define GLOBSTR GLOBSTR virtual at GLOBSTR.baseaddr GLOBSTR.buffer:: end virtual postpone virtual GLOBSTR.buffer load$-$$ from $$ end virtual if ~ defined GLOBSTR.where display 'Global string data has been placed automatically at the end of the executable.',13,10 display 'To place it elsewhere, use "" macro in the intended location.',13,10 GLOBSTR.baseaddr db end if end postpone macro GLOBSTR.baseaddr db GLOBSTR.where := GLOBSTR.baseaddr end macro if defined GLOBSTR.reuse & GLOBSTR.reuse virtual at 0 GLOBSTR.chr_skips:: dd 256 dup ? end virtual struc GLOBSTR data& local buffer,size,a,b,c,p,skip,found virtual at 0 buffer:: db data size := $ end virtual repeat 256 store size:dword at GLOBSTR.chr_skips:(%-1)*4 end repeat repeat size-1 load a:byte from buffer:%-1 store size-%:dword at GLOBSTR.chr_skips:a*4 end repeat virtual GLOBSTR.buffer found = -1 p = 0 while p + size <= $-$$ c = size while c > 0 load a:byte from $$+p+c-1 load b:byte from buffer:c-1 if a <> b c = -1 break end if c = c - 1 end while if c = 0 found = p break else load a:byte from $$+p+size-1 load skip:dword from GLOBSTR.chr_skips:a*4 p = p + skip end if end while if found >= 0 label . at $$+found else . db data end if end virtual end struc else struc GLOBSTR data& virtual GLOBSTR.buffer . db data end virtual end struc end if