cls write-host "Build.ps1" $incremental_checks = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/incremental_checks.ps1' . $incremental_checks write-host 'incremental_checks.ps1 imported' $ini_parser = join-path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/ini.ps1' . $ini_parser write-host 'ini.ps1 imported' $path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel $path_code = join-path $path_root 'code' $path_build = join-path $path_root 'build' $path_scripts = join-path $path_root 'scripts' $path_thirdparty = join-path $path_root 'thirdparty' $path_toolchain = join-path $path_root 'toolchain' $path_odin = join-path $path_toolchain 'odin' #region Arguments $force = $null # This is to be used when Negate's TB backend is working on odin. We'll not want to use clang by default from then on. $use_clang = $false # This is a really lazy way of parsing the args, could use actual params down the line... if ( $args ) { $args | ForEach-Object { switch ($_){ "force" { $force = $true } "clang" { $clang = $true } } }} #endregion Arguments if ( -not( test-path $path_build) ) { new-item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_build } $path_system_details = join-path $path_build 'system_details.ini' if ( test-path $path_system_details ) { $iniContent = Get-IniContent $path_system_details $CoreCount_Physical = $iniContent["CPU"]["PhysicalCores"] $CoreCount_Logical = $iniContent["CPU"]["LogicalCores"] } elseif ( $IsWindows ) { $CPU_Info = Get-CimInstance –ClassName Win32_Processor | Select-Object -Property NumberOfCores, NumberOfLogicalProcessors $CoreCount_Physical, $CoreCount_Logical = $CPU_Info.NumberOfCores, $CPU_Info.NumberOfLogicalProcessors new-item -path $path_system_details -ItemType File "[CPU]" | Out-File $path_system_details "PhysicalCores=$CoreCount_Physical" | Out-File $path_system_details -Append "LogicalCores=$CoreCount_Logical" | Out-File $path_system_details -Append } write-host "Core Count - Physical: $CoreCount_Physical Logical: $CoreCount_Logical" # Odin Compiler Flags # For a beakdown of any flag, type -help $command_build = 'build' $command_check = 'check' $command_query = 'query' $command_report = 'report' $command_run = 'run' $flag_build_mode = '-build-mode:' $flag_build_mode_dll = '-build-mode:dll' $flag_collection = '-collection:' $flag_debug = '-debug' $flag_define = '-define:' $flag_default_allocator_nil = '-default-to-nil-allocator' $flag_disable_assert = '-disable-assert' $flag_dynamic_map_calls = '-dynamic-map-calls' $flag_extra_assembler_flags = '-extra_assembler-flags:' $flag_extra_linker_flags = '-extra-linker-flags:' $flag_ignore_unknown_attributes = '-ignore-unknown-attributes' $flag_keep_temp_files = '-keep-temp-files' $flag_max_error_count = '-max-error-count:' $flag_micro_architecture_native = '-microarch:native' $flag_no_bounds_check = '-no-bounds-check' $flag_no_crt = '-no-crt' $flag_no_entrypoint = '-no-entry-point' $flag_no_thread_local = '-no-thread-local' $flag_no_thread_checker = '-no-threaded-checker' $flag_output_path = '-out=' $flag_optimization_level = '-opt:' $flag_optimize_none = '-o:none' $flag_optimize_minimal = '-o:minimal' $flag_optimize_size = '-o:size' $flag_optimize_speed = '-o:speed' $falg_optimize_aggressive = '-o:aggressive' $flag_pdb_name = '-pdb-name:' $flag_sanitize_address = '-sanitize:address' $flag_sanitize_memory = '-sanitize:memory' $flag_sanitize_thread = '-sanitize:thread' $flag_subsystem = '-subsystem:' $flag_show_debug_messages = '-show-debug-messages' $flag_show_timings = '-show-timings' $flag_show_more_timings = '-show-more-timings' $flag_show_system_calls = '-show-system-calls' $flag_target = '-target:' $flag_thread_count = '-thread-count:' $flag_use_lld = '-lld' $flag_use_separate_modules = '-use-separate-modules' $flag_vet_all = '-vet' $flag_vet_unused_entities = '-vet-unused' $flag_vet_semicolon = '-vet-semicolon' $flag_vet_shadow_vars = '-vet-shadowing' $flag_vet_using_stmt = '-vet-using-stmt' $flag_msvc_link_disable_dynamic_base = '/DYNAMICBASE:NO' $flag_msvc_link_base_address = '/BASE:' $flag_msvc_link_fixed_base_address = '/FIXED' $flag_msvc_link_stack_size = '/STACK' $flag_msvc_link_debug = '/DEBUG' $msvc_link_default_base_address = 0x180000000 push-location $path_root $update_deps = join-path $path_scripts 'update_deps.ps1' $odin_compiler = join-path $path_odin 'odin.exe' function Invoke-WithColorCodedOutput { param( [scriptblock] $command ) & $command 2>&1 | ForEach-Object { # Write-Host "Type: $($_.GetType().FullName)" # Add this line for debugging $color = 'White' # Default text color switch ($_) { { $_ -imatch "error" } { $color = 'Red'; break } { $_ -imatch "warning" } { $color = 'Yellow'; break } } Write-Host "`t$_" -ForegroundColor $color } } function build-prototype { push-location $path_code $project_name = 'sectr' write-host "`nBuilding Sectr Prototype`n" $path_font = join-path $path_code 'font' $module_scripts = $PSScriptRoot $package_grime = join-path $path_code 'grime' $package_VEFontCache = join-path $path_font 'VEFontCache' $package_stb_truetype = join-path $path_thirdparty 'stb' $module_host = join-path $path_code 'host' $module_sectr = join-path $path_code 'sectr' if ($force){ mark-ModuleDirty $module_scripts mark-ModuleDirty $package_VEFontCache mark-ModuleDirty $package_stb_truetype mark-ModuleDirty $package_grime mark-ModuleDirty $module_sectr mark-ModuleDirty $module_host } $module_scripts_dirty = check-ModuleForChanges $module_scripts $pkg_VEFontCache_dirty = check-ModuleForChanges $package_VEFontCache $pkg_stb_truetype_dirty = check-ModuleForChanges $package_stb_truetype $pkg_grime_dirty = check-ModuleForChanges $package_grime $pkg_collection_codebase = 'codebase=' + $path_code $pkg_collection_thirdparty = 'thirdparty=' + $path_thirdparty $host_process_active = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Name -like 'sectr_host*'} if ( -not $host_process_active ) { # We cannot update thidparty dependencies during hot-reload. & $update_deps write-host } $module_build_failed = 0 $module_built = 1 $module_unchanged = 2 function build-sectr { $should_build = (check-ModuleForChanges $module_sectr) -or $pkg_grime_dirty -or $pkg_VEFontCache_dirty -or $pkg_stb_truetype_dirty -or $module_scripts_dirty if ( -not( $should_build)) { write-host 'Skipping sectr build, module up to date' return $module_unchanged } write-host 'Building Sectr Module' $module_dll = join-path $path_build ( $project_name + '.dll' ) $pdb = join-path $path_build ( $project_name + '.pdb' ) if (test-path $pdb) { remove-item $pdb } $linker_args = "" # $linker_args += ( $flag_msvc_link_debug + ' ' ) $linker_args += ( $flag_msvc_link_disable_dynamic_base + ' ' ) $linker_args += ( $flag_msvc_link_fixed_base_address + ' ' ) $linker_args += ( $flag_msvc_link_base_address + '0x20000000000' ) # $linker_args += ( $flag_msvc_link_base_address + '0x200000000' ) $build_args = @() $build_args += $command_build $build_args += './sectr' $build_args += $flag_build_mode_dll $build_args += $flag_output_path + $module_dll $build_args += ($flag_collection + $pkg_collection_codebase) $build_args += ($flag_collection + $pkg_collection_thirdparty) # $build_args += $flag_micro_architecture_native $build_args += $flag_use_separate_modules $build_args += $flag_thread_count + $CoreCount_Physical # $build_args += $flag_optimize_none # $build_args += $flag_optimize_minimal $build_args += $flag_optimize_speed # $build_args += $falg_optimize_aggressive $build_args += $flag_debug $build_args += $flag_pdb_name + $pdb $build_args += $flag_subsystem + 'windows' # $build_args += $flag_show_system_calls $build_args += $flag_show_timings $build_args += ($flag_extra_linker_flags + $linker_args ) # $build_args += $flag_no_thread_checker # $build_args += $flag_dynamic_map_calls # $build_args += $flag_default_allocator_nil $build_args += ($flag_max_error_count + '10') # $build_args += $flag_sanitize_address # $build_args += $flag_sanitize_memory # $build_args += $flag_show_debug_messages # foreach ($arg in $build_args) { # write-host `t $arg -ForegroundColor Cyan # } if ( Test-Path $module_dll) { $module_dll_pre_build_hash = get-filehash -path $module_dll -Algorithm MD5 } Invoke-WithColorCodedOutput -command { & $odin_compiler $build_args } if ( Test-Path $module_dll ) { $module_dll_post_build_hash = get-filehash -path $module_dll -Algorithm MD5 } $built = ($module_dll_pre_build_hash -eq $null) -or ($module_dll_pre_build_hash.Hash -ne $module_dll_post_build_hash.Hash) if ( -not $built ) { write-host 'Failed to build, marking module dirty' mark-ModuleDirty $module_sectr } return $built } $script:sectr_build_code = build-sectr function build-host { $executable = join-path $path_build ($project_name + '_host.exe') $pdb = join-path $path_build ($project_name + '_host.pdb') if ( $host_process_active ) { write-host 'Skipping sectr_host build, process is active' return } $dependencies_built = $script:sectr_build_code -ne $module_build_failed if ( -not $dependencies_built ) { write-host 'Skipping sectr_host build, dependencies failed to build' return } $should_build = (check-ModuleForChanges $module_host) -or ( $script:sectr_build_code -eq $module_built ) if ( -not( $should_build)) { write-host 'Skipping sectr_host build, module up to date' return } if (test-path $pdb) { remove-item $pdb } write-host 'Building Host Module' $linker_args = "" # $linker_args += ( $flag_msvc_link_disable_dynamic_base + ' ' ) # $linker_args += ( $flag_msvc_link_stack_size + ' ') $build_args = @() $build_args += $command_build $build_args += './host' $build_args += $flag_output_path + $executable $build_args += ($flag_collection + $pkg_collection_codebase) $build_args += ($flag_collection + $pkg_collection_thirdparty) # $build_args += $flag_micro_architecture_native $build_args += $flag_use_separate_modules $build_args += $flag_thread_count + $CoreCount_Physical $build_args += $flag_optimize_none # $build_args += $flag_optimize_minimal # $build_args += $flag_optimize_speed # $build_args += $falg_optimize_aggressive $build_args += $flag_debug $build_args += $flag_pdb_name + $pdb $build_args += $flag_subsystem + 'windows' # $build_args += ($flag_extra_linker_flags + $linker_args ) $build_args += $flag_show_timings # $build_args += $flag_show_system_call # $build_args += $flag_no_bounds_check # $build_args += $flag_no_thread_checker # $build_args += $flag_default_allocator_nil $build_args += ($flag_max_error_count + '10') # $build_args += $flag_sanitize_address # $build_args += $flag_sanitize_memory # foreach ($arg in $build_args) { # write-host `t $arg -ForegroundColor Cyan # } if ( Test-Path $executable) { $executable_pre_build_hash = get-filehash -path $executable -Algorithm MD5 } Invoke-WithColorCodedOutput { & $odin_compiler $build_args } if ( Test-Path $executable ) { $executable_post_build_hash = get-filehash -path $executable -Algorithm MD5 } $built = ($executable_pre_build_hash -eq $null) -or ($executable_pre_build_hash.Hash -ne $executable_post_build_hash.Hash) if ( -not $built ) { write-host 'Failed to build, marking module dirty' mark-ModuleDirty $module_host } } build-host Pop-Location # path_code } build-prototype pop-location # path_root exit 0