Still havent figured out the realloc issue with virtual arenas... But the fixes the slab perforamnce mitigate it at least.
361 lines
11 KiB
361 lines
11 KiB
package sectr
import "base:runtime"
import c "core:c/libc"
import "core:dynlib"
import "core:mem"
import "core:mem/virtual"
import "core:os"
import "core:slice"
import "core:strings"
import "core:time"
import "core:prof/spall"
import rl "vendor:raylib"
Path_Assets :: "../assets/"
Path_Input_Replay :: "scratch.sectr_replay"
ModuleAPI :: struct {
lib : dynlib.Library,
write_time : FileTime,
lib_version : i32,
startup : type_of( startup ),
shutdown : type_of( sectr_shutdown ),
reload : type_of( reload ),
tick : type_of( tick ),
clean_frame : type_of( clean_frame ),
startup :: proc( prof : ^SpallProfiler, persistent_mem, frame_mem, transient_mem, files_buffer_mem : ^VArena, host_logger : ^ Logger )
spall.SCOPED_EVENT( & prof.ctx, & prof.buffer, #procedure )
Memory_App.profiler = prof
startup_tick := time.tick_now()
logger_init( & Memory_App.logger, "Sectr", host_logger.file_path, host_logger.file )
context.logger = to_odin_logger( & Memory_App.logger )
// Setup memory for the first time
using Memory_App;
persistent = persistent_mem
frame = frame_mem
transient = transient_mem
files_buffer = files_buffer_mem
context.allocator = persistent_allocator()
context.temp_allocator = transient_allocator()
// TODO(Ed) : Put on the transient allocator a slab allocator (transient slab)
state := new( State, persistent_allocator() )
using state
// Setup Persistent Slab
alignment := uint(mem.DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT)
policy_ptr := & default_slab_policy
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 16 * Megabyte, 4 * Kilobyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 32 * Megabyte, 16 * Kilobyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 64 * Megabyte, 32 * Kilobyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 64 * Megabyte, 64 * Kilobyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 64 * Megabyte, 128 * Kilobyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 64 * Megabyte, 256 * Kilobyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 64 * Megabyte, 512 * Kilobyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 64 * Megabyte, 1 * Megabyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 64 * Megabyte, 2 * Megabyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 64 * Megabyte, 4 * Megabyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 64 * Megabyte, 8 * Megabyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 64 * Megabyte, 16 * Megabyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 64 * Megabyte, 32 * Megabyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 256 * Megabyte, 64 * Megabyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 256 * Megabyte, 128 * Megabyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 512 * Megabyte, 256 * Megabyte, alignment })
push( policy_ptr, SlabSizeClass { 512 * Megabyte, 512 * Megabyte, alignment })
alloc_error : AllocatorError
persistent_slab, alloc_error = slab_init( policy_ptr, allocator = persistent_allocator() )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate the persistent slab" )
transient_slab, alloc_error = slab_init( & default_slab_policy, allocator = transient_allocator() )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate transient slab" )
transient_clear_time = 120 // Seconds, 2 Minutes
string_cache = str_cache_init()
context.user_ptr = state
input = & input_data[1]
input_prev = & input_data[0]
// Configuration Load
using config
resolution_width = 1000
resolution_height = 600
refresh_rate = 0
cam_min_zoom = 0.25
cam_max_zoom = 10.0
cam_zoom_mode = .Smooth
cam_zoom_smooth_snappiness = 4.0
cam_zoom_sensitivity_digital = 0.2
cam_zoom_sensitivity_smooth = 4.0
engine_refresh_hz = 30
ui_resize_border_width = 5
Desired_OS_Scheduler_MS :: 1
sleep_is_granular = set__scheduler_granularity( Desired_OS_Scheduler_MS )
// rl.Odin_SetMalloc( RL_MALLOC )
rl.SetConfigFlags( {
// rl.ConfigFlag.WINDOW_TOPMOST,
// Rough setup of window with rl stuff
window_width : i32 = 1000
window_height : i32 = 600
win_title : cstring = "Sectr Prototype"
rl.InitWindow( window_width, window_height, win_title )
log( "Raylib initialized and window opened" )
window := & state.app_window
window.extent.x = f32(window_width) * 0.5
window.extent.y = f32(window_height) * 0.5
// We do not support non-uniform DPI.
window.dpi_scale = rl.GetWindowScaleDPI().x
window.ppcm = os_default_ppcm * window.dpi_scale
// Determining current monitor and setting the target frametime based on it..
monitor_id = rl.GetCurrentMonitor()
monitor_refresh_hz = rl.GetMonitorRefreshRate( monitor_id )
rl.SetTargetFPS( 60 * 24 )
log( str_fmt_tmp( "Set target FPS to: %v", monitor_refresh_hz ) )
// Basic Font Setup
// path_rec_mono_semicasual_reg := strings.concatenate( { Path_Assets, "RecMonoSemicasual-Regular-1.084.ttf" })
// font_rec_mono_semicasual_reg = font_load( path_rec_mono_semicasual_reg, 24.0, "RecMonoSemiCasual_Regular" )
// path_squidgy_slimes := strings.concatenate( { Path_Assets, "Squidgy Slimes.ttf" } )
// font_squidgy_slimes = font_load( path_squidgy_slimes, 24.0, "Squidgy_Slime" )
path_firacode := strings.concatenate( { Path_Assets, "FiraCode-Regular.ttf" }, transient_allocator() )
font_firacode = font_load( path_firacode, 24.0, "FiraCode" )
default_font = font_firacode
log( "Default font loaded" )
// Demo project setup
using project
path = str_intern("./")
name = str_intern( "First Project" )
workspace.name = str_intern( "First Workspace" )
using project.workspace
cam = {
target = { 0, 0 },
offset = transmute(Vec2) window.extent,
rotation = 0,
zoom = 1.0,
// cam = {
// position = { 0, 0, -100 },
// target = { 0, 0, 0 },
// up = { 0, 1, 0 },
// fovy = 90,
// projection = rl.CameraProjection.ORTHOGRAPHIC,
// }
// Setup workspace UI state
ui_startup( & workspace.ui, cache_allocator = persistent_slab_allocator() )
debug.path_lorem = str_fmt_alloc("C:/projects/SectrPrototype/examples/Lorem Ipsum.txt", allocator = persistent_allocator())
alloc_error : AllocatorError; success : bool
debug.lorem_content, success = os.read_entire_file( debug.path_lorem, persistent_slab_allocator() )
debug.lorem_parse, alloc_error = pws_parser_parse( transmute(string) debug.lorem_content, persistent_slab_allocator() )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Faield to parse due to allocation failure" )
startup_ms := duration_ms( time.tick_lap_time( & startup_tick))
log( str_fmt_tmp("Startup time: %v ms", startup_ms) )
// Make sure to cleanup transient before continuing...
// From here on, tarnsinet usage has to be done with care.
// For most cases, the frame allocator should be more than enough.
free_all( transient_allocator() )
// For some reason odin's symbols conflict with native foreign symbols...
sectr_shutdown :: proc()
context.logger = to_odin_logger( & Memory_App.logger )
if Memory_App.persistent == nil {
state := get_state()
// Replay
file_close( Memory_App.replay.active_file )
log("Module shutdown complete")
reload :: proc( prof : ^SpallProfiler, persistent_mem, frame_mem, transient_mem, files_buffer_mem : ^VArena, host_logger : ^ Logger )
spall.SCOPED_EVENT( & prof.ctx, & prof.buffer, #procedure )
Memory_App.profiler = prof
context.logger = to_odin_logger( & Memory_App.logger )
using Memory_App;
persistent = persistent_mem
frame = frame_mem
transient = transient_mem
files_buffer = files_buffer_mem
context.allocator = persistent_allocator()
context.temp_allocator = transient_allocator()
state := get_state()
// Procedure Addresses are not preserved on hot-reload. They must be restored for persistent data.
// The only way to alleviate this is to either do custom handles to allocators
// Or as done below, correct containers using allocators on reload.
// Thankfully persistent dynamic allocations are rare, and thus we know exactly which ones they are.
font_provider_data := & state.font_provider_data
font_provider_data.font_cache.hashes.backing = persistent_slab_allocator()
font_provider_data.font_cache.entries.backing = persistent_slab_allocator()
ui_reload( & get_state().project.workspace.ui, cache_allocator = persistent_slab_allocator() )
log("Module reloaded")
// TODO(Ed) : This lang really not have a fucking swap?
swap :: proc( a, b : ^ $Type ) -> ( ^ Type, ^ Type ) {
return b, a
tick :: proc( host_delta_time : f64, host_delta_ns : Duration ) -> b32
profile( "Client Tick" )
context.logger = to_odin_logger( & Memory_App.logger )
state := get_state(); using state
should_close : b32
client_tick := time.tick_now()
profile("Work frame")
// Setup Frame Slab
alloc_error : AllocatorError
frame_slab, alloc_error = slab_init( & default_slab_policy, bucket_reserve_num = 0, allocator = frame_allocator() )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate frame slab" )
context.allocator = frame_allocator()
context.temp_allocator = transient_allocator()
should_close = update( host_delta_time )
// Timing
// profile("Client tick timing processing")
config.engine_refresh_hz = uint(monitor_refresh_hz)
frametime_target_ms = 1.0 / f64(config.engine_refresh_hz) * S_To_MS
sub_ms_granularity_required := frametime_target_ms <= Frametime_High_Perf_Threshold_MS
frametime_delta_ns = time.tick_lap_time( & client_tick )
frametime_delta_ms = duration_ms( frametime_delta_ns )
frametime_delta_seconds = duration_seconds( frametime_delta_ns )
frametime_elapsed_ms = frametime_delta_ms + host_delta_time
if frametime_elapsed_ms < frametime_target_ms
sleep_ms := frametime_target_ms - frametime_elapsed_ms
pre_sleep_tick := time.tick_now()
if sleep_ms > 0 {
thread_sleep( cast(Duration) sleep_ms * MS_To_NS )
// thread__highres_wait( sleep_ms )
sleep_delta_ns := time.tick_lap_time( & pre_sleep_tick)
sleep_delta_ms := duration_ms( sleep_delta_ns )
if sleep_delta_ms < sleep_ms {
// log( str_fmt_tmp("frametime sleep was off by: %v ms", sleep_delta_ms - sleep_ms ))
frametime_elapsed_ms += sleep_delta_ms
for ; frametime_elapsed_ms < frametime_target_ms; {
sleep_delta_ns = time.tick_lap_time( & pre_sleep_tick)
sleep_delta_ms = duration_ms( sleep_delta_ns )
frametime_elapsed_ms += sleep_delta_ms
if frametime_elapsed_ms > 60.0 {
log( str_fmt_tmp("Big tick! %v ms", frametime_elapsed_ms), LogLevel.Warning )
return should_close
clean_frame :: proc()
// profile( #procedure)
state := get_state(); using state
context.logger = to_odin_logger( & Memory_App.logger )
free_all( frame_allocator() )
transient_clear_elapsed += frametime_delta32()
if transient_clear_elapsed >= transient_clear_time && ! transinet_clear_lock
transient_clear_elapsed = 0
free_all( transient_allocator() )
alloc_error : AllocatorError
transient_slab, alloc_error = slab_init( & default_slab_policy, allocator = transient_allocator() )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate transient slab" )