This hashtable is not tolerant over going 'over capacity'. I have to eventually swap to another solution similar to Ryans linear probing for string caching. For now I'll just abuse ram with an oversized table.
193 lines
5.8 KiB
193 lines
5.8 KiB
package sectr
import "core:fmt"
import "core:math"
import "core:mem"
import "core:path/filepath"
import "core:os"
import rl "vendor:raylib"
Font_Largest_Px_Size :: 32
Font_Size_Interval :: 2
// Font_Default :: ""
Font_Default :: FontID { 0, "" }
Font_Default_Point_Size :: 18.0
Font_TTF_Default_Chars_Padding :: 4
Font_Load_Use_Default_Size :: -1
Font_Load_Gen_ID :: ""
Font_Atlas_Packing_Method :: enum u32 {
Raylib_Basic = 0, // Basic packing algo
Skyeline_Rect = 1, // stb_pack_rect
FontID :: struct {
key : u64,
label : string,
FontTag :: struct {
key : FontID,
point_size : f32
FontGlyphsRender :: struct {
size : i32,
count : i32,
padding : i32,
texture : rl.Texture2D,
recs : [^]rl.Rectangle, // Characters rectangles in texture
glyphs : [^]rl.GlyphInfo, // Characters info data
FontDef :: struct {
path_file : string,
// TODO(Ed) : you may have to store font data in the future if we render on demand
// data : []u8,
default_size : i32,
size_table : [Font_Largest_Px_Size / Font_Size_Interval] FontGlyphsRender,
FontProviderData :: struct {
font_cache : HMapZPL(FontDef),
font_provider_startup :: proc()
state := get_state()
font_provider_data := & get_state().font_provider_data; using font_provider_data
font_cache_alloc_error : AllocatorError
font_cache, font_cache_alloc_error = zpl_hmap_init_reserve( FontDef, persistent_slab_allocator(), 2 )
verify( font_cache_alloc_error == AllocatorError.None, "Failed to allocate font_cache" )
log("font_cache created")
log("font_provider initialized")
font_provider_shutdown :: proc()
font_provider_data := & get_state().font_provider_data; using font_provider_data
for id in 0 ..< font_cache.entries.num
def := & font_cache.entries.data[id].value
for & px_render in def.size_table {
using px_render
rl.UnloadFontData( glyphs, count )
rl.UnloadTexture ( texture )
rl.MemFree( recs )
font_load :: proc( path_file : string,
default_size : f32 = Font_Load_Use_Default_Size,
desired_id : string = Font_Load_Gen_ID
) -> FontID
log( str_fmt_tmp("Loading font: %v", path_file))
font_provider_data := & get_state().font_provider_data; using font_provider_data
font_data, read_succeded : = os.read_entire_file( path_file, context.temp_allocator )
verify( b32(read_succeded), str_fmt_tmp("Failed to read font file for: %v", path_file) )
font_data_size := cast(i32) len(font_data)
desired_id := desired_id
// Use file name as key
if len(desired_id) == 0 {
// NOTE(Ed): This should never be used except for laziness so I'll be throwing a warning everytime.
log("desired_key not provided, using file name. Give it a proper name!", LogLevel.Warning)
// desired_id = cast(FontID) file_name_from_path(path_file)
desired_id = file_name_from_path(path_file)
default_size := default_size
if default_size == Font_Load_Use_Default_Size {
default_size = Font_Default_Point_Size
key := cast(u64) crc32( transmute([]byte) desired_id )
def, set_error := zpl_hmap_set( & font_cache, key,FontDef {} )
verify( set_error == AllocatorError.None, "Failed to add new font entry to cache" )
def.path_file = path_file
// def.data = font_data
def.default_size = i32(points_to_pixels(default_size))
// TODO(Ed): this is slow & eats quite a bit of memory early on. Setup a more on demand load for a specific size.
// Also, we need to eventually switch to a SDF shader for rendering
// Render all sizes at once
// Note(Ed) : We only generate textures for even multiples of the font.
for font_size : i32 = Font_Size_Interval; font_size <= Font_Largest_Px_Size; font_size += Font_Size_Interval
profile("font size render")
id := (font_size / Font_Size_Interval) + (font_size % Font_Size_Interval)
px_render := & def.size_table[id - 1]
using px_render
size = font_size
count = 95 // This is the default codepoint count from raylib when loading a font.
padding = Font_TTF_Default_Chars_Padding
glyphs = rl.LoadFontData( raw_data(font_data), font_data_size,
fontSize = size,
codepoints = nil,
codepointCount = count,
type = rl.FontType.DEFAULT )
verify( glyphs != nil, str_fmt_tmp("Failed to load glyphs for font: %v at desired size: %v", desired_id, size ) )
atlas := rl.GenImageFontAtlas( glyphs, & recs, count, size, padding, i32(Font_Atlas_Packing_Method.Raylib_Basic) )
texture = rl.LoadTextureFromImage( atlas )
// glyphs_slice := slice_ptr( glyphs, count )
// for glyph in glyphs_slice {
// TODO(Ed) : See if above can properly reference
// NOTE(raylib): Update glyphs[i].image to use alpha, required to be used on image_draw_text()
for glyph_id : i32 = 0; glyph_id < count; glyph_id += 1 {
glyph := & glyphs[glyph_id]
rl.UnloadImage( glyph.image )
glyph.image = rl.ImageFromImage( atlas, recs[glyph_id] )
rl.UnloadImage( atlas )
free_all( context.temp_allocator )
return { key, desired_id }
Font_Use_Default_Size :: f32(0.0)
to_rl_Font :: proc( id : FontID, size := Font_Use_Default_Size ) -> rl.Font
font_provider_data := & get_state().font_provider_data; using font_provider_data
even_size := math.round(size * (1.0/f32(Font_Size_Interval))) * f32(Font_Size_Interval)
size := clamp( i32( even_size), 4, Font_Largest_Px_Size )
def := zpl_hmap_get( & font_cache, id.key )
size = size if size != i32(Font_Use_Default_Size) else def.default_size
id := (size / Font_Size_Interval) + (size % Font_Size_Interval)
px_render := & def.size_table[ id - 1 ]
rl_font : rl.Font
rl_font.baseSize = px_render.size
rl_font.glyphCount = px_render.count
rl_font.glyphPadding = px_render.padding
rl_font.glyphs = px_render.glyphs
rl_font.recs = px_render.recs
rl_font.texture = px_render.texture
return rl_font