package sectr // Based off Ryan Fleury's UI Series & Epic's RAD Debugger which directly implements a version of it. // You will see Note(rjf) these are comments directly from the RAD Debugger codebase by Fleury. // TODO(Ed) If I can, I would like this to be its own package, but the nature of packages in odin may make this difficult. // TODO(Ed) : This is in Raddbg base_types.h, consider moving outside of UI. Axis2 :: enum { Invalid = -1, X, Y, Count, } UI_SizeKind :: enum u32 { Null, Pixels, Points, TextContent, PercentOfParent, ChildrenSum, } UI_Size :: struct { kind : UI_SizeKind, value : f32, strictness : f32, } UI_Size2 : struct { kind : [Axis2.Count]UI_SizeKind, value : Vec2, strictness : Vec2, } UI_Layout :: struct { placeholder : int } UI_Key :: struct { opaque : [1]u64, } UI_BoxFlag :: enum u64 { // Note(rjf) : Interaction Mouse_Clickable, Keyboard_Clickable, Click_To_Focus, Scroll, View_Scroll_X, View_Scroll_Y, View_Clamp_X, View_Clamp_Y, Focus_Active, Focus_Active_Disabled, Focus_Hot, Focus_Hot_Disabled, Default_Focus_Nav_X, Default_Focus_Nav_Y, Default_Focus_Edit, Focus_Nav_Skip, Disabled, // Note(rjf) : Layout Floating_X, Floating_Y, Fixed_Width, Fixed_Height, Allow_Overflow_X, Allow_Overflow_Y, Skip_View_Off_X, Skip_View_Off_Y, // Note(rjf) : Appearance / Animation Draw_Drop_Shadow, Draw_Background_Blur, Draw_Background, Draw_Border, Draw_Side_Top, Draw_Side_Bottom, Draw_Side_Left, Draw_Side_Right, Draw_Text, Draw_Text_Fastpath_Codepoint, Draw_Hot_Effects, Draw_Overlay, Draw_Bucket, Clip, Animate_Pos_X, Animate_Pos_Y, Disable_Text_Trunc, Disable_ID_String, Disable_Focus_Viz, Require_Focus_Background, Has_Display_String, Has_Fuzzy_Match_Ranges, Round_Children_By_Parent, } UI_BoxFlags :: bit_set[UI_BoxFlag; u64] UI_BoxFlags_Null :: UI_BoxFlags {} UI_BoxFlags_Clickable :: UI_BoxFlags { .Mouse_Clickable, .Keyboard_Clickable } UI_NullLabel :: "" // Note(Ed) : This is called UI_Widget in the substack series, its called box in raddbg // This eventually gets renamed by part 4 of the series to UI_Box. // However, its essentially a UI_Node or UI_BaselineEntity, etc. // Think of godot's Control nodes I guess. UI_Box :: struct { // Note(rjf) : persistent links hash : struct { next, prev : ^ UI_Box, }, // Note(rjf) : Per-build links & data first, last, prev, next : ^ UI_Box, num_children : i32, // Note(rjf) : Key + generation info key : UI_Key, last_frame_touched_index : u64, // Note(rjf) : Per-frame info provided by builders flags : UI_BoxFlags, semantic_size : [Axis2.Count]UI_Size, // Note(rjf) : Computed every frame computed_rel_pos : Vec2, computed_size : Vec2, //rect : Rng2F32 // Note(rjf) : Persistent data hot : f32, active : f32, // bg_color : Color, // txt_color : Color, } UI_Signal :: struct { box : UI_Box, cursor_pos : Vec2, drag_delta : Vec2, scroll : Vec2, left_clicked : b8, right_clicked : b8, double_clicked : b8, keyboard_clicked : b8, pressed : b8, released : b8, dragging : b8, hovering : b8, mouse_over : b8, commit : b8, } ui_key_null :: proc() -> UI_Key { return {} } ui_key_from_string :: proc( value : string ) -> UI_Key { return {} } ui_key_match :: proc( a, b : UI_Key ) -> b32 { return false } ui_box_make :: proc( flags : UI_BoxFlags, label : string ) -> (^ UI_Box) { return nil } ui_box_equip_display_string :: proc( box : ^ UI_Box, display_string : string ) { } ui_box_equip_child_layout_axis :: proc( box : ^ UI_Box, axis : Axis2 ) { } ui_push_parent :: proc( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> (^ UI_Box) { return nil } ui_pop_parent :: proc() -> (^ UI_Box) { return nil } ui_signal_from_box :: proc( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> UI_Signal { return {} } ui_button :: proc( label : string ) -> UI_Signal { button_flags : UI_BoxFlags = UI_BoxFlags_Clickable & { .Draw_Border, .Draw_Text, .Draw_Background, .Focus_Hot, .Focus_Active, } box := ui_box_make( button_flags, label ) signal := ui_signal_from_box( box ) return signal } ui_spacer :: proc ( label : string = UI_NullLabel ) -> UI_Signal { box := ui_box_make( UI_BoxFlags_Null, label ) signal := ui_signal_from_box( box ) return signal }