# UE5_Study A project repo for Unreal dedicated to studying various aspects of it. Modules to get covered (in no particular order): * [Unreal Build Tool](docs/Build%20&%20Automation%20System/UBT.md) * [Automation Tool](docs/Build%20&%20Automation%20System/AutomationTool.md) * [Build Graph](docs/Build%20&%20Automation%20System/BuildGraph.md) * Modules * Blueprints * VM * Node Graph * Collision & Physics * Execution * Main Loop * Render Thread * Task Graph * Gameplay Framework * GameInstance * UWorld & LevelScriptActors * GameMode * GameState * PlayerController * PlayerState * Input * System * UPlayer * Metaprogramming * Unreal Header Tool * RTTI (UClass, and everything else related) * Networking * Net Driver * Replication Graph * Iris * Rendering * RHI * Materials * Slate * UMG * VFX * Niagara * *Not doing cascade* * UObject & Derived classes * UObject & UObject Base * Actor * Pawn * Character * Client-Side prediction for movement * Components * ActorComponent * SceneComponent * etc *As I start to get this filled in I'll have a readme for each item in this bulleted list that will be linked.*