// Sanity check: def_comment test // The following will show a series of base cases for the gen api. class TestEmptyClass; class TestEmptyClass { // Empty class body }; typedef unsigned char u8; enum ETestEnum : u8; enum ETestEnum : u8 { A, B, C, }; enum class ETestEnumClass : u8; extern "C" { // Empty extern body } class TestFriend { friend class TestFriendFwd; }; void test_function(void); void test_function(void) { // Empty function body } #include "DummyInclude.hpp" namespace TestNamespace { // Empty namespace body }; void test_function_wparam(u8 a); void test_function_wparams(u8 a, u8 b) { // Empty function body } void test_function_wparams2(u8 a, u8 b) { // Empty function body } class TestEmptyStruct; class TestEmptyStruct { // Empty class body }; union TestEmptyUnion { // Empty union body }; using TestUsing = u8; using namespace TestNamespace; u8 test_variable; u8 test_variable2 = 0x12; // End of base case tests.