package sectr import "base:runtime" import "core:math" import "core:math/linalg" import "core:os" import str "core:strings" import rl "vendor:raylib" DebugActions :: struct { load_project : b32, save_project : b32, pause_renderer : b32, load_auto_snapshot : b32, record_replay : b32, play_replay : b32, show_mouse_pos : b32, mouse_select : b32, cam_move_up : b32, cam_move_left : b32, cam_move_down : b32, cam_move_right : b32, cam_mouse_pan : b32, } poll_debug_actions :: proc( actions : ^ DebugActions, input : ^ InputState ) { // profile(#procedure) using actions using input modifier_active := keyboard.right_alt.ended_down || keyboard.right_control.ended_down || keyboard.right_shift.ended_down || keyboard.left_alt.ended_down || keyboard.left_control.ended_down || keyboard.left_shift.ended_down load_project = keyboard.left_control.ended_down && pressed( keyboard.O ) save_project = keyboard.left_control.ended_down && pressed( keyboard.S ) base_replay_bind := keyboard.right_alt.ended_down && pressed( keyboard.L) record_replay = base_replay_bind && keyboard.right_shift.ended_down play_replay = base_replay_bind && ! keyboard.right_shift.ended_down show_mouse_pos = keyboard.right_alt.ended_down && pressed(keyboard.M) mouse_select = pressed(mouse.left) cam_move_up = keyboard.W.ended_down && ( ! modifier_active || keyboard.left_shift.ended_down ) cam_move_left = keyboard.A.ended_down && ( ! modifier_active || keyboard.left_shift.ended_down ) cam_move_down = keyboard.S.ended_down && ( ! modifier_active || keyboard.left_shift.ended_down ) cam_move_right = keyboard.D.ended_down && ( ! modifier_active || keyboard.left_shift.ended_down ) cam_mouse_pan = mouse.right.ended_down && ! pressed(mouse.right) } frametime_delta32 :: #force_inline proc "contextless" () -> f32 { return cast(f32) get_state().frametime_delta_seconds } update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32 { profile(#procedure) state := get_state(); using state replay := & Memory_App.replay workspace := & project.workspace cam := & if rl.IsWindowResized() { window := & state.app_window window.extent.x = f32(rl.GetScreenWidth()) * 0.5 window.extent.y = f32(rl.GetScreenHeight()) * 0.5 = transmute(Vec2) window.extent } state.input, state.input_prev = swap( state.input, state.input_prev ) poll_input( state.input_prev, state.input ) debug_actions : DebugActions = {} poll_debug_actions( & debug_actions, state.input ) // Saving & Loading { if debug_actions.save_project { project_save( & project ) } if debug_actions.load_project { project_load( str_tmp_from_any( project.path,, ".sectr_proj", sep = "" ), & project ) } } //region Input Replay // TODO(Ed) : Implment host memory mapping api when false { if debug_actions.record_replay { #partial switch replay.mode { case ReplayMode.Off : { save_snapshot( & Memory_App.snapshot ) replay_recording_begin( Path_Input_Replay ) } case ReplayMode.Record : { replay_recording_end() } }} if debug_actions.play_replay { switch replay.mode { case ReplayMode.Off : { if ! file_exists( Path_Input_Replay ) { save_snapshot( & Memory_App.snapshot ) replay_recording_begin( Path_Input_Replay ) } else { load_snapshot( & Memory_App.snapshot ) replay_playback_begin( Path_Input_Replay ) } } case ReplayMode.Playback : { replay_playback_end() load_snapshot( & Memory_App.snapshot ) } case ReplayMode.Record : { replay_recording_end() load_snapshot( & Memory_App.snapshot ) replay_playback_begin( Path_Input_Replay ) } }} if replay.mode == ReplayMode.Record { record_input( replay.active_file, input ) } else if replay.mode == ReplayMode.Playback { play_input( replay.active_file, input ) } } //endregion Input Replay if debug_actions.show_mouse_pos { debug.mouse_vis = !debug.mouse_vis } //region 2D Camera Manual Nav // TODO(Ed): This should be per workspace view { // profile("Camera Manual Nav") digital_move_speed : f32 = 200.0 if workspace.zoom_target == 0.0 { workspace.zoom_target = cam.zoom } switch config.cam_zoom_mode { case .Smooth: zoom_delta := input.mouse.vertical_wheel * config.cam_zoom_sensitivity_smooth workspace.zoom_target *= 1 + zoom_delta * f32(delta_time) workspace.zoom_target = clamp(workspace.zoom_target, config.cam_min_zoom, config.cam_max_zoom) // Linearly interpolate cam.zoom towards zoom_target lerp_factor := config.cam_zoom_smooth_snappiness // Adjust this value to control the interpolation speed cam.zoom += (workspace.zoom_target - cam.zoom) * lerp_factor * f32(delta_time) cam.zoom = clamp(cam.zoom, config.cam_min_zoom, config.cam_max_zoom) // Ensure cam.zoom stays within bounds case .Digital: zoom_delta := input.mouse.vertical_wheel * config.cam_zoom_sensitivity_digital workspace.zoom_target = clamp(workspace.zoom_target + zoom_delta, config.cam_min_zoom, config.cam_max_zoom) cam.zoom = workspace.zoom_target } move_velocity : Vec2 = { - cast(f32) i32(debug_actions.cam_move_left) + cast(f32) i32(debug_actions.cam_move_right), - cast(f32) i32(debug_actions.cam_move_up) + cast(f32) i32(debug_actions.cam_move_down), } move_velocity *= digital_move_speed * f32(delta_time) += move_velocity if debug_actions.cam_mouse_pan { if is_within_screenspace(input.mouse.pos) { pan_velocity := * vec2(1, -1) * ( 1 / cam.zoom ) -= pan_velocity } } } //endregion 2D Camera Manual Nav // TODO(Ed): We need input buffer so that we can consume input actions based on the UI with priority //region App UI Tick { profile("App Screenspace Imgui") ui_graph_build( & state.app_ui ) ui := ui_context /* Prototype app menu This is a menu bar for the app for now inside the same ui as the workspace's UI state Eventually this will get moved out to its own UI state for the app itself. */ if true { fmt :: str_fmt_alloc @static bar_pos := Vec2{} bar_size := vec2( 400, 40 ) menu_bar : UI_Widget { theme := UI_Style { flags = { }, bg_color = { 0, 0, 0, 30 }, border_color = { 0, 0, 0, 200 }, font = default_font, font_size = 12, text_color = Color_White, layout = UI_Layout { anchor = {}, border_width = 1.0, pos = bar_pos, size = range2( bar_size, {}), // padding = { 10, 10, 10, 10 }, }, } ui_theme_via_style(theme) menu_bar = ui_widget("App Menu Bar", UI_BoxFlags {} ) menu_bar.text = { fmt("%v", bar_pos), {} } menu_bar.text.runes = to_runes(menu_bar.text.str) if (menu_bar.first_frame) { bar_pos = screen_get_corners().top_right - vec2(0, app_window.extent.y * 0.5) } } // Setup Children settings_btn : UI_Widget { ui_parent(menu_bar) style := UI_Style { flags = { // .Origin_At_Anchor_Center .Fixed_Height }, bg_color = Color_Frame_Disabled, font = default_font, font_size = 18, text_color = Color_White, layout = UI_Layout { anchor = range2( {0, 0}, {0.0, 0} ), alignment = { 0.0, 1.0 }, text_alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 }, pos = { 0, 0 }, size = range2( {25, bar_size.y}, {0, 0}) } } theme := UI_StyleTheme { styles = { style, style, style, style, }} theme.disabled.bg_color = Color_Frame_Disabled = Color_White = Color_Frame_Select ui_style_theme(theme) move_box : UI_Widget { move_box = ui_button("Move Box") if move_box.dragging { bar_pos += } } // bar_pos = {0, 400} move_settings_spacer := ui_widget("Move-Settings Spacer", {}) move_settings_spacer.text = str_intern("spacer") = 10 = Color_Transparent // settings_btn : UI_Widget { settings_btn = ui_button("Settings Btn") settings_btn.text = str_intern("Settings") = { .Scale_Width_By_Height_Ratio, } } // HBox layout calculation? { hb_space_ratio_move_box := 0.1 hb_space_ratio_move_settings_spacer := 0.05 hb_space_ratio_settings_btn := 1.0 style := & style.anchor.max.x = 0.9 style = & style.anchor.min.x = 0.1 style.anchor.max.x = 0.8 style = & style.anchor.min.x = 0.2 style.anchor.max.x = 0.55 } } @static settings_open := true if settings_btn.left_clicked || settings_open { settings_open = true @static pos := Vec2 {0, 0} @static size := Vec2 { 600, 800 } resize_border_width : f32 = 10 // Prototype for a resize box // Will surround one box with a resize borders // All sides can have their borders toggled resize_box := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Box", {}) { using resize_box style.pos = pos style.alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 } style.bg_color = {} style.size = range2( size, {}) } ui_parent(resize_box) // Resize handles and corners { flags := UI_BoxFlags { .Mouse_Clickable, .Focusable } style_resize_width := UI_Style { flags = { .Fixed_Width }, size = range2({resize_border_width, 0}, {}), bg_color = Color_ResizeHandle, alignment = {0, 1}, margins = { resize_border_width, resize_border_width, 0, 0 }, } style_resize_height := style_resize_width style_resize_height.flags = {.Fixed_Height} style_resize_height.size.min = {0, resize_border_width} style_resize_height.margins = { 0, 0, resize_border_width, resize_border_width } ui_theme_via_style(style_resize_width) left := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Left Border", flags ) right := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Right Border", flags) = 1 = {1, 1} ui_theme_via_style(style_resize_height) top := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Top Border", flags ) bottom := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Bottom Border", flags) = 1 = {0, 0} style_corner := UI_Style { flags = { .Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height }, size = range2({resize_border_width, resize_border_width}, {}), bg_color = Color_Blue, alignment = {0, 1} } ui_theme_via_style(style_corner) corner_tl := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner TL", flags) corner_tr := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner TR", flags) = range2({1, 0}, {}) = {1, 1} corner_bl := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner BL", flags) = range2({}, {0, 1}) = {} corner_br := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner BR", flags) = range2({1, 0}, {0, 1}) = {1, 0} process_handle_drag :: #force_inline proc ( handle : ^UI_Widget, side_scalar : f32, size_axis : ^f32, size_delta_axis : f32, pos_axis : ^f32, alignment_axis : ^f32, alignment_while_dragging : f32 ) { if get_state().ui_context.last_pressed_key != handle.key { return } @static was_dragging := false @static within_drag := false using handle.signal if dragging { if ! was_dragging { was_dragging = true (pos_axis ^) += size_axis^ * 0.5 * side_scalar } (size_axis ^) += size_delta_axis * -side_scalar (alignment_axis ^) = alignment_while_dragging } else if was_dragging && released { (pos_axis ^) += size_axis^ * 0.5 * -side_scalar was_dragging = false } } process_handle_drag( & right , -1.0, & size.x,, & pos.x, &, 0) process_handle_drag( & left, 1.0, & size.x,, & pos.x, &, 1) process_handle_drag( & top, -1.0, & size.y,, & pos.y, &, 0) process_handle_drag( & bottom, 1.0, & size.y,, & pos.y, &, 1) // process_corner_drag :: #force_inline proc() { } } settings_menu := ui_widget("Settings Menu", {}) { using settings_menu style.alignment = { 0.0, 1.0 } style.bg_color = Color_BG_Panel_Translucent // style.border_width = 1.0 // style.border_color = Color_Blue style.margins = { resize_border_width, resize_border_width, resize_border_width, resize_border_width, } } ui_parent(settings_menu) ui_theme_via_style({ bg_color = Color_Transparent, font = default_font, font_size = 16, text_color = Color_White, size = range2({0, 40}, {0, 40}) // TODO(Ed): Implment ratio scaling for height }) frame_bar := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Frame Bar", { .Mouse_Clickable, .Focusable, .Click_To_Focus }) { using frame_bar style.bg_color = Color_BG_Panel style.flags = {} style.alignment = { 0, 1 } // style.size = {} style.anchor = range2( {0, 0.95}, {0, 0} ) ui_parent(frame_bar) if dragging { pos += } title := ui_text("Settings Menu: Title", str_intern("Settings Menu")) { using title style.alignment = {0, 1} style.margins = { 0, 0, 15, 0} style.text_alignment = {0.0 , 0.5} } close_btn := ui_button("Settings Menu: Close Btn") { using close_btn text = str_intern("close") style.bg_color = Color_GreyRed style.size.min = {50, 0} style.anchor = range2( {1.0, 0}, {}) style.alignment = {1, 1} style.text_alignment = {0.5, 0.5} if close_btn.pressed { settings_open = false } } } } } } //endregion App UI Tick //region WorkspaceImgui Tick { profile("Workspace Imgui") // Creates the root box node, set its as the first parent. ui_graph_build( & state.project.workspace.ui ) ui := ui_context frame_style_flags : UI_StyleFlags = { .Fixed_Position_X, .Fixed_Position_Y, .Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height, } default_layout := UI_Layout { anchor = {}, alignment = { 0., 0.0 }, text_alignment = { 0.0, 0.0 }, // corner_radii = { 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 }, pos = { 0, 0 }, size = range2( { 1000, 1000 }, {}), // padding = { 20, 20, 20, 20 } } frame_style_default := UI_Style { flags = frame_style_flags, bg_color = Color_BG_TextBox, font = default_font, font_size = 30, text_color = Color_White, layout = default_layout, } frame_theme := UI_StyleTheme { styles = { frame_style_default, frame_style_default, frame_style_default, frame_style_default, }} frame_theme.disabled.bg_color = Color_Frame_Disabled = Color_Frame_Hover = Color_Frame_Select ui_style_theme( frame_theme ) config.ui_resize_border_width = 2.5 // test_draggable() // test_text_box() // test_parenting( & default_layout, & frame_style_default ) // test_whitespace_ast( & default_layout, & frame_style_default ) } //endregion Workspace Imgui Tick debug.last_mouse_pos = input.mouse.pos should_shutdown : b32 = ! cast(b32) rl.WindowShouldClose() return should_shutdown }