472 lines
13 KiB
472 lines
13 KiB
package sectr
import "base:runtime"
import "core:math"
import "core:math/linalg"
import "core:os"
import str "core:strings"
import rl "vendor:raylib"
DebugActions :: struct {
load_project : b32,
save_project : b32,
pause_renderer : b32,
load_auto_snapshot : b32,
record_replay : b32,
play_replay : b32,
show_mouse_pos : b32,
mouse_select : b32,
cam_move_up : b32,
cam_move_left : b32,
cam_move_down : b32,
cam_move_right : b32,
cam_mouse_pan : b32,
poll_debug_actions :: proc( actions : ^ DebugActions, input : ^ InputState )
// profile(#procedure)
using actions
using input
modifier_active := keyboard.right_alt.ended_down ||
keyboard.right_control.ended_down ||
keyboard.right_shift.ended_down ||
keyboard.left_alt.ended_down ||
keyboard.left_control.ended_down ||
load_project = keyboard.left_control.ended_down && pressed( keyboard.O )
save_project = keyboard.left_control.ended_down && pressed( keyboard.S )
base_replay_bind := keyboard.right_alt.ended_down && pressed( keyboard.L)
record_replay = base_replay_bind && keyboard.right_shift.ended_down
play_replay = base_replay_bind && ! keyboard.right_shift.ended_down
show_mouse_pos = keyboard.right_alt.ended_down && pressed(keyboard.M)
mouse_select = pressed(mouse.left)
cam_move_up = keyboard.W.ended_down && ( ! modifier_active || keyboard.left_shift.ended_down )
cam_move_left = keyboard.A.ended_down && ( ! modifier_active || keyboard.left_shift.ended_down )
cam_move_down = keyboard.S.ended_down && ( ! modifier_active || keyboard.left_shift.ended_down )
cam_move_right = keyboard.D.ended_down && ( ! modifier_active || keyboard.left_shift.ended_down )
cam_mouse_pan = mouse.right.ended_down && ! pressed(mouse.right)
frametime_delta32 :: #force_inline proc "contextless" () -> f32 {
return cast(f32) get_state().frametime_delta_seconds
update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
state := get_state(); using state
replay := & Memory_App.replay
workspace := & project.workspace
cam := & workspace.cam
if rl.IsWindowResized() {
window := & state.app_window
window.extent.x = f32(rl.GetScreenWidth()) * 0.5
window.extent.y = f32(rl.GetScreenHeight()) * 0.5
project.workspace.cam.offset = transmute(Vec2) window.extent
state.input, state.input_prev = swap( state.input, state.input_prev )
poll_input( state.input_prev, state.input )
debug_actions : DebugActions = {}
poll_debug_actions( & debug_actions, state.input )
// Saving & Loading
if debug_actions.save_project {
project_save( & project )
if debug_actions.load_project {
project_load( str_tmp_from_any( project.path, project.name, ".sectr_proj", sep = "" ), & project )
//region Input Replay
// TODO(Ed) : Implment host memory mapping api
when false
if debug_actions.record_replay { #partial switch replay.mode
case ReplayMode.Off : {
save_snapshot( & Memory_App.snapshot )
replay_recording_begin( Path_Input_Replay )
case ReplayMode.Record : {
if debug_actions.play_replay { switch replay.mode
case ReplayMode.Off : {
if ! file_exists( Path_Input_Replay ) {
save_snapshot( & Memory_App.snapshot )
replay_recording_begin( Path_Input_Replay )
else {
load_snapshot( & Memory_App.snapshot )
replay_playback_begin( Path_Input_Replay )
case ReplayMode.Playback : {
load_snapshot( & Memory_App.snapshot )
case ReplayMode.Record : {
load_snapshot( & Memory_App.snapshot )
replay_playback_begin( Path_Input_Replay )
if replay.mode == ReplayMode.Record {
record_input( replay.active_file, input )
else if replay.mode == ReplayMode.Playback {
play_input( replay.active_file, input )
//endregion Input Replay
if debug_actions.show_mouse_pos {
debug.mouse_vis = !debug.mouse_vis
//region Camera Manual Nav
// profile("Camera Manual Nav")
digital_move_speed : f32 = 200.0
if workspace.zoom_target == 0.0 {
workspace.zoom_target = cam.zoom
config.cam_zoom_smooth_snappiness = 10.0
config.cam_zoom_mode = .Smooth
switch config.cam_zoom_mode
case .Smooth:
zoom_delta := input.mouse.vertical_wheel * config.cam_zoom_sensitivity_smooth
workspace.zoom_target *= 1 + zoom_delta * f32(delta_time)
workspace.zoom_target = clamp(workspace.zoom_target, 0.05, 10.0)
// Linearly interpolate cam.zoom towards zoom_target
lerp_factor := config.cam_zoom_smooth_snappiness // Adjust this value to control the interpolation speed
cam.zoom += (workspace.zoom_target - cam.zoom) * lerp_factor * f32(delta_time)
cam.zoom = clamp(cam.zoom, 0.05, 10.0) // Ensure cam.zoom stays within bounds
case .Digital:
zoom_delta := input.mouse.vertical_wheel * config.cam_zoom_sensitivity_digital
workspace.zoom_target = clamp(workspace.zoom_target + zoom_delta, 0.05, 10.0)
cam.zoom = workspace.zoom_target
move_velocity : Vec2 = {
- cast(f32) i32(debug_actions.cam_move_left) + cast(f32) i32(debug_actions.cam_move_right),
- cast(f32) i32(debug_actions.cam_move_up) + cast(f32) i32(debug_actions.cam_move_down),
move_velocity *= digital_move_speed * f32(delta_time)
cam.target += move_velocity
if debug_actions.cam_mouse_pan
if is_within_screenspace(input.mouse.pos) {
pan_velocity := input.mouse.delta * ( 1 / cam.zoom )
cam.target -= pan_velocity
//endregion Camera Manual Nav
//region Imgui Tick
profile("Imgui Tick")
// Creates the root box node, set its as the first parent.
ui_graph_build( & state.project.workspace.ui )
ui := ui_context
frame_style_flags : UI_StyleFlags = {
.Fixed_Position_X, .Fixed_Position_Y,
.Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height,
default_layout := UI_Layout {
anchor = {},
alignment = { 0., 0.0 },
text_alignment = { 0.0, 0.0 },
// corner_radii = { 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 },
pos = { 0, 0 },
size = range2( { 1000, 1000 }, {}),
// padding = { 20, 20, 20, 20 }
frame_style_default := UI_Style {
flags = frame_style_flags,
bg_color = Color_BG_TextBox,
font = default_font,
font_size = 30,
text_color = Color_White,
layout = default_layout,
frame_theme := UI_StyleTheme { styles = {
frame_theme.disabled.bg_color = Color_Frame_Disabled
frame_theme.hot.bg_color = Color_Frame_Hover
frame_theme.active.bg_color = Color_Frame_Select
ui_style_theme( frame_theme )
config.ui_resize_border_width = 2.5
// test_draggable()
// test_text_box()
// test_parenting()
if true
// frame := ui_widget( "Frame", {} )
// ui_parent(frame)
parent_layout := default_layout
parent_layout.size = range2( { 300, 300 }, {} )
parent_layout.alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 }
parent_layout.margins = { 100, 100, 100, 100 }
parent_layout.padding = {}
parent_layout.pos = { 0, 0 }
parent_theme := frame_style_default
parent_theme.layout = parent_layout
parent_theme.flags = {
// .Fixed_Position_X, .Fixed_Position_Y,
.Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height,
parent := ui_widget( "Parent", { .Mouse_Clickable, .Mouse_Resizable })
if parent.first_frame {
debug.draggable_box_pos = parent.style.layout.pos
debug.draggable_box_size = parent.style.layout.size.min
if parent.dragging {
debug.draggable_box_pos += mouse_world_delta()
if parent.resizing
og_layout := ui_context.active_start_style.layout
center := debug.draggable_box_pos
original_distance := linalg.distance(ui.active_start_signal.cursor_pos, center)
cursor_distance := linalg.distance(parent.cursor_pos, center)
scale_factor := cursor_distance * (1 / original_distance)
debug.draggable_box_size = og_layout.size.min * scale_factor
if (ui.hot == parent.key) && (ui.hot_resizable || ui.active_start_signal.resizing) {
parent.style.bg_color = Color_Blue
parent.style.layout.pos = debug.draggable_box_pos
parent.style.layout.size.min = debug.draggable_box_size
child_layout := default_layout
child_layout.size = range2({ 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 })
child_layout.alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 }
child_layout.margins = { 20, 20, 20, 20 }
child_layout.padding = {}
child_layout.anchor = range2({ 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0 })
child_layout.pos = { 0, 0 }
child_theme := frame_style_default
child_theme.bg_color = Color_GreyRed
child_theme.flags = {
// .Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height,
child_theme.layout = child_layout
child := ui_widget( "Child", { .Mouse_Clickable })
// Whitespace AST test
if false
profile("Whitespace AST test")
text_style := frame_style_default
text_style.flags = {
.Fixed_Position_X, .Fixed_Position_Y,
// .Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height,
text_style.text_alignment = { 0.0, 0.5 }
text_style.alignment = { 0.0, 1.0 }
text_style.size.min = { 1600, 30 }
text_theme := UI_StyleTheme { styles = {
text_theme.default.bg_color = Color_Transparent
text_theme.disabled.bg_color = Color_Frame_Disabled
text_theme.hot.bg_color = Color_Frame_Hover
text_theme.active.bg_color = Color_Frame_Select
ui_style_theme( text_theme )
layout_text := text_style.layout
alloc_error : AllocatorError; success : bool
// debug.lorem_content, success = os.read_entire_file( debug.path_lorem, frame_allocator() )
// debug.lorem_parse, alloc_error = pws_parser_parse( transmute(string) debug.lorem_content, frame_slab_allocator() )
// verify( alloc_error == .None, "Faield to parse due to allocation failure" )
text_space := str_intern( " " )
text_tab := str_intern( "\t")
// index := 0
widgets : Array(UI_Widget)
widgets, alloc_error = array_init_reserve( UI_Widget, frame_slab_allocator(), Kilobyte * 4 )
widgets_ptr := & widgets
label_id := 0
line_id := 0
for line in array_to_slice_num( debug.lorem_parse.lines )
if line_id == 0 {
line_id += 1
ui_style_theme_set_layout( layout_text )
line_hbox := ui_widget(str_fmt_alloc( "line %v", line_id ), {})
if line_hbox.key == ui.hot
line_hbox.text = StringCached {}
chunk_layout := layout_text
chunk_layout.alignment = { 0.0, 1.0 }
chunk_layout.anchor = range2({ 0.0, 0 }, { 0.0, 0 })
chunk_layout.pos = {}
chunk_style := text_style
chunk_style.flags = { .Fixed_Position_X, .Size_To_Text }
chunk_style.layout = chunk_layout
chunk_theme := UI_StyleTheme { styles = {
ui_style_theme( chunk_theme )
head := line.first
for ; head != nil;
ui_style_theme_set_layout( chunk_layout )
widget : UI_Widget
#partial switch head.type
case .Visible:
label := str_intern( str_fmt_alloc( "%v %v", head.content.str, label_id ))
widget = ui_text( label.str, head.content )
label_id += 1
chunk_layout.pos.x += size_range2( widget.computed.bounds ).x
case .Spaces:
label := str_intern( str_fmt_alloc( "%v %v", "space", label_id ))
widget = ui_text_spaces( label.str )
label_id += 1
for idx in 1 ..< len( head.content.runes )
// widget.style.layout.size.x += range2_size( widget.computed.bounds )
chunk_layout.pos.x += size_range2( widget.computed.bounds ).x
case .Tabs:
label := str_intern( str_fmt_alloc( "%v %v", "tab", label_id ))
widget = ui_text_tabs( label.str )
label_id += 1
for idx in 1 ..< len( head.content.runes )
// widget.style.layout.size.x += range2_size( widget.computed.bounds )
chunk_layout.pos.x += size_range2( widget.computed.bounds ).x
array_append( widgets_ptr, widget )
head = head.next
line_hbox.style.size.min.x = chunk_layout.pos.x
builder_backing : [16 * Kilobyte] byte
builder := str.builder_from_bytes( builder_backing[:] )
line_hbox.style.flags |= { .Size_To_Text }
head := line.first.next
for ; head != nil;
str.write_string( & builder, head.content.str )
head = head.next
line_hbox.text = str_intern( to_string( builder ) )
array_append( widgets_ptr, line_hbox )
layout_text.pos.x = text_style.layout.pos.x
layout_text.pos.y += size_range2(line_hbox.computed.bounds).y
line_id += 1
label_id += 1 // Dummy action
//endregion Imgui Tick
debug.last_mouse_pos = input.mouse.pos
should_shutdown : b32 = ! cast(b32) rl.WindowShouldClose()
return should_shutdown