Renamed HashTable to HMapZPL, with procs having the zpl_ namespace prefix. (I want to eventually get away from using it) Started to use the grime pattern for library aliasing better.
187 lines
5.3 KiB
187 lines
5.3 KiB
package sectr
import "core:encoding/json"
import "core:fmt"
import "core:os"
import "core:reflect"
import "core:runtime"
import "core:strings"
assign_int :: proc(val: any, i: $T) -> bool {
v := reflect.any_core(val)
switch &dst in v {
case i8: dst = i8 (i)
case i16: dst = i16 (i)
case i16le: dst = i16le (i)
case i16be: dst = i16be (i)
case i32: dst = i32 (i)
case i32le: dst = i32le (i)
case i32be: dst = i32be (i)
case i64: dst = i64 (i)
case i64le: dst = i64le (i)
case i64be: dst = i64be (i)
case i128: dst = i128 (i)
case i128le: dst = i128le (i)
case i128be: dst = i128be (i)
case u8: dst = u8 (i)
case u16: dst = u16 (i)
case u16le: dst = u16le (i)
case u16be: dst = u16be (i)
case u32: dst = u32 (i)
case u32le: dst = u32le (i)
case u32be: dst = u32be (i)
case u64: dst = u64 (i)
case u64le: dst = u64le (i)
case u64be: dst = u64be (i)
case u128: dst = u128 (i)
case u128le: dst = u128le (i)
case u128be: dst = u128be (i)
case int: dst = int (i)
case uint: dst = uint (i)
case uintptr: dst = uintptr(i)
case: return false
return true
when false {
unmarshal_from_object :: proc( $Type: typeid, object : json.Object ) -> Type
result : Type
type_info := type_info_of(Type)
#partial switch type in type_info.variant {
case runtime.Type_Info_Union:
ensure( false, "This proc doesn't support raw unions" )
base_ptr := uintptr( & result )
field_infos := reflect.struct_fields_zipped(Type)
for field_info in field_infos
field_type :=
field_ptr := cast(field_type) rawptr( base_ptr + field_info.offset )
#partial switch type in field_info.type.variant {
case runtime.Type_Info_Integer:
field_ptr = object[].(json.Integer)
return result
Serializer_Version :: 1
Serializer_Loading :: false
ArchiveData :: struct {
data : [] byte,
version : i32,
archive_init_temp :: proc() -> ^ ArchiveData {
archive := new( ArchiveData, context.temp_allocator )
archive.version = Serializer_Version
return archive
state_serialize :: proc( archive : ^ ArchiveData = nil ) {
// TODO(Ed): We'll need this for a better save/load snapshot setup.
project_serialize :: proc( project : ^ Project, archive : ^ ArchiveData, is_writting : b32 = true )
options : json.Marshal_Options
options.spec = json.Specification.MJSON
options.indentation = 2
options.pretty = true
options.use_spaces = false
MarshalArchive :: struct {
version : i32,
project : Project
if is_writting
marshal_archive : MarshalArchive
marshal_archive.version = archive.version
marshal_archive.project = project^
// TODO(Ed): In the future this will be more complicated, as serialization of workspaces and the code database won't be trivial
json_data, marshal_code := json.marshal( marshal_archive, options, allocator = context.temp_allocator )
verify( marshal_code == json.Marshal_Data_Error.None, "Failed to marshal the project to JSON" )
| = json_data
parsed_json, parse_code := json.parse(, json.Specification.MJSON, allocator = context.temp_allocator )
verify( parse_code == json.Error.None, "Failed to parse project JSON")
archive_json := parsed_json.(json.Object)
archive_version : i32 = cast(i32) archive_json["version"].(json.Float)
verify( Serializer_Version == archive_version, "Version mismatch on archive!" )
// Note(Ed) : This works fine for now, but eventually it will most likely break with pointers...
// We'll most likely set things up so that all refs in the project & workspace are handles.
marshal_archive : MarshalArchive
json.unmarshal(, & marshal_archive, spec = json.Specification.MJSON, allocator = context.temp_allocator )
if marshal_archive.version == Serializer_Version {
project^ = marshal_archive.project
// Manual unmarshal
when false
project_json := archive_json["project"].(json.Object)
| = project_json["name"].(json.String)
// TODO(Ed) : Make this a separate proc
workspace_json := project_json["workspace"].(json.Object)
using project.workspace
name = workspace_json["name"].(json.String)
// cam = unmarshal_from_object(Camera, workspace_json["camera"].(json.Object) )
frame_1 = frame_json_unmarshal( & workspace_json["frame_1"] )
options.use_spaces = false
project_save :: proc( project : ^ Project, archive : ^ ArchiveData = nil )
archive := archive
if archive == nil {
archive = archive_init_temp()
project_serialize( project, archive )
if ! os.is_dir( project.path ) {
os.make_directory( project.path )
verify( cast(b32) os.is_dir( project.path ), "Failed to create project path for saving" )
os.write_entire_file( str_tmp_from_any( project.path,, ".sectr_proj", sep = ""), )
project_load :: proc( path : string, project : ^ Project, archive : ^ ArchiveData = nil )
archive := archive
if archive == nil {
archive = archive_init_temp()
data, read_code := os.read_entire_file( path, context.temp_allocator )
verify( b32(read_code), "Failed to read from project file" )
| = data
project_serialize( project, archive, Serializer_Loading )