include '' define @aux @aux calminstruction push? src* call x86.parse_operand@src, src check @src.size and not 2 jno main err 'invalid operand size' main: check @src.type = 'mem' jyes push_mem check @src.type = 'reg' jyes push_reg check @src.type = 'sreg' jyes push_sreg check @src.type = 'imm' jyes push_imm err 'invalid operand' exit push_mem: xcall x86.store_instruction@src, (0FFh),(110b) exit push_reg: emit 1, 50h + @src.rm exit push_sreg: emit 1, 6 + @src.rm shl 3 exit push_imm: check @src.imm relativeto 0 & @src.imm < 80h & @src.imm >= -80h jyes push_simm check @src.imm relativeto 0 & @src.imm - 10000h >= -80h & @src.imm < 10000h jyes push_simm_wrap emit 1, 68h asm dw @src.imm exit push_simm_wrap: compute @src.imm, @src.imm - 10000h push_simm: emit 1, 6Ah emit 1, @src.imm exit end calminstruction calminstruction x86.pop_instruction size:0,dest* call x86.parse_operand@dest, dest check @dest.size and not 2 jno main err 'invalid operand size' main: check @dest.type = 'mem' jyes pop_mem check @dest.type = 'reg' jyes pop_reg check @dest.type = 'sreg' jyes pop_sreg invalid_operand: err 'invalid operand' exit pop_mem: xcall x86.store_instruction@dest, (8Fh),(0) exit pop_reg: emit 1, 58h + @dest.rm exit pop_sreg: check @dest.rm = 1 jyes invalid_operand emit 1, 7 + @dest.rm shl 3 exit end calminstruction iterate , push,pop calminstruction instr? operand local head, tail match head tail, operand jno plain transform head, x86.compact jno plain match {head}, head jno plain loop: arrange operand, =instr head assemble operand match head tail, tail jno final transform head, x86.compact jno error match {head}, head jyes loop error: err 'only register operands allowed in compact syntax' exit final: transform tail, x86.compact jno error match {operand}, tail jno error plain: arrange operand, =instr operand assemble operand end calminstruction end iterate iterate , pusha,60h, popa,61h, insb,6Ch, outsb,6Eh, insw,6Dh, outsw,6Fh, leave,0C9h calminstruction instr? emit 1, opcode end calminstruction end iterate calminstruction imul? dest*,src& local size call x86.parse_operand@dest, dest match , src jyes imul_rm local src1, src2 match src1 =, src2, src jyes imul_second_source call x86.parse_operand@src, src check @dest.size = 0 & @src.size = 0 jyes operand_size_not_specified check @dest.size <> 0 & @src.size <> 0 & @dest.size <> @src.size jyes operand_sizes_do_not_match compute size, @dest.size or @src.size check @src.type = 'imm' & @dest.type = 'reg' jno invalid_combination_of_operands compute @aux.type, @src.type compute @aux.imm, @src.imm compute @src.type, @dest.type compute @src.mod, @dest.mod compute @src.rm, @dest.rm jump main imul_second_source: call x86.parse_operand@src, src1 call x86.parse_operand@aux, src2 check @dest.size = 0 & @src.size = 0 & @aux.size = 0 jyes operand_size_not_specified compute size, @dest.size or @src.size or @aux.size check (@dest.size & @dest.size <> size) | (@src.size & @src.size <> size) | (@aux.size & @aux.size <> size) jyes operand_sizes_do_not_match jump main operand_size_not_specified: err 'operand size not specified' compute size, 0 jump main operand_sizes_do_not_match: err 'operand sizes do not match' compute size, 0 jump main main: check @aux.type = 'imm' & ( @src.type = 'mem' | @src.type = 'reg' ) & @dest.type = 'reg' & size = 2 jyes imul_reg_rm_imm invalid_combination_of_operands: err 'invalid combination of operands' exit imul_rm: check @dest.size jyes imul_rm_size_ok err 'operand size not specified' imul_rm_size_ok: check @dest.type = 'mem' | @dest.type = 'reg' jno invalid_combination_of_operands check @dest.size < 2 jyes imul_rm_8bit xcall x86.store_instruction@dest, (0F7h),(5) exit imul_rm_8bit: xcall x86.store_instruction@dest, (0F6h),(5) exit imul_reg_rm_imm: check @aux.imm relativeto 0 & @aux.imm < 80h & @aux.imm >= -80h jyes imul_reg_rm_simm check @aux.imm relativeto 0 & @aux.imm - 10000h >= -80h & @aux.imm < 10000h jyes imul_reg_rm_simm_wrap xcall x86.store_instruction@src, (69h),@dest.rm,size,@aux.imm exit imul_reg_rm_simm_wrap: compute @aux.imm, @aux.imm - 1 shl (size shl 3) imul_reg_rm_simm: xcall x86.store_instruction@src, (6Bh),@dest.rm,byte,@aux.imm exit end calminstruction iterate , rol,0, ror,1, rcl,2, rcr,3, shl,4, sal, 4, shr,5, sar,7 calminstruction instr? dest*,cnt* call x86.parse_operand@dest, dest call x86.parse_operand@src, cnt check @dest.size = 0 jyes operand_size_not_specified check @src.size and not 1 jyes invalid_operand_size main: check @src.type = 'reg' & @src.size = 1 & @src.rm = 1 & ( @dest.type = 'reg' | @dest.type = 'mem' ) jyes shift_rm_cl check @src.type = 'imm' & ( @dest.type = 'reg' | @dest.type = 'mem' ) jyes shift_rm_imm err 'invalid combination of operands' exit shift_rm_cl: check @dest.size < 2 jyes shift_r8_cl xcall x86.store_instruction@dest, (0D3h),(postbyte) exit shift_r8_cl: xcall x86.store_instruction@dest, (0D2h),(postbyte) exit shift_rm_imm: check @dest.size < 2 jyes shift_rm8_imm check @src.imm = 1 jyes shift_rm_1 xcall x86.store_instruction@dest, (0C1h),(postbyte),byte,@src.imm exit shift_rm_1: xcall x86.store_instruction@dest, (0D1h),(postbyte) exit shift_rm8_imm: check @src.imm = 1 jyes shift_rm8_1 xcall x86.store_instruction@dest, (0C0h),(postbyte),byte,@src.imm exit shift_rm8_1: xcall x86.store_instruction@dest, (0D0h),(postbyte) exit operand_size_not_specified: err 'operand size not specified' jump main invalid_operand_size: err 'invalid operand size' jump main end calminstruction end iterate calminstruction ins? dest*,src* call x86.parse_operand@dest, dest call x86.parse_operand@src, src check @dest.size jyes size_ok err 'operand size not specified' compute size, 0 size_ok: check @src.type = 'reg' & @src.size = 2 & @src.rm = 2 & @dest.type = 'mem' & @dest.mod = 0 & @dest.rm = 5 & ( @dest.segment_prefix = 0 | @dest.segment_prefix = 26h ) jno invalid_combination_of_operands check @dest.size = 2 jyes ins_word assemble x86.insb exit ins_word: assemble x86.insw exit invalid_combination_of_operands: err 'invalid combination of operands' exit end calminstruction calminstruction outs? dest*,src* call x86.parse_operand@dest, dest call x86.parse_operand@src, src check @src.size jyes size_ok err 'operand size not specified' size_ok: check @dest.type = 'reg' & @dest.size = 2 & @dest.rm = 2 & @src.type = 'mem' & @src.mod = 0 & @src.rm = 4 jno invalid_combination_of_operands check @src.segment_prefix = 0 | @src.segment_prefix = 3Eh jyes segment_prefix_ok emit 1, @src.segment_prefix segment_prefix_ok: check @src.size = 2 jyes outs_word assemble x86.outsb exit outs_word: assemble x86.outsw exit operand_size_not_specified: err 'operand size not specified' compute size, 0 jump size_ok operand_sizes_do_not_match: err 'operand sizes do not match' compute size, 0 jump size_ok invalid_combination_of_operands: err 'invalid combination of operands' exit end calminstruction calminstruction enter? alloc*,nesting* call x86.parse_operand@src, alloc call x86.parse_operand@aux, nesting check (@src.size and not 2) | (@aux.size and not 1) jno size_ok err 'invalid operand size' size_ok: check @src.type = 'imm' & @aux.type = 'imm' jno operand_ok err 'invalid operand' exit operand_ok: emit 1, 0C8h asm dw @src.imm emit 1, @aux.imm end calminstruction calminstruction bound? dest*,src* call x86.parse_operand@dest, dest call x86.parse_operand@src, src check @src.type = 'mem' & @dest.type = 'reg' jno invalid_combination_of_operands check @dest.size = 2 jno invalid_operand_size check @src.size and not @dest.size jno size_ok err 'operand sizes do not match' size_ok: xcall x86.store_instruction@src, (62h),@dest.rm exit invalid_operand_size: err 'invalid operand size' invalid_combination_of_operands: err 'invalid combination of operands' end calminstruction