There is an issue with the tracked allocators made for the host module. I'll need to see later whats going on, for now it doesn't matter.
126 lines
3.5 KiB
126 lines
3.5 KiB
package sectr
import "base:runtime"
import "core:fmt"
import "core:mem"
import "core:os"
import "core:strings"
import "core:time"
import core_log "core:log"
Max_Logger_Message_Width :: 80
LogLevel :: core_log.Level
Logger :: struct {
file_path : string,
file : os.Handle,
id : string,
to_odin_logger :: proc ( logger : ^ Logger ) -> core_log.Logger {
return { logger_interface, logger, core_log.Level.Debug, core_log.Default_File_Logger_Opts }
init :: proc ( logger : ^ Logger, id : string, file_path : string, file := os.INVALID_HANDLE )
if file == os.INVALID_HANDLE
logger_file, result_code := os.open( file_path, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE )
if result_code != os.ERROR_NONE {
// Log failures are fatal and must never occur at runtime (there is no logging)
os. exit( -1 )
// TODO(Ed) : Figure out the error code enums..
logger.file = logger_file
else {
logger.file = file
logger.file_path = file_path
logger.id = id
context.logger = { logger_interface, logger, core_log.Level.Debug, core_log.Default_File_Logger_Opts }
log("Initialized Logger")
when false {
log("This sentence is over 80 characters long on purpose to test the ability of this fucking logger to properfly fucking wrap long as fuck logs with a new line and then at the end of that pad it with the appropraite signature.")
logger_interface :: proc (
logger_data : rawptr,
level : core_log.Level,
text : string,
options : core_log.Options,
location := #caller_location )
logger := cast(^ Logger) logger_data
@static builder_backing : [16 * Kilobyte] byte; {
mem.set( raw_data( builder_backing[:] ), 0, len(builder_backing) )
builder := strings.builder_from_bytes( builder_backing[:] )
first_line_length := len(text) > Max_Logger_Message_Width ? Max_Logger_Message_Width : len(text)
first_line := transmute(string) text[ 0 : first_line_length ]
fmt.sbprintf( & builder, "%-*s ", Max_Logger_Message_Width, first_line )
// Signature
when time.IS_SUPPORTED
if core_log.Full_Timestamp_Opts & options != nil {
fmt.sbprint( & builder, "[")
t := time.now()
y, m, d := time.date(t)
h, min, s := time.clock(t)
if .Date in options {
fmt.sbprintf( & builder, "%d-%02d-%02d ", y, m, d )
if .Time in options {
fmt.sbprintf( & builder, "%02d:%02d:%02d", h, min, s)
fmt.sbprint( & builder, "] ")
core_log.do_level_header( options, level, & builder )
if logger.id != "" {
fmt.sbprintf( & builder, "[%s] ", logger.id )
core_log.do_location_header( options, & builder, location )
// Oversized message handling
if len(text) > Max_Logger_Message_Width
offset := Max_Logger_Message_Width
bytes := transmute([]u8) text
for left := len(bytes) - Max_Logger_Message_Width; left > 0; left -= Max_Logger_Message_Width
fmt.sbprintf( & builder, "\n" )
subset_length := len(text) - offset
if subset_length > Max_Logger_Message_Width {
subset_length = Max_Logger_Message_Width
subset := slice_ptr( ptr_offset( raw_data(bytes), offset), subset_length )
fmt.sbprintf( & builder, "%s", transmute(string)subset )
offset += Max_Logger_Message_Width
fmt.fprintln( logger.file, strings.to_string(builder) )
log :: proc ( msg : string, level := LogLevel.Info, loc := #caller_location ) {
core_log.log( level, msg, location = loc )
logf :: proc ( fmt : string, args : ..any, level := LogLevel.Info, loc := #caller_location ) {
core_log.logf( level, fmt, args, location = loc )