308 lines
6.8 KiB
308 lines
6.8 KiB
package sectr
import "base:runtime"
UI_Signal :: struct {
cursor_pos : Vec2,
drag_delta : Vec2,
scroll : Vec2,
left_clicked : b8,
right_clicked : b8,
double_clicked : b8,
keyboard_clicked : b8,
active : b8,
was_active : b8,
pressed : b8,
released : b8,
cursor_over : b8,
commit : b8,
ui_signal_from_box :: proc ( box : ^ UI_Box, update_style := true, update_deltas := true ) -> UI_Signal
// profile(#procedure)
ui := get_state().ui_context
input := get_state().input
frame_delta := frametime_delta32()
signal := UI_Signal {}
// Cursor Collision
// profile_begin( "Cursor collision")
signal.cursor_pos = ui_cursor_pos()
signal.cursor_over = cast(b8) pos_within_range2( signal.cursor_pos, box.computed.bounds )
if ! signal.cursor_over do break UnderCheck
last_root := ui_box_from_key( ui.prev_cache, ui.root.key )
if last_root == nil do break UnderCheck
top_ancestor := ui_top_ancestor(box)
if top_ancestor.parent_index < last_root.parent_index
for curr := last_root.last; curr != nil && curr.key != box.key; curr = curr.prev {
if pos_within_range2( signal.cursor_pos, curr.computed.bounds ) {
signal.cursor_over = false
// profile_end()
// profile_begin("misc")
left_pressed := pressed( input.mouse.left )
left_released := released( input.mouse.left )
mouse_clickable := UI_BoxFlag.Mouse_Clickable in box.flags
keyboard_clickable := UI_BoxFlag.Keyboard_Clickable in box.flags
was_hot := (box.hot_delta > 0)
was_active := (ui.active == box.key) && (box.active_delta > 0)
was_disabled := box.disabled_delta > 0
if was_hot {
// runtime.debug_trap()
// Check to see if this box is active
if mouse_clickable && signal.cursor_over && left_pressed && was_hot
top_ancestor := ui_top_ancestor(box)
if ui.root.last != top_ancestor
// dll_full_pop(top_ancestor, top_ancestor.parent)
// dll_full_push_back( top_ancestor.parent, top_ancestor, nil )
left := top_ancestor.prev
right := top_ancestor.next
if left != nil {
left.next = top_ancestor.next
else {
// We are the first box on root,
ui.root.first = right
// right should never be null since top_ancestor is not the last node
right.prev = left
if ui.root.last != nil
prev_last := ui.root.last
ui.root.last = top_ancestor
prev_last.next = top_ancestor
top_ancestor.prev = prev_last
top_ancestor.next = nil
if left == nil && right == prev_last
right.prev = nil
right.next = top_ancestor
// vvv
// ui.root.first - > ui.root.last
ui.root.last = top_ancestor
ui.root.first.next = top_ancestor
top_ancestor.prev = ui.root.first
top_ancestor.next = nil
ui.root.last = top_ancestor
for curr := right; curr != nil; curr = curr.next {
curr.parent_index -= 1
// Fix up left & right references
// if left != nil && right != nil {
// right.prev = left
// left.next = right
// }
// runtime.debug_trap()
// ui.hot = box.key
ui.active = box.key
ui.active_mouse[MouseBtn.Left] = box.key
ui.last_pressed_key = box.key
ui.active_start_style = box.style
signal.pressed = true
// TODO(Ed) : Support double-click detection
if mouse_clickable && ! signal.cursor_over && left_released
box.active_delta = 0
ui.active = UI_Key(0)
ui.active_mouse[MouseBtn.Left] = UI_Key(0)
signal.released = true
signal.left_clicked = false
if keyboard_clickable
// TODO(Ed) : Add keyboard interaction support
// TODO(Ed): Should panning and scrolling get supported here? (problably not...)
// TODO(Ed) : Add scrolling support
// if UI_BoxFlag.Scroll_X in box.flags {
// }
// if UI_BoxFlag.Scroll_Y in box.flags {
// }
// TODO(Ed) : Add panning support
// if UI_BoxFlag.Pan_X in box.flags {
// }
// if UI_BoxFlag.Pan_Y in box.flags {
// }
is_disabled := UI_BoxFlag.Disabled in box.flags
is_hot := ui.hot == box.key
is_active := ui.active == box.key
// TODO(Ed): It should be able to enter hot without mouse_clickable
if mouse_clickable && signal.cursor_over && ! is_disabled
hot_vacant := ui.hot == UI_Key(0)
active_vacant := ui.active == UI_Key(0)
// (active_vacant is_active)
if signal.cursor_over
if ! hot_vacant {
prev := ui_box_from_key( ui.curr_cache, ui.hot )
prev.hot_delta = 0
// prev_hot := zpl_hmap_get( ui.prev_cache, u64(ui.hot) )
// prev_hot_label := prev_hot != nil ? prev_hot.label.str : ""
// log( str_fmt_tmp("Detected HOT via CURSOR OVER: %v is_hot: %v is_active: %v prev_hot: %v", box.label.str, is_hot, is_active, prev_hot_label ))
ui.hot = box.key
is_hot = true
ui.hot_start_style = box.style
else if ! signal.cursor_over && was_hot
ui.hot = UI_Key(0)
is_hot = false
box.hot_delta = 0
if mouse_clickable && signal.cursor_over && left_released
box.active_delta = 0
ui.active = UI_Key(0)
ui.active_mouse[MouseBtn.Left] = UI_Key(0)
signal.released = true
if was_active {
signal.left_clicked = true
ui.last_clicked = box.key
// profile_end()
// State Deltas update
// profile_begin( "state deltas upate")
if is_hot
box.hot_delta += frame_delta
if was_hot {
box.style_delta += frame_delta
if is_active
box.active_delta += frame_delta
if was_active {
box.style_delta += frame_delta
else {
box.active_delta = 0
if is_disabled
box.disabled_delta += frame_delta
if was_hot {
box.style_delta += frame_delta
else {
box.disabled_delta = 0
// profile_end()
signal.active = cast(b8) is_active
signal.was_active = cast(b8) was_active
// logf("was_active: %v", was_active)
// Update style if not in default state
if update_style
// profile("Update style")
if is_hot
if ! was_hot {
box.prev_style = box.style
box.style_delta = 0
box.layout = ui_layout_peek().hot
box.style = ui_style_peek().hot
if is_active
if ! was_active {
box.prev_style = box.style
box.style_delta = 0
box.layout = ui_layout_peek().active
box.style = ui_style_peek().active
if is_disabled
if ! was_disabled {
box.prev_style = box.style
box.style_delta = 0
box.layout = ui_layout_peek().disabled
box.style = ui_style_peek().disabled
if ! is_disabled && ! is_active && ! is_hot {
if was_disabled || was_active || was_hot {
box.prev_style = box.style
box.style_delta = 0
else {
box.style_delta += frame_delta
box.layout = ui_layout_peek().default
box.style = ui_style_peek().default
if is_active && ! was_active {
ui.active_start_signal = signal
return signal