; TODO: Finish? ; Hello world. ; x86 ; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode %include "AAL.x86.S" ; 16-Bit Mode [BITS 16] ; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment [ORG BIOS_LoadCode_Address] start : textmode_ClearScreen : ; Params mov AH, Video_SetMode mov AL, VideoMode_Text_40x25 ; Call Interrupt int VideoService textmode_CheckDisplayMode : mov AH, Video_GetCurrentMode int VideoService ; Return Values mov BH, AH mov BL, AL ; Print Cols mov AH, Video_TeleType mov AL, BH int VideoService ; Print Mode mov AH, Video_TeleType mov AL, BL int VideoService hang : jmp short ang ; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed) times 510-$+start db 0 ; Master Boot Record signature db 0x55 db 0xAA