# UE setup.bat Translated # Figure out if we should append the -prompt argument $argumentList = @() if ($null -ne $PROMPT_ARGUMENT) { $argumentList += $PROMPT_ARGUMENT } $argumentList += $args $path_GitDependencies = ".\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\GitDependencies\win-x64\GitDependencies.exe" $syncDeps = Start-Process -FilePath $path_GitDependencies -ArgumentList $argumentList -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru if ($syncDeps.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host "UE - Error: Failed to sync dependencies" -ForegroundColor Red # Error happened. Wait for a keypress before quitting. Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to continue" exit } $hooksDir = ".\.git\hooks" if (Test-Path $hooksDir) { Write-Host "UE: Registering git hooks..." Set-Content -Path "$hooksDir\post-checkout" -Value "#!/bin/sh`nEngine/Binaries/DotNET/GitDependencies/win-x64/GitDependencies.exe $($args -join ' ')" Set-Content -Path "$hooksDir\post-merge" -Value "#!/bin/sh`nEngine/Binaries/DotNET/GitDependencies/win-x64/GitDependencies.exe $($args -join ' ')" } Write-Host "UE: Installing prerequisites..." Start-Process -FilePath "Engine\Extras\Redist\en-us\UEPrereqSetup_x64.exe" -ArgumentList "/quiet", "/norestart" -Wait $path_engine_ver_selector = ".\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealVersionSelector-Win64-Shipping.exe" if (Test-Path $path_engine_ver_selector) { Start-Process -FilePath $path_engine_ver_selector -ArgumentList "/register" -NoNewWindow -Wait } Write-Host "UE: Setup complete!" -ForegroundColor Green