// TODO(Ed) : Move this to a grime package package sectr import "core:fmt" import "core:os" import "core:runtime" copy_file_sync :: proc( path_src, path_dst: string ) -> b32 { file_size : i64 { path_info, result := os.stat( path_src, context.temp_allocator ) if result != os.ERROR_NONE { fmt.println("Error getting file info: ", result ) return false } file_size = path_info.size } src_content, result := os.read_entire_file( path_src, context.temp_allocator ) if ! result { fmt.println( "Failed to read file to copy" ) runtime.debug_trap() return false } result = os.write_entire_file( path_dst, src_content, false ) if ! result { fmt.println( "Failed to copy file") runtime.debug_trap() return false } return true } file_exists :: proc ( file_path : string ) -> b32 { path_info, result := os.stat( file_path, context.temp_allocator ) if result != os.ERROR_NONE { return false } return true; } is_file_locked :: proc( file_path : string ) -> b32 { handle, err := os.open(file_path, os.O_RDONLY) if err != os.ERROR_NONE { // If the error indicates the file is in use, return true. return true } // If the file opens successfully, close it and return false. os.close(handle) return false } rewind :: proc ( file : os.Handle ) { os.seek( file, 0, 0 ) } read_looped :: proc ( file : os.Handle, data : []byte ) { total_read, result_code := os.read( file, data ) if result_code == os.ERROR_HANDLE_EOF { rewind( file ) } }