# Automation Tool Driver For a general overview of the Automation Tool see [AutomationTool](AutomationTool.md) A simple C# program to help a user script unattended processes the engine can complete. The entire tool is implemented within `Program.cs` and has all its implmentationw within the `Program` class. The following headers will be a breakdown of each of its members. ## Main 1. Sets up logger 2. Call `ParseCommandLine` (populates `AutomationToolCommandLine` and ``CommandsToExecute`) 3. Waits for debugger attachment if `AutomationCommandLine` detects `-WaitForDebugger` is set. 4. If MacOS or Linux setup Ctrl+C to be handled correctly so there is no zombie process situation. 5. Set the working directory for the Environment (to the Engine's root directory) 6. Various contextual logging ( operating env, whether launched from launcher, app version...) 7. Run `MainProc` using `ProcessSingleton.RunSingleInstanceAsync` ## AutomationToolCommandLine A static data member. Is of type `System.ParsedCommandline`. and popualated by `Main`. | Flag | Summary | |------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `-Verbose` | Enables verbose logging. | | `-VeryVerbose` | Enables very verbose logging. | | `-TimeStamps` | Adds timestamps to log entries (no specific description provided). | | `-Submit` | Allows UAT command to submit changes. | | `-NoSubmit` | Prevents any submit attempts. | | `-NoP4` | Disables Perforce functionality (default if not run on a build machine). | | `-P4` | Enables Perforce functionality (default if run on a build machine). | | `-IgnoreDependencies` | Ignores script dependencies (no specific description provided). | | `-Help` | Displays help information. | | `-List` | Lists all available commands. | | `-NoKill` | Does not kill any spawned processes on exit. | | `-UTF8Output` | Outputs logs in UTF-8 encoding (no specific description provided). | | `-AllowStdOutLogVerbosity` | Allows standard output log verbosity settings (no specific description provided). | | `-NoAutoSDK` | Disables automatic SDK setup (no specific description provided). | | `-Compile` | Force all script modules to be compiled. | | `-NoCompile` | Do not compile any script modules, run with whatever is up to date. | | `-IgnoreBuildRecords` | Ignore build records in determining if script modules are up to date. | | `-UseLocalBuildStorage` | Use local storage for root build storage dir, changing default to `Engine\Saved\LocalBuilds`. | | `-WaitForDebugger` | Waits for a debugger to be attached, and breaks once debugger successfully attached. | | `-BuildMachine` | Indicates the program is running on a build machine (no specific description provided). | | `-WaitForUATMutex` | Waits for the Unreal Automation Tool mutex (no specific description provided). | | `-msbuild-verbose` | Increases verbosity for MSBuild operations. | | `-NoCompileUAT` | Disables compilation of the Unreal Automation Tool (UAT). | ## ParseCommandLine Populates `AutomationToolCommandLine` and `CommandsToExecute` (which is within the former and is of type `List`). It will throw execptions if it finds anything wrong with the commands passed. ## ParseProfile Used by `ParseCommandLine`. Used if `-Profile` is passed to the automation tool. Handles profile files which are used to configure how the AutomationTool executes. These profile files can contain a variety of settings and scripts that need to be processed. 1. **Profile File Identification**: Identifies if a `-profile` argument is present in the command line and extracts the profile file path. 2. **Arguments Initialization**: Initializes a list to store the arguments extracted from the profile file. 3. **Iterating Command Line Arguments**: Iterates through command line arguments, treating `-profile=` as the profile file path, and adds other arguments to the Arguments list. 4. **Profile File Existence Check**: Verifies if the specified profile file actually exists. 5. **Reading and Parsing Profile File**: Reads the content of the profile file and parses it as JSON to extract a dictionary of settings. 6. **Processing Scripts in Profile**: Extracts and processes scripts from the `scripts` section in the JSON: - Extracts the name of each script and adds it to the Arguments list if not already present. - Removes the 'script' key from the script's dictionary. - Calls `ParseDictionary` on the dictionary to parse and add these settings to the Arguments list. 7. **Updating Command Line Arguments**: Replaces the original command line arguments with the updated Arguments list containing information processed from the profile file. ## ParseParam Used by `ParseCommandLine`. 1. **Checks for Ignored Parameters**: Identifies and skips parameters that are not relevant for processing, ensuring efficiency in parsing. 2. **Global Parameter Setting**: Sets global parameters that affect the overall operation of the tool, based on the identified command-line arguments. 3. **Handling Specific Options**: Specifically processes options like `-ScriptsForProject`, `-ScriptDir`, and `-Telemetry`, adjusting the tool's behavior accordingly. 4. **Managing Unknown Parameters and Environment Variables**: Handles parameters that are unrecognized or not standard, and also manages the influence of environment variables on the tool. 5. **Setting Command-line Arguments in `AutomationToolCommandLine`**: Populates the `AutomationToolCommandLine` with the parsed parameters, which is a key resource used throughout the tool. 6. **Exception Handling**: Implements error handling to manage potential issues during the parsing process, ensuring stability and user feedback. ## ParseDictionary 1. **Parameter Verification**: Checks if the dictionary parameter is not null, ensuring it's suitable for processing. 2. **Dictionary Iteration**: Iterates through each key-value pair in the dictionary parameter. 3. **Key Processing**: Processes the keys of the dictionary, which could involve validation, formatting, or conversion to ensure they are in the correct format for further operations. 4. **Value Processing**: Examines and processes the values associated with each key. This step may involve additional parsing logic, especially if the values are complex types (like nested dictionaries or lists). 5. **Recursive Handling**: In cases where values are collections (like lists or dictionaries), `ParseDictionary` may recursively call itself or other parsing methods (like `ParseList`) to ensure all elements are properly processed. 6. **Constructing Processed Dictionary**: Builds a new dictionary with the processed keys and values, which is then ready for use in the tool's operations. Uses the following helper functions: ### ParseString 1. **Parameter Verification**: Checks if the string parameter is null or empty to ensure only valid strings are processed. 2. **Trimming Whitespace**: Removes leading or trailing whitespace from the parameter string for uniform processing. 3. **String Processing**: Applies specific processing to the cleaned string parameter, such as format conversion or additional parsing logic. ### ParseList 1. **Parameter Verification**: Ensures the list parameter is not null for safe processing. 2. **List Iteration**: Goes through each element in the list parameter. 3. **Element Processing**: Trims whitespace, validates, and converts each list element to the required format or type. 4. **Compiling Processed Elements**: Creates a new list or array from the processed elements, prepared for further use in the tool's workflow. ## MainProc Core of the AutomationTool's operation, orchestrating the parsing of command-line arguments and executing the necessary commands. 1. **Logger Initialization**: Sets up a logger for information logging. 2. **Initialization Message**: Logs the initialization of script modules. 3. **Start Time Recording**: Records the start time for performance tracking. 4. **Command Line Argument Processing**: Retrieves and processes various command-line arguments related to scripts, compilation, and execution modes (e.g., `-ScriptsForProject`, `-ScriptDir`, `-Compile`, `-NoCompile`, `-IgnoreBuildRecords`). 5. **Command Preparation**: Prepares the list of commands to be executed based on the command-line arguments. 6. **Script Module Compilation**: Initializes and compiles script modules, handling any build processes required and logging related information. 7. **Build Success Check**: Checks if the script module build was successful. If not, returns an error exit code. 8. **Script Module Validation**: Ensures that at least one script module (like AutomationUtils) is available after compilation. 9. **Loading AutomationUtils Assembly**: Loads the `AutomationUtils.Automation.dll` assembly, essential for further processing. 10. **Automation Process Invocation**: Invokes the `ProcessAsync` method from the `AutomationTool.Automation` class, which drives the execution of the tool's functionality based on the prepared script modules and command-line arguments. 11. **Execution Time Logging**: Logs the total time taken for script module initialization. 12. **Awaiting Process Completion**: Awaits the completion of the `ProcessAsync` method and returns its result as an exit code. ## StartupListener > Captures all log output during startup until a log file writer has been created