2024-11-25 00:04:53 -05:00

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element MPX.bnd
repeat 4, i:0
element bnd#i? : MPX.bnd + i
end repeat
macro MPX.parse_operand ns,op
x86.parse_operand#ns op
if ns.type = 'imm' & ns.size = 0 & ns.imm eq 1 elementof ns.imm & 1 metadataof ns.imm relativeto MPX.bnd
ns.type = 'bnd'
ns.mod = 11b
ns.rm = 1 metadataof ns.imm - MPX.bnd
ns.size = 0
end if
end macro
macro MPX.parse_sib_operand ns,op&
match [b=,si], op
ns.split = 1
ns.segment_prefix = 0
ns.prefix = 0
ns.opcode_prefix = 0
ns.rex_prefix = 0
ns.size = 0
ns.type = 'mem'
ns.base_part = +b
ns.index_part = +si
if x86.mode = 64
ns.mode = 64
ns.address_registers_type = x86.r64
ns.mode = 32
ns.address_registers_type = x86.r32
end if
ns.base_registers = 0
ns.index_registers = 0
repeat elementsof ns.base_part
if % metadataof ns.base_part relativeto x86.r16 | % metadataof ns.base_part relativeto x86.r32 | % metadataof ns.base_part relativeto x86.r64 | % metadataof ns.address relativeto x86.ip
ns.base_registers = ns.base_registers + % elementof ns.base_part * % scaleof ns.base_part
end if
end repeat
repeat elementsof ns.index_part
if % metadataof ns.index_part relativeto x86.r16 | % metadataof ns.index_part relativeto x86.r32 | % metadataof ns.index_part relativeto x86.r64 | % metadataof ns.address relativeto x86.ip
ns.index_registers = ns.index_registers + % elementof ns.index_part * % scaleof ns.index_part
end if
end repeat
ns.displacement = ns.base_part - ns.base_registers + ns.index_part - ns.index_registers
if ns.index_registers eq 0
ns.index = 4
ns.scale = 1
else if elementsof ns.index_registers = 1 & 1 metadataof ns.index_registers relativeto ns.address_registers_type & 1 metadataof ns.index_registers - ns.address_registers_type <> 4
ns.index = 1 metadataof ns.index_registers - ns.address_registers_type
ns.scale = 1 scaleof ns.index_registers
err 'invalid address'
end if
if ns.base_registers eq 0
ns.rm = 4
ns.base = 5
ns.index_only = 1
else if ns.base_registers eq 1 elementof ns.base_registers & 1 metadataof ns.base_registers relativeto ns.address_registers_type
ns.base = 1 metadataof ns.base_registers - ns.address_registers_type
if ns.index = 4 & ns.base <> 4
ns.rm = ns.base
ns.rm = 4
end if
ns.index_only = 0
err 'invalid address'
end if
ns.auto_relative = 0
ns.displacement_size = 4
ns.mod = 2
if ns.index_only
ns.mod = 0
else if ns.displacement relativeto 0
if ns.displacement = 0 & ns.rm and 111b <> 5 & (ns.rm <> 4 | ns.base and 111b <> 5)
ns.displacement_size = 0
ns.mod = 0
else if ns.displacement < 80h & ns.displacement >= -80h
ns.displacement_size = 1
ns.mod = 1
else if ns.displacement - 1 shl ns.mode >= -80h & ns.displacement < 1 shl ns.mode
ns.displacement = ns.displacement - 1 shl ns.mode
ns.displacement_size = 1
ns.mod = 1
end if
end if
ns.split = 0
x86.parse_operand#ns op
end match
end macro
macro bndmk? dest*,src*&
require MPX
MPX.parse_operand @dest,dest
MPX.parse_sib_operand @src,src
if @dest.type = 'bnd' & @src.type = 'mem'
if @src.split & ~ 0 scaleof @src.base_part eq 0
err 'invalid base address'
end if
if (x86.mode = 64 & @src.size and not 8) | (x86.mode < 64 & @src.size and not 4)
err 'invalid operand size'
end if
@src.opcode_prefix = 0F3h
x86.store_instruction@src <0Fh,1Bh>,@dest.rm
err 'invalid combination of operands'
end if
end macro
macro bndmov? dest*,src*
require MPX
MPX.parse_operand @dest,dest
MPX.parse_operand @src,src
if @dest.type = 'bnd' & (@src.type = 'bnd' | @src.type = 'mem')
if (x86.mode = 64 & @src.size and not 16) | (x86.mode < 64 & @src.size and not 8)
err 'invalid operand size'
end if
if @src.type = 'mem' & @src.mode <> x86.mode
err 'invalid address'
end if
@src.opcode_prefix = 66h
x86.store_instruction@src <0Fh,1Ah>,@dest.rm
else if @dest.type = 'mem' & @src.type = 'bnd'
if (x86.mode = 64 & @dest.size and not 16) | (x86.mode < 64 & @dest.size and not 8)
err 'invalid operand size'
end if
if @dest.type = 'mem' & @dest.mode <> x86.mode
err 'invalid address'
end if
@dest.opcode_prefix = 66h
x86.store_instruction@dest <0Fh,1Bh>,@src.rm
err 'invalid combination of operands'
end if
end macro
iterate <instr,prefix,ext>, bndcl,0F3h,1Ah, bndcu,0F2h,1Ah, bndcn,0F2h,1Bh
macro instr? dest*,src*
require MPX
MPX.parse_operand @dest,dest
x86.parse_operand @src,src
if @dest.type = 'bnd' & (@src.type = 'reg' | @src.type = 'mem')
if (x86.mode = 64 & @src.size and not 8) | (x86.mode < 64 & @src.size and not 4)
err 'invalid operand size'
end if
if @src.type = 'mem' & @src.mode <> x86.mode
err 'invalid address'
end if
@src.opcode_prefix = prefix
x86.store_instruction@src <0Fh,ext>,@dest.rm
err 'invalid operand'
end if
end macro
end iterate
macro bndldx? dest*,src*&
require MPX
MPX.parse_operand @dest,dest
MPX.parse_sib_operand @src,src
if @dest.type = 'bnd' & @src.type = 'mem'
if @src.scale > 1 | ( @src.split & ~ 0 scaleof @src.index_part eq 0 )
err 'invalid index'
end if
x86.store_instruction@src <0Fh,1Ah>,@dest.rm
err 'invalid combination of operands'
end if
end macro
macro bndstx? operands*&
require MPX
match [dest] =, src, operands
MPX.parse_sib_operand @dest,[dest]
MPX.parse_operand @src,src
if @dest.type = 'mem' & @src.type = 'bnd'
if @dest.scale > 1 | ( @dest.split & ~ 0 scaleof @dest.index_part eq 0 )
err 'invalid index'
end if
x86.store_instruction@dest <0Fh,1Bh>,@src.rm
err 'invalid combination of operands'
end if
err 'invalid combination of operands'
end match
end macro