# Ark ignore file format tries to keep things simple. Here's what you need to know about it: # - you add 1 entry per line # - entries are case insensitive, so build, BUILD, and Build are all the same # - # starts a comment, anything after this is ignored # - * represents any amount of characters # - ! at the start of the line represents an exclusion # # That's it! Here's some examples of it in use: # build/ # ignore build/ folder in the root of the project and it's content # saved/* # ignore only the content inside saved/, the folder itself will not be ignored # *.sln # ignore any path that ends in .sln # */win*/cache/* # ignore anything inside a path that has /win and /cache/, e.g. ThirdParty/Deprecated/WIN32/cache/ # images/*.png # ignore any .png inside images/ # !images/logo.png # exclude images/logo.png, so this will not be ignored # images/logo.png # ignores images/logo.png (i.e. overrides the exclusion) .git/ .vscode/ logs/ thirdparty/Odin/.git/ thirdparty/ols/.git/ thirdparty/ols/ thirdparty/ini/ thirdparty/Odin/