format PE64 NX GUI 6.0 entry start include '' section '.data' data readable writeable _title db 'AVX playground',0 _error db 'AVX instructions are not supported.',0 x dq 3.14159265389 vector_output: rept 16 i:0 { db 'ymm',`i,': %f,%f,%f,%f',13,10 } db 0 buffer db 1000h dup ? section '.text' code readable executable start: mov eax,1 cpuid and ecx,18000000h cmp ecx,18000000h jne no_AVX xor ecx,ecx xgetbv and eax,110b cmp eax,110b jne no_AVX vbroadcastsd ymm0, [x] vsqrtpd ymm1, ymm0 vsubpd ymm2, ymm0, ymm1 vsubpd ymm3, ymm1, ymm2 vaddpd xmm4, xmm2, xmm3 vaddpd ymm5, ymm4, ymm0 vperm2f128 ymm6, ymm4, ymm5, 03h vshufpd ymm7, ymm6, ymm5, 10010011b vroundpd ymm8, ymm7, 0011b vroundpd ymm9, ymm7, 0 sub rsp,418h rept 16 i:0 { vmovups [rsp+10h+i*32],ymm#i } mov r8,[rsp+10h] mov r9,[rsp+18h] lea rdx,[vector_output] lea rcx,[buffer] call [sprintf] xor ecx,ecx lea rdx,[buffer] lea r8,[_title] xor r9d,r9d call [MessageBoxA] xor ecx,ecx call [ExitProcess] no_AVX: sub rsp,28h xor ecx,ecx lea rdx,[_error] lea r8,[_title] mov r9d,10h call [MessageBoxA] mov ecx,1 call [ExitProcess] section '.idata' import data readable writeable library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ user32,'USER32.DLL',\ msvcrt,'MSVCRT.DLL' include 'api\' include 'api\' import msvcrt,\ sprintf,'sprintf'