Ed_ af757cfdaa Began working on a proper default theme
Going with dark mode at first,
I'll also be making a lightmode, but I want to have a post-processing shader for tonemapping the app screen's tone by the user before doing so.
2024-05-15 03:37:00 -04:00

197 lines
4.4 KiB

package sectr
UI_BoxFlag :: enum u64 {
// Pan_X,
// Pan_Y,
// Scroll_X,
// Scroll_Y,
// Screenspace,
UI_BoxFlags :: bit_set[UI_BoxFlag; u64]
// UI_BoxFlag_Scroll :: UI_BoxFlags { .Scroll_X, .Scroll_Y }
UI_RenderBoxInfo :: struct {
using computed : UI_Computed,
using style : UI_Style,
text : StrRunesPair,
font_size : UI_Scalar,
border_width : UI_Scalar,
UI_Box :: struct {
// Cache ID
key : UI_Key,
// label : string,
label : StrRunesPair,
text : StrRunesPair,
// Regenerated per frame.
// first, last : The first and last child of this box
// prev, next : The adjacent neighboring boxes who are children of to the same parent
using links : DLL_NodeFull( UI_Box ),
parent : ^UI_Box,
num_children : i32,
ancestors : i32, // This value for rooted widgets gets set to -1 after rendering see ui_box_make() for the reason.
parent_index : i32,
flags : UI_BoxFlags,
computed : UI_Computed,
layout : UI_Layout,
style : UI_Style,
// Persistent Data
hot_delta : f32,
active_delta : f32,
disabled_delta : f32,
style_delta : f32,
first_frame : b8,
// root_order_id : i16,
// prev_computed : UI_Computed,
// prev_style : UI_Style,v
// mouse : UI_InteractState,
// keyboard : UI_InteractState,
ui_box_equal :: #force_inline proc "contextless" ( a, b : ^ UI_Box ) -> b32 {
BoxSize :: size_of(UI_Box)
result : b32 = true
result &= a.key == b.key // We assume for now the label is the same as the key, if not something is terribly wrong.
result &= a.flags == b.flags
return result
ui_box_from_key :: #force_inline proc ( cache : ^HMapZPL(UI_Box), key : UI_Key ) -> (^UI_Box) {
return zpl_hmap_get( cache, cast(u64) key )
ui_box_make :: proc( flags : UI_BoxFlags, label : string ) -> (^ UI_Box)
// profile(#procedure)
using ui := get_state().ui_context
key := ui_key_from_string( label )
curr_box : (^ UI_Box)
prev_box := zpl_hmap_get( prev_cache, cast(u64) key )
// profile("Assigning current box")
set_result : ^ UI_Box
set_error : AllocatorError
if prev_box != nil
// Previous history was found, copy over previous state.
set_result, set_error = zpl_hmap_set( curr_cache, cast(u64) key, (prev_box ^) )
else {
box : UI_Box
box.key = key
box.label = str_intern( label )
// set_result, set_error = zpl_hmap_set( prev_cache, cast(u64) key, box )
set_result, set_error = zpl_hmap_set( curr_cache, cast(u64) key, box )
verify( set_error == AllocatorError.None, "Failed to set zpl_hmap due to allocator error" )
curr_box = set_result
curr_box.first_frame = prev_box == nil
curr_box.flags = flags
// Clear non-persistent data
curr_box.computed.fresh = false
curr_box.links = {}
curr_box.num_children = 0
// If there is a parent, setup the relevant references
parent := stack_peek( & parent_stack )
if parent != nil
when false {
dll_full_push_back( parent, curr_box, nil )
// |
// v
// parent.first <nil>
if parent.first == nil {
parent.first = curr_box
parent.last = curr_box = nil
curr_box.prev = nil
else {
// Positin is set to last, insert at end
// <parent.last.prev> <parent.last> curr_box = curr_box
curr_box.prev = parent.last
parent.last = curr_box = nil
curr_box.parent_index = parent.num_children
parent.num_children += 1
curr_box.parent = parent
curr_box.ancestors = parent.ancestors + 1
ui.built_box_count += 1
return curr_box
ui_box_tranverse_next :: proc "contextless" ( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> (^ UI_Box)
// Check to make sure parent is present on the screen, if its not don't bother.
// If current has children, do them first
using state := get_state()
if box.first != nil
is_app_ui := ui_context == & screen_ui
if is_app_ui || intersects_range2( view_get_bounds(), box.computed.bounds)
return box.first
if == nil
// There is no more adjacent nodes
if box.parent != nil
parent := box.parent
// Attempt to find a parent with a next, otherwise we just return a parent with nil
for ; parent.parent != nil;
if != nil {
parent = parent.parent
// Lift back up to parent, and set it to its next.