once_end") #pragma pop_macro("forceinline") #pragma pop_macro("neverinline") CodeBody result = def_body(CT_Global_Body); body_append(result, enum_code); if (use_c_definition) { CodeTypedef specifier_t = parse_typedef( code(typedef enum Specifier Specifier; )); body_append(result, specifier_t); } body_append(result, to_str); body_append(result, is_trailing); body_append(result, to_type); if (! use_c_definition) { #pragma push_macro("forceinline") #undef forceinline CodeBody alias_mappings = parse_global_body(code( forceinline Str to_str (Specifier spec) { return spec_to_str(spec); } forceinline Specifier to_type( Str str ) { return str_to_specifier(str); } forceinline bool is_trailing( Specifier specifier ) { return spec_is_trailing(specifier); } )); #pragma pop_macro("forceinline") body_append(result, alias_mappings); } return result; } CodeBody gen_etoktype( char const* etok_path, char const* attr_path, bool use_c_definition = false ) { FileContents enum_content = file_read_contents( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, file_zero_terminate, etok_path ); CSV_Object csv_enum_nodes; csv_parse( &csv_enum_nodes, rcast(char*, enum_content.data), _ctx->Allocator_Temp, false ); FileContents attrib_content = file_read_contents( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, file_zero_terminate, attr_path ); CSV_Object csv_attr_nodes; csv_parse( &csv_attr_nodes, rcast(char*, attrib_content.data), _ctx->Allocator_Temp, false ); Array enum_strs = csv_enum_nodes.nodes[0].nodes; Array enum_c_str_strs = csv_enum_nodes.nodes[1].nodes; Array attribute_strs = csv_attr_nodes.nodes[0].nodes; Array attribute_c_str_strs = csv_attr_nodes.nodes[1].nodes; StrBuilder enum_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(2) ); StrBuilder to_c_str_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(4) ); StrBuilder attribute_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(2) ); StrBuilder to_c_str_attributes = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(4) ); StrBuilder attribute_define_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(4) ); for (usize idx = 0; idx < array_num(enum_strs); idx++) { char const* enum_str = enum_strs[idx].string; char const* entry_to_str = enum_c_str_strs [idx].string; strbuilder_append_fmt( & enum_entries, "Tok_%s,\n", enum_str ); strbuilder_append_fmt( & to_c_str_entries, "{ \"%s\", sizeof(\"%s\") - 1 },\n", entry_to_str, entry_to_str); } for ( usize idx = 0; idx < array_num(attribute_strs); idx++ ) { char const* attribute_str = attribute_strs[idx].string; char const* entry_to_str = attribute_c_str_strs [idx].string; strbuilder_append_fmt( & attribute_entries, "Tok_Attribute_%s,\n", attribute_str ); strbuilder_append_fmt( & to_c_str_attributes, "{ \"%s\", sizeof(\"%s\") - 1 },\n", entry_to_str, entry_to_str); strbuilder_append_fmt( & attribute_define_entries, "Entry( Tok_Attribute_%s, \"%s\" )", attribute_str, entry_to_str ); if ( idx < array_num(attribute_strs) - 1 ) strbuilder_append_str( & attribute_define_entries, txt(" \\\n")); else strbuilder_append_str( & attribute_define_entries, txt("\n")); } #pragma push_macro("GEN_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_TOKENS") #undef GEN_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_TOKENS CodeDefine attribute_entires_def = def_define( name(GEN_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_TOKENS), MT_Statement, { {}, strbuilder_to_str(attribute_define_entries) } ); #pragma pop_macro("GEN_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_TOKENS") // We cannot parse this enum, it has Attribute names as enums CodeEnum enum_code; if (use_c_definition) { enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), "attribute_toks", strbuilder_to_str(attribute_entries), stringize( enum TokType { Tok_NumTokens, Tok_UnderlyingType = GEN_U32_MAX }; ))); } else { enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), "attribute_toks", strbuilder_to_str(attribute_entries), stringize( enum TokType : u32 { Tok_NumTokens }; ))); } #pragma push_macro("local_persist") #pragma push_macro("do_once_start") #pragma push_macro("do_once_end") #undef local_persist #undef do_once_start #undef do_once_end CodeFn to_str = parse_function(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries), "attribute_toks", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_attributes), stringize( inline Str toktype_to_str( TokType type ) { local_persist Str lookup[] = { }; return lookup[ type ]; } ))); CodeFn to_type = parse_function( token_fmt( "entries", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries), stringize( inline TokType str_to_toktype( Str str ) { local_persist u32 keymap[ Tok_NumTokens ]; do_once_start for ( u32 index = 0; index < Tok_NumTokens; index++ ) { Str enum_str = toktype_to_str( (TokType)index ); // We subtract 1 to remove the null terminator // This is because the tokens lexed are not null terminated. keymap[index] = crc32( enum_str.Ptr, enum_str.Len); } do_once_end u32 hash = crc32( str.Ptr, str.Len ); for ( u32 index = 0; index < Tok_NumTokens; index++ ) { if ( keymap[index] == hash ) return (TokType)index; } return Tok_Invalid; } ))); #pragma pop_macro("local_persist") #pragma pop_macro("do_once_start") #pragma pop_macro("do_once_end") CodeBody result = def_body(CT_Global_Body); body_append(result, attribute_entires_def); body_append(result, enum_code); if (use_c_definition) { CodeTypedef td_toktype = parse_typedef( code( typedef enum TokType TokType; )); body_append(result, td_toktype); } body_append(result, to_str); body_append(result, to_type); return result; } CodeBody gen_ast_inlines() { #pragma push_macro("GEN_NS") #pragma push_macro("rcast") #pragma push_macro("log_failure") #pragma push_macro("CodeInvalid") #undef GEN_NS #undef rcast #undef log_failure #undef CodeInvalid char const* code_impl_tmpl = stringize( \n inline & ::operator =( Code other ) { if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr ) { ast = rcast( decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast); ast->Parent = { nullptr }; } ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast ); return * this; } inline ::operator bool() { return ast != nullptr; } ); char const* codetype_impl_tmpl = stringize( inline Code::operator Code() { return *rcast( Code*, this ); } inline AST_* Code::operator->() { if ( ast == nullptr ) { log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n" ); return nullptr; } return ast; } \n ); #pragma pop_macro("GEN_NS") #pragma pop_macro("CodeInvalid") CodeBody impl_code = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Code), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_body = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeBody), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_attr = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeAttributes), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_cmt = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeComment), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_constr = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeConstructor), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_class = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeClass), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_define = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeDefine), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_define_params = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeDefineParams), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_destruct = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeDestructor), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_enum = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeEnum), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_exec = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeExec), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_extern = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeExtern), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_include = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeInclude), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_friend = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeFriend), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_fn = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeFn), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_module = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeModule), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_ns = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeNS), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_op = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeOperator), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_opcast = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeOpCast), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_params = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeParams), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_pragma = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodePragma), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_precond = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodePreprocessCond), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_specs = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeSpecifiers), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_struct = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeStruct), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_tmpl = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeTemplate), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_type = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeTypename), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_typedef = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeTypedef), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_union = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeUnion), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_using = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeUsing), code_impl_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_code_var = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeVar), code_impl_tmpl )); body_append(impl_code_attr, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Attributes), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_cmt, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Comment), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_constr, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Constructor), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_define, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Define), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_destruct, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Destructor), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_enum, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Enum), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_exec, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Exec), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_extern, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Extern), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_include, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Include), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_friend, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Friend), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_fn, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Fn), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_module, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Module), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_ns, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(NS), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_op, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Operator), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_opcast, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(OpCast), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_pragma, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Pragma), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_precond, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(PreprocessCond), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_tmpl, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Template), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_type, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Typename), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_typedef, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Typedef), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_union, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Union), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_using, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Using), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); body_append(impl_code_var, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Var), codetype_impl_tmpl ))); #pragma push_macro("forceinline") #undef forceinline char const* cast_tmpl = stringize( forceinline Code::operator Code() const { return { (AST_*) ast }; } ); #pragma pop_macro("forceinline") CodeBody impl_cast_body = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Body), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_attribute = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Attributes), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_cmt = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Comment), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_constr = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Constructor), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_class = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Class), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_define = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Define), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_define_params = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(DefineParams), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_destruct = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Destructor), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_enum = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Enum), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_exec = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Exec), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_extern = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Extern), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_friend = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Friend), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_fn = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Fn), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_include = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Include), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_module = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Module), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_ns = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(NS), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_op = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Operator), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_opcast = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(OpCast), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_params = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Params), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_pragma = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Pragma), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_precond = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(PreprocessCond), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_specs = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Specifiers), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_struct = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Struct), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_tmpl = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Template), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_type = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Typename), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_typedef = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Typedef), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_union = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Union), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_using = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Using), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody impl_cast_var = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Var), cast_tmpl )); CodeBody result = def_global_body( args( def_pragma( txt("region generated code inline implementation")), fmt_newline, impl_code, impl_code_body, impl_code_attr, impl_code_cmt, impl_code_constr, impl_code_class, impl_code_define, impl_code_define_params, impl_code_destruct, impl_code_enum, impl_code_exec, impl_code_extern, impl_code_friend, impl_code_fn, impl_code_include, impl_code_module, impl_code_ns, impl_code_op, impl_code_opcast, impl_code_params, impl_code_pragma, impl_code_precond, impl_code_specs, impl_code_struct, impl_code_tmpl, impl_code_type, impl_code_typedef, impl_code_union, impl_code_using, impl_code_var, fmt_newline, def_pragma( txt("endregion generated code inline implementation")), fmt_newline, def_pragma( txt("region generated AST/Code cast implementation")), untyped_str(txt("GEN_OPTIMIZE_MAPPINGS_BEGIN\n")), fmt_newline, impl_cast_body, impl_cast_attribute, impl_cast_cmt, impl_cast_constr, impl_cast_class, impl_cast_define, impl_cast_define_params, impl_cast_destruct, impl_cast_enum, impl_cast_exec, impl_cast_extern, impl_cast_friend, impl_cast_fn, impl_cast_include, impl_cast_module, impl_cast_ns, impl_cast_op, impl_cast_opcast, impl_cast_params, impl_cast_pragma, impl_cast_precond, impl_cast_specs, impl_cast_struct, impl_cast_tmpl, impl_cast_type, impl_cast_typedef, impl_cast_union, impl_cast_using, impl_cast_var, fmt_newline, untyped_str(txt("GEN_OPITMIZE_MAPPINGS_END\n")), def_pragma( txt("endregion generated AST/Code cast implementation")), fmt_newline )); return result; #pragma pop_macro("rcast") #pragma pop_macro("log_failure") }