include '' iterate , loadall,<0Fh,05h>, clts,<0Fh,06h> calminstruction instr? asm db opcode end calminstruction end iterate calminstruction arpl? dest*,src* call x86.parse_operand@dest, dest call x86.parse_operand@src, src check @src.type = 'reg' & (@dest.type = 'mem' | @dest.type = 'reg') jno invalid_combination_of_operands check @src.size = 2 jno invalid_operand_size check @dest.size and not @src.size jno size_ok err 'operand sizes do not match' jump size_ok invalid_operand_size: err 'invalid operand size' size_ok: xcall x86.store_instruction@dest, (63h),@src.rm exit invalid_combination_of_operands: err 'invalid combination of operands' end calminstruction iterate , sldt,0,0, str,0,1, lldt,0,2, ltr,0,3, verr,0,4, verw,0,5, smsw,1,4, lmsw,1,6 calminstruction instr? dest* call x86.parse_operand@dest, dest check @dest.size and not 2 jno size_ok err 'invalid operand size' size_ok: check @dest.type = 'reg' | @dest.type = 'mem' jyes operand_ok err 'invalid operand' exit operand_ok: xcall x86.store_instruction@dest, <0Fh,ext>,(postbyte) end calminstruction end iterate iterate , lgdt,2, lidt,3, sgdt,0, sidt,1 calminstruction instr? dest* call x86.parse_operand@dest, dest check @dest.type = 'mem' jyes operand_ok err 'invalid operand' exit operand_ok: check @dest.size and not 5 jno store_instruction err 'invalid operand size' store_instruction: xcall x86.store_instruction@dest, <0Fh,1>,(postbyte) exit end calminstruction end iterate iterate , lar,2, lsl,3 calminstruction instr? dest*,src* call x86.parse_operand@dest, dest call x86.parse_operand@src, src check @dest.type = 'reg' & (@src.type = 'mem' | @src.type = 'reg') jno invalid_combination_of_operands check @src.size and not 2 jno size_ok err 'invalid operand size' size_ok: xcall x86.store_instruction@src, <0Fh,ext>,@dest.rm exit invalid_combination_of_operands: err 'invalid combination of operands' end calminstruction end iterate