#define GEN_DEFINE_LIBRARY_CODE_CONSTANTS #define GEN_ENFORCE_STRONG_CODE_TYPES #define GEN_EXPOSE_BACKEND #include "gen.cpp" #include "file_processors/scanner.hpp" #include "helpers/helper.hpp" using namespace gen; bool namespace_by_default = true; constexpr StrC nspace_default = txt_StrC(R"( #if defined(GEN_DONT_USE_NAMESPACE) && ! defined(GEN_NS_BEGIN) # define GEN_NS_BEGIN # define GEN_NS_END #elif ! defined(GEN_NS_BEGIN) # define GEN_NS_BEGIN namespace gen { # define GEN_NS_END } #endif )"); constexpr StrC nspace_non_default = txt_StrC(R"( #if ! defined(GEN_USE_NAMESPACE) && ! defined(GEN_NS_BEGIN) # define GEN_NS_BEGIN # define GEN_NS_END #elif ! defined(GEN_NS_BEGIN) # define GEN_NS_BEGIN namespace gen { # define GEN_NS_END } #endif )"); int gen_main() { gen::init(); Code push_ignores = scan_file( "helpers/push_ignores.inline.hpp" ); Code pop_ignores = scan_file( "helpers/pop_ignores.inline.hpp" ); // gen_dep.hpp { Code header_start = scan_file( "dependencies/header_start.hpp" ); Code nspace_macro = untyped_str( namespace_by_default ? nspace_default : nspace_non_default ); Code macros = scan_file( "dependencies/macros.hpp" ); Code basic_types = scan_file( "dependencies/basic_types.hpp" ); Code debug = scan_file( "dependencies/debug.hpp" ); Code memory = scan_file( "dependencies/memory.hpp" ); Code string_ops = scan_file( "dependencies/string_ops.hpp" ); Code printing = scan_file( "dependencies/printing.hpp" ); Code containers = scan_file( "dependencies/containers.hpp" ); Code hashing = scan_file( "dependencies/hashing.hpp" ); Code string = scan_file( "dependencies/string.hpp" ); Code parsing = scan_file( "dependencies/parsing.hpp" ); Code timing = scan_file( "dependencies/timing.hpp" ); // TOOD : Make this optional Code file_handling = scan_file( "dependencies/file_handling.hpp" ); Builder deps_header; deps_header.open("gen/gen_dep.hpp"); deps_header.print_fmt("// This file is intended to be included within gen.hpp (There is no pragma diagnostic ignores)\n\n"); deps_header.print_fmt("#pragma once\n\n"); deps_header.print( header_start ); deps_header.print( nspace_macro ); deps_header.print_fmt( "GEN_NS_BEGIN\n\n"); deps_header.print( macros ); deps_header.print( basic_types ); deps_header.print( debug ); deps_header.print( memory ); deps_header.print( string_ops ); deps_header.print( printing ); deps_header.print( containers ); deps_header.print( hashing ); deps_header.print( string ); deps_header.print( file_handling ); deps_header.print( parsing ); deps_header.print( timing ); deps_header.print_fmt( "GEN_NS_END\n\n"); deps_header.write(); } // gen_dep.cpp { CodeInclude header = def_include( txt_StrC("gen_dep.hpp") ); Code impl_start = scan_file( "dependencies/impl_start.cpp" ); Code debug = scan_file( "dependencies/debug.cpp" ); Code string_ops = scan_file( "dependencies/string_ops.cpp" ); Code printing = scan_file( "dependencies/printing.cpp" ); Code memory = scan_file( "dependencies/memory.cpp" ); Code parsing = scan_file( "dependencies/parsing.cpp" ); Code hashing = scan_file( "dependencies/hashing.cpp" ); Code string = scan_file( "dependencies/string.cpp" ); Code timing = scan_file( "dependencies/timing.cpp" ); Builder deps_impl; deps_impl.open("gen/gen_dep.cpp"); deps_impl.print_fmt("// This file is intended to be included within gen.cpp (There is no pragma diagnostic ignores)\n\n"); deps_impl.print( impl_start ); deps_impl.print( header ); deps_impl.print_fmt( "\nGEN_NS_BEGIN\n"); deps_impl.print( debug ); deps_impl.print( string_ops ); deps_impl.print( printing ); deps_impl.print( hashing ); deps_impl.print( memory ); deps_impl.print( parsing ); deps_impl.print( string ); deps_impl.print( timing ); deps_impl.print_fmt( "GEN_NS_END\n\n"); deps_impl.write(); } // gen.hpp { Code header_start = scan_file( "components/header_start.hpp" ); Code nspace_macro = untyped_str( namespace_by_default ? nspace_default : nspace_non_default ); Code types = scan_file( "components/types.hpp" ); Code data_structs = scan_file( "components/data_structures.hpp" ); Code interface = scan_file( "components/interface.hpp" ); Code header_end = scan_file( "components/header_end.hpp" ); CodeBody ecode = gen_ecode( "enums/ECode.csv" ); CodeBody eoperator = gen_eoperator( "enums/EOperator.csv" ); CodeBody especifier = gen_especifier( "enums/ESpecifier.csv" ); // TODO : Make this optional to include Code builder = scan_file( "file_processors/builder.hpp" ); Builder header; header.open( "gen/gen.hpp" ); header.print_fmt("#pragma once\n\n"); header.print( push_ignores ); header.print( header_start ); header.print( nspace_macro ); header.print_fmt( "GEN_NS_BEGIN\n\n"); header.print_fmt("#pragma region Types\n\n"); header.print( types ); header.print( ecode ); header.print( eoperator ); header.print( especifier ); header.print_fmt("#pragma endregion Types\n\n"); header.print( data_structs ); header.print( interface ); header.print( header_end ); header.print( builder ); header.print_fmt( "GEN_NS_END\n\n"); header.print( pop_ignores ); header.write(); } // gen.cpp { Code impl_start = scan_file( "components/impl_start.cpp" ); CodeInclude header = def_include( txt_StrC("gen.hpp") ); Code data = scan_file( "components/static_data.cpp" ); Code ast_case_macros = scan_file( "components/ast_case_macros.cpp" ); Code ast = scan_file( "components/ast.cpp" ); Code interface = scan_file( "components/interface.cpp" ); Code upfront = scan_file( "components/interface.upfront.cpp" ); Code parsing = scan_file( "components/interface.parsing.cpp" ); Code untyped = scan_file( "components/untyped.cpp" ); CodeBody etoktype = gen_etoktype( "enums/ETokType.csv", "enums/AttributeTokens.csv" ); CodeNamespace parser_nspace = def_namespace( name(Parser), def_namespace_body( args(etoktype)) ); // TODO : Make this optional to include Code builder = scan_file( "file_processors/builder.cpp" ); Builder impl; impl.open( "gen/gen.cpp" ); impl.print( push_ignores ); impl.print( impl_start ); impl.print( header ); impl.print_fmt( "\nGEN_NS_BEGIN\n\n"); impl.print( data ); impl.print( ast_case_macros ); impl.print( ast ); impl.print( interface ); impl.print( upfront ); impl.print( parser_nspace ); impl.print( parsing ); impl.print( untyped ); impl.print( builder ); impl.print_fmt( "GEN_NS_END\n\n"); impl.print( pop_ignores ); impl.write(); } gen::deinit(); return 0; }