// #pragma once // #include "../project/gen.hpp" // using namespace gen; using SwapContentProc = CodeBody(void); struct NeedsSelectors { HashTable(Array(CodeFn)) table; void set(StrC sig, Array(CodeFn) list) { u32 key = crc32(sig.Ptr, sig.Len); table.set(key, list); } Array(CodeFn)* get(StrC sig) { u32 key = crc32(sig.Ptr, sig.Len); return table.get(key); } }; CodeBody generate_generic_selectors(Array(Array(CodeFn)) listing) { constexpr char const* tmpl_selector = R"( #define () \ _Generic(( )) ); )"; CodeBody result = def_body(CT_Global_Body); for (Array(CodeFn) functions : listing) { } return result; } b32 ignore_preprocess_cond_block( StrC cond_sig, Code& entry_iter, CodeBody& body ) { b32 found = false; CodePreprocessCond cond = cast(CodePreprocessCond, entry_iter); if ( cond->Content.contains(cond_sig) ) { log_fmt("Preprocess cond found: %SC\n", cond->Content); found = true; s32 depth = 1; ++ entry_iter; for(b32 continue_for = true; continue_for && entry_iter != body.end(); ) switch (entry_iter->Type) { case CT_Preprocess_If: case CT_Preprocess_IfDef: case CT_Preprocess_IfNotDef: ++ depth; ++ entry_iter; break; case CT_Preprocess_Else: ++ entry_iter; for(; continue_for && entry_iter != body.end(); ++ entry_iter) { if (entry_iter->Type == CT_Preprocess_EndIf) { continue_for = false; break; } body.append(entry_iter); } break; case CT_Preprocess_EndIf: { depth --; if (depth == 0) { continue_for = false; break; } ++ entry_iter; } break; default: ++ entry_iter; break; } } return found; } CodeFn rename_function_to_unique_symbol(CodeFn fn, StrC optional_prefix = txt("")) { // Get basic components for the name StrC old_name = fn->Name; String new_name; // Add prefix if provided if (optional_prefix.Len) new_name = string_fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "%SC_%SC_", optional_prefix, old_name); else new_name = string_fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "%SC_", old_name); // Add return type to the signature if (fn->ReturnType) new_name.append_fmt("_%SC", fn->ReturnType->Name); // Add parameter types to create a unique signature bool first_param = true; for (CodeParam param = fn->Params; param.ast; param = param->Next) { if (param->ValueType) { // Add separator for readability if (first_param) { new_name.append("_P_"); first_param = false; } else new_name.append("_"); // Add parameter type, handle any specifiers if (param->ValueType->Specs && param->ValueType->Specs->NumEntries > 0) { // Add specifiers (const, volatile, etc) for (Specifier spec : param->ValueType->Specs) { if (spec == Spec_Ptr) { new_name.append("ptr_"); continue; } new_name.append_fmt("%SC_", to_str(spec)); } } new_name.append_fmt("%SC", param->ValueType->Name); } } // Handle function specifiers if present if (fn->Specs && fn->Specs->NumEntries > 0) { new_name.append("_S_"); for (Specifier* spec = begin(fn->Specs); spec != end(fn->Specs); ++spec) { new_name.append_fmt("%SC_", to_str(*spec)); } } fn->Name = new_name; return fn; } bool swap_pragma_region_implementation( StrC region_name, SwapContentProc* swap_content, Code& entry_iter, CodeBody& body ) { bool found = false; CodePragma possible_region = cast(CodePragma, entry_iter); String region_sig = string_fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "region %s", region_name.Ptr); String endregion_sig = string_fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "endregion %s", region_name.Ptr); if ( possible_region->Content.contains(region_sig)) { found = true; // body.append(possible_region); body.append(swap_content()); ++ entry_iter; for(b32 continue_for = true; continue_for; ++entry_iter) switch (entry_iter->Type) { case CT_Preprocess_Pragma: { CodePragma possible_end_region = cast(CodePragma, entry_iter); if ( possible_end_region->Content.contains(endregion_sig) ) { // body.append(possible_end_region); continue_for = false; } } break; } body.append(entry_iter); } return found; }