#include "Bloat.hpp" #include "gen.hpp" #ifdef gentime namespace gen { ZPL_TABLE_DEFINE( StringTable, str_tbl_, String ); ZPL_TABLE_DEFINE( TypeTable, type_tbl_ , Code ); namespace StaticData { static Array(Pool) CodePools = nullptr; static Array(Arena) CodeEntriesArenas = nullptr; static Array(Arena) StringArenas = nullptr; static StringTable StringMap; static TypeTable TypeMap; static AllocatorInfo Allocator_DataArrays = heap(); static AllocatorInfo Allocator_CodePool = heap(); static AllocatorInfo Allocator_CodeEntriesArena = heap(); static AllocatorInfo Allocator_StringArena = heap(); static AllocatorInfo Allocator_StringTable = heap(); static AllocatorInfo Allocator_TypeTable = heap(); } #pragma region Constants # ifdef GEN_DEFINE_LIBRARY_CODE_CONSTANTS Code type_ns(void); Code type_ns(bool); Code type_ns(char); Code type_ns(char_wide); Code type_ns(s8); Code type_ns(s16); Code type_ns(s32); Code type_ns(s64); Code type_ns(u8); Code type_ns(u16); Code type_ns(u32); Code type_ns(u64); Code type_ns(sw); Code type_ns(uw); Code type_ns(f32); Code type_ns(f64); # endif Code access_public; Code access_protected; Code access_private; Code spec_constexpr; Code spec_const; Code spec_inline; Code sepc_ptr; Code spec_ref; #pragma endregion Constants # pragma region AST const Code Code::Invalid; bool AST::add( AST* other ) { switch ( Type ) { using namespace ECode; case Invalid: break; case Untyped: break; case Access_Public: break; case Access_Protected: break; case Access_Private: break; case Class: break; case Class_FwdDecl: break; case Class_Body: break; case Enum: break; case Enum_FwdDecl: break; case Enum_Body: break; case Enum_Class: break; case Enum_Class_FwdDecl: break; case Friend: break; case Function: break; case Function_Body: break; case Function_FwdDecl: break; case Global_Body: break; case Namespace: break; case Namespace_Body: break; case Operator: break; case Operator_FwdDecl: break; case Parameters: break; case Specifiers: break; case Struct: break; case Struct_Body: break; case Variable: break; case Typedef: break; case Typename: break; case Using: break; } array_append( Entries, other ); other->Parent = this; return true; } bool AST::check() { switch ( Type ) { using namespace ECode; case Invalid: break; case Untyped: break; case Access_Public: break; case Access_Protected: break; case Access_Private: break; case Enum: break; case Enum_FwdDecl: break; case Enum_Body: break; case Friend: break; case Function: break; case Function_Body: break; case Function_FwdDecl: break; case Global_Body: break; case Namespace: break; case Namespace_Body: break; case Operator: break; case Operator_FwdDecl: break; case Parameters: break; case Specifiers: break; case Struct: break; case Struct_Body: break; case Variable: break; case Typedef: break; case Typename: break; case Using: break; } return true; } AST* AST::duplicate() { using namespace ECode; Code result = make_code(); result->Parent = Parent; result->Name = Name; result->Comment = Comment; result->Type = Type; result->Op = Op; result->Readonly = Readonly; switch ( Type ) { case Invalid: break; case Untyped: case Access_Public: case Access_Protected: case Access_Private: case Class_FwdDecl: case Enum_FwdDecl: case Function_FwdDecl: case Specifiers: // Can just be the same, as its a cached string. result->Content = Content; return; // The main purpose of this is to make sure entires in the AST are unique, // So that we can assign the new parent without corrupting the existing AST. case Class: case Class_Body: case Enum: case Enum_Body: case Friend: case Global_Body: case Namespace: case Namespace_Body: case Parameters: case Function: case Function_Body: case Struct: case Struct_FwdDecl: case Struct_Body: case Variable: case Typedef: case Typename: case Using: result->Entries = make_code_entries(); s32 index = 0; s32 left = array_count( result->Entries ); while ( left -- ) { // This will naturally duplicate the entire chain duplicate all of the ast nodes. // It may not be the most optimal way for memory reasons, however figuring out the heuristic // For when it should reparent all nodes or not is not within the simple scope of this library. result->add_entry( Entries[index]->duplicate() ); result->Entries[index]->Parent = this; index++; } return; } } String AST::to_string() const { String result = string_make( g_allocator, "" ); if ( Comment ) result = string_append_fmt( result, "// %s\n", Comment ); switch ( Type ) { using namespace ECode; case Invalid: log_failure("Attempted to serialize invalid code! - %s", Name); break; case Untyped: result = string_append_length( result, Content, string_length( ccast(String, Content)) ); break; case Access_Public: case Access_Protected: case Access_Private: result = string_append_length( result, Name, string_length( ccast(String, Name)) ) ; break; case Class: break; case Class_FwdDecl: break; case Class_Body: break; case Enum: break; case Enum_FwdDecl: break; case Enum_Body: break; case Enum_Class: break; case Enum_Class_FwdDecl: break; case Friend: break; case Function: { u32 index = 0; u32 left = array_count( Entries ); if ( left <= 0 ) log_failure( "Code::to_string - Name: %s Type: %s, expected definition", Name, Type ); if ( Entries[index]->Type == Specifiers ) { result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s", Entries[index]->to_string() ); index++; left--; } if ( left <= 0 ) log_failure( "Code::to_string - Name: %s Type: %s, expected return type", Name, Type ); result = string_append_fmt( result, "\n%s %s(", Entries[index]->to_string(), Name ); index++; left--; if ( left && Entries[index]->Type == Parameters ) { result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s", Entries[index]->to_string() ); index++; left--; } result = string_append_fmt( result, ")\n{\n%s\n}", Entries[index]->to_string() ); } break; case Function_FwdDecl: { u32 index = 0; u32 left = array_count( Entries ); if ( left <= 0 ) log_failure( "Code::to_string - Name: %s Type: %s, expected definition", Name, Type ); if ( Entries[index]->Type == Specifiers ) { result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s\n", Entries[index]->to_string() ); index++; left--; } if ( left <= 0 ) log_failure( "Code::to_string - Name: %s Type: %s, expected return type", Name, Type ); result = string_append_fmt( result, "\n%s %s(", Entries[index]->to_string(), Name ); index++; left--; if ( left && Entries[index]->Type == Parameters ) { result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s", Entries[index]->to_string() ); index++; left--; } result = string_appendc( result, ");\n" ); } break; case Function_Body: log_failure("NOT SUPPORTED YET"); break; case Global_Body: break; case Namespace: log_failure("NOT SUPPORTED YET"); break; case Namespace_Body: log_failure("NOT SUPPORTED YET"); break; case Operator: break; case Operator_FwdDecl: break; case Parameters: { result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s %s", Entries[0]->to_string(), Name ); s32 index = 1; s32 left = array_count( Entries ) - 1; while ( left--, left > 0 ) result = string_append_fmt( result, ", %s %s" , Entries[index]->Entries[0]->to_string() , Entries[index]->Name ); } break; case Specifiers: result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s", Content ); break; case Struct: log_failure("NOT SUPPORTED YET"); break; case Struct_FwdDecl: break; case Struct_Body: log_failure("NOT SUPPORTED YET"); break; case Variable: log_failure("NOT SUPPORTED YET"); break; case Typedef: log_failure("NOT SUPPORTED YET"); break; case Typename: result = string_append_fmt( result, "%s", Name ); break; case Using: log_failure("NOT SUPPORTED YET"); break; } return result; } # pragma endregion AST #pragma region Gen Interface void init() { using namespace StaticData; // Setup the arrays { if (! array_init_reserve( CodePools, Allocator_DataArrays, InitSize_DataArrays ) ) fatal( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the CodePools array" ); if ( ! array_init_reserve( CodeEntriesArenas, Allocator_DataArrays, InitSize_DataArrays ) ) fatal( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the CodeEntriesPools array" ); if ( ! array_init_reserve( StringArenas, Allocator_DataArrays, InitSize_DataArrays ) ) fatal( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the StringArenas array" ); } // Setup the code pool and code entries arena. { Pool code_pool; pool_init( & code_pool, Allocator_CodePool, CodePool_NumBlocks, sizeof(AST) ); if ( code_pool.physical_start == nullptr ) fatal( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the code pool" ); array_append( CodePools, code_pool ); Arena code_entires_arena; arena_init_from_allocator( & code_entires_arena, Allocator_CodeEntriesArena, SizePer_CodeEntriresArena ); if ( code_entires_arena.physical_start == nullptr ) fatal( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the code entries arena" ); array_append( CodeEntriesArenas, code_entires_arena ); Arena string_arena; arena_init_from_allocator( & string_arena, Allocator_StringArena, SizePer_StringArena ); if ( string_arena.physical_start == nullptr ) fatal( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the string arena" ); array_append( StringArenas, string_arena ); } // Setup the hash tables { str_tbl_init ( & StringMap, Allocator_StringTable ); if ( StringMap.entries == nullptr ) fatal( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the StringMap"); type_tbl_init( & TypeMap, Allocator_TypeTable ); if ( TypeMap.entries == nullptr ) fatal( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the TypeMap" ); } Code& InvalidCode_write = ccast( Code, Code::Invalid ); InvalidCode_write = make_code(); # ifdef GEN_DEFINE_LIBRARY_CODE_CONSTANTS Code& t_bool_write = ccast( Code, t_void ); t_bool_write = def_type( txt(void) ); # define def_constant_code_type( Type_ ) \ Code& \ t_##Type_ = def_type( txt(Type_) ); \ t_##Type_.lock() def_constant_code_type( bool ); def_constant_code_type( char ); def_constant_code_type( wchar_t ); def_constant_code_type( s8 ); def_constant_code_type( s16 ); def_constant_code_type( s32 ); def_constant_code_type( s64 ); def_constant_code_type( u8 ); def_constant_code_type( u16 ); def_constant_code_type( u32 ); def_constant_code_type( u64 ); def_constant_code_type( sw ); def_constant_code_type( uw ); def_constant_code_type( f32 ); def_constant_code_type( f64 ); # undef def_constant_code_type # endif Code& spec_constexpr_write = ccast( Code, spec_constexpr ); spec_constexpr_write = def_specifiers( 1, ESpecifier::Constexpr ); # define def_constant_spec( Type_, ... ) \ Code& \ spec_##Type_ = def_specifiers( macro_num_args(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__); \ spec_##Type_.lock(); def_constant_spec( const, ESpecifier::Const ); def_constant_spec( inline, ESpecifier::Inline ); # undef def_constant_spec } void clear_code_pools() { using namespace StaticData; // Clear the code pools { s32 index = 0; s32 left = 0; while (( left-- )) { Pool* code_pool = & CodePools[index]; pool_free( code_pool ); } array_clear( CodePools ); } // Clear the code entries pools { s32 index = 0; s32 left = 0; while (( left-- )) { Arena* code_entries_arena = & CodeEntriesArenas[index]; arena_free( code_entries_arena ); } array_clear( CodeEntriesArenas ); } type_tbl_clear( & StaticData::TypeMap ); } inline AllocatorInfo get_string_allocator( s32 str_length ) { using namespace StaticData; if ( StringArenas->total_allocated + str_length > StringArenas->total_size ) { Arena new_arena; arena_init_from_allocator( & new_arena, Allocator_StringArena, SizePer_StringArena ); if ( array_append( StringArenas, new_arena ) ) fatal( "gen::get_string_allocator: Failed to allocate a new string arena" ); return arena_allocator( StringArenas ); } return arena_allocator( StringArenas ); } // Will either make or retrive a code string. StringCached get_cached_string( char const* cstr, s32 length ) { s32 hash_length = length > kilobytes(1) ? kilobytes(1) : length; u32 key = crc32( cstr, hash_length ); String* result = str_tbl_get( & StaticData::StringMap, key ); if ( result ) return * result; * result = string_make( get_string_allocator( length ), cstr ); str_tbl_set( & StaticData::StringMap, key, * result ); return * result; } /* Used internally to retireve a Code object form the CodePool. */ Code make_code() { using namespace StaticData; ct CodePOD Invalid = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, ECode::Invalid, EOperator::Invalid, false, {0} }; AllocatorInfo allocator = { nullptr, nullptr }; s32 left = array_count( CodePools ); do { if ( CodePools[left].free_list != nullptr ) allocator = zpl::pool_allocator( & CodePools[left] ); } while ( left--, left ); if ( allocator.data == nullptr ) { Pool code_pool; pool_init( & code_pool, Allocator_CodePool, CodePool_NumBlocks, sizeof(AST) ); if ( code_pool.physical_start == nullptr ) fatal( "gen::make_code: Failed to allocate a new code pool - CodePool allcoator returned nullptr." ); if ( ! array_append( CodePools, code_pool ) ) fatal( "gen::make_code: Failed to allocate a new code pool - CodePools failed to append new pool." ); allocator = pool_allocator( CodePools ); } Code result { rcast( AST*, alloc( allocator, sizeof(AST) )) }; * result = pcast( AST, Invalid); return result; } Array(AST*) make_code_entries() { using namespace StaticData; AllocatorInfo allocator = { nullptr, nullptr }; s32 left = array_count( CodeEntriesArenas ); do { if ( arena_size_remaining(CodeEntriesArenas, ZPL_DEFAULT_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT) > ZPL_ARRAY_GROW_FORMULA(0) ) allocator = arena_allocator( & CodeEntriesArenas[left] ); } while( left--, left ); if ( allocator.data == nullptr ) { Arena arena; arena_init_from_allocator( & arena, Allocator_CodeEntriesArena, SizePer_CodeEntriresArena ); if ( arena.physical_start == nullptr ) fatal( "gen::make_code: Failed to allocate a new code entries arena - CodeEntriesArena allcoator returned nullptr." ); allocator = arena_allocator( CodeEntriesArenas ); } Array(AST*) entry_array; array_init( entry_array, allocator ); return entry_array; } forceinline bool operator_member_symbol_check( Code entry ) { using namespace ECode; // Is assumed by the time this is called, entry has been valided to not be null or invalid. switch ( entry->Type ) { case Access_Public: case Access_Protected: case Access_Private: case Class_Body: case Class_FwdDecl: case Enum_FwdDecl: case Enum_Body: case Enum_Class_FwdDecl: case Friend: case Function: case Function_FwdDecl: case Global_Body: case Namespace: case Namespace_Body: case Operator: case Operator_FwdDecl: case Parameters: case Specifiers: case Struct_FwdDecl: case Struct_Body: case Typename: return false; } return true; } void set_allocator_data_arrays( AllocatorInfo allocator ) { StaticData::Allocator_DataArrays = allocator; } void set_allocator_code_pool( AllocatorInfo allocator ) { StaticData::Allocator_CodePool = allocator; } void set_allocator_code_entries_arena( AllocatorInfo allocator ) { StaticData::Allocator_CodeEntriesArena = allocator; } void set_allocator_string_arena( AllocatorInfo allocator ) { StaticData::Allocator_StringArena = allocator; } void set_allocator_string_table( AllocatorInfo allocator ) { StaticData::Allocator_StringArena = allocator; } # pragma region Helper Functions // This snippet is used in nearly all the functions. # define name_check( Context_, Length_, Name_ ) \ { \ if ( Length_ <= 0 ) \ { \ log_failure( "gen::%s: Invalid name length provided - %d", txt(Context_), length ); \ return Code::Invalid; \ } \ \ if ( Name_ == nullptr ) \ { \ log_failure( "gen::%s: name is null", txt(Context_) ); \ return Code::Invalid; \ } \ } # define null_check( Context_, Code_ ) \ if ( ! Code_ ) \ { \ log_failure( "gen::%s: %s provided is null!", txt(Context_), txt(Code_) ); \ return Code::Invalid; \ } # define null_or_invalid_check( Context_, Code_ ) \ { \ if ( ! Code_ ) \ { \ log_failure( "gen::%s: %s provided is null!", txt(Context_) ); \ return Code::Invalid; \ } \ \ if ( Code_->is_invalid() ) \ { \ log_failure("gen::%s: %s provided is invalid!", txt(Context_), txt(Code_) ); \ return Code::Invalid; \ } \ } # define not_implemented( Context_ ) \ log_failure( "gen::%s: This function is not implemented" ); \ return Code::Invalid; # pragma endregion Helper Functions # pragma region Upfront Constructors Code def_class( s32 length, char const* name, Code parent, Code specifiers, Code body ) { using namespace ECode; name_check( def_class, length, name ); if ( parent && parent->Type != Class || parent->Type != Struct ) { log_failure( "gen::def_class: parent provided is not type 'Class' or 'Struct' - Type: %s", parent->debug_str() ); return Code::Invalid; } if ( specifiers && specifiers->Type != Specifiers ) { log_failure( "gen::def_class: specifiers was not a 'Specifiers' type - Type: %s", specifiers->debug_str() ); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Name = get_cached_string( name, length ); if ( body ) { switch ( body->Type ) { case Class_Body: case Untyped: break; default: log_failure("gen::def_class: body must be either of Class_Body or Untyped type - %s", body->debug_str()); return Code::Invalid; } result->Type = Class; result->Entries = make_code_entries(); result->add_entry( body ); } else { result->Type = Class_FwdDecl; } if ( parent ) result->add_entry( parent ); if ( specifiers ) result->add_entry( specifiers ); result.lock(); return result; } Code def_enum( s32 length, char const* name, Code type, EnumT specifier, Code body ) { using namespace ECode; name_check( def_enum, length, name ); if ( type && type->Type != Typename ) { log_failure( "gen::def_enum: enum underlying type provided was not of type Typename: %s", type->debug_str() ); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Name = get_cached_string( name, length ); if ( body ) { switch ( body->Type ) { case Enum_Body: case Untyped: break; default: log_failure( "gen::def_enum: body must be of Enum_Body or Untyped type %s", body->debug_str()); return Code::Invalid; } result->Type = specifier == EnumClass ? Enum_Class : Enum; result->Entries = make_code_entries(); result->add_entry( body ); } else if ( specifier == EnumClass ) { result->Type = specifier == EnumClass ? Enum_Class_FwdDecl : Enum_FwdDecl; } if ( type ) { result->add_entry( type ); } result.lock(); return result; } Code def_execution( Code untyped_code ) { null_check( def_execution, untyped_code ); if ( untyped_code->Type != ECode::Untyped ) { log_failure( "gen::def_execution: untyped_code is not of untyped type - %s", untyped_code->debug_str() ); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Type = ECode::Execution; result.lock(); return result; } Code def_friend( Code declaration ) { using namespace ECode; null_check( def_friend, declaration ); switch ( declaration->Type ) { case Class_FwdDecl: case Function_FwdDecl: case Operator_FwdDecl: case Struct_FwdDecl: break; default: // Technically friends can have a function body. I will not support it so if you want that add it yourself. - Ed. log_failure("gen::def_friend: declaration cannot be used with friend, must be a forward declare - %s", declaration->debug_str()); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Type = Friend; result->Entries = make_code_entries(); result->add_entry( declaration ); result.lock(); return result; } Code def_function( s32 length, char const* name , Code specifiers , Code params , Code ret_type , Code body ) { using namespace ECode; name_check( def_function, length, name ); if ( specifiers && specifiers->Type != Specifiers ) { log_failure( "gen::def_function: specifiers was not a `Specifiers` type %s", specifiers->debug_str() ); return Code::Invalid; } if ( params && params->Type != Parameters ) { log_failure( "gen::def_function: params was not a `Parameters` type %s", params->debug_str() ); return Code::Invalid; } if ( ret_type == nullptr || ret_type->Type != Typename ) { log_failure( "gen::def_function: ret_type was not a Typename %s", ret_type->debug_str() ); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Name = get_cached_string( name, length ); result->Entries = make_code_entries(); if ( body ) { switch ( body->Type ) { case Function_Body: case Untyped: break; default: { log_failure("gen::def_function: body must be either of Function_Body or Untyped type. %s", body->debug_str()); return Code::Invalid; } } result->Type = Function; result->add_entry( body ); } else { result->Type = Function_FwdDecl; } if ( specifiers ) result->add_entry( specifiers ); if ( ret_type ) { result->add_entry( ret_type ); } else { result->add_entry( type_ns(void) ); } if ( params ) result->add_entry( params ); result.lock(); return result; } Code def_namespace( s32 length, char const* name, Code body ) { using namespace ECode; name_check( def_namespace, length, name ); null_check( def_namespace, body ); Code result = make_code(); result->Type = Namespace; result->Name = get_cached_string( name, length ); result->Entries = make_code_entries(); if ( body->Type != Namespace_Body || body->Type != Untyped ) { log_failure("gen::def_namespace: body is not of namespace or untyped type %s", body->debug_str()); return Code::Invalid; } result->add_entry( body ); return result; } Code def_operator( OperatorT op, Code params, Code ret_type, Code specifiers, Code body ) { using namespace EOperator; if ( op == Invalid ) { log_failure("gen::def_operator: op cannot be invalid"); return Code::Invalid; } switch ( op ) { case Assign: case Assign_Add: case Assign_Subtract: case Assgin_Multiply: case Assgin_Divide: case Assgin_Modulo: break; } Code result = make_code(); result->Type = ECode::Operator; if ( body ) { } else { } result.lock(); return result; } Code def_param( Code type, s32 length, char const* name ) { using namespace ECode; name_check( def_param, length, name ); null_check( def_param, type ); if ( type->Type != Typename ) { log_failure( "gen::def_param: type is not a typename - %s", type->debug_str() ); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Type = Parameters; result->Name = get_cached_string( name, length ); result->Entries = make_code_entries(); result->add_entry( type ); result.lock(); return result; } Code def_struct( u32 length, char const* name, Code body, Code parent, Code specifiers ) { using namespace ECode; name_check( def_struct, length, name ); if ( specifiers && specifiers->Type != Specifiers ) { log_failure( "gen::def_struct: specifiers was not a `Specifiers` type" ); return Code::Invalid; } if ( parent && parent->Type != Struct ) { log_failure( "gen::def_struct: parent was not a `Struct` type" ); return Code::Invalid; } if ( body && body->Type != Struct_Body ) { log_failure( "gen::def_struct: body was not a Struct_Body type" ); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Name = get_cached_string( name, length ); result->Entries = make_code_entries(); if ( body ) { result->Type = Struct; result->add_entry( body ); } else { result->Type = Struct_FwdDecl; } if ( parent ) result->add_entry( parent ); if ( specifiers ) result->add_entry( specifiers ); return result; } Code def_variable( Code type, u32 length, char const* name, Code value, Code specifiers ) { name_check( def_variable, length, name ); null_check( def_variable, type ); if ( specifiers && specifiers->Type != ECode::Specifiers ) { log_failure( "gen::def_variable: specifiers was not a `Specifiers` type" ); return Code::Invalid; } if ( type->Type != ECode::Typename ) { log_failure( "gen::def_variable: type was not a Typename" ); return Code::Invalid; } if ( value && value->Type != ECode::Untyped ) { log_failure( "gen::def_variable: value was not a `Untyped` type" ); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Name = get_cached_string( name, length ); result->Type = ECode::Variable; result->Entries = make_code_entries(); if ( specifiers ) result->add_entry( specifiers ); result->add_entry( type ); if ( value ) result->add_entry( value ); return result; } Code def_type( u32 length, char const* name, Code specifiers ) { name_check( def_type, length, name ); if ( specifiers && specifiers->Type != ECode::Specifiers ) { log_failure( "gen::def_type: specifiers is not of specifiers type - %s", specifiers->debug_str() ); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Name = get_cached_string( name, length ); result->Type = ECode::Typename; if ( specifiers ) { result->Entries = make_code_entries(); result->add_entry( specifiers ); } result.lock(); return result; } Code def_using( u32 length, char const* name, Code type, UsingT specifier ) { name_check( def_using, length, name ); null_check( def_using, type ); Code result = make_code(); result->Name = get_cached_string( name, length ); switch ( specifier ) { case UsingRegular: result->Entries = make_code_entries(); result->Type = ECode::Using; result->add_entry( type ); break; case UsingNamespace: result->Type = ECode::Using_Namespace; break; } result.lock(); return result; } Code def_class_body( s32 num, ... ) { using namespace ECode; if ( num == 0 ) { log_failure("gen::def_class_body: num cannot be zero"); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Type = Class_Body; result->Entries = make_code_entries(); va_list va; va_start(va, num); do { Code entry = va_arg(va, Code); switch ( entry->Type ) { case Enum_Body: case Execution: case Function_Body: case Global_Body: case Namespace: case Namespace_Body: case Parameters: case Specifiers: case Struct_Body: case Typename: case Using_Namespace: { log_failure("gen::def_class_body: Entry type is not allowed: %s", ECode::str(entry->Type) ); return Code::Invalid; } case Operator: // If an operator is getting added, we need to verify // the definition conforms to the format required for member symbols. if ( ! operator_member_symbol_check( entry ) ) { log_failure( "gen::def_class_body: Operator entry was not a valid member symbol."); return Code::Invalid; } break; } result->add_entry( entry ); } while ( num--, num > 0 ); va_end(va); result.lock(); return result; } Code def_enum_body( s32 num, ... ) { not_implemented( def_enum_body ); } Code def_function_body( s32 num, ... ) { using namespace ECode; if ( num <= 0 ) { log_failure("gen::def_function_body: num cannot zero or neg"); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); array_init( result->Entries, g_allocator ); va_list va; va_start(va, num); do { Code entry = va_arg(va, Code); if ( ! entry ) { log_failure("gen::def_function_body: Provided an invalid entry!"); return Code::Invalid; } switch ( entry->Type ) { case Access_Public: case Access_Protected: case Access_Private: case Class_Body: case Enum_Body: case Friend: case Function_Body: case Function_FwdDecl: case Global_Body: case Namespace: case Namespace_Body: case Operator: case Parameters: case Specifiers: case Struct_Body: case Typename: { log_failure("gen::def_function_body: Entry type is not allowed: %s", entry->type_str() ); return Code::Invalid; } default: break; } result->add_entry( entry ); } while ( num--, num > 0 ); va_end(va); return result; } Code def_function_body( s32 num, Code* codes ) { using namespace ECode; if ( num <= 0 ) { log_failure("gen::def_function_body: num cannot zero or neg"); return Code::Invalid; } if ( codes == nullptr ) { log_failure("gen::def_function_body: Provided a null array of codes!"); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); array_init( result->Entries, g_allocator ); do { Code entry = *codes; if ( ! entry ) { log_failure("gen::def_function_body: Provided an invalid entry!"); return Code::Invalid; } switch ( entry->Type ) { case Access_Public: case Access_Protected: case Access_Private: case Class_Body: case Enum_Body: case Friend: case Function_Body: case Function_FwdDecl: case Global_Body: case Namespace: case Namespace_Body: case Operator: case Parameters: case Specifiers: case Struct_Body: case Typename: { log_failure("gen::def_function_body: Entry type is not allowed: %s", entry->type_str() ); return Code::Invalid; } default: break; } result->add_entry( entry ); } while ( num--, num > 0 ); return result; } Code def_global_body( s32 num, ... ) { using namespace ECode; if ( num <= 0 ) { log_failure("gen::def_global_body: num cannot zero or neg"); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); array_init( result->Entries, g_allocator ); va_list va; va_start(va, num); do { Code entry = va_arg(va, Code); if ( ! entry ) { log_failure("gen::def_global_body: Provided an invalid entry!"); return Code::Invalid; } switch ( entry->Type ) { case Access_Public: case Access_Protected: case Access_Private: case Class_Body: case Enum_Body: case Execution: case Friend: case Function_Body: case Global_Body: case Namespace_Body: case Parameters: case Specifiers: case Struct_Body: case Typename: { log_failure("gen::def_global_body: Entry type is not allowed: %s", entry->type_str() ); return Code::Invalid; } default: break; } result->add_entry( entry ); } while ( num--, num > 0 ); va_end(va); return result; } Code def_namespace_body( s32 num, ... ) { using namespace ECode; if ( num <= 0 ) { log_failure("gen::make_specifier: num cannot be zero or less"); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Type = Namespace_Body; va_list va; va_start(va, num); do { Code entry = va_arg(va, Code); switch ( entry->Type ) { case Namespace_Body: case Parameters: case Specifiers: case Struct_Body: case Typename: log_failure("gen::def_function_body: Entry type is not allowed: %s", ECode::str(entry->Type) ); return Code::Invalid; default: break; } result->add_entry( entry ); } while ( num--, num > 0 ); va_end(va); return result; } Code def_params( s32 num, ... ) { using namespace ECode; if (num <= 0) { log_failure( "TT::make_paramters: num cannot be zero or neg" ); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Type = Parameters; va_list va; va_start(va, num); Code type = va_arg(va, Code); char const* name = va_arg(va, char const*); s32 name_length = strnlen(name, MaxNameLength); result->Name = get_cached_string( name, name_length ); array_init( result->Entries, g_allocator ); if ( type->Type != Typename ) { log_failure( "gen::def_parameters: type of param %d is not a Typename", num - num + 1 ); return Code::Invalid; } result->add_entry( type ); while( num -= 2, num && num % 2 == 0 ) { type = va_arg(va, Code); name_length = va_arg(va, u32); name = va_arg(va, char const*); Code param = make_code(); param->Type = Parameters; param->Name = get_cached_string(name, name_length); array_init( param->Entries, StaticData::Allocator_CodePool ); if ( type->Type != Typename ) { log_failure( "gen::def_parameters: type of param %d is not a Typename", num - num + 1 ); return Code::Invalid; } param->add_entry( type ); param.lock(); result->add_entry(param); } va_end(va); result.lock(); return result; } Code def_specifiers( s32 num, ... ) { if ( num <= 0 ) log_failure("gen::make_specifier: num cannot be zero or less"); // This should be more than enough... static u8 FixedSizedBuffer[kilobytes(1024)]; static Arena str_arena; do_once_start arena_init_from_memory( & str_arena, FixedSizedBuffer, kilobytes(1024) ); do_once_end Code result = make_code(); result->Type = ECode::Specifiers; String crafted = string_make( arena_allocator( & str_arena ), "" ); va_list va; va_start(va, num); do { SpecifierT type = (SpecifierT)va_arg(va, int); switch ( type ) { case ESpecifier::Alignas: crafted = string_append_fmt( (String)result->Content, "%s(%d)", ESpecifier::to_str(type), va_arg(va, u32) ); break; default: const char* str = ESpecifier::to_str(type); crafted = string_append_fmt( (String)result->Content, "%s", str ); break; } } while ( --num, num ); va_end(va); result->Content = get_cached_string( crafted, string_length( crafted ) ); arena_free( & str_arena ); return result; } Code def_struct_body( s32 num, ... ) { using namespace ECode; if ( num <= 0 ) { log_failure("gen::def_struct_body: num must be at least 1"); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Entries = make_code_entries(); va_list va; va_start(va, num); do { Code entry = va_arg(va, Code); switch ( entry->Type ) { case Enum_Body: case Execution: case Function_Body: case Global_Body: case Namespace: case Namespace_Body: case Parameters: case Specifiers: case Struct_Body: case Typename: case Using_Namespace: { log_failure("gen::def_struct_body: Entry type is not allowed: %s", ECode::str(entry->Type) ); return Code::Invalid; } case Operator: // If an operator is getting added, we need to verify // the definition conforms to the format required for member symbols. if ( ! operator_member_symbol_check( entry ) ) { log_failure( "gen::def_struct_body: Operator entry was not a valid member symbol."); return Code::Invalid; } break; } result->add_entry( entry ); } while ( num--, num > 0 ); va_end(va); return result; } # pragma endregion Upfront Constructors # pragma region Incremetnal Constructors Code make_class( s32 length, char const* name, Code parent, Code specifiers ) { not_implemented( make_class ); } Code make_enum( s32 length, char const* name, Code type, EnumT specifier ) { not_implemented( make_class ); } Code make_function( s32 length, char const* name , Code specifiers , Code params , Code ret_type ) { using namespace ECode; name_check( make_function, length, name ); if ( specifiers && specifiers->Type != Specifiers ) { log_failure( "gen::def_function: specifiers was not a `Specifiers` type" ); return Code::Invalid; } if ( params && params->Type != Parameters ) { log_failure( "gen::def_function: params was not a `Parameters` type" ); return Code::Invalid; } if ( ret_type == nullptr || ret_type->Type != Typename ) { log_failure( "gen::def_function: ret_type was not a Typename" ); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Name = get_cached_string( name, length ); result->Type = Function; result->Entries = make_code_entries(); Code body = make_code(); body->Type = Function_Body; body->Entries = make_code_entries(); result->add_entry( make_code() ); if ( specifiers ) result->add_entry( specifiers ); if ( ret_type ) result->add_entry( ret_type ); if ( params ) result->add_entry( params ); return result; } Code make_global_body( s32 length, char const* name, s32 num, ... ) { name_check( make_global_body, length, name ); Code result = make_code(); result->Type = ECode::Global_Body; result->Name = get_cached_string( name, length ); result->Entries = make_code_entries(); // Making body at entry 0; result->add_entry( make_code() ); return result; } Code make_namespace( s32 length, char const* name, Code parent, Code specifiers ) { not_implemented( make_namespace ); } Code make_operator( OperatorT op, Code params, Code ret_type, Code specifiers ) { not_implemented( make_operator ); } Code make_params() { not_implemented( make_params ); } Code make_specifiers() { not_implemented( make_specifiers ); } Code make_struct( s32 length, char const* name, Code parent, Code specifiers ) { using namespace ECode; name_check( make_struct, length, name ); if ( specifiers && specifiers->Type != Specifiers ) { log_failure( "gen::def_struct: specifiers was not a `Specifiers` type" ); return Code::Invalid; } if ( parent && parent->Type != Struct ) { log_failure( "gen::def_struct: parent was not a `Struct` type" ); return Code::Invalid; } Code result = make_code(); result->Type = Struct; result->Name = get_cached_string( name, length ); result->Entries = make_code_entries(); Code body = make_code(); body->Type = Function_Body; body->Entries = make_code_entries(); result->add_entry( make_code() ); if ( parent ) result->add_entry( parent ); if ( specifiers ) result->add_entry( specifiers ); return result; } # pragma endregion Incremetnal Constructions # pragma region Parsing Constructors Code parse_class( s32 length, char const* def ) { not_implemented( parse_class ); } Code parse_enum( s32 length, char const* def ) { not_implemented( parse_enum ); } Code parse_execution( s32 length, char const* exec_def ) { not_implemented( parse_execution ); } Code parse_friend( s32 length, char const* def ) { not_implemented( parse_friend ); } Code parse_global_body( s32 length, char const* def ) { not_implemented( parse_global_body ); } Code parse_function( s32 length, char const* def ) { if ( def == nullptr ) { log_failure("gen::parse_proc: def is null!"); return Code::Invalid; } Arena mem; do_once_start arena_init_from_allocator( & mem, heap(), kilobytes( 10 ) ); do_once_end // Pretty sure its impossible to have more than this. SpecifierT specs_found[16] { ESpecifier::Num_Specifiers }; u8 num_specifiers; // Making all significant tokens have a max length of 128 for this parser. ct sw LengthID = 128; struct Param { char const Type[LengthID]; char const Name[LengthID]; }; static Param Params[ 64 ] { 0 }; // Zero out params before a run of this func. memset( Params, 0, sizeof( Params )); char const* name; s32 name_length = 0; char const* body_str = nullptr; s32 body_length = 0; char const* ret_type_str = nullptr; s32 ret_length = 0; s32 left = length; char const* scanner = def; while ( left -- ) { #define SkipWhitespace() \ while ( left && char_is_space( * scanner ) ) \ { \ left--; \ scanner++ ; \ } #define Get // Find all specifiers (if any) and the return type do { SkipWhitespace(); s32 length = 0; char const* spec_or_type = scanner; while ( char_is_alpha( * scanner) || * scanner == '_') { length++; left--; scanner++; } SpecifierT type = ESpecifier::to_type( spec_or_type, length ); if ( type != ESpecifier::Invalid ) { specs_found[num_specifiers] = type; num_specifiers++; continue; } // Should be return type ret_type_str = scanner; ret_length = length; scanner++; break; } while( left ); SkipWhitespace(); // Next up should be the name if before there were specifiers name = scanner; while ( char_is_alpha( * scanner) || * scanner == '_') { ret_length++; left--; scanner++; } // Parameters SkipWhitespace(); if ( * scanner != '(' ) { log_failure("gen::parse_proc: Error, expected a ( in %s", string_make_length( g_allocator, scanner - 4, 100) ); return Code::Invalid; } scanner++; do { } while (0); // Get past ')' scanner++; SkipWhitespace() // get end specifiers if ( * scanner != '{') { } not_implemented( parse_function ); } Code specifiers = def_specifiers( num_specifiers, specs_found ); Code params = make_code(); Code ret_type = def_type( ret_length, ret_type_str ); Code body = untyped_str( body_length, body_str ); Code result = make_code(); result->Name = get_cached_string( name, name_length ); result->Type = ECode::Function; result->Entries = make_code_entries(); result->add_entry( body ); if ( specifiers ) result->add_entry( specifiers ); result->add_entry( ret_type ); if ( params ) result->add_entry( params ); result.lock(); return result; } Code parse_namespace( s32 length, char const* def ) { not_implemented( parse_namespace ); } Code parse_operator( s32 length, char const* def ) { not_implemented( parse_operator ); } Code parse_struct( s32 length, char const* def ) { Arena mem; do_once_start arena_init_from_allocator( & mem, heap(), kilobytes( 10 ) ); do_once_end // Pretty sure its impossible to have more than this. SpecifierT specs_found[16] { ESpecifier::Num_Specifiers }; u8 num_specifiers; // Making all significant tokens have a max length of 128 for this parser. ct sw LengthID = 128; char const name [LengthID] { 0 }; char const parent[LengthID] { 0 }; } Code parse_variable( s32 length, char const* def ) { not_implemented( parse_variable ); } Code parse_type( s32 length, char const* def ) { not_implemented( parse_type ); } Code parse_typdef( s32 length, char const* def ) { not_implemented( parse_typedef ); } Code parse_using( s32 length, char const* def ) { not_implemented( parse_using ); } s32 parse_classes( s32 length, char const* class_defs, Code* out_class_codes ) { not_implemented( parse_classes ); } s32 parse_enums( s32 length, char const* enum_defs, Code* out_enum_codes ) { not_implemented( parse_enums ); } s32 parse_friends( s32 length, char const* friend_defs, Code* out_friend_codes ) { not_implemented( parse_friends ); } s32 parse_functions ( s32 length, char const* fn_defs, Code* out_fn_codes ) { not_implemented( parse_functions ); } s32 parse_namespaces( s32 length, char const* namespace_defs, Code* out_namespaces_codes ) { not_implemented( parse_namespaces ); } s32 parse_operators( s32 length, char const* operator_defs, Code* out_operator_codes ) { not_implemented( parse_operators ); } s32 parse_structs( s32 length, char const* struct_defs, Code* out_struct_codes ) { not_implemented( parse_structs ); } s32 parse_variables( s32 length, char const* vars_def, Code* out_var_codes ) { not_implemented( parse_variables ); } s32 parse_typedefs( s32 length, char const* typedef_def, Code* out_typedef_codes ) { not_implemented( parse_typedefs ); } s32 parse_usings( s32 length, char const* usings_def, Code* out_using_codes ) { not_implemented( parse_usings ); } # pragma endregion Parsing Constructors # pragma region Untyped Constructors Code untyped_str( s32 length, char const* str ) { Code result = make_code(); result->Name = get_cached_string( str, length ); result->Type = ECode::Untyped; result->Content = result->Name; return result; } Code untyped_fmt(char const* fmt, ...) { local_persist thread_local char buf[ZPL_PRINTF_MAXLEN] = { 0 }; va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); sw length = snprintf_va(buf, ZPL_PRINTF_MAXLEN, fmt, va); va_end(va); Code result = make_code(); result->Name = get_cached_string( fmt, strnlen(fmt, MaxNameLength) ); result->Type = ECode::Untyped; result->Content = get_cached_string( buf, length ); return result; } Code untyped_token_fmt( char const* fmt, s32 num_tokens, ... ) { local_persist thread_local char buf[ZPL_PRINTF_MAXLEN] = { 0 }; va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); sw length = token_fmt_va(buf, ZPL_PRINTF_MAXLEN, fmt, num_tokens, va); va_end(va); Code result = make_code(); result->Name = get_cached_string( fmt, strnlen(fmt, MaxNameLength) ); result->Type = ECode::Untyped; result->Content = get_cached_string( buf, length ); result.lock(); return result; } # pragma endregion Untyped Constructors #pragma endregion Gen Interface #pragma region Builder void Builder::print( Code code ) { Buffer = string_append_fmt( Buffer, "%s\n\n", code->to_string() ); } bool Builder::open( char const* path ) { FileError error = file_open_mode( & File, EFileMode_WRITE, path ); if ( error != EFileError_NONE ) { log_failure( "gen::File::open - Could not open file: %s", path); return false; } Buffer = string_make( g_allocator, "" ); return true; } void Builder::write() { bool result = file_write( & File, Buffer, string_length(Buffer) ); if ( result == false ) log_failure("gen::File::write - Failed to write to file: %s", file_name( & File ) ); // file_seek( & File, 0 ); file_close( & File ); } #pragma endregion Builder #pragma region Editor #pragma endregion Editor #pragma region Scanner #pragma endregion Scanner } // end gentime #endif