match ,{ include '../../libc/' include '' } match -,{ else include '' end match _ equ } format ELF64 executable 3 entry start include '../../' struct timeval time_t dq ? suseconds_t dq ? ends segment readable executable start: mov rcx,[rsp] mov [argc],rcx lea rbx,[rsp+8] mov [argv],rbx lea rsi,[rsp+8+rcx*8+8] mov [env],rsi call system_init call get_arguments mov bl,al cmp [no_logo],0 jne logo_ok mov esi,_logo xor ecx,ecx call display_string logo_ok: test bl,bl jnz display_usage_information xor al,al mov ecx,[verbosity_level] jecxz init or al,TRACE_ERROR_STACK dec ecx jz init or al,TRACE_DISPLAY init: call assembly_init mov eax,96 ; sys_gettimeofday mov edi,start_time xor esi,esi syscall assemble: mov esi,[initial_commands] mov edx,[source_path] call assembly_pass jc assembly_done mov eax,[current_pass] cmp eax,[maximum_number_of_passes] jb assemble call show_display_data mov esi,_error_prefix xor ecx,ecx call display_error_string mov esi,_code_cannot_be_generated xor ecx,ecx call display_error_string mov esi,_message_suffix xor ecx,ecx call display_error_string jmp assembly_failed assembly_done: call show_display_data cmp [first_error],0 jne assembly_failed cmp [no_logo],0 jne summary_done mov eax,[current_pass] xor edx,edx call itoa call display_string mov esi,_passes cmp [current_pass],1 jne display_passes_suffix mov esi,_pass display_passes_suffix: xor ecx,ecx call display_string mov eax,96 ; sys_gettimeofday mov edi,end_time xor esi,esi syscall mov rax,[end_time.time_t] sub rax,[start_time.time_t] mov rcx,1000000 mul rcx add rax,[end_time.suseconds_t] adc rdx,0 sub rax,[start_time.suseconds_t] sbb rdx,0 add rax,50000 mov rcx,1000000 div rcx mov rbx,rax mov rax,rdx xor rdx,rdx mov rcx,100000 div rcx mov [tenths_of_second],eax xchg rax,rbx or rbx,rax jz display_output_length mov rdx,rax shr rdx,32 call itoa call display_string mov esi,_message_suffix mov ecx,1 call display_string mov eax,[tenths_of_second] xor edx,edx call itoa call display_string mov esi,_seconds xor ecx,ecx call display_string display_output_length: call get_output_length push rax rdx call itoa call display_string pop rdx rax mov esi,_bytes cmp eax,1 jne display_bytes_suffix test edx,edx jnz display_bytes_suffix mov esi,_byte display_bytes_suffix: xor ecx,ecx call display_string mov esi,_new_line xor ecx,ecx call display_string summary_done: mov ebx,[source_path] mov edi,[output_path] call write_output_file jc write_failed call assembly_shutdown call system_shutdown xor edi,edi ; exit code 0 mov eax,60 ; sys_exit syscall assembly_failed: call show_errors call assembly_shutdown call system_shutdown mov edi,2 mov eax,60 ; sys_exit syscall write_failed: mov ebx,_write_failed jmp fatal_error out_of_memory: mov ebx,_out_of_memory jmp fatal_error fatal_error: mov esi,_error_prefix xor ecx,ecx call display_error_string mov esi,ebx xor ecx,ecx call display_error_string mov esi,_message_suffix xor ecx,ecx call display_error_string call assembly_shutdown call system_shutdown mov edi,3 mov eax,60 ; sys_exit syscall internal_error: int3 display_usage_information: mov esi,_usage xor ecx,ecx call display_string call system_shutdown mov edi,1 mov eax,60 ; sys_exit syscall get_arguments: xor eax,eax mov [initial_commands],eax mov [source_path],eax mov [output_path],eax mov [no_logo],al mov [verbosity_level],eax mov [maximum_number_of_passes],100 mov [maximum_number_of_errors],1 mov [maximum_depth_of_stack],10000 mov rcx,[argc] mov rbx,[argv] add rbx,8 dec ecx jz error_in_arguments get_argument: mov rsi,[rbx] mov al,[rsi] cmp al,'-' je get_option cmp [source_path],0 jne get_output_file call strdup mov [source_path],eax jmp next_argument get_output_file: cmp [output_path],0 jne error_in_arguments call strdup mov [output_path],eax jmp next_argument get_option: inc rsi lodsb cmp al,'e' je set_errors_limit cmp al,'E' je set_errors_limit cmp al,'i' je insert_initial_command cmp al,'I' je insert_initial_command cmp al,'p' je set_passes_limit cmp al,'P' je set_passes_limit cmp al,'r' je set_recursion_limit cmp al,'R' je set_recursion_limit cmp al,'v' je set_verbose_mode cmp al,'V' je set_verbose_mode cmp al,'n' je set_no_logo cmp al,'N' jne error_in_arguments set_no_logo: or [no_logo],-1 cmp byte [rsi],0 je next_argument error_in_arguments: or al,-1 ret set_verbose_mode: cmp byte [rsi],0 jne get_verbose_setting dec ecx jz error_in_arguments add rbx,8 mov rsi,[rbx] get_verbose_setting: call get_option_value cmp edx,2 ja error_in_arguments mov [verbosity_level],edx jmp next_argument set_errors_limit: cmp byte [rsi],0 jne get_errors_setting dec ecx jz error_in_arguments add rbx,8 mov rsi,[rbx] get_errors_setting: call get_option_value test edx,edx jz error_in_arguments mov [maximum_number_of_errors],edx jmp next_argument set_recursion_limit: cmp byte [rsi],0 jne get_recursion_setting dec ecx jz error_in_arguments add rbx,8 mov rsi,[rbx] get_recursion_setting: call get_option_value test edx,edx jz error_in_arguments mov [maximum_depth_of_stack],edx jmp next_argument set_passes_limit: cmp byte [rsi],0 jne get_passes_setting dec ecx jz error_in_arguments add rbx,8 mov rsi,[rbx] get_passes_setting: call get_option_value test edx,edx jz error_in_arguments mov [maximum_number_of_passes],edx next_argument: add rbx,8 dec ecx jnz get_argument cmp [source_path],0 je error_in_arguments xor al,al ret get_option_value: xor eax,eax mov edx,eax find_option_value: cmp byte [rsi],20h jne get_option_digit inc rsi jmp find_option_value get_option_digit: lodsb test al,al jz option_value_ok sub al,30h jc invalid_option_value cmp al,9 ja invalid_option_value imul edx,10 jo invalid_option_value add edx,eax jc invalid_option_value jmp get_option_digit option_value_ok: dec rsi clc ret invalid_option_value: stc ret insert_initial_command: cmp byte [rsi],0 jne measure_initial_command dec ecx jz error_in_arguments add rbx,8 mov rsi,[rbx] measure_initial_command: push rbx rcx rdi mov rdi,rsi or ecx,-1 xor al,al repne scasb not ecx dec ecx mov edi,[initial_commands] lea eax,[ecx+2] test edi,edi jz allocate_initial_commands_buffer mov edx,[initial_commands_length] add edi,edx add eax,edx cmp eax,[initial_commands_maximum_length] ja grow_initial_commands_buffer copy_initial_command: rep movsb mov ax,0Ah stosw dec edi sub edi,[initial_commands] mov [initial_commands_length],edi pop rdi rcx rbx jmp next_argument allocate_initial_commands_buffer: push rsi rcx mov ecx,eax call malloc mov [initial_commands],eax mov [initial_commands_maximum_length],ecx mov edi,eax pop rcx rsi jmp copy_initial_command grow_initial_commands_buffer: push rsi rcx mov ecx,eax mov eax,[initial_commands] call realloc mov [initial_commands],eax mov [initial_commands_maximum_length],ecx mov edi,eax add edi,[initial_commands_length] pop rcx rsi jmp copy_initial_command strdup: ; in: rsi - ASCIIZ string ; out: eax - copy of the string in 32-bit addressable memory ; preserves: rbx, rcx, rsi push rbx rcx rsi mov rdi,rsi or ecx,-1 xor al,al repne scasb not ecx push rsi rcx call malloc pop rcx rsi mov edi,eax rep movsb pop rsi rcx rbx ret include '' use32on64 include '../../' include '../../' include '../../' include '../../' include '../../' include '../../' include '../../' include '../../' include '../../' include '../../' include '../../' include '../../' include '../../' segment readable _logo db 'flat assembler version g.',VERSION,10,0 _usage db 'Usage: fasmg source [output]',10 db 'Optional settings:',10 db ' -p limit Set the maximum allowed number of passes (default 100)',10 db ' -e limit Set the maximum number of displayed errors (default 1)',10 db ' -r limit Set the maximum depth of the stack (default 10000)',10 db ' -v flag Enable or disable showing all lines from the stack (default 0)',10 db ' -i command Insert instruction at the beginning of source',13,10 db ' -n Do not show logo nor summary',13,10 db 0 _pass db ' pass, ',0 _passes db ' passes, ',0 _dot db '.' _seconds db ' seconds, ',0 _byte db ' byte.',0 _bytes db ' bytes.',0 _write_failed db 'failed to write the output file',0 _out_of_memory db 'not enough memory to complete the assembly',0 _code_cannot_be_generated db 'could not generate code within the allowed number of passes',0 include '../../' include '../../' segment readable writeable align 16 include '../../' align 16 timestamp dq ? argc dq ? argv dq ? env dq ? mmap_hint dd ? malloc_freelist dd ? source_path dd ? output_path dd ? maximum_number_of_passes dd ? initial_commands dd ? initial_commands_length dd ? initial_commands_maximum_length dd ? start_time timeval end_time timeval tenths_of_second dd ? verbosity_level dd ? no_logo db ? local_heap_available db ? path_buffer rb 1000h segment readable writeable align 1000h LOCAL_HEAP_SIZE = 1000000h local_heap rb LOCAL_HEAP_SIZE segment readable writeable gnustack