Still need to figure out input event consumption, I don't want to do it with the event ring. I would like to setup input binding layers and then have the push/pop input contextes with a set of bindings. If the bindings are detected it should "consume" that binding from further use for the buffered time period. This will be really important with how heavily model this app will be.I
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/* Sectr Host Executable
Manages the client module (sectr) application & loads its required memory to operate.
Reserves the virtual memory spaces for the following:
* Persistent
* Frame
* Transient
* FilesBuffer
Currently the prototype has hot-reload always enabled, eventually there will be conditional compliation to omit if when desired.
package sectr_host
//region Grime & Dependencies
import "base:runtime"
Byte :: runtime.Byte
Kilobyte :: runtime.Kilobyte
Megabyte :: runtime.Megabyte
Gigabyte :: runtime.Gigabyte
Terabyte :: runtime.Terabyte
Petabyte :: runtime.Petabyte
Exabyte :: runtime.Exabyte
import "core:dynlib"
os_lib_load :: dynlib.load_library
os_lib_unload :: dynlib.unload_library
os_lib_get_proc :: dynlib.symbol_address
import "core:io"
import fmt_io "core:fmt"
str_fmt :: fmt_io.printf
str_fmt_alloc :: fmt_io.aprintf
str_fmt_tmp :: fmt_io.tprintf
str_fmt_buffer :: fmt_io.bprintf
str_fmt_builder :: fmt_io.sbprintf
import "core:log"
import "core:mem"
Allocator :: mem.Allocator
AllocatorError :: mem.Allocator_Error
Arena :: mem.Arena
arena_allocator :: mem.arena_allocator
import "core:mem/virtual"
MapFileError :: virtual.Map_File_Error
MapFileFlag :: virtual.Map_File_Flag
MapFileFlags :: virtual.Map_File_Flags
import "core:os"
FileFlag_Create :: os.O_CREATE
FileFlag_ReadWrite :: os.O_RDWR
file_open ::
file_close :: os.close
file_rename :: os.rename
file_remove :: os.remove
file_resize :: os.ftruncate
file_status_via_handle :: os.fstat
file_status_via_path :: os.stat
import "core:strings"
builder_to_string :: strings.to_string
str_clone :: strings.clone
str_builder_from_bytes :: strings.builder_from_bytes
import "core:time"
Millisecond :: time.Millisecond
Second :: time.Second
Duration :: time.Duration
duration_seconds :: time.duration_seconds
thread_sleep :: time.sleep
import "core:prof/spall"
import rl "vendor:raylib"
import "codebase:grime"
file_copy_sync :: grime.file_copy_sync
file_is_locked :: grime.file_is_locked
varena_init :: grime.varena_init
import "codebase:sectr"
VArena :: sectr.VArena
fatal :: sectr.fatal
Logger :: sectr.Logger
logger_init :: sectr.logger_init
LogLevel :: sectr.LogLevel
log :: sectr.log
SpallProfiler :: sectr.SpallProfiler
to_odin_logger :: sectr.to_odin_logger
verify :: sectr.verify
file_status :: proc {
to_str :: proc {
//endregion Grime & Dependencies
Path_Snapshot :: "VMemChunk_1.snapshot"
Path_Logs :: "../logs"
when ODIN_OS == runtime.Odin_OS_Type.Windows
Path_Sectr_Module :: "sectr.dll"
Path_Sectr_Live_Module :: "sectr_live.dll"
Path_Sectr_Debug_Symbols :: "sectr.pdb"
// TODO(Ed): Disable the default allocators for the host, we'll be handling it instead.
RuntimeState :: struct {
persistent : Arena,
transient : Arena,
running : b32,
client_memory : ClientMemory,
sectr_api : sectr.ModuleAPI,
ClientMemory :: struct {
persistent : VArena,
frame : VArena,
transient : VArena,
files_buffer : VArena,
setup_memory :: proc( profiler : ^SpallProfiler ) -> ClientMemory
spall.SCOPED_EVENT( & profiler.ctx, & profiler.buffer, #procedure )
memory : ClientMemory; using memory
// Setup the static arena for the entire application
alloc_error : AllocatorError
persistent, alloc_error = varena_init( sectr.Memory_Base_Address_Persistent, sectr.Memory_Reserve_Persistent, sectr.Memory_Commit_Initial_Persistent, nil, dbg_name = "persistent" )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate persistent virtual arena for the sectr module")
frame, alloc_error = varena_init( sectr.Memory_Base_Address_Frame, sectr.Memory_Reserve_Frame, sectr.Memory_Commit_Initial_Frame, nil, allow_any_reize = true, dbg_name = "frame" )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate frame virtual arena for the sectr module")
transient, alloc_error = varena_init( sectr.Memory_Base_Address_Transient, sectr.Memory_Reserve_Transient, sectr.Memory_Commit_Initial_Transient, nil, allow_any_reize = true, dbg_name = "transient" )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate transient virtual arena for the sectr module")
files_buffer, alloc_error = varena_init( sectr.Memory_Base_Address_Files_Buffer, sectr.Memory_Reserve_FilesBuffer, sectr.Memory_Commit_Initial_Filebuffer, nil, dbg_name = "files_buffer" )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate files buffer virtual arena for the sectr module")
// Setup memory mapped io for snapshots
// TODO(Ed) : We cannot do this with our growing arenas. Instead we need to map on demand for saving and loading
when false
snapshot_file, open_error := file_open( Path_Snapshot, FileFlag_ReadWrite | FileFlag_Create )
verify( open_error == os.ERROR_NONE, "Failed to open snapshot file for the sectr module" )
file_info, stat_code := file_status( snapshot_file )
if file_info.size != sectr.Memory_Chunk_Size {
file_resize( snapshot_file, sectr.Memory_Chunk_Size )
map_error : MapFileError
map_flags : MapFileFlags = { MapFileFlag.Read, MapFileFlag.Write }
sectr_snapshot, map_error = virtual.map_file_from_file_descriptor( uintptr(snapshot_file), map_flags )
verify( map_error == MapFileError.None, "Failed to allocate snapshot memory for the sectr module" )
log("Memory setup")
return memory;
load_sectr_api :: proc( version_id : i32 ) -> (loaded_module : sectr.ModuleAPI)
write_time, result := os.last_write_time_by_name("sectr.dll")
if result != os.ERROR_NONE {
log( "Could not resolve the last write time for sectr.dll", LogLevel.Warning )
live_file := Path_Sectr_Live_Module
file_copy_sync( Path_Sectr_Module, live_file, allocator = context.temp_allocator )
lib, load_result := os_lib_load( live_file )
if ! load_result {
log( "Failed to load the sectr module.", LogLevel.Warning )
startup := cast( type_of( sectr.startup )) os_lib_get_proc( lib, "startup" )
shutdown := cast( type_of( sectr.sectr_shutdown )) os_lib_get_proc( lib, "sectr_shutdown" )
reload := cast( type_of( sectr.hot_reload )) os_lib_get_proc( lib, "hot_reload" )
tick := cast( type_of( sectr.tick )) os_lib_get_proc( lib, "tick" )
clean_frame := cast( type_of( sectr.clean_frame )) os_lib_get_proc( lib, "clean_frame" )
missing_symbol : b32 = false
if startup == nil do log("Failed to load sectr.startup symbol", LogLevel.Warning )
if shutdown == nil do log("Failed to load sectr.shutdown symbol", LogLevel.Warning )
if reload == nil do log("Failed to load sectr.reload symbol", LogLevel.Warning )
if tick == nil do log("Failed to load sectr.tick symbol", LogLevel.Warning )
if clean_frame == nil do log("Failed to load sector.clean_frame symbol", LogLevel.Warning )
if missing_symbol {
log("Loaded sectr API")
loaded_module = {
lib = lib,
write_time = write_time,
lib_version = version_id,
startup = startup,
shutdown = shutdown,
reload = reload,
tick = tick,
clean_frame = clean_frame,
unload_sectr_api :: proc( module : ^ sectr.ModuleAPI )
os_lib_unload( module.lib )
file_remove( Path_Sectr_Live_Module )
module^ = {}
log("Unloaded sectr API")
sync_sectr_api :: proc( sectr_api : ^sectr.ModuleAPI, memory : ^ClientMemory, logger : ^Logger, profiler : ^SpallProfiler )
spall.SCOPED_EVENT( & profiler.ctx, & profiler.buffer, #procedure )
if write_time, result := os.last_write_time_by_name( Path_Sectr_Module );
result == os.ERROR_NONE && sectr_api.write_time != write_time
version_id := sectr_api.lib_version + 1
unload_sectr_api( sectr_api )
// Wait for pdb to unlock (linker may still be writting)
for ; file_is_locked( Path_Sectr_Debug_Symbols ) && file_is_locked( Path_Sectr_Live_Module ); {}
thread_sleep( Millisecond * 100 )
(sectr_api ^) = load_sectr_api( version_id )
verify( sectr_api.lib_version != 0, "Failed to hot-reload the sectr module" )
& memory.persistent,
& memory.frame,
& memory.transient,
& memory.files_buffer,
logger )
fmt_backing : [16 * Kilobyte] u8
persistent_backing : [2 * Megabyte] byte
transient_backing : [2 * Megabyte] byte
main :: proc()
state : RuntimeState
using state
mem.arena_init( & state.persistent, persistent_backing[:] )
mem.arena_init( & state.transient, transient_backing[:] )
context.allocator = arena_allocator( & state.persistent)
context.temp_allocator = arena_allocator( & state.transient)
// Setup profiling
profiler : SpallProfiler
buffer_backing := make([]u8, spall.BUFFER_DEFAULT_SIZE)
profiler.ctx = spall.context_create("sectr.spall")
profiler.buffer = spall.buffer_create(buffer_backing)
spall.SCOPED_EVENT( & profiler.ctx, & profiler.buffer, #procedure )
// Generating the logger's name, it will be used when the app is shutting down.
path_logger_finalized : string
startup_time :=
year, month, day := startup_time)
hour, min, sec := time.clock_from_time( startup_time)
if ! os.is_dir( Path_Logs ) {
os.make_directory( Path_Logs )
timestamp := str_fmt_buffer( fmt_backing[:], "%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
path_logger_finalized = str_fmt_buffer( fmt_backing[:], "%s/sectr_%v.log", Path_Logs, timestamp)
logger : sectr.Logger
logger_init( & logger, "Sectr Host", str_fmt_buffer( fmt_backing[:], "%s/sectr.log", Path_Logs ) )
context.logger = to_odin_logger( & logger )
// Log System Context
backing_builder : [1 * Kilobyte] u8
builder := str_builder_from_bytes( backing_builder[:] )
str_fmt_builder( & builder, "Core Count: %v, ", os.processor_core_count() )
str_fmt_builder( & builder, "Page Size: %v", os.get_page_size() )
log( to_str(builder) )
memory := setup_memory( & profiler )
// Load the Enviornment API for the first-time
sectr_api = load_sectr_api( 1 )
verify( sectr_api.lib_version != 0, "Failed to initially load the sectr module" )
// free_all( context.temp_allocator )
running = true;
sectr_api = sectr_api
& profiler,
& memory.persistent,
& memory.frame,
& memory.transient,
& memory.files_buffer,
& logger )
delta_ns : Duration
host_tick := time.tick_now()
// TODO(Ed) : This should have an end status so that we know the reason the engine stopped.
for ; running ;
spall.SCOPED_EVENT( & profiler.ctx, & profiler.buffer, "Host Tick" )
// Hot-Reload
sync_sectr_api( & sectr_api, & memory, & logger, & profiler )
running = sectr_api.tick( duration_seconds( delta_ns ), delta_ns )
delta_ns = time.tick_lap_time( & host_tick )
host_tick = time.tick_now()
free_all( arena_allocator( & state.transient))
// Determine how the run_cyle completed, if it failed due to an error,
// fallback the env to a failsafe state and reload the run_cycle.
// TODO(Ed): Implement this.
unload_sectr_api( & sectr_api )
spall.buffer_destroy( & profiler.ctx, & profiler.buffer )
spall.context_destroy( & profiler.ctx )
log("Succesfuly closed")
file_close( logger.file )
file_rename( str_fmt_buffer( fmt_backing[:], "%s/sectr.log", Path_Logs), path_logger_finalized )